:: Card of the Month ::
Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time. (The text for the cards is often channeled months before it is posted). This message is published here, as well as on the Lyssa Royal Group Facebook Page. (The message is available in English and in Japanese).
French Translations of Card of the Month: Click Here
Chinese Translations of Card of the Month: Click Here
Since many people actively study the cards and seek to receive deeper information about them, we offer this information to assist you in your studies. This information is different from the information published with the card booklet. Enjoy!
The cards are listed in descending order, with the most recent card on the top of the list.
THE GALACTIC HERITAGE CARDS APP is now available on Apple App Store and Google Play!
For more information from Germane on YouTube about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel
French Translations of Card of the Month: Click Here
Chinese Translations of Card of the Month: Click Here
Since many people actively study the cards and seek to receive deeper information about them, we offer this information to assist you in your studies. This information is different from the information published with the card booklet. Enjoy!
The cards are listed in descending order, with the most recent card on the top of the list.
THE GALACTIC HERITAGE CARDS APP is now available on Apple App Store and Google Play!
For more information from Germane on YouTube about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel
January 2025
Card #56 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Healing Crisis and Purging
We are sure that you have all noticed the chaos that is seemingly growing on your world. It takes the form of natural disasters, political intrigue, and most obvious of all – overwhelm, anger, and projection on an individual level. People no longer feel safe to express themselves, even with kindness. What is going on?
What you are seeing happening around you is actually a phase through which transitional species pass from 3rd to 4th density if they have not been willing to look within and heal themselves of their inner wounds. As the energy of the transformation increases, all that has been left unhealed within starts boiling over, much like a pot of water on a stove. On a collective level, this is the main energy that is fueling super storms, protests, and other chaotic events that are not within your individual control. This energy is like a toxic release, or a purging of disintegrated energy that must find an outlet of expression. It is simple energy dynamics. These events are like a wake-up call that is meant to compel you to change collective direction. (This wake-up call isn’t given by someone out there – it is a natural result of unbalanced energy). Unfortunately, those of you reading this are not necessarily the ones who need to hear this message the most and understand what is at stake for your civilization and its evolution.
You are at a point now where continued mindsets and actions that focus on blame, deception, polarity, division, wound projection, and paranoia act like the warm waters that build the strength of a hurricane. All they do is create more toxic energy that will eventually have to be released and then the cycle continues. Other civilizations who have had to pass through this transformational gate have also weathered this challenge. At some point, most of them eventually realized the connection between their lack of kindness and compassion and the intensity of the chaos. When that truth sinks in, change begins.
So, what can you do as individuals? We know that all of you get triggered by what you see around you and it becomes easy to get sucked into the force of the disintegration hurricane, so to speak. Therefore, we offer this guide to you as a way to navigate this challenging experience. Please remember that ultimately toxic release leads to healing if you allow it. We do see that you are on the path to healing, though you are certainly choosing a dramatic road to take for this journey!
Your Orion ancestors experienced a similar perilous shift like you are passing through now. However, theirs was even more polarized and painful. The lessons they learned, as well as the healing path of alchemy that they experienced, are available to you to access in your own collective purging process. See this phase as a healing crisis. On the other side will be a reality that unfolds along a loving and integrated path if you do this crucial work. Put one foot in front of the other, and know that your galactic family, having walked a similar path, are always by your side.
Card #56 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Healing Crisis and Purging
We are sure that you have all noticed the chaos that is seemingly growing on your world. It takes the form of natural disasters, political intrigue, and most obvious of all – overwhelm, anger, and projection on an individual level. People no longer feel safe to express themselves, even with kindness. What is going on?
What you are seeing happening around you is actually a phase through which transitional species pass from 3rd to 4th density if they have not been willing to look within and heal themselves of their inner wounds. As the energy of the transformation increases, all that has been left unhealed within starts boiling over, much like a pot of water on a stove. On a collective level, this is the main energy that is fueling super storms, protests, and other chaotic events that are not within your individual control. This energy is like a toxic release, or a purging of disintegrated energy that must find an outlet of expression. It is simple energy dynamics. These events are like a wake-up call that is meant to compel you to change collective direction. (This wake-up call isn’t given by someone out there – it is a natural result of unbalanced energy). Unfortunately, those of you reading this are not necessarily the ones who need to hear this message the most and understand what is at stake for your civilization and its evolution.
You are at a point now where continued mindsets and actions that focus on blame, deception, polarity, division, wound projection, and paranoia act like the warm waters that build the strength of a hurricane. All they do is create more toxic energy that will eventually have to be released and then the cycle continues. Other civilizations who have had to pass through this transformational gate have also weathered this challenge. At some point, most of them eventually realized the connection between their lack of kindness and compassion and the intensity of the chaos. When that truth sinks in, change begins.
So, what can you do as individuals? We know that all of you get triggered by what you see around you and it becomes easy to get sucked into the force of the disintegration hurricane, so to speak. Therefore, we offer this guide to you as a way to navigate this challenging experience. Please remember that ultimately toxic release leads to healing if you allow it. We do see that you are on the path to healing, though you are certainly choosing a dramatic road to take for this journey!
- Do Not Make a Story. Stay in your Center. During this time, we see that you are all bombarded with “news” – this person says one thing, but the facts show otherwise, for example. (And there is even disagreement about facts). You process this “news” in your mind, let it shape a story that validates your beliefs, and then you react to it. This is a wonderful analogy that shows you exactly what happens during incarnation as physical beings! There is not really an objective reality in the way you’ve come to understand it. (As in, “This is true, that is false.”) This is because as you move out of a deeply polarized reality, your consciousness begins to expand beyond the true/false paradigm. If you stay attached to that paradigm, you suffer. That is where we see so many of you are stuck now – in the suffering of trying to make sense of reality by using an old, outdated paradigm of polarity. You can gain more inner peace by releasing the mind’s story and just let it go, with the understanding that two people may see the same event in opposite ways, depending upon their programming. Do not take the polarity bait. This is part of your evolution – to find a way to forge a new path away from polarized thinking.
- Find Your Compassion. Those around you who seem to be creating the chaos (whether they are public figures or people in your own life), do so from their unhealed wounds. You cannot change them, but you have the choice of how to react. If you take the bait and resist or fight them, there will be no shift. However, if you can somehow find in your heart a way to connect with the wound within the antagonist that is driving their actions, it totally shifts the energy. The compulsion to fight or resist softens. It is a form of emotional alchemy that is a gamechanger.
- Tend Your Own Garden. Finally, let yourself use the momentum of this release of unhealed energy around you to give you the strength and courage to go within and work on what is unhealed within yourself. As you do, your healing affects the collective consciousness. With enough people doing this kind of inner work, the collective consciousness of your world will feel it and create pathways to healing that were not open before.
Your Orion ancestors experienced a similar perilous shift like you are passing through now. However, theirs was even more polarized and painful. The lessons they learned, as well as the healing path of alchemy that they experienced, are available to you to access in your own collective purging process. See this phase as a healing crisis. On the other side will be a reality that unfolds along a loving and integrated path if you do this crucial work. Put one foot in front of the other, and know that your galactic family, having walked a similar path, are always by your side.
December 2024
Card #2 | Galactic Core (Parallel) | Pulse of Life
The meaning of this card for this period of time combines both its essential message and how it relates to the energy of your reality right now. In general, this card refers to the primal energy of creation – the in breath and out breath of the universe itself, and how galaxies and physical realities are created. It references a time of death and rebirth, and the powerful nature of the One consciousness of all creation.
For you right now on Earth however, with all your challenges and your evolutionary trajectory, we can say that it represents the opportunity for a massive reboot. We will use an analogy familiar to all of you who use computers. When your computer gets old, and it runs the same old programs repeatedly without cleaning the hard drive, the operating system slows down. It can feel clogged. The computer doesn’t function well because programs upon programs (some of them contradicting other programs) compete for dominance. Unless you are a computer wizard, you may not ever be able to identify those hidden codes and programs that have seemingly corrupted the function of the computer.
The human psyche is similar. Over time, it collects old programs, behavior patterns, belief systems, etc., that corrupt your ability to access your pure consciousness and live from that pure, neutral state. If you don’t do continual “internal housecleaning” and nonjudgmental self-observation, you become unaware that you are affected by these issues and no longer realize that your view of reality is distorted. The ego then clings to those old patterns and programs, and they metaphorically become heavy in your consciousness. You feel tired, stuck, sluggish (physically and emotionally), and may even experience outer challenges in life that reflect this old worn-out programming.
What also contributes to this degradation is how humanity is hurling itself toward a kind of event horizon in which you won’t be able to process any more information. The mind’s capacity to digest stimuli is reaching its limit. While this may sound gloomy, it is actually a nexus point that all civilizations reach as they shift from 3rd to 4th density. It is a marker of your evolution, but that awareness doesn’t make it easier to navigate. So, what is the solution?
The solution happens naturally if you don’t resist. There will come a time that, when out of necessity, you will begin processing the stimuli of your physical reality in a new way. A very simplistic way to describe it is that you will drop from the mind into the heart, but even that isn’t an accurate description. Let’s just say that you will move beyond the need to process everything with the mind, and shift to a more quantum way of processing that is more akin to the true nature of consciousness itself.
What does this have to do with the card for Galactic Core? The timing of this card for the end of 2024 is perfect. You as a civilization are reaching that nexus point where you are going to have to make that shift. Those of you who have been doing spiritual and inner work have the tools to support such a shift in operating systems. Because of that, your shifting will act like an energetic guiding force to assist others on your world who haven’t yet built the infrastructure to do so. The energy of galactic core can be likened to a “reset button” or a frequency that can support you to repattern your consciousness – strengthening a more quantum connection and weakening the same old destructive habits and patterns of thinking and being. This energy from galactic core is ramping up and available for you to use as a kind of reboot mechanism.
This doesn’t mean that the energy alone can facilitate this change. You also must commit to taking an active role in shifting yourself away from old patterns of thinking – especially those that project blame onto others or divide people or situations into categories. It will require you to resist that urge of polarization and focus your attention inward. As you do, extend your senses into the universe and see if you can feel or sense the faint yet consistent pulse coming from galactic core that permeates all energy and matter. Sit quietly with it and just let yourself submerge into the ocean of consciousness that is the One. Let it show you what you need to see. Then, with courage and trust, let yourself release the old patterns that were once familiar but are now a burden, and go forth into the new unknown reality that leads you back Home.
Card #2 | Galactic Core (Parallel) | Pulse of Life
The meaning of this card for this period of time combines both its essential message and how it relates to the energy of your reality right now. In general, this card refers to the primal energy of creation – the in breath and out breath of the universe itself, and how galaxies and physical realities are created. It references a time of death and rebirth, and the powerful nature of the One consciousness of all creation.
For you right now on Earth however, with all your challenges and your evolutionary trajectory, we can say that it represents the opportunity for a massive reboot. We will use an analogy familiar to all of you who use computers. When your computer gets old, and it runs the same old programs repeatedly without cleaning the hard drive, the operating system slows down. It can feel clogged. The computer doesn’t function well because programs upon programs (some of them contradicting other programs) compete for dominance. Unless you are a computer wizard, you may not ever be able to identify those hidden codes and programs that have seemingly corrupted the function of the computer.
The human psyche is similar. Over time, it collects old programs, behavior patterns, belief systems, etc., that corrupt your ability to access your pure consciousness and live from that pure, neutral state. If you don’t do continual “internal housecleaning” and nonjudgmental self-observation, you become unaware that you are affected by these issues and no longer realize that your view of reality is distorted. The ego then clings to those old patterns and programs, and they metaphorically become heavy in your consciousness. You feel tired, stuck, sluggish (physically and emotionally), and may even experience outer challenges in life that reflect this old worn-out programming.
What also contributes to this degradation is how humanity is hurling itself toward a kind of event horizon in which you won’t be able to process any more information. The mind’s capacity to digest stimuli is reaching its limit. While this may sound gloomy, it is actually a nexus point that all civilizations reach as they shift from 3rd to 4th density. It is a marker of your evolution, but that awareness doesn’t make it easier to navigate. So, what is the solution?
The solution happens naturally if you don’t resist. There will come a time that, when out of necessity, you will begin processing the stimuli of your physical reality in a new way. A very simplistic way to describe it is that you will drop from the mind into the heart, but even that isn’t an accurate description. Let’s just say that you will move beyond the need to process everything with the mind, and shift to a more quantum way of processing that is more akin to the true nature of consciousness itself.
What does this have to do with the card for Galactic Core? The timing of this card for the end of 2024 is perfect. You as a civilization are reaching that nexus point where you are going to have to make that shift. Those of you who have been doing spiritual and inner work have the tools to support such a shift in operating systems. Because of that, your shifting will act like an energetic guiding force to assist others on your world who haven’t yet built the infrastructure to do so. The energy of galactic core can be likened to a “reset button” or a frequency that can support you to repattern your consciousness – strengthening a more quantum connection and weakening the same old destructive habits and patterns of thinking and being. This energy from galactic core is ramping up and available for you to use as a kind of reboot mechanism.
This doesn’t mean that the energy alone can facilitate this change. You also must commit to taking an active role in shifting yourself away from old patterns of thinking – especially those that project blame onto others or divide people or situations into categories. It will require you to resist that urge of polarization and focus your attention inward. As you do, extend your senses into the universe and see if you can feel or sense the faint yet consistent pulse coming from galactic core that permeates all energy and matter. Sit quietly with it and just let yourself submerge into the ocean of consciousness that is the One. Let it show you what you need to see. Then, with courage and trust, let yourself release the old patterns that were once familiar but are now a burden, and go forth into the new unknown reality that leads you back Home.
November 2024
Card #19 | Vega (Past, 1st Era) | Feminine Principle
The card shown is the Japanese version of the Galactic Heritage Cards due to a corrupted file. It will be replaced at a later date.
Before we share the guidance for this month regarding this card, we wish to remind you of some galactic history. When your Lyran ancestors were spreading their civilization far and wide, a group of Lyran beings chose to move in a different direction. They felt that the Lyrans were focused too much on the outer world and that they were using a more unbalanced masculine energy in which to grow their civilization. This group, who later became the lineage we call Vegans, branched off with the original intention of leaning more toward feminine energy. In their intent, this meant cultivating a more inward, spiritual focus that would help them remember their connection to the One, facilitating a faster process of integration and a return back Home. What they didn’t realize was that 1) this would be a challenge because the energy of this galaxy leans toward the masculine, and 2) in galactic time, they had just begun their journey into separation, and they had a lot more learning and growth ahead of them. It wasn’t time to return home just yet. So, they set about developing beautiful and impactful spiritual systems that are still in use in the galactic family today (including on Earth). But as time went on, the natural tendency to lean toward the masculine distorted their perceptions and led them deep into the mind instead. This has been a challenge of many members of your galactic family over time – to truly learn the balance of male and female energy, which can also be expressed as a balance between mind and heart.
Here you are now, eons later on Earth, still learning to balance this energy on your journey of awakening. On your spiral of evolution, you are benefited by the momentum of the evolution of your galactic ancestors. As you have heard us say many times, you are now entering a new cycle of evolution on Earth after 13,000 years in a cycle that was more masculine in nature. As of 2011 and 2012, you have now entered a cycle of feminine energy, or the spring and summer parts of the galactic season. This means that you are beginning to realize that the old masculine and/or mental ways of navigating this physical reality aren’t working any more. You are seeing this in nearly every area of life including spirituality, world affairs, family life, career, interpersonal relationships, etc.
As time goes on, this difficulty of navigating reality using an old masculine/mental paradigm will become even more apparent. It may even feel painful. As you begin to relax into a more feminine/heart-centered way of being (balanced of course with the masculine/mental in an appropriate way), you will begin to feel the release of the collective tension you’ve all been carrying. We know you’ve felt it – everywhere people seem stressed, tense, angry, and polarized. Much of this is because you are changing from one paradigm to another, but yet also experience massive resistance to that change as well. This feminine energy is rising within all of you, but it is so subtle that for some, it may not be understood, or it may even be feared (because it may feel like a loss of control).
Do not be surprised that if you look closely, you may see more and more symbols of this rise in feminine energy around you. It may take the form of new kind and compassionate leaders (be they male or female), a growing compassion and love within you, gestures of kindness from strangers, or a new tender care for your inner self. This happens when collective consciousness reaches the end of its tolerance of aggression and polarity, finally surrenders into the unknown, and begins to open the heart. It is inevitable for 4th density species, and your time is dawning. Yes, you may still see resistance and toxicity around you, but it will be your choice to engage or not. If enough of you choose not to engage in reinforcing an old paradigm, it will slowly transform.
Should you wish to “ride this wave” of the new feminine energy birthing into your reality, it always begins with you. Take time to do whatever you can to cultivate space and stillness within you. (Just taking a walk, looking out the window at the birds, or feeling the comfort of a warm bath are great places to start as long as you are bringing your full presence to the experience). This will give you the opportunity of walking through a doorway into your own heart and the core of your inner feminine. The more you do this, the more you retrain your habitual patterns away from the old masculine way of doing and thinking to instead a new paradigm of being and feeling. This bridge must be crossed as you move more into 4th density, and you have just begun this epic journey.
Card #19 | Vega (Past, 1st Era) | Feminine Principle
The card shown is the Japanese version of the Galactic Heritage Cards due to a corrupted file. It will be replaced at a later date.
Before we share the guidance for this month regarding this card, we wish to remind you of some galactic history. When your Lyran ancestors were spreading their civilization far and wide, a group of Lyran beings chose to move in a different direction. They felt that the Lyrans were focused too much on the outer world and that they were using a more unbalanced masculine energy in which to grow their civilization. This group, who later became the lineage we call Vegans, branched off with the original intention of leaning more toward feminine energy. In their intent, this meant cultivating a more inward, spiritual focus that would help them remember their connection to the One, facilitating a faster process of integration and a return back Home. What they didn’t realize was that 1) this would be a challenge because the energy of this galaxy leans toward the masculine, and 2) in galactic time, they had just begun their journey into separation, and they had a lot more learning and growth ahead of them. It wasn’t time to return home just yet. So, they set about developing beautiful and impactful spiritual systems that are still in use in the galactic family today (including on Earth). But as time went on, the natural tendency to lean toward the masculine distorted their perceptions and led them deep into the mind instead. This has been a challenge of many members of your galactic family over time – to truly learn the balance of male and female energy, which can also be expressed as a balance between mind and heart.
Here you are now, eons later on Earth, still learning to balance this energy on your journey of awakening. On your spiral of evolution, you are benefited by the momentum of the evolution of your galactic ancestors. As you have heard us say many times, you are now entering a new cycle of evolution on Earth after 13,000 years in a cycle that was more masculine in nature. As of 2011 and 2012, you have now entered a cycle of feminine energy, or the spring and summer parts of the galactic season. This means that you are beginning to realize that the old masculine and/or mental ways of navigating this physical reality aren’t working any more. You are seeing this in nearly every area of life including spirituality, world affairs, family life, career, interpersonal relationships, etc.
As time goes on, this difficulty of navigating reality using an old masculine/mental paradigm will become even more apparent. It may even feel painful. As you begin to relax into a more feminine/heart-centered way of being (balanced of course with the masculine/mental in an appropriate way), you will begin to feel the release of the collective tension you’ve all been carrying. We know you’ve felt it – everywhere people seem stressed, tense, angry, and polarized. Much of this is because you are changing from one paradigm to another, but yet also experience massive resistance to that change as well. This feminine energy is rising within all of you, but it is so subtle that for some, it may not be understood, or it may even be feared (because it may feel like a loss of control).
Do not be surprised that if you look closely, you may see more and more symbols of this rise in feminine energy around you. It may take the form of new kind and compassionate leaders (be they male or female), a growing compassion and love within you, gestures of kindness from strangers, or a new tender care for your inner self. This happens when collective consciousness reaches the end of its tolerance of aggression and polarity, finally surrenders into the unknown, and begins to open the heart. It is inevitable for 4th density species, and your time is dawning. Yes, you may still see resistance and toxicity around you, but it will be your choice to engage or not. If enough of you choose not to engage in reinforcing an old paradigm, it will slowly transform.
Should you wish to “ride this wave” of the new feminine energy birthing into your reality, it always begins with you. Take time to do whatever you can to cultivate space and stillness within you. (Just taking a walk, looking out the window at the birds, or feeling the comfort of a warm bath are great places to start as long as you are bringing your full presence to the experience). This will give you the opportunity of walking through a doorway into your own heart and the core of your inner feminine. The more you do this, the more you retrain your habitual patterns away from the old masculine way of doing and thinking to instead a new paradigm of being and feeling. This bridge must be crossed as you move more into 4th density, and you have just begun this epic journey.
October 2024
Card #32 | Zeta Reticuli (Past, 1st Era) | Linear Thinking
We would like to begin by using an analogy that may seem like it isn’t connected to this theme, but you will see how it connects in the end. Think of an item in your world called a cassette tape. We know that some of you young ones never had to use one! Your favorite album is on this cassette tape, but in order to get to your favorite song, you have to fast forward – a slow process – until you can guess where the beginning of the song is. Now think of a music CD with an album on it. Getting to your favorite song is faster, because you can easily skip over the songs you don’t want to hear, but yet, the process is still somewhat linear. Both of those items (cassette and CD) are localized objects – this means that you must have them with you physically to use them. Now think of a music streaming service like Pandora, for example. With that service, a thousand people can listen to the same song at the same time. We would say that the song is what we can call “nonlocal”. That means that you don’t have it with you physically, but you can still access it “out there” somewhere in any moment. Learning to use a service like this (especially for those of you elders who had to transition from cassette to CD to streaming) means that you had to learn how to shift from a perception of local awareness to nonlocal awareness. What do we mean by that?
We’ve often spoken about how consciousness is going to shift dramatically as you move deeper into fourth density. That analogy, above, is a good example of how your perception is in the process of changing. In actuality, how you process information in your world is a direct reflection of the expansion of your consciousness. Without a direct mirror, it is nearly impossible to perceive your own shifts in consciousness objectively. But if you look at how you navigate through reality, you can get a glimpse.
This card, Linear Thinking, refers to the shift in consciousness that is taking place as you move to 4th density. Within 3rd density, you navigate linearly using a safe formula: Past + Present = Future. You rely on your mind to guide you on a very limited and narrow path where cause and effect can seem slow. This is part of what a 3rd density consciousness is like. It is unaware of its multidimensional nature. These limitations slow you down so that you can experience the bittersweet intensity of life in a physical body. We know that most of you are tired of that experience!
As you move into 4th density now, you are taking a leap from cassette to streaming service. (Yes, there is a spectrum of experience between the two). Most of you are having experiences in which you are tapping into your holographic nature – the part of you that exists in all places all at once. You are beginning to sense that even your relationship with time is changing, because the speed at which cause and effect are manifesting has accelerated. So why are we talking about this?
We are talking about this because there is one part of human beings that is the most resistant to making this shift. That part is the complex web of belief systems that each person carries. These belief systems, to ensure their own survival, are very invested in not changing the formula that keeps them alive. For example, if you have a creative idea that brings you joy, you have to navigate those belief systems that want to keep things as they are. You feel your inner self saying things like, “Oh, you’ll never be able to do that,” or “Oh, you aren’t good enough.” We are sure you know what we are talking about. Whenever you reinforce those old belief systems, you stay in a trajectory of linear thought.
This is why in these chaotic times, when reality is moving so fast and you are constantly being challenged, it is important that you deliberately make choices that don’t reinforce your old habits. It becomes essential to trust the flow even more, because the flow is nonlinear and based on your nonlocal consciousness – the greater “you”. As time goes on, you are going to find that making choices based on linear thought won’t work anymore – in fact, it will feel painful because you’ll feel you aren’t honoring your whole being. Your Zeta family, being so attached to their thought processes in their 1st era, had a very challenging time with surrendering to the “holographic streaming service”. When they did, however, they dove into the flow completely! The good news for you is that through the hologram of creation, their lessons are available to you to help you make this shift within yourselves.
Final words: Cultivate as much awareness in the present moment as possible to sense when you are stuck in the linear cassette mode in your consciousness. Do whatever you can to move to the “holographic universal streaming service” as you navigate your life. That means moving with the flow, especially the flow of your joy and creative passion. As you do, those linear belief systems and perceptions will gradually melt away and reveal your true, shining Self.
Card #32 | Zeta Reticuli (Past, 1st Era) | Linear Thinking
We would like to begin by using an analogy that may seem like it isn’t connected to this theme, but you will see how it connects in the end. Think of an item in your world called a cassette tape. We know that some of you young ones never had to use one! Your favorite album is on this cassette tape, but in order to get to your favorite song, you have to fast forward – a slow process – until you can guess where the beginning of the song is. Now think of a music CD with an album on it. Getting to your favorite song is faster, because you can easily skip over the songs you don’t want to hear, but yet, the process is still somewhat linear. Both of those items (cassette and CD) are localized objects – this means that you must have them with you physically to use them. Now think of a music streaming service like Pandora, for example. With that service, a thousand people can listen to the same song at the same time. We would say that the song is what we can call “nonlocal”. That means that you don’t have it with you physically, but you can still access it “out there” somewhere in any moment. Learning to use a service like this (especially for those of you elders who had to transition from cassette to CD to streaming) means that you had to learn how to shift from a perception of local awareness to nonlocal awareness. What do we mean by that?
We’ve often spoken about how consciousness is going to shift dramatically as you move deeper into fourth density. That analogy, above, is a good example of how your perception is in the process of changing. In actuality, how you process information in your world is a direct reflection of the expansion of your consciousness. Without a direct mirror, it is nearly impossible to perceive your own shifts in consciousness objectively. But if you look at how you navigate through reality, you can get a glimpse.
This card, Linear Thinking, refers to the shift in consciousness that is taking place as you move to 4th density. Within 3rd density, you navigate linearly using a safe formula: Past + Present = Future. You rely on your mind to guide you on a very limited and narrow path where cause and effect can seem slow. This is part of what a 3rd density consciousness is like. It is unaware of its multidimensional nature. These limitations slow you down so that you can experience the bittersweet intensity of life in a physical body. We know that most of you are tired of that experience!
As you move into 4th density now, you are taking a leap from cassette to streaming service. (Yes, there is a spectrum of experience between the two). Most of you are having experiences in which you are tapping into your holographic nature – the part of you that exists in all places all at once. You are beginning to sense that even your relationship with time is changing, because the speed at which cause and effect are manifesting has accelerated. So why are we talking about this?
We are talking about this because there is one part of human beings that is the most resistant to making this shift. That part is the complex web of belief systems that each person carries. These belief systems, to ensure their own survival, are very invested in not changing the formula that keeps them alive. For example, if you have a creative idea that brings you joy, you have to navigate those belief systems that want to keep things as they are. You feel your inner self saying things like, “Oh, you’ll never be able to do that,” or “Oh, you aren’t good enough.” We are sure you know what we are talking about. Whenever you reinforce those old belief systems, you stay in a trajectory of linear thought.
This is why in these chaotic times, when reality is moving so fast and you are constantly being challenged, it is important that you deliberately make choices that don’t reinforce your old habits. It becomes essential to trust the flow even more, because the flow is nonlinear and based on your nonlocal consciousness – the greater “you”. As time goes on, you are going to find that making choices based on linear thought won’t work anymore – in fact, it will feel painful because you’ll feel you aren’t honoring your whole being. Your Zeta family, being so attached to their thought processes in their 1st era, had a very challenging time with surrendering to the “holographic streaming service”. When they did, however, they dove into the flow completely! The good news for you is that through the hologram of creation, their lessons are available to you to help you make this shift within yourselves.
Final words: Cultivate as much awareness in the present moment as possible to sense when you are stuck in the linear cassette mode in your consciousness. Do whatever you can to move to the “holographic universal streaming service” as you navigate your life. That means moving with the flow, especially the flow of your joy and creative passion. As you do, those linear belief systems and perceptions will gradually melt away and reveal your true, shining Self.
September 2024
Card #104 | Essassani (Parallel) | Leaving Home
The beloved Essassani species, a hybrid species from both human and Zeta Reticuli, represents a very important symbol for humans as you enter the turbulent time of your shift from third to fourth density. For any two ideas to come together to form a third, a form of alchemy must take place. This alchemy can happen in many ways that include gracefully and with ease, or more dramatically through a collision of opposites.
The volatile energy in your world now suggests that your alchemy of transformation is headed for a collision that precedes integration and balance. Look around – there is a growing intolerance for opposing viewpoints and a habitual need to change another’s perspective either through belittlement, aggression or manipulation. We can sense that most of you are deeply unhappy with this discordant energy and yet really don’t know what to do to change it, if it can be changed at all.
Let’s first look at the theme of this card, “Leaving Home.” There are many ways to interpret that theme, but for this month’s guidance we wish to address one specific idea that we have discussed in the past. For many, the idea of “home” means not just a physical place but a state of mind or a belief system. Everyone feels comfortable in their belief systems and even the slightest suggestion of changing them can produce immense resistance known as cognitive dissonance. The ego protects its belief systems, so it does not feel this painful dissonant experience. Cognitive dissonance basically happens when one’s belief systems don’t align with a greater truth that is buried beneath the surface or denied by the mind or ego. An example of this is to cling to a specific distorted religious belief (i.e. stoning a person to death) that doesn’t align with the greater truth of that religion (i.e. compassion to all beings). This causes a person’s integrity to begin to unravel, which creates a growing inner sense of desperation to cling to the belief system as a kind of shield against this unraveling. The need to attack or belittle others is one way this inner unraveling comes to the surface.
So why are we talking about this? Because the idea of “leaving home” in this context means that it is time to leave behind the outdated, distorted belief systems that are causing this inner unraveling. When one is willing and ready to see their own distortions (usually based on unhealed emotional wounds), breakthroughs can happen that facilitate immense inner healing. This inner healing then spreads outward and fuels the alchemy of change and integration. As this breakthrough happens and alchemy is allowed, the idea of resisting or attacking another becomes painful, even if you don’t agree with them. When that happens, you will know you have turned the corner, and a new reality is being born.
The Orions, Sirians, and other members of your galactic family have all passed through this perilous gate of polarity integration. For all of them, the very first step had to be the willingness to look within into the shadow – the unhealed parts of the self. They had to acknowledge where they projected these wounds onto others in the guise of “truth,” be humbled, and learn to embrace their shadows. Only then did they begin to see the immense change and the exponentially growing beauty that a new reality brings.
The Essassani energy offers humans the opportunity to experience the power and beauty of this alchemy when you are ready to leave the safe confines of your limited belief systems and create a new world. Many won’t leave willingly but will only do so when the compression of old belief systems becomes too painful, or the world “out there” (created from these belief systems) becomes too toxic. For those of you already transforming your inner selves and experiencing this alchemy, you will be the way showers who can guide the path for others. Leaving the safety of these old belief systems is only painful as you pass through the metaphorical membrane of resistance. Once you pass through, the love, freedom, compassion, inclusivity, and expansion that awaits you is indescribable. You are on your way. Stay the course.
Card #104 | Essassani (Parallel) | Leaving Home
The beloved Essassani species, a hybrid species from both human and Zeta Reticuli, represents a very important symbol for humans as you enter the turbulent time of your shift from third to fourth density. For any two ideas to come together to form a third, a form of alchemy must take place. This alchemy can happen in many ways that include gracefully and with ease, or more dramatically through a collision of opposites.
The volatile energy in your world now suggests that your alchemy of transformation is headed for a collision that precedes integration and balance. Look around – there is a growing intolerance for opposing viewpoints and a habitual need to change another’s perspective either through belittlement, aggression or manipulation. We can sense that most of you are deeply unhappy with this discordant energy and yet really don’t know what to do to change it, if it can be changed at all.
Let’s first look at the theme of this card, “Leaving Home.” There are many ways to interpret that theme, but for this month’s guidance we wish to address one specific idea that we have discussed in the past. For many, the idea of “home” means not just a physical place but a state of mind or a belief system. Everyone feels comfortable in their belief systems and even the slightest suggestion of changing them can produce immense resistance known as cognitive dissonance. The ego protects its belief systems, so it does not feel this painful dissonant experience. Cognitive dissonance basically happens when one’s belief systems don’t align with a greater truth that is buried beneath the surface or denied by the mind or ego. An example of this is to cling to a specific distorted religious belief (i.e. stoning a person to death) that doesn’t align with the greater truth of that religion (i.e. compassion to all beings). This causes a person’s integrity to begin to unravel, which creates a growing inner sense of desperation to cling to the belief system as a kind of shield against this unraveling. The need to attack or belittle others is one way this inner unraveling comes to the surface.
So why are we talking about this? Because the idea of “leaving home” in this context means that it is time to leave behind the outdated, distorted belief systems that are causing this inner unraveling. When one is willing and ready to see their own distortions (usually based on unhealed emotional wounds), breakthroughs can happen that facilitate immense inner healing. This inner healing then spreads outward and fuels the alchemy of change and integration. As this breakthrough happens and alchemy is allowed, the idea of resisting or attacking another becomes painful, even if you don’t agree with them. When that happens, you will know you have turned the corner, and a new reality is being born.
The Orions, Sirians, and other members of your galactic family have all passed through this perilous gate of polarity integration. For all of them, the very first step had to be the willingness to look within into the shadow – the unhealed parts of the self. They had to acknowledge where they projected these wounds onto others in the guise of “truth,” be humbled, and learn to embrace their shadows. Only then did they begin to see the immense change and the exponentially growing beauty that a new reality brings.
The Essassani energy offers humans the opportunity to experience the power and beauty of this alchemy when you are ready to leave the safe confines of your limited belief systems and create a new world. Many won’t leave willingly but will only do so when the compression of old belief systems becomes too painful, or the world “out there” (created from these belief systems) becomes too toxic. For those of you already transforming your inner selves and experiencing this alchemy, you will be the way showers who can guide the path for others. Leaving the safety of these old belief systems is only painful as you pass through the metaphorical membrane of resistance. Once you pass through, the love, freedom, compassion, inclusivity, and expansion that awaits you is indescribable. You are on your way. Stay the course.
August 2024
Card #87 | Pleiades (Future, 3rd Era) | Holographic Healing
This card addresses the greatest truth of your being – that you are holographic in nature. When we say “you,” we are not just talking about the small human self, but the greater you that is actually the One, for there is really only one consciousness in creation looking through many eyes. You have all taken this journey into the illusion of separation, and when you experience physicality in a 3rd density reality, that separation is really all you perceive. Now that you are becoming a 4th density species, your capability of perceiving the bigger picture expands exponentially. There was nothing wrong with your journey into separation, for it was part of the One discovering itself. That era is over, and you are now expanding your consciousness into the realms where all energy connects, and it becomes obvious that the game of separation can no longer be maintained.
Your Pleiadian family learned this lesson in a most dramatic way when they went through their transformation from third to fourth density. Many of you know the story. The ancient Pleiadians had an aversion to negativity and did whatever they could to bury it and not acknowledge it. You know where that leads, yes? Eventually that repressed energy had to be released and it did so through a manifestation of a horrendous plague within their species. No medical experts could heal it. The only choice they had was to look within themselves and call on their spiritual guides to assist. They had to begin to recognize that this plague was a mirror the universe was showing them so they could heal themselves and move to the next level of consciousness evolution. This deep inner search compelled them to recognize that the way they processed their shadow had to change. As they began to acknowledge this and take steps to heal themselves, everything changed, and their species transformation began.
You on your world have reached this critical nexus point in your reality too. While many of you have intellectually embraced the idea that reality is a hologram and the individual self is a fractal of that hologram, that realization hasn’t yet fully grounded itself in your awareness. You still resist it and try to operate in the changing reality according to the paradigm of the old one. Therefore, there is a split between the intellect, the spirit, and the actual experience as a human being. This is just habitual, and it will eventually change.
We can continue to give you intellectual information and metaphors to help your comprehension, but it will never be a substitute for your personal experience. The next step for humanity is to begin to FEEL and EXPERIENCE yourself as holographic consciousness. Only then will comprehension move from the mind to your full being. As you begin to embrace this truth within yourselves, you will also begin to perceive a new level of connection to not only your human collective consciousness, but the collective consciousness of all of creation. This is Holographic Healing. You are on the road to embracing the truth that your personal healing affects the whole, in successive layers like the ever-increasing scale of a fractal. This is an essential truth that is part of your expansion of consciousness as you move deeper into fourth density.
So how can you work with this in your life? The best way is through deep meditation and other spiritual pursuits that are not based on mental activity. Your holographic nature is the truth of your being, so to access and remember it, you must open the space for it to unfold without mental distraction. One easy way we have found works for many humans is to meditate while gazing at the starry night sky. (And we are not talking about mentally or visually looking for UFOs!) You are hard-wired to respond to starlight in the same way you are hard-wired to need sunlight. The sunlight feeds your physical body. The starlight feeds your spiritual body. We haven’t discussed this much in the past, but it is a truth that you can now begin to use as a tool for your awakening process. This tool helps you connect to your holographic nature. Try it, and you will see!
And finally, know that any small thing you heal within yourself is shared outward in the fractal layers of your being. Nothing is too small. This is a gift you give to the hologram of creation, and it is appreciated more than you will ever know.
Card #87 | Pleiades (Future, 3rd Era) | Holographic Healing
This card addresses the greatest truth of your being – that you are holographic in nature. When we say “you,” we are not just talking about the small human self, but the greater you that is actually the One, for there is really only one consciousness in creation looking through many eyes. You have all taken this journey into the illusion of separation, and when you experience physicality in a 3rd density reality, that separation is really all you perceive. Now that you are becoming a 4th density species, your capability of perceiving the bigger picture expands exponentially. There was nothing wrong with your journey into separation, for it was part of the One discovering itself. That era is over, and you are now expanding your consciousness into the realms where all energy connects, and it becomes obvious that the game of separation can no longer be maintained.
Your Pleiadian family learned this lesson in a most dramatic way when they went through their transformation from third to fourth density. Many of you know the story. The ancient Pleiadians had an aversion to negativity and did whatever they could to bury it and not acknowledge it. You know where that leads, yes? Eventually that repressed energy had to be released and it did so through a manifestation of a horrendous plague within their species. No medical experts could heal it. The only choice they had was to look within themselves and call on their spiritual guides to assist. They had to begin to recognize that this plague was a mirror the universe was showing them so they could heal themselves and move to the next level of consciousness evolution. This deep inner search compelled them to recognize that the way they processed their shadow had to change. As they began to acknowledge this and take steps to heal themselves, everything changed, and their species transformation began.
You on your world have reached this critical nexus point in your reality too. While many of you have intellectually embraced the idea that reality is a hologram and the individual self is a fractal of that hologram, that realization hasn’t yet fully grounded itself in your awareness. You still resist it and try to operate in the changing reality according to the paradigm of the old one. Therefore, there is a split between the intellect, the spirit, and the actual experience as a human being. This is just habitual, and it will eventually change.
We can continue to give you intellectual information and metaphors to help your comprehension, but it will never be a substitute for your personal experience. The next step for humanity is to begin to FEEL and EXPERIENCE yourself as holographic consciousness. Only then will comprehension move from the mind to your full being. As you begin to embrace this truth within yourselves, you will also begin to perceive a new level of connection to not only your human collective consciousness, but the collective consciousness of all of creation. This is Holographic Healing. You are on the road to embracing the truth that your personal healing affects the whole, in successive layers like the ever-increasing scale of a fractal. This is an essential truth that is part of your expansion of consciousness as you move deeper into fourth density.
So how can you work with this in your life? The best way is through deep meditation and other spiritual pursuits that are not based on mental activity. Your holographic nature is the truth of your being, so to access and remember it, you must open the space for it to unfold without mental distraction. One easy way we have found works for many humans is to meditate while gazing at the starry night sky. (And we are not talking about mentally or visually looking for UFOs!) You are hard-wired to respond to starlight in the same way you are hard-wired to need sunlight. The sunlight feeds your physical body. The starlight feeds your spiritual body. We haven’t discussed this much in the past, but it is a truth that you can now begin to use as a tool for your awakening process. This tool helps you connect to your holographic nature. Try it, and you will see!
And finally, know that any small thing you heal within yourself is shared outward in the fractal layers of your being. Nothing is too small. This is a gift you give to the hologram of creation, and it is appreciated more than you will ever know.
July 2024
Card #77 | Earth (Future, 3rd Era) | Being the Mentors
This card, sourced from the awakened future of humanity, reminds all of you of an important truth. Consciousness blossoms, assisted by others. And then, those who have been assisted eventually become mentors for others. This sacred duty is passed on throughout time. However, when we say “assist,” the methods may be different than you expect.
We wish to discuss two aspects of this idea that both have to do with the idea of humility and acceptance.
Firstly, it sometimes goes unnoticed that mentors are all around you. Yes, there are the obvious mentors that you know and love such as parents, spiritual teachers, counselors, spirit guides, etc. There are also many unknown mentors that take an unexpected form. These are the ones who perhaps bring you harsh lessons, and sometimes even trauma. You may ask, “How can they be mentors?”
To answer this question, we remind you that the personal identity as a human is NOT the true identity of consciousness. Under layers of forgetfulness and maybe even pain, each being is an aware consciousness who chooses to wear a human suit. To enter a life and wear a human suit means surrendering to the flow of the universe that exposes one to the karmic energy that shapes one’s trajectory as a physical being. Sometimes this means that a person may take on a persona that is disliked. They may become someone who starts wars, lacks compassion, or performs horrific acts. These types of beings, as “lost” and “evil” as they may seem, can still be teachers. In fact, that is the main reason why they show up in physical reality! Mentors are all around you – positive and negative ones. Each mentor teaches you the lessons you most need to learn, whether at the personal or collective level. This card is coming up now because there are many of these beings in your world who can teach humanity great lessons.
We mentioned that humility and acceptance are an important part of growth. Very often, people do not want to accept painful lessons because they feel they “should have known better.” They punish themselves instead of integrating the lesson of the experience. However, when humans become humble and recognize the great wisdom of the universe and fully accept and embrace the lessons that unfold before them no matter how painful, consciousness expands, and souls heal. What is being asked of you now is to begin to see and value ANY mentor or teacher that comes into your life (as an individual or a collective on Earth). Accept the lesson. Integrate it and move on because the next step is an evolution of this essential one.
The next step is to begin to also accept that you, too, are a mentor and teacher for those in your life – whether in positive or negative ways. At every moment, the universe is moving through you. Sometimes it does so with grace and beauty, and sometimes through pain or confusion. No matter how it moves through you, whatever transpires is in full balance with all of creation. Therefore, you can let go of being perfect. You don’t have to be the perfect teacher, spouse, or parent. You just have to be YOU, in whatever form you show up. This is the ultimate form of mentorship to those around you. It will express your universal perfection cloaked in imperfect human wrapping paper.
This then brings us to another level. The beings that you admire (human or not) are imperfect also. They might demonstrate skills or wisdom that you may feel you do not contain, but that they are “perfect” is just an illusion. They too have been on an evolutionary journey. More than anything, they are a mirror for you to see your own beauty.
The basic point we wish to express is that mentors are all around you in this world, and some of them take a negative form while some take a positive one. The universe will always show you what you need to see about yourself. As you embrace these lessons with no judgment, you truly change your consciousness. As you grow, the need for “negative mentors” dissolves. And one day, it will be YOU delivering this same message to other beings as they move from third to fourth density. You are already mentors. You are just learning to see yourselves clearly in the mirror of the universe.
Card #77 | Earth (Future, 3rd Era) | Being the Mentors
This card, sourced from the awakened future of humanity, reminds all of you of an important truth. Consciousness blossoms, assisted by others. And then, those who have been assisted eventually become mentors for others. This sacred duty is passed on throughout time. However, when we say “assist,” the methods may be different than you expect.
We wish to discuss two aspects of this idea that both have to do with the idea of humility and acceptance.
Firstly, it sometimes goes unnoticed that mentors are all around you. Yes, there are the obvious mentors that you know and love such as parents, spiritual teachers, counselors, spirit guides, etc. There are also many unknown mentors that take an unexpected form. These are the ones who perhaps bring you harsh lessons, and sometimes even trauma. You may ask, “How can they be mentors?”
To answer this question, we remind you that the personal identity as a human is NOT the true identity of consciousness. Under layers of forgetfulness and maybe even pain, each being is an aware consciousness who chooses to wear a human suit. To enter a life and wear a human suit means surrendering to the flow of the universe that exposes one to the karmic energy that shapes one’s trajectory as a physical being. Sometimes this means that a person may take on a persona that is disliked. They may become someone who starts wars, lacks compassion, or performs horrific acts. These types of beings, as “lost” and “evil” as they may seem, can still be teachers. In fact, that is the main reason why they show up in physical reality! Mentors are all around you – positive and negative ones. Each mentor teaches you the lessons you most need to learn, whether at the personal or collective level. This card is coming up now because there are many of these beings in your world who can teach humanity great lessons.
We mentioned that humility and acceptance are an important part of growth. Very often, people do not want to accept painful lessons because they feel they “should have known better.” They punish themselves instead of integrating the lesson of the experience. However, when humans become humble and recognize the great wisdom of the universe and fully accept and embrace the lessons that unfold before them no matter how painful, consciousness expands, and souls heal. What is being asked of you now is to begin to see and value ANY mentor or teacher that comes into your life (as an individual or a collective on Earth). Accept the lesson. Integrate it and move on because the next step is an evolution of this essential one.
The next step is to begin to also accept that you, too, are a mentor and teacher for those in your life – whether in positive or negative ways. At every moment, the universe is moving through you. Sometimes it does so with grace and beauty, and sometimes through pain or confusion. No matter how it moves through you, whatever transpires is in full balance with all of creation. Therefore, you can let go of being perfect. You don’t have to be the perfect teacher, spouse, or parent. You just have to be YOU, in whatever form you show up. This is the ultimate form of mentorship to those around you. It will express your universal perfection cloaked in imperfect human wrapping paper.
This then brings us to another level. The beings that you admire (human or not) are imperfect also. They might demonstrate skills or wisdom that you may feel you do not contain, but that they are “perfect” is just an illusion. They too have been on an evolutionary journey. More than anything, they are a mirror for you to see your own beauty.
The basic point we wish to express is that mentors are all around you in this world, and some of them take a negative form while some take a positive one. The universe will always show you what you need to see about yourself. As you embrace these lessons with no judgment, you truly change your consciousness. As you grow, the need for “negative mentors” dissolves. And one day, it will be YOU delivering this same message to other beings as they move from third to fourth density. You are already mentors. You are just learning to see yourselves clearly in the mirror of the universe.
June 2024
Card #22 | Vega (Past, 1st Era) | Homesickness
Let us bring you back to an experience that all beings in creation have in common. This is the experience of original separation. As the One went through its process of creating a realm within itself in which fragments of itself could experience the illusion of separation, the first duality was born. This first paradoxical duality experienced two conflicting states – one enthusiastically embraced the adventure into separation, and the other resisted that separation because of the pain it caused. As the expansion into duality continued, this resistance turned inward, and physical beings sought relief from the pain of separation. Even those that lost their memory of the journey from the One could feel the pull to merge with something greater than the individual small self, even if they didn’t understand what they were feeling.
As time went on and the incarnational cycles increased, a common experience of homesickness arose. It showed up as a longing to be in another place in which there was no pain and there was a feeling of complete acceptance and love. In order to address this homesickness, spiritual systems and even religions were created. These systems were like a bandage. They didn’t really address the wound, but they stopped it from bleeding or hurting too much.
From a broader perspective, the feeling of homesickness has an important function. It keeps physical beings searching for that sense of connectedness. If beings didn’t have that drive to search, they could easily fall into the total illusion of separation in physicality. They would forget their true nature as the One. Evolution would be much more difficult and take a very long time. Instead, this pain of homesickness keeps all of you reaching out to the universe – if only to dull the pain.
As your civilization moves into an even more polarized experience before the integration of 4th density, this pain of separation is magnified. People may try to quell the pain by chasing power, falling into addiction, embracing distraction, instigating conflict, and so much more. At some point, it will become necessary to address the deeper pain – that you are all seeking connectedness and that feeling of HOME.
Yet, here is the irony. As you progress in your spiritual journey of integration, you will learn that experiencing that feeling of connectedness is never about the reality outside of you. It isn’t about having a relationship or a community that understands you, though that can be a steppingstone. It has more to do with finding HOME within YOU (your consciousness) and that wherever you go, home is still within you. As you begin to remember that the One (your true self) never really separated and is only experiencing a fractal illusion, you can see how imperative it is to begin looking within you for that which you seek. That feeling of connectedness with the One has never left. It has just been obscured by the sheer intensity of the separative experience.
We now wish to connect this card with another card of Vega lineage – Essassani. Card #104 is called “Leaving Home.” Here is another paradox. Once you find the home within yourself (the One in its totality), then you can release the false constructs that you previously believed kept you safe. You gain the confidence to move into the universe, naked and vulnerable, knowing that no matter where you “go,” you are always Home.
Card #22 | Vega (Past, 1st Era) | Homesickness
Let us bring you back to an experience that all beings in creation have in common. This is the experience of original separation. As the One went through its process of creating a realm within itself in which fragments of itself could experience the illusion of separation, the first duality was born. This first paradoxical duality experienced two conflicting states – one enthusiastically embraced the adventure into separation, and the other resisted that separation because of the pain it caused. As the expansion into duality continued, this resistance turned inward, and physical beings sought relief from the pain of separation. Even those that lost their memory of the journey from the One could feel the pull to merge with something greater than the individual small self, even if they didn’t understand what they were feeling.
As time went on and the incarnational cycles increased, a common experience of homesickness arose. It showed up as a longing to be in another place in which there was no pain and there was a feeling of complete acceptance and love. In order to address this homesickness, spiritual systems and even religions were created. These systems were like a bandage. They didn’t really address the wound, but they stopped it from bleeding or hurting too much.
From a broader perspective, the feeling of homesickness has an important function. It keeps physical beings searching for that sense of connectedness. If beings didn’t have that drive to search, they could easily fall into the total illusion of separation in physicality. They would forget their true nature as the One. Evolution would be much more difficult and take a very long time. Instead, this pain of homesickness keeps all of you reaching out to the universe – if only to dull the pain.
As your civilization moves into an even more polarized experience before the integration of 4th density, this pain of separation is magnified. People may try to quell the pain by chasing power, falling into addiction, embracing distraction, instigating conflict, and so much more. At some point, it will become necessary to address the deeper pain – that you are all seeking connectedness and that feeling of HOME.
Yet, here is the irony. As you progress in your spiritual journey of integration, you will learn that experiencing that feeling of connectedness is never about the reality outside of you. It isn’t about having a relationship or a community that understands you, though that can be a steppingstone. It has more to do with finding HOME within YOU (your consciousness) and that wherever you go, home is still within you. As you begin to remember that the One (your true self) never really separated and is only experiencing a fractal illusion, you can see how imperative it is to begin looking within you for that which you seek. That feeling of connectedness with the One has never left. It has just been obscured by the sheer intensity of the separative experience.
We now wish to connect this card with another card of Vega lineage – Essassani. Card #104 is called “Leaving Home.” Here is another paradox. Once you find the home within yourself (the One in its totality), then you can release the false constructs that you previously believed kept you safe. You gain the confidence to move into the universe, naked and vulnerable, knowing that no matter where you “go,” you are always Home.
May 2024
Card #93 | Sirius (Future, 3rd Era) | Assistance without Interference
The way in which one assists another is very often connected to one’s state of evolution. This is true on a species level as well as a personal level. Third-density beings often use the mind and/or the ego to impose assistance on another. Some of the more dramatic examples of this in the darker times of your Earth’s history (including now) are the times in which religious beliefs are imposed upon another in the guise of “helping” those who are perceived to be in need of spiritual guidance. You have all seen where that leads. It does not lead to freedom. It leads to oppression. It is based on the false and fearful belief that how the universe naturally works through people or institutions isn’t enough and that only the “enlightened” people, through their will, can do God’s work. Ultimately, it reflects a lack of trust in the Universe and empowers the ego to be the sole representative of God.
Even in interpersonal relationships, when one imposes their help on another (even with the kindest of intentions), it can disempower the person to find their own way and deprive them of valuable lessons for their growth. It can also deprive them of the opportunity to actually feel the Universe flowing through them. This can create dependency on another instead of the important process of feeling one’s connection to the Universe without a self-appointed mediator who believes they know best.
As they transition from third to fourth density, every civilization and its people must face the vital question of, “When am I truly helping and when am I interfering?” To put it simply, interference is ego-based and true assistance is the recognition of the universe flowing through with no agenda. Learning to see this difference is an essential lesson on the road to awakening. To put it even simpler, it has to do with seeing the difference between actions from the ego/mind (which usually has an agenda), and actions from the heart (which follow the flow of the Universe’s direction). The ancient Sirians (as well as other races) learned this lesson the hard way when they were young too. They discovered that the price for this lesson is high. The currency is usually karma, which means carrying old wounds of regret and guilt until awareness dawns and the old wounds are released.
Therefore, the guidance this month has to do with this idea. As your planet is entering a phase of deep polarity in which each side believes that only it knows what right action is, you are being asked to take a step back. Instead of charging into action with your metaphorical swords (or social media posts, which are the contemporary version), do something counter-intuitive. Be still. Resist the temptation to be “right” or to be a savior. This doesn’t mean withdrawing your help when the Universe (not the ego) compels you to step forward. It does mean refining your awareness so meticulously that you can learn to feel the difference between agenda-driven action and pure universal flow.
In English, you have a saying that says, “Stay in your lane.” That saying is very appropriate here. Staying in your lane means tending to your own garden first, before stepping into the garden of another. Hold your focus inward and tend your OWN garden. As you cultivate the stillness of tending your own garden, your ability to sense the flow around you increases. When or if you are then called to step into the garden of another, you will feel it like an attractive flow that naturally connects with your love. This type of approach to reality has the potential to evolve consciousness in a dramatically positive way.
The other side of this lesson has to do with trust. As you tend your own garden, you also build your ability to trust that the universe knows what it is doing. What manifests around you may not be to your liking, but the universe STILL knows what it is doing! In the polarized third density reality, it appears that the universe’s will and the human will are not aligned. As you shift into a 4th density consciousness, it becomes very clear that the will of the universe is always flowing through you, and it is resistance to that truth that causes the feeling of conflict. Thus, your lessons for this month are to learn to feel the difference between ego will and divine will (which only feel separate when there is resistance), and to practice trusting the wisdom of the universe no matter how it shows up. Stay in your lane, tend your garden, and know that the fruits born from the garden of trust are the most nourishing of all.
Card #93 | Sirius (Future, 3rd Era) | Assistance without Interference
The way in which one assists another is very often connected to one’s state of evolution. This is true on a species level as well as a personal level. Third-density beings often use the mind and/or the ego to impose assistance on another. Some of the more dramatic examples of this in the darker times of your Earth’s history (including now) are the times in which religious beliefs are imposed upon another in the guise of “helping” those who are perceived to be in need of spiritual guidance. You have all seen where that leads. It does not lead to freedom. It leads to oppression. It is based on the false and fearful belief that how the universe naturally works through people or institutions isn’t enough and that only the “enlightened” people, through their will, can do God’s work. Ultimately, it reflects a lack of trust in the Universe and empowers the ego to be the sole representative of God.
Even in interpersonal relationships, when one imposes their help on another (even with the kindest of intentions), it can disempower the person to find their own way and deprive them of valuable lessons for their growth. It can also deprive them of the opportunity to actually feel the Universe flowing through them. This can create dependency on another instead of the important process of feeling one’s connection to the Universe without a self-appointed mediator who believes they know best.
As they transition from third to fourth density, every civilization and its people must face the vital question of, “When am I truly helping and when am I interfering?” To put it simply, interference is ego-based and true assistance is the recognition of the universe flowing through with no agenda. Learning to see this difference is an essential lesson on the road to awakening. To put it even simpler, it has to do with seeing the difference between actions from the ego/mind (which usually has an agenda), and actions from the heart (which follow the flow of the Universe’s direction). The ancient Sirians (as well as other races) learned this lesson the hard way when they were young too. They discovered that the price for this lesson is high. The currency is usually karma, which means carrying old wounds of regret and guilt until awareness dawns and the old wounds are released.
Therefore, the guidance this month has to do with this idea. As your planet is entering a phase of deep polarity in which each side believes that only it knows what right action is, you are being asked to take a step back. Instead of charging into action with your metaphorical swords (or social media posts, which are the contemporary version), do something counter-intuitive. Be still. Resist the temptation to be “right” or to be a savior. This doesn’t mean withdrawing your help when the Universe (not the ego) compels you to step forward. It does mean refining your awareness so meticulously that you can learn to feel the difference between agenda-driven action and pure universal flow.
In English, you have a saying that says, “Stay in your lane.” That saying is very appropriate here. Staying in your lane means tending to your own garden first, before stepping into the garden of another. Hold your focus inward and tend your OWN garden. As you cultivate the stillness of tending your own garden, your ability to sense the flow around you increases. When or if you are then called to step into the garden of another, you will feel it like an attractive flow that naturally connects with your love. This type of approach to reality has the potential to evolve consciousness in a dramatically positive way.
The other side of this lesson has to do with trust. As you tend your own garden, you also build your ability to trust that the universe knows what it is doing. What manifests around you may not be to your liking, but the universe STILL knows what it is doing! In the polarized third density reality, it appears that the universe’s will and the human will are not aligned. As you shift into a 4th density consciousness, it becomes very clear that the will of the universe is always flowing through you, and it is resistance to that truth that causes the feeling of conflict. Thus, your lessons for this month are to learn to feel the difference between ego will and divine will (which only feel separate when there is resistance), and to practice trusting the wisdom of the universe no matter how it shows up. Stay in your lane, tend your garden, and know that the fruits born from the garden of trust are the most nourishing of all.
April 2024
Card #98 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Paradox
The topic of polarity has been discussed often. It is an important topic because it is a significant passage in your evolutionary journey. Every physical civilization dances with polarity, but in different ways. While you may feel that the polarization on your world is becoming more and more intense, it is actually mild compared to other members of your galactic family such as Orion. We know that statement does not uplift you, but here is a perspective that can give you a wider view of this essential chapter in the evolution of a species, and perhaps deeply motivate you for the inner work that can make a real difference in the collective energy.
Deep polarization provides an opportunity for you that can lead to rapid awakening and an evolutionary acceleration. For those of you who are self-aware enough to be able to objectively see your own inner polarization, there is an inherent invitation within polarization to find and rest at what we can all the “middle ground.” Think of a pendulum that swings back and forth. At first, the distance between the furthest point of the pendulum on each side is great. As the pendulum continues swinging according to the laws of your physical reality, the distance between the two points becomes less and less. If no new energy is added to the momentum, the pendulum eventually comes to rest. This analogy of a microcosmic process is applicable to the macrocosmic energy dynamics of consciousness as it evolves from third to fourth density.
For as long as recorded history, you have seen polarized wars, so why hasn’t the pendulum stopped swinging? It hasn’t stopped because humans have kept adding momentum to the polarized dynamics. This momentum is reinforced through retribution, reaction, resistance, and power struggles. But now you are evolving to a new energy frequency. This new frequency puts added pressure on polarity dynamics so that the swings of the pendulum seem closer together and more violent, which is a sign of impending transformation. This is one of the reasons for the intensive energetic environment on Earth now. Humans are allowing their unconscious patterns, resistances, and reactions to continue to feed the momentum of the pendulum instead of consciously stepping outside of the old patterns.
When we said that deep polarity provides an opportunity for rapid transcendence, we mean that it requires the willingness to consciously step outside of the swinging pendulum and see both sides neutrally. Actually, it is even more than seeing both sides. You must FEEL both sides. By allowing yourself to feel the “truth” of both sides without judgment, you energetically move yourself to the resting point between poles. When you rest there, what do you feel? You feel the experience of paradox. At first, paradox feels uncomfortable, because humans are used to clinging to one side or another as an extension of their identity. The longer you are able to hold this state of paradox within you, the easier it becomes to stay there. Polarity is like a well-worn footpath. When you stop reinforcing it, the metaphorical footpath becomes unused and uncomfortable to walk upon any longer. You begin to crave the neutral state.
The state of paradox is fleeting. You can only feel it in a polarized reality. As you become more used to resting in this state, you begin to remember that this neutral state is actually the natural state of integrated consciousness. As you move into fourth density, you will be required to traverse this road more and more. When you don’t allow yourself to step outside of the swings of the polarized pendulum, reality will become more painful. Therefore, we can say that moving toward the state of paradox is a survival mechanism necessary for your transition fully into fourth density. You must do this in order to survive as a species.
So, what does this mean for your daily life? These days you are enticed and enraged by world events. You are shamed into taking sides and then given more and more information to support one side or another. The only result of this is that it adds momentum to the pendulum. We are not saying to bury your head in the sand, avoid knowing world events, or push away the feelings that world events trigger in you. In fact, we recommend just the opposite. Be aware of world events in a neutral way (rather than through the narrative of the side that is trying to grab your allegiance). Let yourself feel the experience of each side and how they truly believe their perspective is the right one. It may bring up emotions and the urge to polarize. If it does, do what you can to rise above it and see the energy dynamic of the pendulum rather than the individual issues themselves. If you do this with sincere intention to step outside of the pendulum, you will have moments in which you can feel the energy of paradox. Even if those moments are brief, it is a sign that the alchemical process of polarity integration has begun. Then you must maintain it.
And one more thing to share. It is easier to do this with world events “out there.” Once you start learning this new footpath of integration that leads to paradox by working with world events, you will naturally begin working with your own inner polarities and personalized integration processes within you. The Zeta Reticuli (and other galactic family members) walked this kind of road to integration. For them, it was a much more difficult and treacherous road. Because you have the collective wisdom of your galactic family within you, your road is much smoother. This road was lovingly paved by those who walked the path before you, and they stand at the end of the road with open arms.
Card #98 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Paradox
The topic of polarity has been discussed often. It is an important topic because it is a significant passage in your evolutionary journey. Every physical civilization dances with polarity, but in different ways. While you may feel that the polarization on your world is becoming more and more intense, it is actually mild compared to other members of your galactic family such as Orion. We know that statement does not uplift you, but here is a perspective that can give you a wider view of this essential chapter in the evolution of a species, and perhaps deeply motivate you for the inner work that can make a real difference in the collective energy.
Deep polarization provides an opportunity for you that can lead to rapid awakening and an evolutionary acceleration. For those of you who are self-aware enough to be able to objectively see your own inner polarization, there is an inherent invitation within polarization to find and rest at what we can all the “middle ground.” Think of a pendulum that swings back and forth. At first, the distance between the furthest point of the pendulum on each side is great. As the pendulum continues swinging according to the laws of your physical reality, the distance between the two points becomes less and less. If no new energy is added to the momentum, the pendulum eventually comes to rest. This analogy of a microcosmic process is applicable to the macrocosmic energy dynamics of consciousness as it evolves from third to fourth density.
For as long as recorded history, you have seen polarized wars, so why hasn’t the pendulum stopped swinging? It hasn’t stopped because humans have kept adding momentum to the polarized dynamics. This momentum is reinforced through retribution, reaction, resistance, and power struggles. But now you are evolving to a new energy frequency. This new frequency puts added pressure on polarity dynamics so that the swings of the pendulum seem closer together and more violent, which is a sign of impending transformation. This is one of the reasons for the intensive energetic environment on Earth now. Humans are allowing their unconscious patterns, resistances, and reactions to continue to feed the momentum of the pendulum instead of consciously stepping outside of the old patterns.
When we said that deep polarity provides an opportunity for rapid transcendence, we mean that it requires the willingness to consciously step outside of the swinging pendulum and see both sides neutrally. Actually, it is even more than seeing both sides. You must FEEL both sides. By allowing yourself to feel the “truth” of both sides without judgment, you energetically move yourself to the resting point between poles. When you rest there, what do you feel? You feel the experience of paradox. At first, paradox feels uncomfortable, because humans are used to clinging to one side or another as an extension of their identity. The longer you are able to hold this state of paradox within you, the easier it becomes to stay there. Polarity is like a well-worn footpath. When you stop reinforcing it, the metaphorical footpath becomes unused and uncomfortable to walk upon any longer. You begin to crave the neutral state.
The state of paradox is fleeting. You can only feel it in a polarized reality. As you become more used to resting in this state, you begin to remember that this neutral state is actually the natural state of integrated consciousness. As you move into fourth density, you will be required to traverse this road more and more. When you don’t allow yourself to step outside of the swings of the polarized pendulum, reality will become more painful. Therefore, we can say that moving toward the state of paradox is a survival mechanism necessary for your transition fully into fourth density. You must do this in order to survive as a species.
So, what does this mean for your daily life? These days you are enticed and enraged by world events. You are shamed into taking sides and then given more and more information to support one side or another. The only result of this is that it adds momentum to the pendulum. We are not saying to bury your head in the sand, avoid knowing world events, or push away the feelings that world events trigger in you. In fact, we recommend just the opposite. Be aware of world events in a neutral way (rather than through the narrative of the side that is trying to grab your allegiance). Let yourself feel the experience of each side and how they truly believe their perspective is the right one. It may bring up emotions and the urge to polarize. If it does, do what you can to rise above it and see the energy dynamic of the pendulum rather than the individual issues themselves. If you do this with sincere intention to step outside of the pendulum, you will have moments in which you can feel the energy of paradox. Even if those moments are brief, it is a sign that the alchemical process of polarity integration has begun. Then you must maintain it.
And one more thing to share. It is easier to do this with world events “out there.” Once you start learning this new footpath of integration that leads to paradox by working with world events, you will naturally begin working with your own inner polarities and personalized integration processes within you. The Zeta Reticuli (and other galactic family members) walked this kind of road to integration. For them, it was a much more difficult and treacherous road. Because you have the collective wisdom of your galactic family within you, your road is much smoother. This road was lovingly paved by those who walked the path before you, and they stand at the end of the road with open arms.
March 2024
Card #12 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Masculine Principle
We have spoken many times about the 26,000 year cycle and its two main eras that are 13,000 years each. The last 13,000 year era has ended, and you are now beginning a new one. This is not just an abstract or metaphorical idea. The dualistic nature of the physical universe is expressed through what we call seasons of consciousness. Each season has specific energetic qualities that affect those who are incarnated, based on how energy flows in a torus field (such as a galaxy).
The era out of which you are now passing is one whose qualities are masculine in nature. That includes what you may call positive and negative traits. The positive traits include a passion for discovery and invention, the will to undertake hard work to achieve a result, and a deep need to protect loved ones. The negative traits include those you are probably all too familiar with – rigidity, prioritization of the mind over emotion, resistance to change, and aggression, to name a few. The era into which you are now transiting is more feminine in nature and includes more fluidity, a balance of emotions and mind, less resistance, and more acceptance and compassion, and so much more.
Please do not misunderstand us when we talk about these dualistic cycles. We are not implying that you must bounce back and forth with no resolution. Evolution is more like a spiral, and with each cycle you integrate the dualistic energies more and more until both are balanced within you. This evolutionary path means that it is essential to embrace both sides of your dualistic nature. Masculine and feminine energies only become toxic when they are denied or resisted within you.
This card is showing up in this part of your evolutionary cycle to remind you of this truth. As you move into a more archetypal feminine cycle for the next 13,000 years, it is essential that you do not judge or deny healthy masculine energy because of the pain of the past. We see some of this judgment happening in your world. Yes, it is true that the unbalanced masculine energy has caused a lot of pain on your world, but that experience didn’t come from masculine energy itself; it came from a misuse and/or misunderstanding of the healthy and balanced masculine energy that is a part of creation itself. That misuse and misunderstanding primarily comes from fear.
Therefore, the energy of this card at this time is asking you to look within you for all the areas in which you judge your own masculine energy. Perhaps you have had a traumatic or unpleasant experience with the masculine in the past, and then have projected that pain onto your own inner male/female landscape. When this happens, one tends to resist and demonize one’s own inner masculine, thus creating an energetic imbalance. Seeing this inner dynamic and learning to give love and compassion to one’s inner wounded male, is a huge step in healing. (The same is true regarding your relationship with your inner wounded female). As your planet transitions into a more feminine energy, it becomes essential to start healing this dynamic with the wounded masculine first on the personal level. Once the healing begins there, it is much easier for the collective masculine energy to heal as well.
Your galactic family traveled this road of masculine and feminine integration as well. Each civilization had to learn to love and honor the masculine and feminine within. Some civilizations found it easier (such as the Pleiadians), while others had a big challenge (such as the Orions and Zetas). In the end, each civilization integrates these energies because integration is the natural state of consciousness. If you feel you need energetic assistance, always know that your ancestors from the stars are willing to assist, though they cannot do the work for you. This is a sacred time on Earth, even if it doesn’t feel like it. These sacred times are filled with immense power for change. Sometimes, what triggers this change is the seemingly simple work you each do within yourselves. Have no fear of your inner archetypal landscape. In the end, when you release resistance, all that exists within you is an irresistible current that returns you to your true nature – pure love.
Card #12 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Masculine Principle
We have spoken many times about the 26,000 year cycle and its two main eras that are 13,000 years each. The last 13,000 year era has ended, and you are now beginning a new one. This is not just an abstract or metaphorical idea. The dualistic nature of the physical universe is expressed through what we call seasons of consciousness. Each season has specific energetic qualities that affect those who are incarnated, based on how energy flows in a torus field (such as a galaxy).
The era out of which you are now passing is one whose qualities are masculine in nature. That includes what you may call positive and negative traits. The positive traits include a passion for discovery and invention, the will to undertake hard work to achieve a result, and a deep need to protect loved ones. The negative traits include those you are probably all too familiar with – rigidity, prioritization of the mind over emotion, resistance to change, and aggression, to name a few. The era into which you are now transiting is more feminine in nature and includes more fluidity, a balance of emotions and mind, less resistance, and more acceptance and compassion, and so much more.
Please do not misunderstand us when we talk about these dualistic cycles. We are not implying that you must bounce back and forth with no resolution. Evolution is more like a spiral, and with each cycle you integrate the dualistic energies more and more until both are balanced within you. This evolutionary path means that it is essential to embrace both sides of your dualistic nature. Masculine and feminine energies only become toxic when they are denied or resisted within you.
This card is showing up in this part of your evolutionary cycle to remind you of this truth. As you move into a more archetypal feminine cycle for the next 13,000 years, it is essential that you do not judge or deny healthy masculine energy because of the pain of the past. We see some of this judgment happening in your world. Yes, it is true that the unbalanced masculine energy has caused a lot of pain on your world, but that experience didn’t come from masculine energy itself; it came from a misuse and/or misunderstanding of the healthy and balanced masculine energy that is a part of creation itself. That misuse and misunderstanding primarily comes from fear.
Therefore, the energy of this card at this time is asking you to look within you for all the areas in which you judge your own masculine energy. Perhaps you have had a traumatic or unpleasant experience with the masculine in the past, and then have projected that pain onto your own inner male/female landscape. When this happens, one tends to resist and demonize one’s own inner masculine, thus creating an energetic imbalance. Seeing this inner dynamic and learning to give love and compassion to one’s inner wounded male, is a huge step in healing. (The same is true regarding your relationship with your inner wounded female). As your planet transitions into a more feminine energy, it becomes essential to start healing this dynamic with the wounded masculine first on the personal level. Once the healing begins there, it is much easier for the collective masculine energy to heal as well.
Your galactic family traveled this road of masculine and feminine integration as well. Each civilization had to learn to love and honor the masculine and feminine within. Some civilizations found it easier (such as the Pleiadians), while others had a big challenge (such as the Orions and Zetas). In the end, each civilization integrates these energies because integration is the natural state of consciousness. If you feel you need energetic assistance, always know that your ancestors from the stars are willing to assist, though they cannot do the work for you. This is a sacred time on Earth, even if it doesn’t feel like it. These sacred times are filled with immense power for change. Sometimes, what triggers this change is the seemingly simple work you each do within yourselves. Have no fear of your inner archetypal landscape. In the end, when you release resistance, all that exists within you is an irresistible current that returns you to your true nature – pure love.
February 2024
Card #57 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Leap of Faith
As you continue to shift from third density to fourth, the map that you use to navigate reality must change. We have said many times that the navigational method in third density is based on the ego and the ego’s will. This type of movement through reality is very linear and very limited. However, it accomplishes the very reason consciousness experiences a third-density reality – to feel what it is like to be unable to see the bigger picture or sense the currents and flows of one’s energetic path. In that type of reality, one can only rely on the mind as the guide. The mind alone is a poor guide and will frequently lead one to make choices based on the ego’s needs and desires.
As you are beginning to transition into a fourth-density frequency, the method of navigation has to change. The mind can still be a tool, but you may find that relying on the mind alone can be a painful choice that never fully moves you in the direction of your full potential. The navigational requirement in a fourth density reality is based more on a balance between mind, heart, intuition, and the ability to integrate those three senses into the creation of a foundation of inner wisdom that supersedes the desires of the ego. But how is that transition made? How can you, in a sense, change your inner software to move away from ego-based navigation to integration-based navigation?
We can address this question by looking more closely at two states of being and comparing them. The first is a methodology with which you are quite familiar. The ego and/or the mind makes a plan. Then you set about plotting the course on the map to accomplish that plan. Those who are really focused in the mental body have trained themselves to ignore intuition, especially if the intuition does not support the plan. This method of navigation can often feel like traveling on a rocky road. You push forward, but there can seem to be many obstacles. If this path is not a success, then usually it is only at the end when you may think, “I should have listened to my intuition.” And then the pattern continues to repeat.
There is a misunderstanding that navigating in a fourth density reality is airy-fairy – that you become irresponsible, flighty, or ungrounded. However, the opposite is true. What is required to navigate a fourth density path is a state of hyperfocus while being completely in the flow of intuition, and allowing reality to unfold as it needs to, even if it is not what the ego desires. As you move deeper into fourth density, ego desires become weaker, so this new state is easier to navigate than you may realize. What does it mean to be “hyperfocused and in the flow?” The best analogy we can give you is the activity of surfing. Surfers cannot be spaced-out. They have to maintain a state of hyperfocus, otherwise they may be injured. But this hyperfocus state isn’t a mental one. As we said above, it is a state in which mind, heart, and intuition are integrated. This combined with a profound state of letting go of control by the mind. It is an ultimate state of integration and trust that shifts your consciousness outside of ego dominance. If the ego or mind tries to take control, the likelihood of wiping out on the surfboard is high.
When the Orion civilization was young, the people were very dominated by mind. This rigidity kept them locked into old patterns of behavior that exacerbated their polarization. As the frequency shift became more and more pronounced, it became too painful to maintain their previous dominance of mind. They slowly began to let go. As they did, they discovered a whole new way of being that was based on a new integration of mind, heart, and intuition. The more they surrendered and trusted this state of being, the more they experienced a deep healing of old wounds. This is the Leap of Faith referenced on this card.
You are being asked to let go in the same way that your Orion family did in ancient days. It is becoming harder and harder to keep control of your reality in the old way and continue to allow the ego to be the metaphorical driver on your path. It is time to let go and to surf the wise energy of the cosmos, but with the hyperfocus of an integrated consciousness. Step by step, allow yourself to merge with the energetic wave of your true consciousness. As you do, you’ll feel all your extraterrestrial and interdimensional surf buddies riding the same waves with you side-by-side.
Card #57 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Leap of Faith
As you continue to shift from third density to fourth, the map that you use to navigate reality must change. We have said many times that the navigational method in third density is based on the ego and the ego’s will. This type of movement through reality is very linear and very limited. However, it accomplishes the very reason consciousness experiences a third-density reality – to feel what it is like to be unable to see the bigger picture or sense the currents and flows of one’s energetic path. In that type of reality, one can only rely on the mind as the guide. The mind alone is a poor guide and will frequently lead one to make choices based on the ego’s needs and desires.
As you are beginning to transition into a fourth-density frequency, the method of navigation has to change. The mind can still be a tool, but you may find that relying on the mind alone can be a painful choice that never fully moves you in the direction of your full potential. The navigational requirement in a fourth density reality is based more on a balance between mind, heart, intuition, and the ability to integrate those three senses into the creation of a foundation of inner wisdom that supersedes the desires of the ego. But how is that transition made? How can you, in a sense, change your inner software to move away from ego-based navigation to integration-based navigation?
We can address this question by looking more closely at two states of being and comparing them. The first is a methodology with which you are quite familiar. The ego and/or the mind makes a plan. Then you set about plotting the course on the map to accomplish that plan. Those who are really focused in the mental body have trained themselves to ignore intuition, especially if the intuition does not support the plan. This method of navigation can often feel like traveling on a rocky road. You push forward, but there can seem to be many obstacles. If this path is not a success, then usually it is only at the end when you may think, “I should have listened to my intuition.” And then the pattern continues to repeat.
There is a misunderstanding that navigating in a fourth density reality is airy-fairy – that you become irresponsible, flighty, or ungrounded. However, the opposite is true. What is required to navigate a fourth density path is a state of hyperfocus while being completely in the flow of intuition, and allowing reality to unfold as it needs to, even if it is not what the ego desires. As you move deeper into fourth density, ego desires become weaker, so this new state is easier to navigate than you may realize. What does it mean to be “hyperfocused and in the flow?” The best analogy we can give you is the activity of surfing. Surfers cannot be spaced-out. They have to maintain a state of hyperfocus, otherwise they may be injured. But this hyperfocus state isn’t a mental one. As we said above, it is a state in which mind, heart, and intuition are integrated. This combined with a profound state of letting go of control by the mind. It is an ultimate state of integration and trust that shifts your consciousness outside of ego dominance. If the ego or mind tries to take control, the likelihood of wiping out on the surfboard is high.
When the Orion civilization was young, the people were very dominated by mind. This rigidity kept them locked into old patterns of behavior that exacerbated their polarization. As the frequency shift became more and more pronounced, it became too painful to maintain their previous dominance of mind. They slowly began to let go. As they did, they discovered a whole new way of being that was based on a new integration of mind, heart, and intuition. The more they surrendered and trusted this state of being, the more they experienced a deep healing of old wounds. This is the Leap of Faith referenced on this card.
You are being asked to let go in the same way that your Orion family did in ancient days. It is becoming harder and harder to keep control of your reality in the old way and continue to allow the ego to be the metaphorical driver on your path. It is time to let go and to surf the wise energy of the cosmos, but with the hyperfocus of an integrated consciousness. Step by step, allow yourself to merge with the energetic wave of your true consciousness. As you do, you’ll feel all your extraterrestrial and interdimensional surf buddies riding the same waves with you side-by-side.
January 2024
Card #24 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Self-Discipline
Last month we spoke about the missed opportunity that humans had during the years of the pandemic to really change your perspective on the divisions in your world and take steps to bring your people together. This card continues with that same theme to embrace the ACTIONS that you can take that can change the polarity and fragmentation on your world. In reality though, we are referring more to NONaction rather than action, as you will see below. Let us explain what we mean.
When there is resistance to the changes needed to move into a fourth density reality as you are seeing in your world now, there is an easily seen pattern one can witness in the collective consciousness. The pattern has to do with reactivity. The third-density version of the human ego has a simple purpose—to protect you from change, keep you feeling safe, and build perspectives that keep your inner stories intact. (Those inner stories reinforce the fragmented and polarized reality so that evolution does not unfold). As the frequency rises and you begin entering a fourth-density reality, an immense amount of psychological pressure can be felt. The ego resists, but this pressure must be released somehow. The easiest way to temporarily release it is for the ego to habitually react to perceived threats. Without the person understanding this evolutionary mechanism and interrupting the circuit so to speak, they get caught in a cycle of constant reactivity. You see this online in your social media. The result is a constant cycle in which people become so sensitive to perceived threats that they become hyper-reactive, no matter how distorted their perception is of the actual event. How does this cycle end? What can you do to interrupt this destructive cycle?
This card with the theme of self-discipline refers to the necessary next step in evolution for all beings moving from a third to a fourth density reality. The self-discipline we refer to is not some obscure austere practice as one might see in a temple or monastery. It has to do with learning to see one’s ego with neutral eyes and choosing not to empower it. This includes learning how it reacts when it feels threatened, and learning what its wounds are (many from childhood). These lessons help you begin to navigate through life not from pure reaction (unconscious), but from conscious action that supports integration rather than separation.
We are not saying that this is easy. The ego’s terrain can be likened to a house of distorted mirrors filled with spoiled children. It is very difficult to see oneself clearly when one is reacting from unhealed energies within. Humans may even convince themselves that they are acting from their higher nature, when in fact the ego is disguising itself in the costume of higher vibrations that are shallow at best. The mind is a great ally of the ego, in that it will construct elaborate stories to support and protect its wounds. We don’t mean to depress you!
When we speak of reactivity, we aren’t just talking about reacting to another person’s actions. We are also talking about perceptions of reality that have been built as a result of the ego’s wounds. An example of this is when one constantly views reality through the lens of victimization. So, what can you do when you are trying to heal these old egoic patterns of reactivity? The advice we have may sound simplistic. (The ego prefers complex solutions that keep you in the mind, and that never really heals anything.) First step: Slow down. Take a breath. Feel the impulse to react as you normally would, but do not follow through. Keep breathing. Let yourself feel a response that may seem counterintuitive to your normal reaction. If nothing comes, be still, and stay conscious of any old patterns that try to stealthily reemerge. As you refuse to empower the reactivity, it is like slowly killing the roots of an invasive weed. New pathways within you are created, and these new pathways become more integrative rather than polarized.
To your ancient Vegan ancestors, this was the key to the development of their self-discipline. It is what built a new pathway out of the mind and helped to integrate the mind and heart, which then opened their emotional bodies in unexpected and joyful ways. They began to see their egos as being like a child having a tantrum, and they learned to cease to enforce those pathways, resulting in the building of a more constructive relationship with the ego. This led to the first big steps in ego transformation as a species. And of course, when the ego transforms, so does the heart – which is freed to express its true nature through an infinite abundance of love and self-acceptance.
Card #24 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Self-Discipline
Last month we spoke about the missed opportunity that humans had during the years of the pandemic to really change your perspective on the divisions in your world and take steps to bring your people together. This card continues with that same theme to embrace the ACTIONS that you can take that can change the polarity and fragmentation on your world. In reality though, we are referring more to NONaction rather than action, as you will see below. Let us explain what we mean.
When there is resistance to the changes needed to move into a fourth density reality as you are seeing in your world now, there is an easily seen pattern one can witness in the collective consciousness. The pattern has to do with reactivity. The third-density version of the human ego has a simple purpose—to protect you from change, keep you feeling safe, and build perspectives that keep your inner stories intact. (Those inner stories reinforce the fragmented and polarized reality so that evolution does not unfold). As the frequency rises and you begin entering a fourth-density reality, an immense amount of psychological pressure can be felt. The ego resists, but this pressure must be released somehow. The easiest way to temporarily release it is for the ego to habitually react to perceived threats. Without the person understanding this evolutionary mechanism and interrupting the circuit so to speak, they get caught in a cycle of constant reactivity. You see this online in your social media. The result is a constant cycle in which people become so sensitive to perceived threats that they become hyper-reactive, no matter how distorted their perception is of the actual event. How does this cycle end? What can you do to interrupt this destructive cycle?
This card with the theme of self-discipline refers to the necessary next step in evolution for all beings moving from a third to a fourth density reality. The self-discipline we refer to is not some obscure austere practice as one might see in a temple or monastery. It has to do with learning to see one’s ego with neutral eyes and choosing not to empower it. This includes learning how it reacts when it feels threatened, and learning what its wounds are (many from childhood). These lessons help you begin to navigate through life not from pure reaction (unconscious), but from conscious action that supports integration rather than separation.
We are not saying that this is easy. The ego’s terrain can be likened to a house of distorted mirrors filled with spoiled children. It is very difficult to see oneself clearly when one is reacting from unhealed energies within. Humans may even convince themselves that they are acting from their higher nature, when in fact the ego is disguising itself in the costume of higher vibrations that are shallow at best. The mind is a great ally of the ego, in that it will construct elaborate stories to support and protect its wounds. We don’t mean to depress you!
When we speak of reactivity, we aren’t just talking about reacting to another person’s actions. We are also talking about perceptions of reality that have been built as a result of the ego’s wounds. An example of this is when one constantly views reality through the lens of victimization. So, what can you do when you are trying to heal these old egoic patterns of reactivity? The advice we have may sound simplistic. (The ego prefers complex solutions that keep you in the mind, and that never really heals anything.) First step: Slow down. Take a breath. Feel the impulse to react as you normally would, but do not follow through. Keep breathing. Let yourself feel a response that may seem counterintuitive to your normal reaction. If nothing comes, be still, and stay conscious of any old patterns that try to stealthily reemerge. As you refuse to empower the reactivity, it is like slowly killing the roots of an invasive weed. New pathways within you are created, and these new pathways become more integrative rather than polarized.
To your ancient Vegan ancestors, this was the key to the development of their self-discipline. It is what built a new pathway out of the mind and helped to integrate the mind and heart, which then opened their emotional bodies in unexpected and joyful ways. They began to see their egos as being like a child having a tantrum, and they learned to cease to enforce those pathways, resulting in the building of a more constructive relationship with the ego. This led to the first big steps in ego transformation as a species. And of course, when the ego transforms, so does the heart – which is freed to express its true nature through an infinite abundance of love and self-acceptance.
December 2023
Card #96 | Association of Worlds (Parallel) | Community
From 2020 until 2023, your planet has been challenged in a major way. Through the pandemic, you were asked to isolate yourselves. This request from the universe was much deeper than just a virus on the physical level. Your people were being asked to go inside themselves, confront their fears and shadows, and hopefully find their way back to a new human community that needs to emerge in fourth-density Earth. For the most part, this invitation was not heeded. Humans instead separated from each other even further, creating narratives and myths about “the other side” that were distorted and even entirely fictitious. Now you find yourselves more divided than ever, with the thought of a human community of love and respect seeming to fade in possibility. It may seem like egos are winning – because the only one who thrives in separation is the ego.
We are going to be blunt. As you enter fourth density, what MUST emerge eventually is a community. This community can be diverse and contain many belief systems, but the acts of respect, kindness, and love even toward those who are different must be the foundation of this community. If this isn’t built, there can be no progress in evolution deeper into fourth density.
This is a conundrum, however. The idea of community cannot be forced on anyone, so it must create itself in an authentic way from an awareness that community, evolution, respect, and love are far more important than fighting for ideological beliefs. While many on your world have come to this conclusion within their consciousness and are taking steps to infuse this energy into your world, there are many wounded actors who simply will not let go of the ego battles until they are forced to do so. This is why evolution can take a long time. Eventually, old egoic third-density ideas of what is “right” will die off, and a new, inclusive consciousness will be born in its place.
The key to this new birth, however, is always the inner work in which one confronts the wounds and shadows within. This crucial inner work will defuse the energy of polarization that is building, so humans will no longer project their wounds into the reality around them. Until that is done to reach a critical mass of energy that will trigger a massive consciousness shift such as what happened in Orion, you may see a bumpy road as the two sides (evolution-focused and inclusive vs. fearful, judgmental, and controlling) attempt to come into balance and healing. The first step of this healing alchemy is seen as conflict and resistance. The second may seem to be apathy or cynicism as you are seeing now, but this is actually an early step of letting go. The final step manifests first as reluctant resignation (releasing the drama), and then it comes as a dawning realization that life is so much more fulfilling without clinging to polarized drama. You will begin to seek interactions based more on love and your ability to give and receive it will grow. As this realization dawns, you will see renewed enthusiasm about building a new world that honors all beings upon it and those who seek to destroy unity will begin losing their power.
The Association of Worlds represents the result of this passage into fourth density. This group contains a multitude of species who have passed through this challenge and have created a reality that is inclusive, respectful, and filled with the kind of love and support not yet seen on Earth. This is your future, however long it takes to get there! We know that the human reality is filled with stories of extraterrestrial wars, “good” and “bad” ETs, and the kinds of dramas you see on Earth played out in the stars. But those are just stories that are distortions and projections from the unhealed wounds of humans. They do not represent the truth of what awaits you when you become a galactic species.
Many have asked why the ETs do not openly contact humans. Deep in your heart of hearts, we know you know the answer to this question. Is humanity ready for that kind of inclusivity and love? Currently, no, though some of you are. Thus, the Association works with you in other ways – through channeling, energy transmissions, dreams, and one-on-one contact. There is no timetable for this work. When your consciousness shifts as a species, the Association will be right there as they always are, with open arms, ready for the next step of welcoming you into the community.
Card #96 | Association of Worlds (Parallel) | Community
From 2020 until 2023, your planet has been challenged in a major way. Through the pandemic, you were asked to isolate yourselves. This request from the universe was much deeper than just a virus on the physical level. Your people were being asked to go inside themselves, confront their fears and shadows, and hopefully find their way back to a new human community that needs to emerge in fourth-density Earth. For the most part, this invitation was not heeded. Humans instead separated from each other even further, creating narratives and myths about “the other side” that were distorted and even entirely fictitious. Now you find yourselves more divided than ever, with the thought of a human community of love and respect seeming to fade in possibility. It may seem like egos are winning – because the only one who thrives in separation is the ego.
We are going to be blunt. As you enter fourth density, what MUST emerge eventually is a community. This community can be diverse and contain many belief systems, but the acts of respect, kindness, and love even toward those who are different must be the foundation of this community. If this isn’t built, there can be no progress in evolution deeper into fourth density.
This is a conundrum, however. The idea of community cannot be forced on anyone, so it must create itself in an authentic way from an awareness that community, evolution, respect, and love are far more important than fighting for ideological beliefs. While many on your world have come to this conclusion within their consciousness and are taking steps to infuse this energy into your world, there are many wounded actors who simply will not let go of the ego battles until they are forced to do so. This is why evolution can take a long time. Eventually, old egoic third-density ideas of what is “right” will die off, and a new, inclusive consciousness will be born in its place.
The key to this new birth, however, is always the inner work in which one confronts the wounds and shadows within. This crucial inner work will defuse the energy of polarization that is building, so humans will no longer project their wounds into the reality around them. Until that is done to reach a critical mass of energy that will trigger a massive consciousness shift such as what happened in Orion, you may see a bumpy road as the two sides (evolution-focused and inclusive vs. fearful, judgmental, and controlling) attempt to come into balance and healing. The first step of this healing alchemy is seen as conflict and resistance. The second may seem to be apathy or cynicism as you are seeing now, but this is actually an early step of letting go. The final step manifests first as reluctant resignation (releasing the drama), and then it comes as a dawning realization that life is so much more fulfilling without clinging to polarized drama. You will begin to seek interactions based more on love and your ability to give and receive it will grow. As this realization dawns, you will see renewed enthusiasm about building a new world that honors all beings upon it and those who seek to destroy unity will begin losing their power.
The Association of Worlds represents the result of this passage into fourth density. This group contains a multitude of species who have passed through this challenge and have created a reality that is inclusive, respectful, and filled with the kind of love and support not yet seen on Earth. This is your future, however long it takes to get there! We know that the human reality is filled with stories of extraterrestrial wars, “good” and “bad” ETs, and the kinds of dramas you see on Earth played out in the stars. But those are just stories that are distortions and projections from the unhealed wounds of humans. They do not represent the truth of what awaits you when you become a galactic species.
Many have asked why the ETs do not openly contact humans. Deep in your heart of hearts, we know you know the answer to this question. Is humanity ready for that kind of inclusivity and love? Currently, no, though some of you are. Thus, the Association works with you in other ways – through channeling, energy transmissions, dreams, and one-on-one contact. There is no timetable for this work. When your consciousness shifts as a species, the Association will be right there as they always are, with open arms, ready for the next step of welcoming you into the community.
November 2023
Card #7 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Unconditional Love
From a human perspective, the concept of unconditional love is still polarized. Humans think of it as “this kind of love, not that kind of love,” which is still conditional. Humans in their current reality, in their current state of polarization, are not capable of fully understanding what unconditional love is, except for a very narrow definition. However, you can recognize some aspects of it when you FEEL it – when you are “naked,” and someone sees you completely and embraces you totally (faults and all).
But what is the kind of unconditional love that is meant by this card? We can only use imperfect words to give you a taste of what is meant by this on a universal level. All our efforts to communicate this into human language will fall short of its true essence because it can’t be contained in this reality, but we will do our best through metaphor.
Imagine the state of consciousness of the One before fragmentation and separation. The One, a pure unfragmented consciousness, exists as a fully integrated frequency. You, on Earth, have referred to the sound or frequency of “OM” as this state of consciousness. Imagine that frequency echoing through a beautiful emptiness. It spreads undisturbed and infinitely like a ripple on a lake. When you envision this, what do you feel? Most likely you feel a sense of what you call “Zen,” or peace in which everything is as it “should” be in the universe. You feel balance. If you are able to feel even deeper, you will feel the beginnings of the frequency we are calling unconditional love.
In this perfect moment, let’s say that a distraction is introduced – like a thought. This thought shatters the balanced symmetry of the ripple in the lake and brings attention not to what is balanced, but to what is unbalanced or not preferred. This is kind of a metaphorical way to describe the process of separation in which consciousness experiences itself no longer as complete, balanced, and perfect, but as flawed, polarized, and longing for a different state of being.
This is where humans find themselves now. You have evolved sufficiently to be self-aware, but not enough yet to recognize how your own consciousness perpetuates your feelings of lack, fear, and separation. As you evolve, you will learn how to, in a sense, “go back the way you came.” This means that as you evolve in consciousness, you will be able to move your awareness easily between two states: that of your true nature (One), and that of the human character that journeys through a separated landscape. When you can do this easily will mark the time when your species awakens and reconnects with the kind of unconditional love that is referenced by this card.
You may be thinking, “Germane, you are very philosophical today. How can this help me in my life as a human?” We give you this imagery (of the sound of OM echoing through infinity as it ripples on the lake of quantum consciousness fluid) and invite you to take time from your mentally busy day and do what you can to remember the feeling of this state being, such as by holding the feeling of the image in meditation. That memory is there within you – not because this is something from the past, but because this is your true state of being NOW. The distractions of separation merely obscure your true essence.
As you become able to feel this state of being more and more, it directly affects your heart on a quantum level. Your quantum heart begins to open like an antenna, and it taps into this universal frequency, tuning your entire being to a frequency that is remembered on the deepest levels within you. As you let this frequency merge with you more and more, you can begin to experience the universal unconditional love that this card represents.
When young third-density humans are in a heightened state of polarization and cannot open their antennas on their own, light beings such as the Arcturians may act as midwives or assistants to adapt the frequency for acceptance by a hibernating heart. Now that you are moving out of third and into fourth density, they are helping you learn to open your antennas on your own, and to remember your true nature as the One. If you feel you cannot access this state on your own yet, do not hesitate to call upon your Arcturian family to guide you.
Card #7 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Unconditional Love
From a human perspective, the concept of unconditional love is still polarized. Humans think of it as “this kind of love, not that kind of love,” which is still conditional. Humans in their current reality, in their current state of polarization, are not capable of fully understanding what unconditional love is, except for a very narrow definition. However, you can recognize some aspects of it when you FEEL it – when you are “naked,” and someone sees you completely and embraces you totally (faults and all).
But what is the kind of unconditional love that is meant by this card? We can only use imperfect words to give you a taste of what is meant by this on a universal level. All our efforts to communicate this into human language will fall short of its true essence because it can’t be contained in this reality, but we will do our best through metaphor.
Imagine the state of consciousness of the One before fragmentation and separation. The One, a pure unfragmented consciousness, exists as a fully integrated frequency. You, on Earth, have referred to the sound or frequency of “OM” as this state of consciousness. Imagine that frequency echoing through a beautiful emptiness. It spreads undisturbed and infinitely like a ripple on a lake. When you envision this, what do you feel? Most likely you feel a sense of what you call “Zen,” or peace in which everything is as it “should” be in the universe. You feel balance. If you are able to feel even deeper, you will feel the beginnings of the frequency we are calling unconditional love.
In this perfect moment, let’s say that a distraction is introduced – like a thought. This thought shatters the balanced symmetry of the ripple in the lake and brings attention not to what is balanced, but to what is unbalanced or not preferred. This is kind of a metaphorical way to describe the process of separation in which consciousness experiences itself no longer as complete, balanced, and perfect, but as flawed, polarized, and longing for a different state of being.
This is where humans find themselves now. You have evolved sufficiently to be self-aware, but not enough yet to recognize how your own consciousness perpetuates your feelings of lack, fear, and separation. As you evolve, you will learn how to, in a sense, “go back the way you came.” This means that as you evolve in consciousness, you will be able to move your awareness easily between two states: that of your true nature (One), and that of the human character that journeys through a separated landscape. When you can do this easily will mark the time when your species awakens and reconnects with the kind of unconditional love that is referenced by this card.
You may be thinking, “Germane, you are very philosophical today. How can this help me in my life as a human?” We give you this imagery (of the sound of OM echoing through infinity as it ripples on the lake of quantum consciousness fluid) and invite you to take time from your mentally busy day and do what you can to remember the feeling of this state being, such as by holding the feeling of the image in meditation. That memory is there within you – not because this is something from the past, but because this is your true state of being NOW. The distractions of separation merely obscure your true essence.
As you become able to feel this state of being more and more, it directly affects your heart on a quantum level. Your quantum heart begins to open like an antenna, and it taps into this universal frequency, tuning your entire being to a frequency that is remembered on the deepest levels within you. As you let this frequency merge with you more and more, you can begin to experience the universal unconditional love that this card represents.
When young third-density humans are in a heightened state of polarization and cannot open their antennas on their own, light beings such as the Arcturians may act as midwives or assistants to adapt the frequency for acceptance by a hibernating heart. Now that you are moving out of third and into fourth density, they are helping you learn to open your antennas on your own, and to remember your true nature as the One. If you feel you cannot access this state on your own yet, do not hesitate to call upon your Arcturian family to guide you.
October 2023
Card #99 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Mirror Reflection
When a civilization has been as mired in polarity as yours has been for the last many thousands of years, the truth of your being becomes very obscured. It becomes nearly impossible to see that you are really one consciousness experiencing many illusionary fragments of yourself. This illusion of separation convinces you that all problems are “out there” and if only that external person or situation would change, then everything would be ok. This belief system keeps you chasing external sources for peace. As your galactic family has learned, this path is futile.
One member of your galactic family, the species of the Zeta Reticuli, were so committed to their illusions that they nearly ended their species. In the darkest of ancient days during a species crisis, some of them reached out to the Universe for assistance. These beings were the pioneers on the forefront of evolution. They were shown the true nature of consciousness, and the truth was humbling, to say the least.
They were shown a metaphorical image of a spherical mirror. They watched as this mirror shattered and the small fragments of mirror were propelled in infinite directions. They saw how each piece became lost, and how when they would encounter other mirror pieces, they could not recognize the other as being part of themselves. Then these Zeta pioneers were shown what happens when the other mirror pieces are recognized as being part of themselves. A powerful alchemy occurs in which the mirror pieces magnetically come together and the perspective of consciousness changes. They realized that this was a missing piece of their evolutionary story. From that point onward, their evolution was swift. And now, these very beings who were so confused by other mirror fragments in ancient days, are mentors and guides for civilizations who are making the same consciousness leap that they did so long ago.
You and your planet are now reaching the same point in your evolutionary process. If you do not recognize that the others around you are still part of you, your species won’t be able to cross the threshold into a higher state of consciousness that we’ve called 4th density. The good news is that we have found that this truth of your being is becoming intellectually understood more and more. The unpleasant news is that for many, this truth stays with the intellect and is not applied to your human life. Despite knowing this truth with the mind, there is a disconnect in how to apply it in life. Humans still insist on clinging to bad guys and good guys, and often blame these “bad guys” for everything that they see is wrong. This mindset keeps you stuck in polarity.
The challenge for you all now is to begin to embrace the truth of the mirror reflection – not just with the mind, but with your whole being. This isn’t meant to be an intellectual exercise of trying to figure out what every occurrence in your life means in a literal way. That will keep you firmly rooted in the head! It has more to do with understanding that when you are triggered by something (whether personal, like a family member, or on the collective level, like politics), it is because there is something in that situation that you are meant to see about yourself and then heal it within. For example, it might be a direct reflection (as in the other person showing you characteristics within yourself that you dislike). Or it might be that the occurrence is showing you what you lack and are now ready to integrate within you. There is always a gift waiting for you when you are triggered by something. When you learn to stop unconsciously reacting according to the polarized belief systems you’ve held for so long and begin to practice the principles of the Reflective Universe, the entire experience of life on Earth changes.
We encourage you to take a leap into the process of your own deep healing by learning how to practice the principles of the Reflective Universe in every moment you can. Your inner guidance will help you, if you are sincerely willing to move beyond the habitual reaction of the ego (who is only trying to protect you from change) and learn to see the wisdom of the universe in a new, reflective way. Though it may feel difficult at first, know that your galactic family also made this leap and are always available to support you in your quest. The kind of love that awaits you on the other side of this threshold is indescribable, but it represents your true nature. Glimmers of it will come as you practice this, and these glimmers will help to give you the motivation and enthusiasm to continue your journey.
Card #99 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Mirror Reflection
When a civilization has been as mired in polarity as yours has been for the last many thousands of years, the truth of your being becomes very obscured. It becomes nearly impossible to see that you are really one consciousness experiencing many illusionary fragments of yourself. This illusion of separation convinces you that all problems are “out there” and if only that external person or situation would change, then everything would be ok. This belief system keeps you chasing external sources for peace. As your galactic family has learned, this path is futile.
One member of your galactic family, the species of the Zeta Reticuli, were so committed to their illusions that they nearly ended their species. In the darkest of ancient days during a species crisis, some of them reached out to the Universe for assistance. These beings were the pioneers on the forefront of evolution. They were shown the true nature of consciousness, and the truth was humbling, to say the least.
They were shown a metaphorical image of a spherical mirror. They watched as this mirror shattered and the small fragments of mirror were propelled in infinite directions. They saw how each piece became lost, and how when they would encounter other mirror pieces, they could not recognize the other as being part of themselves. Then these Zeta pioneers were shown what happens when the other mirror pieces are recognized as being part of themselves. A powerful alchemy occurs in which the mirror pieces magnetically come together and the perspective of consciousness changes. They realized that this was a missing piece of their evolutionary story. From that point onward, their evolution was swift. And now, these very beings who were so confused by other mirror fragments in ancient days, are mentors and guides for civilizations who are making the same consciousness leap that they did so long ago.
You and your planet are now reaching the same point in your evolutionary process. If you do not recognize that the others around you are still part of you, your species won’t be able to cross the threshold into a higher state of consciousness that we’ve called 4th density. The good news is that we have found that this truth of your being is becoming intellectually understood more and more. The unpleasant news is that for many, this truth stays with the intellect and is not applied to your human life. Despite knowing this truth with the mind, there is a disconnect in how to apply it in life. Humans still insist on clinging to bad guys and good guys, and often blame these “bad guys” for everything that they see is wrong. This mindset keeps you stuck in polarity.
The challenge for you all now is to begin to embrace the truth of the mirror reflection – not just with the mind, but with your whole being. This isn’t meant to be an intellectual exercise of trying to figure out what every occurrence in your life means in a literal way. That will keep you firmly rooted in the head! It has more to do with understanding that when you are triggered by something (whether personal, like a family member, or on the collective level, like politics), it is because there is something in that situation that you are meant to see about yourself and then heal it within. For example, it might be a direct reflection (as in the other person showing you characteristics within yourself that you dislike). Or it might be that the occurrence is showing you what you lack and are now ready to integrate within you. There is always a gift waiting for you when you are triggered by something. When you learn to stop unconsciously reacting according to the polarized belief systems you’ve held for so long and begin to practice the principles of the Reflective Universe, the entire experience of life on Earth changes.
We encourage you to take a leap into the process of your own deep healing by learning how to practice the principles of the Reflective Universe in every moment you can. Your inner guidance will help you, if you are sincerely willing to move beyond the habitual reaction of the ego (who is only trying to protect you from change) and learn to see the wisdom of the universe in a new, reflective way. Though it may feel difficult at first, know that your galactic family also made this leap and are always available to support you in your quest. The kind of love that awaits you on the other side of this threshold is indescribable, but it represents your true nature. Glimmers of it will come as you practice this, and these glimmers will help to give you the motivation and enthusiasm to continue your journey.
September 2023
Card #26 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Logic and Reason
We have spoken so much about the transformation from third to fourth density and the changes that have begun to take place as you are adapting to a new energy. One of the biggest changes that you are experiencing now has to do with thought and perception.
In a 3rd density reality, the brain perceives reality in a very limited and structured way. The common belief is that there is some kind of objective reality that is the same for everyone, and if everyone uses “logical thought,” they will always come to the same conclusion. What your great thinkers do not understand is that each person has a filter through which they experience reality. This filter is different for everyone, and it is made up of old wounds, past life influences, social and parental conditioning, confirmation bias, and much more. (Confirmation bias means that the ego will always seek to find “proof” to support its belief systems, no matter how illogical they are. This ensures that the perceiver remains in illusion). This is one of the main reasons why 3rd density civilizations experience such intense conflict. That conflict can never be resolved through logic or reason.
As you are moving into 4th density, this pattern described above is now becoming visible. It is becoming visible not just because the increasing frequency illuminates the shadows, but also because your expanding consciousness is getting less fooled by the illusion of separation as your evolutionary momentum increases. However, there are still humans in your civilization that are fooled by illusion and still believe that their view of reality is the only correct one, no matter how illogical or improbable. You are seeing this now with various members of your society who, despite obvious contradictions, still cling to whatever story they NEED to be true. This need of the ego to cling to its stories is also beginning to disintegrate – much like shadows dissolve in the light of day. As the energies increase and the ego’s view of reality cannot be maintained, egos begin feeling frightened and may even lash out. This happens in most civilizations as they transition from 3rd to 4th density.
The Vegan civilization depended on their version of logic to such a degree, that it was as if they created a cramped box through which they experienced reality. Eventually, when they began their transition to 4th density, that limited box they had built began to suffocate them. By shifting their mental logic into deep spiritual practice that expanded their metaphorical box, they were able to discover the illusionary nature of reality and the distortion of their own perceptions. It was a humbling experience.
You on Earth are now reaching this critical phase of evolution, where you must expand the box of your perception beyond that of a primarily mental focus. As you move into 4th density, you become compelled to drop into the heart and experience reality with your full nondual presence rather than through your belief systems. This transitional period is the most difficult one, because old habits are hard to break, and the ego fears the unknown. However, it is essential that you allow yourselves to journey into the unknown within you. As you open your hearts in the face of fear, it is there where your true freedom lies.
You will discover, as your Vegan ancestors did, that true freedom has very little to do with the outside world, and everything to do with opening your awareness beyond belief systems. Ultimately, that leads to an open heart that is able to embrace all of creation. We are here, joyously awaiting your emergence into this new reality that is filled with an overabundance of love.
Card #26 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Logic and Reason
We have spoken so much about the transformation from third to fourth density and the changes that have begun to take place as you are adapting to a new energy. One of the biggest changes that you are experiencing now has to do with thought and perception.
In a 3rd density reality, the brain perceives reality in a very limited and structured way. The common belief is that there is some kind of objective reality that is the same for everyone, and if everyone uses “logical thought,” they will always come to the same conclusion. What your great thinkers do not understand is that each person has a filter through which they experience reality. This filter is different for everyone, and it is made up of old wounds, past life influences, social and parental conditioning, confirmation bias, and much more. (Confirmation bias means that the ego will always seek to find “proof” to support its belief systems, no matter how illogical they are. This ensures that the perceiver remains in illusion). This is one of the main reasons why 3rd density civilizations experience such intense conflict. That conflict can never be resolved through logic or reason.
As you are moving into 4th density, this pattern described above is now becoming visible. It is becoming visible not just because the increasing frequency illuminates the shadows, but also because your expanding consciousness is getting less fooled by the illusion of separation as your evolutionary momentum increases. However, there are still humans in your civilization that are fooled by illusion and still believe that their view of reality is the only correct one, no matter how illogical or improbable. You are seeing this now with various members of your society who, despite obvious contradictions, still cling to whatever story they NEED to be true. This need of the ego to cling to its stories is also beginning to disintegrate – much like shadows dissolve in the light of day. As the energies increase and the ego’s view of reality cannot be maintained, egos begin feeling frightened and may even lash out. This happens in most civilizations as they transition from 3rd to 4th density.
The Vegan civilization depended on their version of logic to such a degree, that it was as if they created a cramped box through which they experienced reality. Eventually, when they began their transition to 4th density, that limited box they had built began to suffocate them. By shifting their mental logic into deep spiritual practice that expanded their metaphorical box, they were able to discover the illusionary nature of reality and the distortion of their own perceptions. It was a humbling experience.
You on Earth are now reaching this critical phase of evolution, where you must expand the box of your perception beyond that of a primarily mental focus. As you move into 4th density, you become compelled to drop into the heart and experience reality with your full nondual presence rather than through your belief systems. This transitional period is the most difficult one, because old habits are hard to break, and the ego fears the unknown. However, it is essential that you allow yourselves to journey into the unknown within you. As you open your hearts in the face of fear, it is there where your true freedom lies.
You will discover, as your Vegan ancestors did, that true freedom has very little to do with the outside world, and everything to do with opening your awareness beyond belief systems. Ultimately, that leads to an open heart that is able to embrace all of creation. We are here, joyously awaiting your emergence into this new reality that is filled with an overabundance of love.
August 2023
Card #41 | Pleiades (Past, 1st Era) | Guilt
We have spoken many times about the distortions that happen when a species incarnates into a separated reality. These distortions often show up on the emotional level and can be seen in underlying emotional patterns that feel as if they permeate all human experience. There are certain emotional patterns that exist in fractal form – that is, they repeat themselves from the original holographic fragmentation. Let us give you an example.
As consciousness fragments from the One, it disperses itself into a spectrum of consciousness expressions. Some of these expressions are more integrated, and some are much more separated. (This is the density spectrum we have discussed many times). Let’s follow the thread of extreme fragmentation and its emotional interpretation. As consciousness begins incarnating in a physical reality, its conscious memory of its wholeness is forgotten, and there is usually a sense of something being missing. Often, this process of fragmentation brings with it a feeling of being abandoned by the universe – as if the Big Parent abandoned the child. Just as in the situation of an abandoned human child, consciousness then turns the pain inward, beginning to form a belief system that says something like, “If I was abandoned, I must have done something wrong. I must be unlovable.”
This underlying feeling of having done something wrong turns into a repeating pattern that a soul experiences through its reincarnation cycle (unless it deliberately does the work to heal it). If lifetime experiences include circumstances that reinforce the pattern (such as being abandoned by a physical parent), then this deep-rooted “original fragmentation pattern” gets further entrenched in the energetic signature of the consciousness. The result is lifetime after lifetime of feeling guilt, but either not seeing it clearly, being confused by its origin, or feeling paralyzed to heal it.
As a species transitions from third to fourth density (like you are doing now), this underlying pattern rises to the surface to be purged. If left alone, it will eventually naturally purge as you make your transition, but this can be a long and uncomfortable process. To ease this transition, you can begin to directly work with this underlying guilt. Each person may work with it in a different way, but one way to work with it is to first work with the feelings of guilt from this lifetime. Even if there is actually something you’ve done that you feel guilty about, know that this is only one ripple in a repeating pattern of guilt ripples, so to speak. If you trace it back, you can feel the same pattern in other lives. When you become adept at this kind of work, you can trace it back all the way to nonpersonal original fragmentation from the Source.
We must be clear and say that this is not a mental process. We know humans like to do this kind of work mentally (to avoid feeling it), but that is ineffective and won’t clear it. This is an EMOTIONAL process and as such, it means that you must let yourself truly feel each ripple (as it naturally arises in its own timing), be present with it, love and honor yourself through it, forgive yourself, and be open to seeing your own ultimate innocence and misinterpretation of the experience of fragmentation. You cannot force or will yourself through this – instead, you have to give yourself the space to sit with it, feel it all, and be available for the magic of your inner guide (Higher Self) to navigate you through it. All you have to do is allow it. This process drastically increases your ability to be a witness to existence beyond the level of ego.
Many of you have heard about the Pleiadians’ species crisis from the ancient past that revolved around the issue of collective guilt. (See The Golden Lake book if you are not familiar with it). It took them much inner work to transcend this wound, but when they did, they made a significant leap in evolution as a species. This is where you find yourselves now on Earth. It is time to do this deep inner work to prepare the way for your inevitable leap into higher consciousness. You are so close! And of course, your galactic family is just beyond the veil cheering you on. As you release this, your capacity to feel us intensifies. Get ready!
Card #41 | Pleiades (Past, 1st Era) | Guilt
We have spoken many times about the distortions that happen when a species incarnates into a separated reality. These distortions often show up on the emotional level and can be seen in underlying emotional patterns that feel as if they permeate all human experience. There are certain emotional patterns that exist in fractal form – that is, they repeat themselves from the original holographic fragmentation. Let us give you an example.
As consciousness fragments from the One, it disperses itself into a spectrum of consciousness expressions. Some of these expressions are more integrated, and some are much more separated. (This is the density spectrum we have discussed many times). Let’s follow the thread of extreme fragmentation and its emotional interpretation. As consciousness begins incarnating in a physical reality, its conscious memory of its wholeness is forgotten, and there is usually a sense of something being missing. Often, this process of fragmentation brings with it a feeling of being abandoned by the universe – as if the Big Parent abandoned the child. Just as in the situation of an abandoned human child, consciousness then turns the pain inward, beginning to form a belief system that says something like, “If I was abandoned, I must have done something wrong. I must be unlovable.”
This underlying feeling of having done something wrong turns into a repeating pattern that a soul experiences through its reincarnation cycle (unless it deliberately does the work to heal it). If lifetime experiences include circumstances that reinforce the pattern (such as being abandoned by a physical parent), then this deep-rooted “original fragmentation pattern” gets further entrenched in the energetic signature of the consciousness. The result is lifetime after lifetime of feeling guilt, but either not seeing it clearly, being confused by its origin, or feeling paralyzed to heal it.
As a species transitions from third to fourth density (like you are doing now), this underlying pattern rises to the surface to be purged. If left alone, it will eventually naturally purge as you make your transition, but this can be a long and uncomfortable process. To ease this transition, you can begin to directly work with this underlying guilt. Each person may work with it in a different way, but one way to work with it is to first work with the feelings of guilt from this lifetime. Even if there is actually something you’ve done that you feel guilty about, know that this is only one ripple in a repeating pattern of guilt ripples, so to speak. If you trace it back, you can feel the same pattern in other lives. When you become adept at this kind of work, you can trace it back all the way to nonpersonal original fragmentation from the Source.
We must be clear and say that this is not a mental process. We know humans like to do this kind of work mentally (to avoid feeling it), but that is ineffective and won’t clear it. This is an EMOTIONAL process and as such, it means that you must let yourself truly feel each ripple (as it naturally arises in its own timing), be present with it, love and honor yourself through it, forgive yourself, and be open to seeing your own ultimate innocence and misinterpretation of the experience of fragmentation. You cannot force or will yourself through this – instead, you have to give yourself the space to sit with it, feel it all, and be available for the magic of your inner guide (Higher Self) to navigate you through it. All you have to do is allow it. This process drastically increases your ability to be a witness to existence beyond the level of ego.
Many of you have heard about the Pleiadians’ species crisis from the ancient past that revolved around the issue of collective guilt. (See The Golden Lake book if you are not familiar with it). It took them much inner work to transcend this wound, but when they did, they made a significant leap in evolution as a species. This is where you find yourselves now on Earth. It is time to do this deep inner work to prepare the way for your inevitable leap into higher consciousness. You are so close! And of course, your galactic family is just beyond the veil cheering you on. As you release this, your capacity to feel us intensifies. Get ready!
July 2023
Card #101 | Essassani (Parallel) | Integrity
In the past, we have defined integrity as a state in which thought, emotion, subconscious intent, and physical action are all in alignment. Integrity is not a state of being that one can try to achieve. It is the natural result of your inner work that activates your personal evolution as you shift from third to fourth density reality. The state of integrity is the natural state of all consciousness before it fragments into separated physical reality. Because of this, there is a part of you that intuitively knows this state and even if it doesn’t seem that way on the surface, your experiences in physical reality (no matter how painful) are automatically arising as a way to bring you back into balance.
The experience of third-density reality is unlike any other state of being. In 3D, you can actually experience such intense fragmentation that parts of yourself remain unconscious and unseen. When that happens, a person can experience the sense that there is no flow in life, or “bad” things keep happening, or there is always a sense of depression or pain. It is because the “parts” are not connecting with each other, and each part is experiencing its own version of reality. Let us give you a fictional real-life example.
Thought: I am going to run for a political office (small or large doesn’t matter). I am doing this because I want to make the world a better place.
Emotion: (This is often unseen). I don’t feel seen or understood and I am in pain. Or, I am so angry at “the other side” that I need to get revenge. Or, I need to rescue others in order to feel my self-worth. (There are many more).
Subconscious Intent: (This often contradicts the conscious thoughts). I need to create the kind of world that supports my vision of how things are supposed to be. Or, I need to neutralize my enemies. Or, I need to feel in control. (There are many more).
Physical Action: You take the action necessary to begin creating your ideas (thoughts). You run for political office. You may do so in an honest or dishonest way. This depends upon the person. Very often, the quality of the physical action may reveal subconscious intent.
In third density, humans are used to operating in misalignment, and that is why you see so much chaos in your world. The main reason for that chaos is that these components we described are not aligned. However, as you move into 4th density, this misalignment becomes impossible to sustain. Therefore, you may see scandals about politicians coming out into the open because the natural law of 4th density energy, in a sense, “forces” what is not aligned to be purged.
The same is true for your human life. What is not in alignment is now being purged – either through conscious methods of doing your shadow work of seeing, owning, and forgiving what has been unseen or buried, or through unconscious means. The unconscious means are the most painful, for they force what has been denied to the surface.
So why is the theme of this card related to the Essassani species? As most of you know, the Essassani are an awakened 4th density species that is currently working to support humans through their transition to 4th density. They are a hybrid species that integrates both human and Zeta DNA as well as having their own evolutionary lineage. They are a model for the idea of a species that is in full alignment – thus, in full integrity. They are teaching humanity how to feel this aligned integrity through their interactions with you, so that you have a road map to do the work you need to do to also become fully integrated as you move into fourth density.
To assist this process, we suggest that you take an honest look at these four areas of your life, especially where you feel challenged. Can you perceive your misalignments? If you do, do not despair nor judge yourself. This misalignment is part of the waning energy of third density, and, with your conscious inner work, you can begin a new trajectory of alignment on your path. When doing this most sacred and precious inner work, always remember that your Essassani family is energetically available to help fill your heart with the remembrance of your true integrated state of being. This is their gift to you.
Card #101 | Essassani (Parallel) | Integrity
In the past, we have defined integrity as a state in which thought, emotion, subconscious intent, and physical action are all in alignment. Integrity is not a state of being that one can try to achieve. It is the natural result of your inner work that activates your personal evolution as you shift from third to fourth density reality. The state of integrity is the natural state of all consciousness before it fragments into separated physical reality. Because of this, there is a part of you that intuitively knows this state and even if it doesn’t seem that way on the surface, your experiences in physical reality (no matter how painful) are automatically arising as a way to bring you back into balance.
The experience of third-density reality is unlike any other state of being. In 3D, you can actually experience such intense fragmentation that parts of yourself remain unconscious and unseen. When that happens, a person can experience the sense that there is no flow in life, or “bad” things keep happening, or there is always a sense of depression or pain. It is because the “parts” are not connecting with each other, and each part is experiencing its own version of reality. Let us give you a fictional real-life example.
Thought: I am going to run for a political office (small or large doesn’t matter). I am doing this because I want to make the world a better place.
Emotion: (This is often unseen). I don’t feel seen or understood and I am in pain. Or, I am so angry at “the other side” that I need to get revenge. Or, I need to rescue others in order to feel my self-worth. (There are many more).
Subconscious Intent: (This often contradicts the conscious thoughts). I need to create the kind of world that supports my vision of how things are supposed to be. Or, I need to neutralize my enemies. Or, I need to feel in control. (There are many more).
Physical Action: You take the action necessary to begin creating your ideas (thoughts). You run for political office. You may do so in an honest or dishonest way. This depends upon the person. Very often, the quality of the physical action may reveal subconscious intent.
In third density, humans are used to operating in misalignment, and that is why you see so much chaos in your world. The main reason for that chaos is that these components we described are not aligned. However, as you move into 4th density, this misalignment becomes impossible to sustain. Therefore, you may see scandals about politicians coming out into the open because the natural law of 4th density energy, in a sense, “forces” what is not aligned to be purged.
The same is true for your human life. What is not in alignment is now being purged – either through conscious methods of doing your shadow work of seeing, owning, and forgiving what has been unseen or buried, or through unconscious means. The unconscious means are the most painful, for they force what has been denied to the surface.
So why is the theme of this card related to the Essassani species? As most of you know, the Essassani are an awakened 4th density species that is currently working to support humans through their transition to 4th density. They are a hybrid species that integrates both human and Zeta DNA as well as having their own evolutionary lineage. They are a model for the idea of a species that is in full alignment – thus, in full integrity. They are teaching humanity how to feel this aligned integrity through their interactions with you, so that you have a road map to do the work you need to do to also become fully integrated as you move into fourth density.
To assist this process, we suggest that you take an honest look at these four areas of your life, especially where you feel challenged. Can you perceive your misalignments? If you do, do not despair nor judge yourself. This misalignment is part of the waning energy of third density, and, with your conscious inner work, you can begin a new trajectory of alignment on your path. When doing this most sacred and precious inner work, always remember that your Essassani family is energetically available to help fill your heart with the remembrance of your true integrated state of being. This is their gift to you.
June 2023
Card #46 | Sirius (1st Era, Past) | Good Intentions
The theme of this card is perfect for this time on Earth. First, we will explain the importance of this card as it relates to the Sirians (and other ETs) visiting your ancient Earth approximately 13,000 years ago, and then we will discuss how this lesson is playing out for you today.
When your Sirian and Pleiadian family were here 13,000 years ago, they had good intentions to assist you with your evolution. However, they were young as a species and made what they felt were many mistakes. Those perceived mistakes caused them so much guilt that it took many generations to forgive themselves and remember and accept that they always had positive intentions. (As you may suspect, many of you reading this were incarnated as those ancient ETs, so this theme may be a familiar one to you).
So ultimately, the theme of this card has to do with what you call “karma” and self-forgiveness. The old understanding of karma was mentioned in your holy texts as "an eye for an eye." What was not understood was that karma is entirely self-imposed through your own judgment, resistance, and guilt relating to past actions. You actually keep yourself stuck by holding on to your pain, and it is THIS that keeps you repeating cycles of experience and behavior.
We have spoken so often about the transition from third to fourth density that your civilization has now begun to experience. Third-density consciousness is incapable of being self-aware enough to see the bigger picture of reality, so lifetimes in that cycle can seem like a continuous repeat of old, painful themes. Now that you have begun your fourth-density journey, it becomes imperative that you develop your ability to see the bigger picture – not only of the external reality but of your internal one as well.
Ultimately, all consciousness is neutral, and when it fragments and incarnates into physicality, it is purely for the experience of growth, and learning. The original intention therefore is neutral, and no one is inherently evil or selfish. It is the continued incarnation into a state of forgetfulness, combined with an inability to see the bigger picture that compounds wound upon wound. This eventually affects behavior and ultimately turns the negativity inward. When we say, “turns the negativity inward,” we mean that the pain of separation often turns into self-judgment and self-loathing, even if it seems like the person isn’t self-aware enough to see what is happening with this on the unconscious level. Bullies, narcissists, criminals, for example, are acting out from their own pain.
In this new cycle of the beginnings of fourth density, you are being asked to look closely at where you judge yourself. Where have you clung to perfection and punished yourself when your perceived standards were not met? Where have you wounded yourself with judgment even when you truly had good intentions? It is time to see these patterns clearly and begin the process of self-forgiveness. If you find this difficult, remember what we said above. NO ONE is inherently evil or malicious, but most separated beings act from fear and unconsciousness at times. You are all sparks of creation and shine brightly with universal light, even amidst your attempts to cover it up so you can stay hidden or stay in the cycle of pain as a misguided path to redemption. If you can remember your original state of neutral, integrated light, it will be easier to embrace the good intentions you have always had at the core of your being.
Your Sirian family walked this road of discovery and forgiveness in their healing process, and they are extending their hearts to you as you walk this same path.
Card #46 | Sirius (1st Era, Past) | Good Intentions
The theme of this card is perfect for this time on Earth. First, we will explain the importance of this card as it relates to the Sirians (and other ETs) visiting your ancient Earth approximately 13,000 years ago, and then we will discuss how this lesson is playing out for you today.
When your Sirian and Pleiadian family were here 13,000 years ago, they had good intentions to assist you with your evolution. However, they were young as a species and made what they felt were many mistakes. Those perceived mistakes caused them so much guilt that it took many generations to forgive themselves and remember and accept that they always had positive intentions. (As you may suspect, many of you reading this were incarnated as those ancient ETs, so this theme may be a familiar one to you).
So ultimately, the theme of this card has to do with what you call “karma” and self-forgiveness. The old understanding of karma was mentioned in your holy texts as "an eye for an eye." What was not understood was that karma is entirely self-imposed through your own judgment, resistance, and guilt relating to past actions. You actually keep yourself stuck by holding on to your pain, and it is THIS that keeps you repeating cycles of experience and behavior.
We have spoken so often about the transition from third to fourth density that your civilization has now begun to experience. Third-density consciousness is incapable of being self-aware enough to see the bigger picture of reality, so lifetimes in that cycle can seem like a continuous repeat of old, painful themes. Now that you have begun your fourth-density journey, it becomes imperative that you develop your ability to see the bigger picture – not only of the external reality but of your internal one as well.
Ultimately, all consciousness is neutral, and when it fragments and incarnates into physicality, it is purely for the experience of growth, and learning. The original intention therefore is neutral, and no one is inherently evil or selfish. It is the continued incarnation into a state of forgetfulness, combined with an inability to see the bigger picture that compounds wound upon wound. This eventually affects behavior and ultimately turns the negativity inward. When we say, “turns the negativity inward,” we mean that the pain of separation often turns into self-judgment and self-loathing, even if it seems like the person isn’t self-aware enough to see what is happening with this on the unconscious level. Bullies, narcissists, criminals, for example, are acting out from their own pain.
In this new cycle of the beginnings of fourth density, you are being asked to look closely at where you judge yourself. Where have you clung to perfection and punished yourself when your perceived standards were not met? Where have you wounded yourself with judgment even when you truly had good intentions? It is time to see these patterns clearly and begin the process of self-forgiveness. If you find this difficult, remember what we said above. NO ONE is inherently evil or malicious, but most separated beings act from fear and unconsciousness at times. You are all sparks of creation and shine brightly with universal light, even amidst your attempts to cover it up so you can stay hidden or stay in the cycle of pain as a misguided path to redemption. If you can remember your original state of neutral, integrated light, it will be easier to embrace the good intentions you have always had at the core of your being.
Your Sirian family walked this road of discovery and forgiveness in their healing process, and they are extending their hearts to you as you walk this same path.
May 2023
Card #58 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Seduction and Addiction
As you have heard us discuss many times, the main road you must travel as your civilization transitions from 3rd to 4th density is one of polarity. You must learn to become masters of recognizing and navigating a polarized reality without getting trapped and unable to see yourself clearly. Without this skill, reality continues to fracture into polarized segments that get more and more separated until a civilization’s group consciousness is forced into a deluded sleep cycle again.
So here you are on that road once more. As you look around your world, it may seem to you that this fracturing has already begun. (We discussed this in the card text for last month, April 2023). One of the biggest delusions, however, is that the polarity is “out there,” rather than being a reflection of what is inside yourself. You are being asked to move to a higher level of spiritual navigation at this stage of your evolution. This means that you must learn to see your own polarized thinking and behaviors. This is not an easy process, due to the nature of your reality that was originally meant to keep you asleep!
Let us give you a tool to aid this navigation. This tool is a metaphor that you call a seesaw. When your weight is on one end, the other end pops up. If you shift your weight toward the center, the board can become level. If you find that “sweet spot” at the very center (between poles, so to speak), you can let go and relax there with complete freedom from polarized influences. But that sweet spot is hard to find, and you can become distracted so easily, that maintaining your balance is a big challenge. We ask you to imagine doing this exercise on a real seesaw and recognizing what it feels like when you reach that balance point and how precarious it is. Nonpolarized consciousness is the same. In a way, you must consciously move very slowly toward that center point and adjust your proverbial weight accordingly. The moment polarized thoughts or emotions intrude, you will find yourself back on one side of the seesaw, or bounced on the ground altogether!
What does this metaphor have to do with the card theme for this month? It has to do with the concept of seduction. Each person has sensitive triggers that can seduce them back into the state of polarity. Each time it happens, the ego falls for the trick, grabs onto the polarized trigger (perhaps shouting its opinion vocally or energetically), and you are back on the ground – having left the nonpolarized center behind as a distant (or even impractical) memory. If you keep falling for this trick of the ego, being seduced by the “high” of a polarized opinion or thought, you will be falling off that seesaw over and over again. As a civilization, that means keeping yourselves stuck in a painful third-density reality.
We are not asking you to become robots or zombies. We are simply asking you to look at yourself with lovingly discerning and compassionate eyes. Why do you let the ego seduce you with such tempting energy of polarized drama? Ask yourself what you get out of it. Is it a feeling of safety, or of being part of the “polarized club” of that particular seesaw? It is something even deeper than that. We would like to gently suggest that consistently giving in to the seduction of the ego in that way provides a very thorough distraction away from things you don’t want to see or feel within yourself. These things MUST be embraced and recognized within you in order to find that balance point. When you continually give in to what seduces the ego, that pattern of behavior becomes an addiction. In the state of addiction, it is very hard to see yourself clearly and make choices that nurture not only you, but your civilization as a whole.
It is time now to begin to notice what seduces you and make conscious choices to step away from those triggers. You can feel what you feel, but you don’t have to attach to it. You don’t have to shout your opinion or change anyone. Feel what you feel but then move on. This weakens the seduction-addiction circuit and over time, and you will feel what it is like to be able to experience your state of balance (or imbalance) on the seesaw with clarity and self-awareness. Once you find that sweet spot (which is really the center of your own heart), you will never willingly step away from it again.
Card #58 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Seduction and Addiction
As you have heard us discuss many times, the main road you must travel as your civilization transitions from 3rd to 4th density is one of polarity. You must learn to become masters of recognizing and navigating a polarized reality without getting trapped and unable to see yourself clearly. Without this skill, reality continues to fracture into polarized segments that get more and more separated until a civilization’s group consciousness is forced into a deluded sleep cycle again.
So here you are on that road once more. As you look around your world, it may seem to you that this fracturing has already begun. (We discussed this in the card text for last month, April 2023). One of the biggest delusions, however, is that the polarity is “out there,” rather than being a reflection of what is inside yourself. You are being asked to move to a higher level of spiritual navigation at this stage of your evolution. This means that you must learn to see your own polarized thinking and behaviors. This is not an easy process, due to the nature of your reality that was originally meant to keep you asleep!
Let us give you a tool to aid this navigation. This tool is a metaphor that you call a seesaw. When your weight is on one end, the other end pops up. If you shift your weight toward the center, the board can become level. If you find that “sweet spot” at the very center (between poles, so to speak), you can let go and relax there with complete freedom from polarized influences. But that sweet spot is hard to find, and you can become distracted so easily, that maintaining your balance is a big challenge. We ask you to imagine doing this exercise on a real seesaw and recognizing what it feels like when you reach that balance point and how precarious it is. Nonpolarized consciousness is the same. In a way, you must consciously move very slowly toward that center point and adjust your proverbial weight accordingly. The moment polarized thoughts or emotions intrude, you will find yourself back on one side of the seesaw, or bounced on the ground altogether!
What does this metaphor have to do with the card theme for this month? It has to do with the concept of seduction. Each person has sensitive triggers that can seduce them back into the state of polarity. Each time it happens, the ego falls for the trick, grabs onto the polarized trigger (perhaps shouting its opinion vocally or energetically), and you are back on the ground – having left the nonpolarized center behind as a distant (or even impractical) memory. If you keep falling for this trick of the ego, being seduced by the “high” of a polarized opinion or thought, you will be falling off that seesaw over and over again. As a civilization, that means keeping yourselves stuck in a painful third-density reality.
We are not asking you to become robots or zombies. We are simply asking you to look at yourself with lovingly discerning and compassionate eyes. Why do you let the ego seduce you with such tempting energy of polarized drama? Ask yourself what you get out of it. Is it a feeling of safety, or of being part of the “polarized club” of that particular seesaw? It is something even deeper than that. We would like to gently suggest that consistently giving in to the seduction of the ego in that way provides a very thorough distraction away from things you don’t want to see or feel within yourself. These things MUST be embraced and recognized within you in order to find that balance point. When you continually give in to what seduces the ego, that pattern of behavior becomes an addiction. In the state of addiction, it is very hard to see yourself clearly and make choices that nurture not only you, but your civilization as a whole.
It is time now to begin to notice what seduces you and make conscious choices to step away from those triggers. You can feel what you feel, but you don’t have to attach to it. You don’t have to shout your opinion or change anyone. Feel what you feel but then move on. This weakens the seduction-addiction circuit and over time, and you will feel what it is like to be able to experience your state of balance (or imbalance) on the seesaw with clarity and self-awareness. Once you find that sweet spot (which is really the center of your own heart), you will never willingly step away from it again.
April 2023
Card #34 | Earth’s Sun - Sol (Parallel) | Solar Consciousness
In the past, we have described this card as symbolizing the Higher Self, and we would still agree with that idea. However, for this month, we are going to share a different perspective that is appropriate to the times you are living in on Earth in the decade of your 2020s. The energy of this card represents a turning point for humanity. In 2014, when we first began the Card of the Month project, this was the first card chosen. In a sense, you have now come full circle, but in a way that you may not yet fully understand.
We have spoken so many times about the process of integrating polarity – how treacherous, confusing, and frightening it can be. We have also said many times that when a planet begins integrating polarity it can seem like the polarized factions get even worse. You are seeing that now. On your world, there are tremendous fractures, even within so-called “like-minded” groups. These fractures are showing up all across the spectrum – in your politics, your culture, your religions, and even in your families. It is as if glass is shattering, and the shards are becoming smaller and smaller because groups cannot maintain a unity field any longer. Individuals get triggered easily and lash out, creating walls around themselves to protect their belief systems (even the irrational ones) against the tide of change. We have seen this happen in countless civilizations, and this wave of dissolution is becoming like a tsunami on your world. You might feel it is threatening to destroy you. So how does this shift?
This fracturing is what you are seeing on the conscious, physical level of your mass consciousness, but it does not represent the full picture. Let us give you an analogy. What happens when you are boiling water in a covered pot? The heat expands until the lid blows off. To clarify this analogy, we can say that there is an unseen source of energy that is expanding as you move into 4th density – and it is expanding quite rapidly. This unseen energy’s expansion is creating tremendous pressure in your mass consciousness and the result is felt on the physical level – the proverbial lid is blowing off the “pot” of reality that you once believed you could control. You are now seeing that the physical reality is not able to be controlled and just like humans, it, too, must experience its own metamorphosis.
So what is this energy to which we are referring? It is the energy of your own expanding consciousness – a force of light that builds and grows as you integrate your shadows and surrender to your sacred passage into 4th density. Some of you are willingly integrating these shadows into the light and some of you are not. Willing or not, it will be done. The turmoil you feel is the shock wave of this process, in a sense.
What does this card have to do with this process we just described? For this month, we interpret this card to be a direct acknowledgment of the force of integrated light building within you as individuals and as a collective. Your sun, called Sol, is a conscious being that helps this evolutionary process. In fact, the consciousness of all suns does this for the physical beings within their solar systems. They act as a kind of gatekeeper that helps to organize the energy of evolution within the solar systems. They are also gateways, so they also channel the energy of other “evolutionary assistants” such as other celestial bodies that can help you in your journey from 3rd to 4th density.
Our recommendation is that in times when you feel the fracturing energy on Earth, look to your sun. Open yourself to the consciousness of your sun, which represents the force of your own integrated light that is a catalyst for all transformation. Know that the sun is like the Higher Self of your solar system, and its function is similar to your own higher consciousness, which is always an integrative force. As you open yourself to this deep, wise, and healing solar consciousness (perhaps with a Mayan chant of “K’iinn” to aid the connection), know that you are also opening to your inner sun – the light of your consciousness that is never extinguished and that will always guide you through rough seas along the path to integration.
Card #34 | Earth’s Sun - Sol (Parallel) | Solar Consciousness
In the past, we have described this card as symbolizing the Higher Self, and we would still agree with that idea. However, for this month, we are going to share a different perspective that is appropriate to the times you are living in on Earth in the decade of your 2020s. The energy of this card represents a turning point for humanity. In 2014, when we first began the Card of the Month project, this was the first card chosen. In a sense, you have now come full circle, but in a way that you may not yet fully understand.
We have spoken so many times about the process of integrating polarity – how treacherous, confusing, and frightening it can be. We have also said many times that when a planet begins integrating polarity it can seem like the polarized factions get even worse. You are seeing that now. On your world, there are tremendous fractures, even within so-called “like-minded” groups. These fractures are showing up all across the spectrum – in your politics, your culture, your religions, and even in your families. It is as if glass is shattering, and the shards are becoming smaller and smaller because groups cannot maintain a unity field any longer. Individuals get triggered easily and lash out, creating walls around themselves to protect their belief systems (even the irrational ones) against the tide of change. We have seen this happen in countless civilizations, and this wave of dissolution is becoming like a tsunami on your world. You might feel it is threatening to destroy you. So how does this shift?
This fracturing is what you are seeing on the conscious, physical level of your mass consciousness, but it does not represent the full picture. Let us give you an analogy. What happens when you are boiling water in a covered pot? The heat expands until the lid blows off. To clarify this analogy, we can say that there is an unseen source of energy that is expanding as you move into 4th density – and it is expanding quite rapidly. This unseen energy’s expansion is creating tremendous pressure in your mass consciousness and the result is felt on the physical level – the proverbial lid is blowing off the “pot” of reality that you once believed you could control. You are now seeing that the physical reality is not able to be controlled and just like humans, it, too, must experience its own metamorphosis.
So what is this energy to which we are referring? It is the energy of your own expanding consciousness – a force of light that builds and grows as you integrate your shadows and surrender to your sacred passage into 4th density. Some of you are willingly integrating these shadows into the light and some of you are not. Willing or not, it will be done. The turmoil you feel is the shock wave of this process, in a sense.
What does this card have to do with this process we just described? For this month, we interpret this card to be a direct acknowledgment of the force of integrated light building within you as individuals and as a collective. Your sun, called Sol, is a conscious being that helps this evolutionary process. In fact, the consciousness of all suns does this for the physical beings within their solar systems. They act as a kind of gatekeeper that helps to organize the energy of evolution within the solar systems. They are also gateways, so they also channel the energy of other “evolutionary assistants” such as other celestial bodies that can help you in your journey from 3rd to 4th density.
Our recommendation is that in times when you feel the fracturing energy on Earth, look to your sun. Open yourself to the consciousness of your sun, which represents the force of your own integrated light that is a catalyst for all transformation. Know that the sun is like the Higher Self of your solar system, and its function is similar to your own higher consciousness, which is always an integrative force. As you open yourself to this deep, wise, and healing solar consciousness (perhaps with a Mayan chant of “K’iinn” to aid the connection), know that you are also opening to your inner sun – the light of your consciousness that is never extinguished and that will always guide you through rough seas along the path to integration.
March 2023
Card #74 | Vega (3rd Era, Future) | Initiation and Ceremony
Let us explore the concepts of Initiation and Ceremony. First, we will discuss Ceremony. Most everyone has been part of some type of ceremony in life, with the most common being a marriage. In the modern world, the true experience and understanding of ceremony is often forgotten. Most ceremonies in the modern world are often just events that you move through without utilizing the power of such an event for your growth and awakening. Especially if the ceremony is ritualized (such as a Catholic mass, for example), you may go through the motions but already be thinking about what you will do when it is over. This means that you are not present. The mind or ego has hijacked the experience and pulled you out of the present and thus, the sacred now.
A true ceremony is sacred not because of the ritual. It is sacred because it gives you the opportunity to root your consciousness in the present moment (by bringing mind, body, emotion, and spirit together). It helps you process the powerful energies or ideas that the ceremony embodies and can lead to profound spiritual opening. Ceremonies such as authentic sweat lodges or other shamanic practices are passed down from an age when the ego/mind were not dominant. They provide a way to, in a sense, cut through the barrier of the ego/mind and help you access your true consciousness beyond the physical.
In third density, you see very little of sacred ceremony because of the dominance of the mind. Yet in the last few decades, there has been a craving for the authentically sacred. This is because as you move into fourth density and the ego/mind can no longer be in control, your true essence is peeking through and compelling you to turn toward the sacred once again. Ultimately, a fourth-density species lives in such a way that every moment is sacred and, in that way, it can be seen that every moment is a ceremony. We aren’t speaking of the formal, ritualistic ceremonies that are devoid of deep spiritual meaning. We are speaking of what happens when your own sacred consciousness is brought forward and joined with actions in the physical world. In this way, all moments become potential expressions of the sacred.
Now we move to the idea of Initiation. What do we mean by that? We are referring to a deeper meaning of initiation that goes beyond just a series of actions that brings you from one level to another. Initiation is like a threshold or doorway. When you stand on this threshold, you have a choice to walk through the doorway or not. True initiations can be led by a shaman, guru, or teacher but they don’t have to be. Sometimes life is the guru, and it will provide what seems to be a challenging path to give you the opportunity to walk to the edge and make a shift in your relationship to the divine. Life is filled with these opportunities if you but open to them.
Your Vegan ancestors navigated their third- to fourth-density shift by embracing this teaching. They began to refine their consciousness, rooting themselves in the present moment. In so doing, they uncovered the sacredness that existed all along. They began to see that each action in life was a small initiation on the path of growth and awakening. The petty attachments and obsessions of the ego/mind began to slowly fade away.
Now that you have begun your shift as the Vegans did, we recommend that you begin to look for ways to not only find but FEEL the sacred in all moments. Can you begin a practice of rooting your awareness in the now moment as much as possible? (And when you feel yourself slipping, just return to the breath, which is the simplest way to return to the present and thus the sacred). Whenever a challenge presents itself, remember that it is also an initiation that can walk you to the threshold before going through a new doorway of consciousness. As you reframe these concepts of initiation and ceremony, you can utilize them in your awakening process.
We have said so many times that your Vegan ancestors are with you in this process. They are indeed, and because they are other aspects of you in the universal hologram, the memory of this process is deep within your energetic DNA. Intuitively, you know how to navigate this road from 3rd to 4th density, even if the ego/mind resists it. Therefore, just remember one thing: Navigating the now with awareness, clarity, and openness will automatically activate your sacred nature. From there, each moment becomes a ceremony itself, as your full presence is allowed to unfold. This is what awaits you, and we are excited to witness it!
Card #74 | Vega (3rd Era, Future) | Initiation and Ceremony
Let us explore the concepts of Initiation and Ceremony. First, we will discuss Ceremony. Most everyone has been part of some type of ceremony in life, with the most common being a marriage. In the modern world, the true experience and understanding of ceremony is often forgotten. Most ceremonies in the modern world are often just events that you move through without utilizing the power of such an event for your growth and awakening. Especially if the ceremony is ritualized (such as a Catholic mass, for example), you may go through the motions but already be thinking about what you will do when it is over. This means that you are not present. The mind or ego has hijacked the experience and pulled you out of the present and thus, the sacred now.
A true ceremony is sacred not because of the ritual. It is sacred because it gives you the opportunity to root your consciousness in the present moment (by bringing mind, body, emotion, and spirit together). It helps you process the powerful energies or ideas that the ceremony embodies and can lead to profound spiritual opening. Ceremonies such as authentic sweat lodges or other shamanic practices are passed down from an age when the ego/mind were not dominant. They provide a way to, in a sense, cut through the barrier of the ego/mind and help you access your true consciousness beyond the physical.
In third density, you see very little of sacred ceremony because of the dominance of the mind. Yet in the last few decades, there has been a craving for the authentically sacred. This is because as you move into fourth density and the ego/mind can no longer be in control, your true essence is peeking through and compelling you to turn toward the sacred once again. Ultimately, a fourth-density species lives in such a way that every moment is sacred and, in that way, it can be seen that every moment is a ceremony. We aren’t speaking of the formal, ritualistic ceremonies that are devoid of deep spiritual meaning. We are speaking of what happens when your own sacred consciousness is brought forward and joined with actions in the physical world. In this way, all moments become potential expressions of the sacred.
Now we move to the idea of Initiation. What do we mean by that? We are referring to a deeper meaning of initiation that goes beyond just a series of actions that brings you from one level to another. Initiation is like a threshold or doorway. When you stand on this threshold, you have a choice to walk through the doorway or not. True initiations can be led by a shaman, guru, or teacher but they don’t have to be. Sometimes life is the guru, and it will provide what seems to be a challenging path to give you the opportunity to walk to the edge and make a shift in your relationship to the divine. Life is filled with these opportunities if you but open to them.
Your Vegan ancestors navigated their third- to fourth-density shift by embracing this teaching. They began to refine their consciousness, rooting themselves in the present moment. In so doing, they uncovered the sacredness that existed all along. They began to see that each action in life was a small initiation on the path of growth and awakening. The petty attachments and obsessions of the ego/mind began to slowly fade away.
Now that you have begun your shift as the Vegans did, we recommend that you begin to look for ways to not only find but FEEL the sacred in all moments. Can you begin a practice of rooting your awareness in the now moment as much as possible? (And when you feel yourself slipping, just return to the breath, which is the simplest way to return to the present and thus the sacred). Whenever a challenge presents itself, remember that it is also an initiation that can walk you to the threshold before going through a new doorway of consciousness. As you reframe these concepts of initiation and ceremony, you can utilize them in your awakening process.
We have said so many times that your Vegan ancestors are with you in this process. They are indeed, and because they are other aspects of you in the universal hologram, the memory of this process is deep within your energetic DNA. Intuitively, you know how to navigate this road from 3rd to 4th density, even if the ego/mind resists it. Therefore, just remember one thing: Navigating the now with awareness, clarity, and openness will automatically activate your sacred nature. From there, each moment becomes a ceremony itself, as your full presence is allowed to unfold. This is what awaits you, and we are excited to witness it!
February 2023
Card #30 | Zeta Reticuli (1st Era) | Survival Fears
The most basic human drive is to survive. From a 3rd density perspective, this is the focus at all costs. At the most foundational level, all the conflicts you have experienced are based on the fear that you would no longer survive. But here you are now in the phase of transitioning from third to fourth density, when everything changes. While the human need to survive is still present as an instinct, there is an even greater fear that is rising to the surface now.
We see the human ego in third density as an anchor of sorts. Its purpose is to weigh you down and create an illusion of isolation for the very purpose of keeping you focused in a separated, polarized reality. This is not a negative thing; the anchor is merely a mechanism to keep you grounded here, even if your human self thinks it doesn’t want to be here. The ego wants to keep reality tightly controlled and predictable, which is easier to do within the illusion of third density.
Now that the energy is changing as you move into fourth density, the anchor becomes lighter. This is a natural part of evolution. It means that the ego is beginning to recognize that its existence is merely a tool and doesn’t represent the real you. Ego begins to feel the loss of control and it begins dissolving. Its dissolution is inevitable. What takes its place? Your true awareness that some have called Higher Self (which is not a “self” at all) now begins to emerge from behind the metaphorical clouds, so to speak, and make its presence known. This awareness becomes your new compass in a 4th density reality.
The result of this “change in power” from the illusionary ego to your higher awareness brings with it an experience of tremendous fear. This fear can be labeled many things from fear of the loss of control, fear of the loss of identity, fear of the loss of personal power, etc. Thus, the ego itself is fearing for its survival. As you look at all the chaos in your world and especially the unexpected toxicity arising from some public personalities (who are a mirror reflection for what is within everyone), know that it represents the fear of this dissolution and loss of control. Every civilization makes this transition, and it is known to be the most perilous time in a civilization’s evolution.
As we often point out, there isn’t much you can do “out there” in the world to change this, but there is so much you can do “in there” to shift yourself – which ultimately affects the reality that you experience. As the energy continues to intensify, this is the time to do some serious inner work to help facilitate this necessary and inevitable dissolution of ego structures. While this inner work may appear to generate more fear at first, in the end it will be an important investment in your growth and transformation. When you feel those waves of fear, let the waves wash over you. Don’t try to stop them, change them, or resist them. Simply let them wash over you. Feel the fear. Breathe through it and be as fully present with it as you can. If it provides insight for you and your spiritual growth, embrace that insight with open arms and implement the changes suggested.
Meanwhile, may we suggest that you look within and ask yourself some important questions such as, “How am I resisting letting go of control?” “Where am I attached to my identity and how the world sees me?” “What do I fear the most about the eventual dissolution of my ego structure?” “Where am I attached to my story of being a victim or a martyr?” You may also wish to add to the list any other questions that are relevant to you in your own personal challenges. This type of deep self-inquiry will bring your fear to the surface to be examined and embraced. Yes, embracing it is important because these dark, shadow aspects are seeking love also.
In doing this type of deep inner work, you begin to activate an internal alchemy that leads to profound transformation. Your galactic family such as the Zetas (and others) had to ignite this alchemy to transform their species as well. Since this is a rite of passage from third density to fourth, your galactic family is there with you, silently holding your hand so that you can feel that you are never alone.
Card #30 | Zeta Reticuli (1st Era) | Survival Fears
The most basic human drive is to survive. From a 3rd density perspective, this is the focus at all costs. At the most foundational level, all the conflicts you have experienced are based on the fear that you would no longer survive. But here you are now in the phase of transitioning from third to fourth density, when everything changes. While the human need to survive is still present as an instinct, there is an even greater fear that is rising to the surface now.
We see the human ego in third density as an anchor of sorts. Its purpose is to weigh you down and create an illusion of isolation for the very purpose of keeping you focused in a separated, polarized reality. This is not a negative thing; the anchor is merely a mechanism to keep you grounded here, even if your human self thinks it doesn’t want to be here. The ego wants to keep reality tightly controlled and predictable, which is easier to do within the illusion of third density.
Now that the energy is changing as you move into fourth density, the anchor becomes lighter. This is a natural part of evolution. It means that the ego is beginning to recognize that its existence is merely a tool and doesn’t represent the real you. Ego begins to feel the loss of control and it begins dissolving. Its dissolution is inevitable. What takes its place? Your true awareness that some have called Higher Self (which is not a “self” at all) now begins to emerge from behind the metaphorical clouds, so to speak, and make its presence known. This awareness becomes your new compass in a 4th density reality.
The result of this “change in power” from the illusionary ego to your higher awareness brings with it an experience of tremendous fear. This fear can be labeled many things from fear of the loss of control, fear of the loss of identity, fear of the loss of personal power, etc. Thus, the ego itself is fearing for its survival. As you look at all the chaos in your world and especially the unexpected toxicity arising from some public personalities (who are a mirror reflection for what is within everyone), know that it represents the fear of this dissolution and loss of control. Every civilization makes this transition, and it is known to be the most perilous time in a civilization’s evolution.
As we often point out, there isn’t much you can do “out there” in the world to change this, but there is so much you can do “in there” to shift yourself – which ultimately affects the reality that you experience. As the energy continues to intensify, this is the time to do some serious inner work to help facilitate this necessary and inevitable dissolution of ego structures. While this inner work may appear to generate more fear at first, in the end it will be an important investment in your growth and transformation. When you feel those waves of fear, let the waves wash over you. Don’t try to stop them, change them, or resist them. Simply let them wash over you. Feel the fear. Breathe through it and be as fully present with it as you can. If it provides insight for you and your spiritual growth, embrace that insight with open arms and implement the changes suggested.
Meanwhile, may we suggest that you look within and ask yourself some important questions such as, “How am I resisting letting go of control?” “Where am I attached to my identity and how the world sees me?” “What do I fear the most about the eventual dissolution of my ego structure?” “Where am I attached to my story of being a victim or a martyr?” You may also wish to add to the list any other questions that are relevant to you in your own personal challenges. This type of deep self-inquiry will bring your fear to the surface to be examined and embraced. Yes, embracing it is important because these dark, shadow aspects are seeking love also.
In doing this type of deep inner work, you begin to activate an internal alchemy that leads to profound transformation. Your galactic family such as the Zetas (and others) had to ignite this alchemy to transform their species as well. Since this is a rite of passage from third density to fourth, your galactic family is there with you, silently holding your hand so that you can feel that you are never alone.
January 2023
Card #10 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Energy Transmission
This is a wonderful card for a new year! This is a card of receiving. You as individuals and as a collective consciousness have been through many challenges in the last few years. So many of you have been trying to help others or pushing yourselves to get things done that you have neglected yourself on the list. Does this sound familiar? At some point the well will run dry, so to speak, and it will become imperative to do some serious self-care. Whether you have reached that point yet or not, this is a wonderful opportunity to be proactive and open yourself to support from the universe.
Often, when advice is given to do self-care or open yourself to receive, there is resistance. That resistance comes from old belief systems and wounds that tell you things like, “I don’t deserve to receive,” or “I don’t have time to take care of myself,” or “I don’t want to be selfish.” Therefore, part of your homework for this month is to not just receive, but to objectively examine (and most importantly FEEL) these old wounds and belief systems that stop you from receiving from life and from the universe. This is serious business – you will not be able to move forward with your spiritual growth if you refuse to address this issue!
The energy of the universe flows in cycles. Sometimes it asks you to give and sometimes it asks you to receive. If you only flow the energy in one direction (as in only giving), you create massive imbalance in your energy system. The body can only sustain it for so long. We know we are not saying anything that you don’t already know – but sometimes humans need a little reminder! In the third-density cycle, this kind of imbalance and separation of energies (giving more than receiving) can be considered “normal” (as strange as it sounds), but as you move into fourth density, it cannot be sustained.
What is also important to understand has to do with what, exactly, is meant by receiving. Often the mind/ego sees receiving as being on a superficial level such as “I will treat myself with a special coffee or ice cream.” While those kinds of treats are necessary from time to time, this is not what we mean. Giving to yourself, as paradoxical as it may seem, can sometimes be painful because it requires you to free yourself from what is stopping your ability to receive in the first place. It may require you to go into a painful place in order to work with the obstacle. This may seem counter-intuitive to receiving from the universe but in actuality, this kind of deep inner work creates the space necessary for you to open yourself and receive at deeper and deeper levels.
So, while we are not a fan of new year resolutions (because the ego often gets involved in that), we do have a suggestion for the most valuable resolution of all. Give yourself the gift of taking a deep inner journey into the places within you where you resist receiving all the love and energy the universe has to give. As you take this journey, be ready and willing to own and accept the stories you have taken on that stop you from loving yourself. Journey deep and rewrite the narrative.
As you make this journey, your beloved Arcturian friends will be assisting you through their energy transmissions that are always heart-centered and healing. After you do this inner work, sit quietly and call upon them. Let their love and energy fill you, especially into the spaces that were previously blocked by old worn-out beliefs. The Arcturians are masters at working with the heart, and they serve as your loving partners in this necessary journey of self-love and forgiveness.
Card #10 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Energy Transmission
This is a wonderful card for a new year! This is a card of receiving. You as individuals and as a collective consciousness have been through many challenges in the last few years. So many of you have been trying to help others or pushing yourselves to get things done that you have neglected yourself on the list. Does this sound familiar? At some point the well will run dry, so to speak, and it will become imperative to do some serious self-care. Whether you have reached that point yet or not, this is a wonderful opportunity to be proactive and open yourself to support from the universe.
Often, when advice is given to do self-care or open yourself to receive, there is resistance. That resistance comes from old belief systems and wounds that tell you things like, “I don’t deserve to receive,” or “I don’t have time to take care of myself,” or “I don’t want to be selfish.” Therefore, part of your homework for this month is to not just receive, but to objectively examine (and most importantly FEEL) these old wounds and belief systems that stop you from receiving from life and from the universe. This is serious business – you will not be able to move forward with your spiritual growth if you refuse to address this issue!
The energy of the universe flows in cycles. Sometimes it asks you to give and sometimes it asks you to receive. If you only flow the energy in one direction (as in only giving), you create massive imbalance in your energy system. The body can only sustain it for so long. We know we are not saying anything that you don’t already know – but sometimes humans need a little reminder! In the third-density cycle, this kind of imbalance and separation of energies (giving more than receiving) can be considered “normal” (as strange as it sounds), but as you move into fourth density, it cannot be sustained.
What is also important to understand has to do with what, exactly, is meant by receiving. Often the mind/ego sees receiving as being on a superficial level such as “I will treat myself with a special coffee or ice cream.” While those kinds of treats are necessary from time to time, this is not what we mean. Giving to yourself, as paradoxical as it may seem, can sometimes be painful because it requires you to free yourself from what is stopping your ability to receive in the first place. It may require you to go into a painful place in order to work with the obstacle. This may seem counter-intuitive to receiving from the universe but in actuality, this kind of deep inner work creates the space necessary for you to open yourself and receive at deeper and deeper levels.
So, while we are not a fan of new year resolutions (because the ego often gets involved in that), we do have a suggestion for the most valuable resolution of all. Give yourself the gift of taking a deep inner journey into the places within you where you resist receiving all the love and energy the universe has to give. As you take this journey, be ready and willing to own and accept the stories you have taken on that stop you from loving yourself. Journey deep and rewrite the narrative.
As you make this journey, your beloved Arcturian friends will be assisting you through their energy transmissions that are always heart-centered and healing. After you do this inner work, sit quietly and call upon them. Let their love and energy fill you, especially into the spaces that were previously blocked by old worn-out beliefs. The Arcturians are masters at working with the heart, and they serve as your loving partners in this necessary journey of self-love and forgiveness.
December 2022
Card #59 | Sirius (Present, 2nd Era) | Unfinished Business
We have spoken so often about how this time on Earth now correlates with 13,000 years ago when you fell into a sleep cycle in which you forgot your connection to the Universe. Now that you are leaving that cycle and moving into a cycle of awakening, many of you have become aware of so-called “unfinished business” that you may feel was not completed so long ago. This may be a memory that is conscious, or it may be an unconscious feeling of having to do something but not knowing what. Once the ego becomes involved in trying to resurrect this memory, then this vague sense of purpose can negatively transform into an obsession with completing a mission.
When you incarnate in a life, there is never a structured plan for what to do and how to do it. This idea of missions and plans is one that is filtered through ego. Your consciousness is much more fluid than that. Instead, as you move out of a 3rd density structured reality, unfinished business (so to speak) can only be completed by following the flow, relying on intuition, and stepping into the unknown.
Each person has the capability to feel the flow of where their consciousness is taking them during any given lifetime. Things such as fear or the need to control makes the sensing of that flow much more difficult. But here you are, entering a 4th density reality, and trying to exchange the 3rd density tools of rigidity for the 4th density tools of flow. It is a challenging time, and it requires a special kind of diligence and trust. There are often two energies playing out in this kind of an energetic reality – the feeling of the flow and the fear of flow. These two competing energies can keep you at a standstill. So how to navigate this challenge? How to step forward into the flow of completing your “unfinished business” without focusing on the ego’s need to get things done? Yes, we know it is a paradox!
The first thing that is helpful is to discover the habitual patterns that you may have that create pain in your life. Let’s say one is perfectionism, for example. It is quite likely that your unfinished business from the past comes from a pattern like this (in this life or other lives, and especially from 13,000 years ago). This pattern is expressing itself in your current life as a way for you to become aware of it. Let’s also say on top of this that you have an underlying feeling that you must DO something, but you don’t know what. The perfectionism keeps you stuck because the ego won’t let you follow the flow that will naturally heal unfinished energy. It does this because ego wants to be able to control all circumstances so the result will be perfect. Thus, you stay stuck, always feeling you are not doing enough.
Therefore, unless you let go of egoic control and seek to follow the flow of your life in an open and trusting way, all that unfinished energy from the past stays bottled up. As your species moves into 4th density, you are going to be given more and more challenges that will require you to make choices from the flow rather than choices from the mind or ego. We know this is terrifying, but it is one of those initiations that everyone must experience as they move from one reality to another. Our solution is radical: Give up the fears of not fulfilling a mission. Give up even the desire to do a mission! Give up the fears of not doing things perfectly. Instead, seek to let go of those old patterns as a way to be more in touch with your True Self, whose consciousness is entirely flow-based. You will find that if you don’t do this, reality will become more and more painful because the old ways of control won’t work any longer.
Why is this a Sirius card? It is a Sirius card because your ancestors from Sirius had to learn this lesson too. They carried much guilt and feelings of failure from their interactions with you 13,000 years ago. The longer they held on to this, the more pain they experienced, and they had difficulty evolving their consciousness. Once they understood and began to seek out and trust the flow, they gained a broader understanding of the flow of evolution and could surrender to the tidal current of the universe without feeling as if they had to control their journey.
During this month, awakened Sirian masters will be assisting all of you with this shift in consciousness, for they have much compassion for your challenging transition. When you feel your old patterns arising, quiet yourself. Go into your heart and sincerely ask for their assistance to show you how to navigate your challenge. Be open and receptive to the flow of energy they will send and let yourself relax into the warmth of their loving embrace.
Card #59 | Sirius (Present, 2nd Era) | Unfinished Business
We have spoken so often about how this time on Earth now correlates with 13,000 years ago when you fell into a sleep cycle in which you forgot your connection to the Universe. Now that you are leaving that cycle and moving into a cycle of awakening, many of you have become aware of so-called “unfinished business” that you may feel was not completed so long ago. This may be a memory that is conscious, or it may be an unconscious feeling of having to do something but not knowing what. Once the ego becomes involved in trying to resurrect this memory, then this vague sense of purpose can negatively transform into an obsession with completing a mission.
When you incarnate in a life, there is never a structured plan for what to do and how to do it. This idea of missions and plans is one that is filtered through ego. Your consciousness is much more fluid than that. Instead, as you move out of a 3rd density structured reality, unfinished business (so to speak) can only be completed by following the flow, relying on intuition, and stepping into the unknown.
Each person has the capability to feel the flow of where their consciousness is taking them during any given lifetime. Things such as fear or the need to control makes the sensing of that flow much more difficult. But here you are, entering a 4th density reality, and trying to exchange the 3rd density tools of rigidity for the 4th density tools of flow. It is a challenging time, and it requires a special kind of diligence and trust. There are often two energies playing out in this kind of an energetic reality – the feeling of the flow and the fear of flow. These two competing energies can keep you at a standstill. So how to navigate this challenge? How to step forward into the flow of completing your “unfinished business” without focusing on the ego’s need to get things done? Yes, we know it is a paradox!
The first thing that is helpful is to discover the habitual patterns that you may have that create pain in your life. Let’s say one is perfectionism, for example. It is quite likely that your unfinished business from the past comes from a pattern like this (in this life or other lives, and especially from 13,000 years ago). This pattern is expressing itself in your current life as a way for you to become aware of it. Let’s also say on top of this that you have an underlying feeling that you must DO something, but you don’t know what. The perfectionism keeps you stuck because the ego won’t let you follow the flow that will naturally heal unfinished energy. It does this because ego wants to be able to control all circumstances so the result will be perfect. Thus, you stay stuck, always feeling you are not doing enough.
Therefore, unless you let go of egoic control and seek to follow the flow of your life in an open and trusting way, all that unfinished energy from the past stays bottled up. As your species moves into 4th density, you are going to be given more and more challenges that will require you to make choices from the flow rather than choices from the mind or ego. We know this is terrifying, but it is one of those initiations that everyone must experience as they move from one reality to another. Our solution is radical: Give up the fears of not fulfilling a mission. Give up even the desire to do a mission! Give up the fears of not doing things perfectly. Instead, seek to let go of those old patterns as a way to be more in touch with your True Self, whose consciousness is entirely flow-based. You will find that if you don’t do this, reality will become more and more painful because the old ways of control won’t work any longer.
Why is this a Sirius card? It is a Sirius card because your ancestors from Sirius had to learn this lesson too. They carried much guilt and feelings of failure from their interactions with you 13,000 years ago. The longer they held on to this, the more pain they experienced, and they had difficulty evolving their consciousness. Once they understood and began to seek out and trust the flow, they gained a broader understanding of the flow of evolution and could surrender to the tidal current of the universe without feeling as if they had to control their journey.
During this month, awakened Sirian masters will be assisting all of you with this shift in consciousness, for they have much compassion for your challenging transition. When you feel your old patterns arising, quiet yourself. Go into your heart and sincerely ask for their assistance to show you how to navigate your challenge. Be open and receptive to the flow of energy they will send and let yourself relax into the warmth of their loving embrace.
November 2022
Card #104 | Essassani (Parallel) | Leaving Home
Like last month, this card ultimately refers to the process of change. The “home” referenced in the theme of this card refers to your old metaphorical place of security. The location of that place is different for everyone. For some, “home” has been third density and its polarized structure. Another example is that it could be the place inside of you to which you retreat when you are in fear. Whatever that secure home is, the ego does not want to accept that it is temporary, and clings to the safety of worn-out structures in order to feel safe.
As you move into 4th density, it may feel like those old, safe structures are being torn away from you. It may seem impossible to hide in your safe home anymore because the pressures of transformation are not only knocking on the door, but they are sometimes flooding through every crevice in the illusionary structure you’ve built to keep yourself safe. So how can you keep your stability? How can you navigate reality when it seems that the old ways don’t work anymore?
You may wonder why this theme is connected to the Essassani species. The reason for that is because of their lineage. The Essassani (or Sassani) are a hybrid species of human and Zeta Reticuli – two species who really do not embrace change well. Essassani represents an alchemical shift of that resistance as you move into 4th density. They are a species who not only embrace change but are excited by it. To them, “home” means wherever they are in the here and now. This means that in order to evolve as the Essassani have, both species had to heal the ancestral fears of change.
Therefore, this card is showing you where humanity (collectively and individually) can often be stuck. Since collective change happens from the internal change of individuals, this means that it is time to begin to really notice what you cling to as a way to feel safe, but which ultimately keeps you from moving forward. Leaving your metaphorical home means not only jumping into the unknown but being willing to embrace it. Even though so many of you are willing to do this, the ego still demands a road map! However, this kind of journey has a very sparse road map attached. You will know when you are going down the right road for you through your intuition, as long as you have learned to differentiate your true intuition from fear-disguised-as-intuition! This is an essential part of the spiritual journey from 3rd density to 4th. It is impossible to describe to you who you will be on the other side of this journey, but we can say that it will feel very, very different. On the other side, there will be no going back – and you won’t want to go back.
So practically speaking then, what to do? How to navigate this road? How can you do your best to make choices that help you release your attachment to your previous rigid-but-safe home and ease your passage into a more fluid 4th density reality?
It is here that the NOW moment is your most powerful tool. Do your best, in each moment, to be aware of what you are feeling and experiencing. We are not talking about the story of your experience, which is not really the experience at all. We are talking about the experiential FEEL of it through your senses and emotional body, with no story attached. Some of those feelings will be joyful and loving. Some of them will be painful. It is those painful experiences that are the main catalysts for your transformational experience. By allowing yourself to feel discomfort, without a story, deep insights occur, and it creates a metaphorical burning of the old structures (the old “house” of your beliefs, so to speak). With continued practice, you will eventually begin to feel differently. Once you see how hard it is to return to your old way of being, you will be well on your way!
Your Essassani family understands how difficult this period of transition is, and that is why they are communicating to you through channeling and even simply through energy connection. By connecting with their energy, you allow yourself to feel what a reality is like in which attachments to old structures are no longer present. From that space, you are ready to leave home (without a suitcase filled with old stuff) and explore the new, inconceivable, exciting, and integrative reality that is fast approaching on the horizon. This month, allow your Essassani family to be your guides.
Card #104 | Essassani (Parallel) | Leaving Home
Like last month, this card ultimately refers to the process of change. The “home” referenced in the theme of this card refers to your old metaphorical place of security. The location of that place is different for everyone. For some, “home” has been third density and its polarized structure. Another example is that it could be the place inside of you to which you retreat when you are in fear. Whatever that secure home is, the ego does not want to accept that it is temporary, and clings to the safety of worn-out structures in order to feel safe.
As you move into 4th density, it may feel like those old, safe structures are being torn away from you. It may seem impossible to hide in your safe home anymore because the pressures of transformation are not only knocking on the door, but they are sometimes flooding through every crevice in the illusionary structure you’ve built to keep yourself safe. So how can you keep your stability? How can you navigate reality when it seems that the old ways don’t work anymore?
You may wonder why this theme is connected to the Essassani species. The reason for that is because of their lineage. The Essassani (or Sassani) are a hybrid species of human and Zeta Reticuli – two species who really do not embrace change well. Essassani represents an alchemical shift of that resistance as you move into 4th density. They are a species who not only embrace change but are excited by it. To them, “home” means wherever they are in the here and now. This means that in order to evolve as the Essassani have, both species had to heal the ancestral fears of change.
Therefore, this card is showing you where humanity (collectively and individually) can often be stuck. Since collective change happens from the internal change of individuals, this means that it is time to begin to really notice what you cling to as a way to feel safe, but which ultimately keeps you from moving forward. Leaving your metaphorical home means not only jumping into the unknown but being willing to embrace it. Even though so many of you are willing to do this, the ego still demands a road map! However, this kind of journey has a very sparse road map attached. You will know when you are going down the right road for you through your intuition, as long as you have learned to differentiate your true intuition from fear-disguised-as-intuition! This is an essential part of the spiritual journey from 3rd density to 4th. It is impossible to describe to you who you will be on the other side of this journey, but we can say that it will feel very, very different. On the other side, there will be no going back – and you won’t want to go back.
So practically speaking then, what to do? How to navigate this road? How can you do your best to make choices that help you release your attachment to your previous rigid-but-safe home and ease your passage into a more fluid 4th density reality?
It is here that the NOW moment is your most powerful tool. Do your best, in each moment, to be aware of what you are feeling and experiencing. We are not talking about the story of your experience, which is not really the experience at all. We are talking about the experiential FEEL of it through your senses and emotional body, with no story attached. Some of those feelings will be joyful and loving. Some of them will be painful. It is those painful experiences that are the main catalysts for your transformational experience. By allowing yourself to feel discomfort, without a story, deep insights occur, and it creates a metaphorical burning of the old structures (the old “house” of your beliefs, so to speak). With continued practice, you will eventually begin to feel differently. Once you see how hard it is to return to your old way of being, you will be well on your way!
Your Essassani family understands how difficult this period of transition is, and that is why they are communicating to you through channeling and even simply through energy connection. By connecting with their energy, you allow yourself to feel what a reality is like in which attachments to old structures are no longer present. From that space, you are ready to leave home (without a suitcase filled with old stuff) and explore the new, inconceivable, exciting, and integrative reality that is fast approaching on the horizon. This month, allow your Essassani family to be your guides.
October 2022
Card #33 | Zeta Reticuli (Past, 1st Era) | Desperation
This card refers to what is necessary to create change. Using the example of the Zeta Reticuli species, they refused to acknowledge the emotional body to the point of creating a species crisis. Only when they saw the immanent death of their species did they shock themselves out of their delusion that the mental body was superior. When finally seeing the reality of their demise, desperation began. Desperation comes when all coping mechanism and all distractions that stop you from feeling no longer work. This is the time when people cry out to God or the Universe, “I’ll do anything if you will just stop my pain!” And most of the time, when the pain stops, the person goes back to the behavior that led to the initial desperation. This is the usual experience in a third-density reality when the energy supports separation. Ultimately, this separation takes the form of separation from oneself and the Universe.
Looking at the macro and microcosm of humanity right now, you are finding yourselves at a similar point as your ancient Zeta family. All the distractions, projections, blaming, denial, and egoic desires that fuel third density no longer feel fruitful. Collectively, humanity is in a lot of pain. It is easy to blame people or forces “out there” for this pain, but that is not the truth. As you now shift into a very different frequency of fourth density, it becomes necessary to come face-to-face with the games you have played to keep yourself separated and distracted. From a higher perspective, facing this is necessary to purge the old attachments and ego games so that you can walk a new road. Things don’t just shift overnight. You are being energetically compelled to pass through a collective dark night of the soul in order to experience a new dawn.
On the collective macrocosmic level, your planet is being challenged by deep polarity, environmental issues, economic instability, pandemics, wars, and much more. Ultimately all of this is a purging process. The more you resist what is showing up in your reality (and not deal with it), the more you prolong the growing feeling of desperation. This is actually an organic process. You can’t force yourselves to become unified and take action as a planet. You can’t legislate true change. Sometimes the deep divisions are necessary to purge the repressed negative energy you haven’t wanted to face. Therefore what, if anything, needs to be done collectively and how to do it? This is a question that has haunted so many of your galactic ancestors who were afraid of doing the wrong thing. What you are experiencing is because of energy moving from one state to another. However, be aware that this macrocosmic crisis on your world is also a result of the collective microcosmic crisis within each of you. This too is because of energy moving from one state (separation) to another (integration) within you.
So in order to work with this volatile energy – once again we repeat ourselves – you must look within. Where within you are you desperate to change? The moment your answer blames something outside of you is the moment you must look even deeper within. This isn’t something you can change instantaneously; it takes repeated commitment to bust old patterns.
In those private moments of your version of “desperation,” please see that you are presented with a doorway through which you can walk that can support you to make and reinforce new choices. To walk through that doorway, you have to choose those new choices over and over again until they become your new road map. In this way, desperation can be an important sign on your transformational road that says, “Look here – transformation is ahead!”
During this month of October 2022, you will have extra support from a group of 2nd era Zeta Reticuli beings who successfully navigated their individual and collective desperation and emerged more integrated and empowered. They see the importance of sharing their insight and energy with you as you make your fourth density transition. In times of stress, desperation, or insecurity, invite their presence into your heart and be ready for the gifts that they offer to you.
Card #33 | Zeta Reticuli (Past, 1st Era) | Desperation
This card refers to what is necessary to create change. Using the example of the Zeta Reticuli species, they refused to acknowledge the emotional body to the point of creating a species crisis. Only when they saw the immanent death of their species did they shock themselves out of their delusion that the mental body was superior. When finally seeing the reality of their demise, desperation began. Desperation comes when all coping mechanism and all distractions that stop you from feeling no longer work. This is the time when people cry out to God or the Universe, “I’ll do anything if you will just stop my pain!” And most of the time, when the pain stops, the person goes back to the behavior that led to the initial desperation. This is the usual experience in a third-density reality when the energy supports separation. Ultimately, this separation takes the form of separation from oneself and the Universe.
Looking at the macro and microcosm of humanity right now, you are finding yourselves at a similar point as your ancient Zeta family. All the distractions, projections, blaming, denial, and egoic desires that fuel third density no longer feel fruitful. Collectively, humanity is in a lot of pain. It is easy to blame people or forces “out there” for this pain, but that is not the truth. As you now shift into a very different frequency of fourth density, it becomes necessary to come face-to-face with the games you have played to keep yourself separated and distracted. From a higher perspective, facing this is necessary to purge the old attachments and ego games so that you can walk a new road. Things don’t just shift overnight. You are being energetically compelled to pass through a collective dark night of the soul in order to experience a new dawn.
On the collective macrocosmic level, your planet is being challenged by deep polarity, environmental issues, economic instability, pandemics, wars, and much more. Ultimately all of this is a purging process. The more you resist what is showing up in your reality (and not deal with it), the more you prolong the growing feeling of desperation. This is actually an organic process. You can’t force yourselves to become unified and take action as a planet. You can’t legislate true change. Sometimes the deep divisions are necessary to purge the repressed negative energy you haven’t wanted to face. Therefore what, if anything, needs to be done collectively and how to do it? This is a question that has haunted so many of your galactic ancestors who were afraid of doing the wrong thing. What you are experiencing is because of energy moving from one state to another. However, be aware that this macrocosmic crisis on your world is also a result of the collective microcosmic crisis within each of you. This too is because of energy moving from one state (separation) to another (integration) within you.
So in order to work with this volatile energy – once again we repeat ourselves – you must look within. Where within you are you desperate to change? The moment your answer blames something outside of you is the moment you must look even deeper within. This isn’t something you can change instantaneously; it takes repeated commitment to bust old patterns.
In those private moments of your version of “desperation,” please see that you are presented with a doorway through which you can walk that can support you to make and reinforce new choices. To walk through that doorway, you have to choose those new choices over and over again until they become your new road map. In this way, desperation can be an important sign on your transformational road that says, “Look here – transformation is ahead!”
During this month of October 2022, you will have extra support from a group of 2nd era Zeta Reticuli beings who successfully navigated their individual and collective desperation and emerged more integrated and empowered. They see the importance of sharing their insight and energy with you as you make your fourth density transition. In times of stress, desperation, or insecurity, invite their presence into your heart and be ready for the gifts that they offer to you.
September 2022
Card #71 | Vega (Future, 3rd Era) | Homing Beacon / Compass
Last month we shared text for card #90, Shamanic Journey (Whale Consciousness). We gave a metaphor of being trapped in a windowless, stuffy room but choosing to stay there rather than opening the door and walking into the unknown. Walking into the unknown can be like walking into darkness – you can’t see where you are going and what lies ahead. In that case, you must rely on your inner guidance and complete trust in order to move forward.
This month, we’d like to use another metaphor. Imagine a sky thick with clouds. You cannot see the sun. Because you cannot see it, you might convince yourself it doesn’t exist, or blame the clouds (external circumstances) for obscuring the light. Until you remember the sun as a permanent experience and recognize the clouds as a temporary condition, it will be difficult to do anything but remain in an illusionary state of disempowerment.
But then one day, you realize that there is indeed a light behind the clouds. You not only remember it, but you start to feel it. The feeling arises subtly at first and as you pay more attention to it, you can somehow feel the heat growing. You begin to feel the light of this sun in your consciousness here and there. Then, suddenly, you realize that your perception and feeling of the light is permanent. You look at the sky and miraculously the clouds are gone.
Spiritual awakening is very similar to this metaphor. In a chaotic, polarized world it may feel like you are smothered by clouds with no way to feel the light. This is merely perception, because experiencing that polarity and separation is part of the journey in a third-density reality. When it is time for that separative journey to end, your work entails changing your perceptions away from blaming external circumstances and tuning in to the light of your awareness that is like an always-burning sun that was previously obscured.
The light of your awareness (which some call the True Self or the Big Self) is like a homing beacon or a compass that guides you toward deeper and deeper integration into the fullness and infinite being that you are. It never announces itself like a loud bell. It begins revealing itself in subtle ways when you are ready to open and have the proverbial eyes to see. But it is always there, and you can begin attuning to it at any time. You can think of it like a ship’s mast – a stable connection even in the midst of turbulence.
Your Vegan ancestors used this concept to remember the true nature of their consciousness and eventually awaken themselves. Focusing on this light with supreme commitment and diligence brought them out of the chaos of polarity into the embrace of the One. All third-density species go through a similar challenge – can you rise above the seductive temptation of drama and polarity, through the darkness of the unknown, and to the integrative light of your being? If you can allow that homing beacon to act like a compass that always guides you to highest integration, you will chart the most direct route Home.
No matter what is going on around you, turn your attention to that light. This light is not an external object; it is you in your integrated form as the universe itself. It is the shadow and light as one. It is the consciousness of creation itself that some call God. You will find that the heat of that light will dissolve illusion if you allow it to do so. Remember: It is always darkest before the dawn. Walk through the darkness with confidence and trust as your Vegan ancestors did, and the sunrise will welcome you with your Vegan family by your side.
Card #71 | Vega (Future, 3rd Era) | Homing Beacon / Compass
Last month we shared text for card #90, Shamanic Journey (Whale Consciousness). We gave a metaphor of being trapped in a windowless, stuffy room but choosing to stay there rather than opening the door and walking into the unknown. Walking into the unknown can be like walking into darkness – you can’t see where you are going and what lies ahead. In that case, you must rely on your inner guidance and complete trust in order to move forward.
This month, we’d like to use another metaphor. Imagine a sky thick with clouds. You cannot see the sun. Because you cannot see it, you might convince yourself it doesn’t exist, or blame the clouds (external circumstances) for obscuring the light. Until you remember the sun as a permanent experience and recognize the clouds as a temporary condition, it will be difficult to do anything but remain in an illusionary state of disempowerment.
But then one day, you realize that there is indeed a light behind the clouds. You not only remember it, but you start to feel it. The feeling arises subtly at first and as you pay more attention to it, you can somehow feel the heat growing. You begin to feel the light of this sun in your consciousness here and there. Then, suddenly, you realize that your perception and feeling of the light is permanent. You look at the sky and miraculously the clouds are gone.
Spiritual awakening is very similar to this metaphor. In a chaotic, polarized world it may feel like you are smothered by clouds with no way to feel the light. This is merely perception, because experiencing that polarity and separation is part of the journey in a third-density reality. When it is time for that separative journey to end, your work entails changing your perceptions away from blaming external circumstances and tuning in to the light of your awareness that is like an always-burning sun that was previously obscured.
The light of your awareness (which some call the True Self or the Big Self) is like a homing beacon or a compass that guides you toward deeper and deeper integration into the fullness and infinite being that you are. It never announces itself like a loud bell. It begins revealing itself in subtle ways when you are ready to open and have the proverbial eyes to see. But it is always there, and you can begin attuning to it at any time. You can think of it like a ship’s mast – a stable connection even in the midst of turbulence.
Your Vegan ancestors used this concept to remember the true nature of their consciousness and eventually awaken themselves. Focusing on this light with supreme commitment and diligence brought them out of the chaos of polarity into the embrace of the One. All third-density species go through a similar challenge – can you rise above the seductive temptation of drama and polarity, through the darkness of the unknown, and to the integrative light of your being? If you can allow that homing beacon to act like a compass that always guides you to highest integration, you will chart the most direct route Home.
No matter what is going on around you, turn your attention to that light. This light is not an external object; it is you in your integrated form as the universe itself. It is the shadow and light as one. It is the consciousness of creation itself that some call God. You will find that the heat of that light will dissolve illusion if you allow it to do so. Remember: It is always darkest before the dawn. Walk through the darkness with confidence and trust as your Vegan ancestors did, and the sunrise will welcome you with your Vegan family by your side.
August 2022
Card #90 | Cetacean-Whale (Parallel) | Shamanic Journey
In previous months, we have mentioned the importance of being willing to journey into the unknown and how this is a necessary step on the spiritual path. The theme of this card is all about that journey into the unknown, and its power to facilitate deep, profound change.
To begin discussing this card, we wish to use a metaphor. Imagine being in a windowless room that is small, with stuffy air, and a feeling of claustrophobia. In that room, you see that there is a door that might be a way out. However, every time you open the door, all you see is blackness. You become afraid to walk into that blackness because you don’t know what you will encounter or where you will end up. So, you choose to stay where you feel familiarity and a sense of illusionary comfort. You then distract yourself enough, so you no longer pay attention to the claustrophobia or the stuffy air.
At some point however, the discomfort of the room becomes impossible to ignore. You keep opening that door, but you are afraid to enter. One day, you can’t stay in that room anymore. You open the door, cross the threshold, and walk into the darkness. What will you encounter there? At first, you may feel a tremendous amount of fear and you may encounter “demons” that are really your own projections. That is your first test. Do you freeze and go no further? Or do you keep going and face those demons?
Let’s say that you face the demons and integrate them as part of yourself. What happens after that? Suddenly, your path is illuminated. You may still be in an unfamiliar place, but the power of your inner integration has healed your fear. You may not be able to see where the path leads, but you feel an intense joy about walking upon it.
What we’ve described above is the essence of a shamanic journey. It has to do with utilizing painful circumstances as a catalyst to free yourself from your own imprisonment. Shamanic journeys can take many forms, and they have – on your world and in the stars. Humans on Earth now are in that stuffy room, and many of you are fighting hard to stay there, no matter how uncomfortable it is. However, ever-increasing numbers of you are feeling the call of the more integrated energy on the other side of that door and are plunging into a new and unknown reality.
So what does this have to do with whale consciousness? Whale consciousness is the most integrated consciousness that manifests on Earth at the present time. Whale consciousness has long-ago evolved away from singular identity. It straddles two realms – the physical realm in which humans exist, and a fifth-density reality of integrated group consciousness. Because of this, whale consciousness acts like a midwife to humans in a way. Their energy becomes especially active when you go through human transitions from separation to integration as you are doing now. Their consciousness is on the other side of the door, beckoning you to walk through the shadowy hallway and into the light. Their role on Earth now is significant, even if they swim silently in your seas. They call to you in your dream states and meditation, even if you don’t recognize them as “whale.”
If you look at the artwork on this card, you see a whale and two humanoid figures in the background. These humanoid figures represent the 5th density Sirian energy that works with humanity together with the whale consciousness. In a way, we can say that the identity of “whale” is an Earth version of Sirian 5th density consciousness.
As you contemplate if and when you will walk through the door into the unknown and a new existence that is unlike what you have ever known before, the Whale and Sirian 5th density consciousness offer their guidance and energetic support – as you will do for other future species on the road of consciousness evolution. All you have to do is choose to walk through the door.
Card #90 | Cetacean-Whale (Parallel) | Shamanic Journey
In previous months, we have mentioned the importance of being willing to journey into the unknown and how this is a necessary step on the spiritual path. The theme of this card is all about that journey into the unknown, and its power to facilitate deep, profound change.
To begin discussing this card, we wish to use a metaphor. Imagine being in a windowless room that is small, with stuffy air, and a feeling of claustrophobia. In that room, you see that there is a door that might be a way out. However, every time you open the door, all you see is blackness. You become afraid to walk into that blackness because you don’t know what you will encounter or where you will end up. So, you choose to stay where you feel familiarity and a sense of illusionary comfort. You then distract yourself enough, so you no longer pay attention to the claustrophobia or the stuffy air.
At some point however, the discomfort of the room becomes impossible to ignore. You keep opening that door, but you are afraid to enter. One day, you can’t stay in that room anymore. You open the door, cross the threshold, and walk into the darkness. What will you encounter there? At first, you may feel a tremendous amount of fear and you may encounter “demons” that are really your own projections. That is your first test. Do you freeze and go no further? Or do you keep going and face those demons?
Let’s say that you face the demons and integrate them as part of yourself. What happens after that? Suddenly, your path is illuminated. You may still be in an unfamiliar place, but the power of your inner integration has healed your fear. You may not be able to see where the path leads, but you feel an intense joy about walking upon it.
What we’ve described above is the essence of a shamanic journey. It has to do with utilizing painful circumstances as a catalyst to free yourself from your own imprisonment. Shamanic journeys can take many forms, and they have – on your world and in the stars. Humans on Earth now are in that stuffy room, and many of you are fighting hard to stay there, no matter how uncomfortable it is. However, ever-increasing numbers of you are feeling the call of the more integrated energy on the other side of that door and are plunging into a new and unknown reality.
So what does this have to do with whale consciousness? Whale consciousness is the most integrated consciousness that manifests on Earth at the present time. Whale consciousness has long-ago evolved away from singular identity. It straddles two realms – the physical realm in which humans exist, and a fifth-density reality of integrated group consciousness. Because of this, whale consciousness acts like a midwife to humans in a way. Their energy becomes especially active when you go through human transitions from separation to integration as you are doing now. Their consciousness is on the other side of the door, beckoning you to walk through the shadowy hallway and into the light. Their role on Earth now is significant, even if they swim silently in your seas. They call to you in your dream states and meditation, even if you don’t recognize them as “whale.”
If you look at the artwork on this card, you see a whale and two humanoid figures in the background. These humanoid figures represent the 5th density Sirian energy that works with humanity together with the whale consciousness. In a way, we can say that the identity of “whale” is an Earth version of Sirian 5th density consciousness.
As you contemplate if and when you will walk through the door into the unknown and a new existence that is unlike what you have ever known before, the Whale and Sirian 5th density consciousness offer their guidance and energetic support – as you will do for other future species on the road of consciousness evolution. All you have to do is choose to walk through the door.
July 2022
Card #11 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Pioneering Spirit
In the text for the last two months (#60 and #89), we’ve been using a metaphor about armor and how cracks are beginning to appear as a way to encourage you to go into your vulnerability. This willingness to embrace your vulnerability is a key step on the road to integration and healing. What does the ego fear most about this realm of vulnerability? It fears losing control and moving into the unknown.
The energy for this month has to do with moving into this unknown. You’ve had a lot of practice with this idea during your pandemic years, but perhaps you haven’t realized how deep and necessary this shift has been. Third density existence is inherently rigid, in order to keep the structure of separation intact. You find ways of doing things – from daily chores, grooming habits, and work patterns for example – and you stick with them until they become unconscious habits. These habits cause you to sleepwalk through reality, never really opening to the unknown or being present in the now moment and responding to it in an organic way. When something such as a pandemic or a war happens, reality forces you to awaken from the dream of habitual movement. You then have an opportunity to keep yourself awake in now by choosing new options moment-to-moment instead of clinging to the “old ways of doing things.”
The frequency of a fourth-density reality requires the surrendering of unconscious habits and a rootedness in the present moment where all choices are available. Walking the path of the unknown is not only suggested, but it is sometimes required. The energy of this card, Pioneering Spirit, refers to the early Lyran civilization when they had no mentors and were young enough to be fearless about entering a new, unknown reality. They had formed no habits yet and thus were free to move organically as they built their new reality.
You on Earth have had thousands of years of habits and thought patterns that your collective egos have used to keep you safe. Those habits no longer function in the same way as you move into fourth density. Now, they keep you stuck. They keep you fighting amongst yourselves over whose view of reality is the right one. They keep you trapped in a loop of trying to control the choices of others, or not willing to see what is necessary for the greater good of humanity. The cries for “freedom” on your world are often manifesting as a desire to see freedom only from the point of view of the ego and its petty desires. True freedom actually means being free from your limiting habits and patterns that keep your armor intact, your walls up, and separated from others.
Thus, the Lyran energy of Pioneering Spirit is inviting the human species to throw down the armor and go boldly into your new future without carrying the baggage of mental and emotional habits and patterns. Can you build a new future while letting yourself be metaphorically naked in an unknown reality? Can you build a future that is free from the old belief systems that have caused such pain on your world? Of course, not one of you personally can do this for the whole, but there are small steps you can each take to build a foundation that trains you to be more comfortable navigating naked in an unknown reality.
Take a look at your life, from the simple habits to the more complex ones. (And remember, the habits you observe in life are reflections of deeper mental and emotional patterns that may be harder to see. They usually come from wanting to avoid discomfort or pain). What can you change that will help to snap you out of the sleepwalking state? Even choosing a new fruit to eat, a new haircut, a new route to work can be a catalyst to spark deeper change, as long as those new choices don’t become new unconscious habits and start the habitual cycle anew. Can you even go deeper by contemplating a change to a long-held opinion about something you haven’t been willing to shift? Ask yourself the question, “Why did I choose this thing in the past that is now a habit?” Dig deep. In doing so, you activate your pioneering spirit buried deep within that is longing to be allowed to guide you in this new reality. Once you set that pioneering spirit free, you begin the road to consciously building your new reality if you are willing to keep challenging your beliefs and diving into the unknown. Your Lyran family, having walked this road before you, offer their infinite love and support. You are never alone.
Card #11 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Pioneering Spirit
In the text for the last two months (#60 and #89), we’ve been using a metaphor about armor and how cracks are beginning to appear as a way to encourage you to go into your vulnerability. This willingness to embrace your vulnerability is a key step on the road to integration and healing. What does the ego fear most about this realm of vulnerability? It fears losing control and moving into the unknown.
The energy for this month has to do with moving into this unknown. You’ve had a lot of practice with this idea during your pandemic years, but perhaps you haven’t realized how deep and necessary this shift has been. Third density existence is inherently rigid, in order to keep the structure of separation intact. You find ways of doing things – from daily chores, grooming habits, and work patterns for example – and you stick with them until they become unconscious habits. These habits cause you to sleepwalk through reality, never really opening to the unknown or being present in the now moment and responding to it in an organic way. When something such as a pandemic or a war happens, reality forces you to awaken from the dream of habitual movement. You then have an opportunity to keep yourself awake in now by choosing new options moment-to-moment instead of clinging to the “old ways of doing things.”
The frequency of a fourth-density reality requires the surrendering of unconscious habits and a rootedness in the present moment where all choices are available. Walking the path of the unknown is not only suggested, but it is sometimes required. The energy of this card, Pioneering Spirit, refers to the early Lyran civilization when they had no mentors and were young enough to be fearless about entering a new, unknown reality. They had formed no habits yet and thus were free to move organically as they built their new reality.
You on Earth have had thousands of years of habits and thought patterns that your collective egos have used to keep you safe. Those habits no longer function in the same way as you move into fourth density. Now, they keep you stuck. They keep you fighting amongst yourselves over whose view of reality is the right one. They keep you trapped in a loop of trying to control the choices of others, or not willing to see what is necessary for the greater good of humanity. The cries for “freedom” on your world are often manifesting as a desire to see freedom only from the point of view of the ego and its petty desires. True freedom actually means being free from your limiting habits and patterns that keep your armor intact, your walls up, and separated from others.
Thus, the Lyran energy of Pioneering Spirit is inviting the human species to throw down the armor and go boldly into your new future without carrying the baggage of mental and emotional habits and patterns. Can you build a new future while letting yourself be metaphorically naked in an unknown reality? Can you build a future that is free from the old belief systems that have caused such pain on your world? Of course, not one of you personally can do this for the whole, but there are small steps you can each take to build a foundation that trains you to be more comfortable navigating naked in an unknown reality.
Take a look at your life, from the simple habits to the more complex ones. (And remember, the habits you observe in life are reflections of deeper mental and emotional patterns that may be harder to see. They usually come from wanting to avoid discomfort or pain). What can you change that will help to snap you out of the sleepwalking state? Even choosing a new fruit to eat, a new haircut, a new route to work can be a catalyst to spark deeper change, as long as those new choices don’t become new unconscious habits and start the habitual cycle anew. Can you even go deeper by contemplating a change to a long-held opinion about something you haven’t been willing to shift? Ask yourself the question, “Why did I choose this thing in the past that is now a habit?” Dig deep. In doing so, you activate your pioneering spirit buried deep within that is longing to be allowed to guide you in this new reality. Once you set that pioneering spirit free, you begin the road to consciously building your new reality if you are willing to keep challenging your beliefs and diving into the unknown. Your Lyran family, having walked this road before you, offer their infinite love and support. You are never alone.
June 2022
Card #105 | Orion Light (Future, 3rd Era) | Light of Awareness
In the text for last month’s card (#89 Open Contact), Sasha discussed “small openings that are like cracks in your armor” that are beginning to appear, and how important those cracks are. We wish to continue with that theme because it is directly related to how we can apply the energy of this card at this point in Earth’s evolution.
Over the last two years, your civilization has been challenged by a pandemic, wars, and planetary and local tragedies at an unprecedented rate. This intensity is no coincidence. It is, in fact, a culmination of energy at the end of this part of your planetary cycle in which polarity, self-focus, competition, and general third-density themes have been dominant. As the evolutionary energy on your planet transitions to a more integrative, selfless, and unitive cycle, it can’t just switch over night. Disharmonic energy, belief systems, and the fear of the loss of individuality must go through a massive purge that initiates a cycle of healing. This purge looks different for each person and each culture. But currently on your world, no one is escaping this purge – whether one experiences it on the personal or collective level, or both.
As the ancient Orions learned, these types of purges and species crises create an energetic opening. (For the Zetas, it was a deep sense of desperation that created their opening). On Earth, you are experiencing this opening through extreme mental, emotional, and sometimes physical exhaustion. Your deep fear, on a collective level, hasn’t really been self-acknowledged in an empowered way. Your view of how the world “should be” does not match what it in fact IS right now. You are seeing that your beliefs of how the world should be have created an illusionary reality that stopped you from facing and owning your own shadows. That faulty house-of-cards that represented a third-density reality is crashing down now. Don’t despair! This is normal for any species transitioning from 3rd to 4th density.
So let us return to this idea of the small openings in your armor. First, remember why the metaphorical armor was created in the first place – to keep you focused in a separative, 3rd density reality in order to learn and expand from that most challenging place. As the exhaustion of holding up a separative, illusionary 3rd-density reality builds, you find that you cannot keep carrying that heavy armor. Maybe without realizing it, you are slowly letting go of pieces of it. When you do, it is like you are beginning to see cracks in a concrete wall. Eventually, light shines through from the other side. Once you see that light, it becomes like a magnet. Drawn to the light, you do whatever you can to experience more of it. Soon you learn that the only way to experience it and become one with it is to create larger cracks in the armor. At some point, returning to the light becomes a much stronger impulse than keeping your armor intact. This is the state in which you find yourselves now – at the crossroad where resistance (armor) and integration (light) meet. (The ego does not realize that the light of your being is an integration of both shadow and light. Perhaps we can say that is a bit of a joke played on the ego!)
The energy of this card at this time is asking you to notice your armor and see how it stops you from opening to the light of your integrative Self (pure awareness). What can you do to facilitate further opening to the light within you? Sometimes that means painfully giving up that which you have clung to in the past. The surrendering of the old protective ways will eventually reunite you with the light of your being. Let yourself utilize the imagery of the armor you have used as protection finally falling away and exposing you to the brilliance of your integrative light.
During this month, 5 Orion masters from the 3rd Era (the awakened period) will be offering their energy to all of you who request it. We encourage you to utilize the support from the Orion masters, for this choice to surrender the armor is one of the most important choices you will make as individuals and as a species. It is a gradual process, but over time you will be bathed in the warmth of your own light of awareness, and the memory of heavy armor will make you wonder how you ever had the energy to carry it at all! The light of your own integrative awareness is all you ever need – in fact, it is all that you ARE.
Card #105 | Orion Light (Future, 3rd Era) | Light of Awareness
In the text for last month’s card (#89 Open Contact), Sasha discussed “small openings that are like cracks in your armor” that are beginning to appear, and how important those cracks are. We wish to continue with that theme because it is directly related to how we can apply the energy of this card at this point in Earth’s evolution.
Over the last two years, your civilization has been challenged by a pandemic, wars, and planetary and local tragedies at an unprecedented rate. This intensity is no coincidence. It is, in fact, a culmination of energy at the end of this part of your planetary cycle in which polarity, self-focus, competition, and general third-density themes have been dominant. As the evolutionary energy on your planet transitions to a more integrative, selfless, and unitive cycle, it can’t just switch over night. Disharmonic energy, belief systems, and the fear of the loss of individuality must go through a massive purge that initiates a cycle of healing. This purge looks different for each person and each culture. But currently on your world, no one is escaping this purge – whether one experiences it on the personal or collective level, or both.
As the ancient Orions learned, these types of purges and species crises create an energetic opening. (For the Zetas, it was a deep sense of desperation that created their opening). On Earth, you are experiencing this opening through extreme mental, emotional, and sometimes physical exhaustion. Your deep fear, on a collective level, hasn’t really been self-acknowledged in an empowered way. Your view of how the world “should be” does not match what it in fact IS right now. You are seeing that your beliefs of how the world should be have created an illusionary reality that stopped you from facing and owning your own shadows. That faulty house-of-cards that represented a third-density reality is crashing down now. Don’t despair! This is normal for any species transitioning from 3rd to 4th density.
So let us return to this idea of the small openings in your armor. First, remember why the metaphorical armor was created in the first place – to keep you focused in a separative, 3rd density reality in order to learn and expand from that most challenging place. As the exhaustion of holding up a separative, illusionary 3rd-density reality builds, you find that you cannot keep carrying that heavy armor. Maybe without realizing it, you are slowly letting go of pieces of it. When you do, it is like you are beginning to see cracks in a concrete wall. Eventually, light shines through from the other side. Once you see that light, it becomes like a magnet. Drawn to the light, you do whatever you can to experience more of it. Soon you learn that the only way to experience it and become one with it is to create larger cracks in the armor. At some point, returning to the light becomes a much stronger impulse than keeping your armor intact. This is the state in which you find yourselves now – at the crossroad where resistance (armor) and integration (light) meet. (The ego does not realize that the light of your being is an integration of both shadow and light. Perhaps we can say that is a bit of a joke played on the ego!)
The energy of this card at this time is asking you to notice your armor and see how it stops you from opening to the light of your integrative Self (pure awareness). What can you do to facilitate further opening to the light within you? Sometimes that means painfully giving up that which you have clung to in the past. The surrendering of the old protective ways will eventually reunite you with the light of your being. Let yourself utilize the imagery of the armor you have used as protection finally falling away and exposing you to the brilliance of your integrative light.
During this month, 5 Orion masters from the 3rd Era (the awakened period) will be offering their energy to all of you who request it. We encourage you to utilize the support from the Orion masters, for this choice to surrender the armor is one of the most important choices you will make as individuals and as a species. It is a gradual process, but over time you will be bathed in the warmth of your own light of awareness, and the memory of heavy armor will make you wonder how you ever had the energy to carry it at all! The light of your own integrative awareness is all you ever need – in fact, it is all that you ARE.
May 2022
Card #89 | Pleiades (Future, 3rd Era) | Open Contact
This month's text is channeled by Sasha instead of Germane, to address the subject of ET contact.
At the time of this channeling, your planet is experiencing much pain and shock from an invasion and war, and yet more surges of virus in various parts of your world. You may be asking yourself, “When will this end? When will we have a break from all this chaos?”
As we have said many times, during the transition from third to fourth density on most planets, times of chaos are inevitable. The bright side (if you can call it that) is that the more chaos that ensues, the more of a reset you are experiencing as a species. The process, however, is never comfortable and always disorienting. In times like these, when people must let go of old ways of thought and being, there are also unexpected openings. It is this point that we would like to address for this month’s card.
So many have asked us why extraterrestrials do not interfere in planetary tragedy. If you could see it from our angle, the reasons would be very clear. We have eons of experience that have taught us that interference (sometimes thought of as “help”) can make the situation much worse. But there are certain ethics that we adhere to regarding securing the health and integrity of dimensional realities. If they are threatened, there are ways in which we can assist that do not interfere with your autonomy as a species. Since this is not the subject for this month, we will not say more about that at this time.
As you have seen in your own lives, when you are under stress or in pain, you are the most open to change. You begin to let your walls down because holding them up becomes too exhausting. A part of you has the wisdom to know that the walls cause more pain and stop change and growth. The same is true on a planetary level. As the chaos, emotional pain, and desperation grow on your world, your walls are coming down. Small openings that are like cracks in your armor are beginning to form. If you allow yourself to go into these cracks (seen perhaps as your emotional vulnerabilities), you will be able to view the universe in a whole new way. You will begin to see the interconnectedness of all consciousness. And most of all, you will be able to see the other aspects of the One (ETs) that are available to connect with you.
Therefore, for this month the theme of this card - Open Contact - isn’t referring to a huge landing, or the final realization of the truth about ETs. It instead refers to your new openings that are facilitated by the world’s turmoil. Through these new openings, you may perhaps sense our presence in a new and maybe stronger way. Indeed, we are not only watching your world closely, but we are consistently sending out transmissions to you (via energy or communication) so that you can feel our presence and know that we are supporting in whatever way we can. Many of you may see us in your skies more frequently as well. As you authentically connect with us, you entrain your consciousness to a new, more integrative frequency. This new frequency helps to reset the baseline frequency of disharmony and polarization on your world. We know you cannot see it right now in the middle of war and pandemic, but there is a new foundation of unity being laid that you will see in the years to come.
For this month (and likely many months of this year), we will be very active in supporting your world and you as individuals. Let your armor crack and find those openings even if it is painful. See your emotional vulnerabilities as strengths that can help you open your hearts to the universe (and your extraterrestrial family) even more deeply. For now, contact with us will come mostly in this way – through the cracks in your armor that help you reach your heart. There will come a day when contact will indeed be open and free. You are now paving the way with each piece of armor that you shed. We love you, and we await that day with open arms.
Card #89 | Pleiades (Future, 3rd Era) | Open Contact
This month's text is channeled by Sasha instead of Germane, to address the subject of ET contact.
At the time of this channeling, your planet is experiencing much pain and shock from an invasion and war, and yet more surges of virus in various parts of your world. You may be asking yourself, “When will this end? When will we have a break from all this chaos?”
As we have said many times, during the transition from third to fourth density on most planets, times of chaos are inevitable. The bright side (if you can call it that) is that the more chaos that ensues, the more of a reset you are experiencing as a species. The process, however, is never comfortable and always disorienting. In times like these, when people must let go of old ways of thought and being, there are also unexpected openings. It is this point that we would like to address for this month’s card.
So many have asked us why extraterrestrials do not interfere in planetary tragedy. If you could see it from our angle, the reasons would be very clear. We have eons of experience that have taught us that interference (sometimes thought of as “help”) can make the situation much worse. But there are certain ethics that we adhere to regarding securing the health and integrity of dimensional realities. If they are threatened, there are ways in which we can assist that do not interfere with your autonomy as a species. Since this is not the subject for this month, we will not say more about that at this time.
As you have seen in your own lives, when you are under stress or in pain, you are the most open to change. You begin to let your walls down because holding them up becomes too exhausting. A part of you has the wisdom to know that the walls cause more pain and stop change and growth. The same is true on a planetary level. As the chaos, emotional pain, and desperation grow on your world, your walls are coming down. Small openings that are like cracks in your armor are beginning to form. If you allow yourself to go into these cracks (seen perhaps as your emotional vulnerabilities), you will be able to view the universe in a whole new way. You will begin to see the interconnectedness of all consciousness. And most of all, you will be able to see the other aspects of the One (ETs) that are available to connect with you.
Therefore, for this month the theme of this card - Open Contact - isn’t referring to a huge landing, or the final realization of the truth about ETs. It instead refers to your new openings that are facilitated by the world’s turmoil. Through these new openings, you may perhaps sense our presence in a new and maybe stronger way. Indeed, we are not only watching your world closely, but we are consistently sending out transmissions to you (via energy or communication) so that you can feel our presence and know that we are supporting in whatever way we can. Many of you may see us in your skies more frequently as well. As you authentically connect with us, you entrain your consciousness to a new, more integrative frequency. This new frequency helps to reset the baseline frequency of disharmony and polarization on your world. We know you cannot see it right now in the middle of war and pandemic, but there is a new foundation of unity being laid that you will see in the years to come.
For this month (and likely many months of this year), we will be very active in supporting your world and you as individuals. Let your armor crack and find those openings even if it is painful. See your emotional vulnerabilities as strengths that can help you open your hearts to the universe (and your extraterrestrial family) even more deeply. For now, contact with us will come mostly in this way – through the cracks in your armor that help you reach your heart. There will come a day when contact will indeed be open and free. You are now paving the way with each piece of armor that you shed. We love you, and we await that day with open arms.
April 2022
Card #60 | Sirius (Present, 2nd Era) | Coming Full Circle
In last month's card text for #79 (Zeta Reticuli, Renewed Hope), we warned about reestablishing old dysfunctional habits and patterns when a new paradigm is ready to be born on both the personal and collective level. This card continues with that theme as it encourages you to be mindful of your evolutionary cycles.
Evolution isn't linear, nor is it circular. We know it feels as if you (and humanity) repeat the same cycles over and over again and it may sometimes feel as if no progress is made. However, from the bigger picture, evolution is a spiral. This means that while you may revisit themes over and over again, you always meet those themes from a slightly different perspective that is a product of your continued growth or denial plus your raw experience. Spirals have an implosion point – which means that at some point a type of alchemy happens whereby repeating patterns can no longer continue. Either an integration happens, or a fusion happens in which poles collide and the subsequent force of that collision creates change.
On a personal and collective level, you are all coming to one of those nexus points that represents the completion of a cycle. You are actually in the midst of many new cycles happening simultaneously. You can look at it as the finishing of the last 13,000 years of the cycle of separation, or the beginning of a new 26,000-year cycle of integration. It can feel like the death of the old and the birth of the new, even if you can't quite see what is coming over the horizon. There is both an integration (feminine principle) and a type of fusion (masculine principle) happening as well. This can account for the intensity and/or exhaustion that many of you are feeling. On an individual and collective level you are processing tremendous amounts of resistance and integration simultaneously. That may seem paradoxical, but depending upon the quality of the transitioning civilization, it can also be quite normal for this evolutionary passage. This dynamic is one of the reasons for your prolonged pandemic and other planetary challenges – to give you a framework in which to process these conflicting energies. In the midst of arguments over who is “right,” these tumultuous energies play out underneath the surface and lay the groundwork for the new reality trying to be born.
So on the personal level, is there anything you can do? What is the best way to navigate this roiling sea of energy? This card's energy is sourced from Sirius because your Sirian family had to navigate this sea and it was a rough one for them. They went through periods of intense polarization and separation among their people, to the point where two very different civilizations were formed. One civilization was based on service-to-self, and the other on service-to-others. As we stated above, you are not doomed to repeat these cycles, but it is important to know when you approach a nexus point in which mindful awareness of your choices is key to determining the path that you will experience. Therefore the theme of this card, Coming Full Circle, refers to the nexus point that so many of your galactic family members have had to face as they transitioned to 4th density. You are at that nexus point now.
In the eyes of the universe, no path is 'wrong'. If it arises in reality, it is there because somehow it needs to be there. However, if you prefer one path over another, then you will need to plant the seeds that nurture the path you prefer, rather than resist the path you don't prefer. On Earth now, there is a whole lot of resistance going on! This is a slippery slope because often people think they are nurturing a path of integration when they are really in a framework of resistance. So if we have one piece of advice to navigate this turbulent sea, it is this: Through radically honest self-observation (not self-judgment), learn to tell the difference between choices that represent egoic service-to-self vs. integrative choices that represent service-to-others. Notice the difference of resistance vs. integration within you. (This is a practice of learning to see one's inner polarization, and it is based more on intention rather than actions). Once you see yourself clearly, make your choices consciously. This simple ability will automatically and very clearly show you the path on which you have placed yourself and help you to understand why you see reality around you the way that you do.
As stated above, your Sirian family navigated this challenge as well, albeit with dramatic results before integration happened. Because of their deep love for you, they support you now through their communications and energy transmissions as a way for you to know that you are not alone. Consider this a planetary initiation into 4th density, and the opportunity for the start of a beautiful new integrative cycle in which the turbulent sea can finally come to rest within the collective heart of humanity.
Card #60 | Sirius (Present, 2nd Era) | Coming Full Circle
In last month's card text for #79 (Zeta Reticuli, Renewed Hope), we warned about reestablishing old dysfunctional habits and patterns when a new paradigm is ready to be born on both the personal and collective level. This card continues with that theme as it encourages you to be mindful of your evolutionary cycles.
Evolution isn't linear, nor is it circular. We know it feels as if you (and humanity) repeat the same cycles over and over again and it may sometimes feel as if no progress is made. However, from the bigger picture, evolution is a spiral. This means that while you may revisit themes over and over again, you always meet those themes from a slightly different perspective that is a product of your continued growth or denial plus your raw experience. Spirals have an implosion point – which means that at some point a type of alchemy happens whereby repeating patterns can no longer continue. Either an integration happens, or a fusion happens in which poles collide and the subsequent force of that collision creates change.
On a personal and collective level, you are all coming to one of those nexus points that represents the completion of a cycle. You are actually in the midst of many new cycles happening simultaneously. You can look at it as the finishing of the last 13,000 years of the cycle of separation, or the beginning of a new 26,000-year cycle of integration. It can feel like the death of the old and the birth of the new, even if you can't quite see what is coming over the horizon. There is both an integration (feminine principle) and a type of fusion (masculine principle) happening as well. This can account for the intensity and/or exhaustion that many of you are feeling. On an individual and collective level you are processing tremendous amounts of resistance and integration simultaneously. That may seem paradoxical, but depending upon the quality of the transitioning civilization, it can also be quite normal for this evolutionary passage. This dynamic is one of the reasons for your prolonged pandemic and other planetary challenges – to give you a framework in which to process these conflicting energies. In the midst of arguments over who is “right,” these tumultuous energies play out underneath the surface and lay the groundwork for the new reality trying to be born.
So on the personal level, is there anything you can do? What is the best way to navigate this roiling sea of energy? This card's energy is sourced from Sirius because your Sirian family had to navigate this sea and it was a rough one for them. They went through periods of intense polarization and separation among their people, to the point where two very different civilizations were formed. One civilization was based on service-to-self, and the other on service-to-others. As we stated above, you are not doomed to repeat these cycles, but it is important to know when you approach a nexus point in which mindful awareness of your choices is key to determining the path that you will experience. Therefore the theme of this card, Coming Full Circle, refers to the nexus point that so many of your galactic family members have had to face as they transitioned to 4th density. You are at that nexus point now.
In the eyes of the universe, no path is 'wrong'. If it arises in reality, it is there because somehow it needs to be there. However, if you prefer one path over another, then you will need to plant the seeds that nurture the path you prefer, rather than resist the path you don't prefer. On Earth now, there is a whole lot of resistance going on! This is a slippery slope because often people think they are nurturing a path of integration when they are really in a framework of resistance. So if we have one piece of advice to navigate this turbulent sea, it is this: Through radically honest self-observation (not self-judgment), learn to tell the difference between choices that represent egoic service-to-self vs. integrative choices that represent service-to-others. Notice the difference of resistance vs. integration within you. (This is a practice of learning to see one's inner polarization, and it is based more on intention rather than actions). Once you see yourself clearly, make your choices consciously. This simple ability will automatically and very clearly show you the path on which you have placed yourself and help you to understand why you see reality around you the way that you do.
As stated above, your Sirian family navigated this challenge as well, albeit with dramatic results before integration happened. Because of their deep love for you, they support you now through their communications and energy transmissions as a way for you to know that you are not alone. Consider this a planetary initiation into 4th density, and the opportunity for the start of a beautiful new integrative cycle in which the turbulent sea can finally come to rest within the collective heart of humanity.
March 2022
Card #79 | Zeta Reticuli (Present, 2nd Era) | Renewed Hope
This card references a turning point in Zeta Reticuli history. In the first era, they endured a traumatic species crisis in which they weren’t sure the species would survive – due to their own choices. As the species began to heal in the 2nd era, it required the Zetas to begin integrating their emotional and mental bodies, resulting in the ability to experience reality from a heart-centered place for the first time. This was a new experience for them, which left them both frightened of this new reality and hopeful for the future.
The timing of this card appearing now for your monthly guidance is significant. Even though this information is channeled months before the time this text is posted, we can see that humanity is beginning to walk a similar path as the Zetas did in terms of their healing process. For the last several years you have been battling a planet wide pandemic that has asked you to withdraw, separate from each other, and go within to address the inner issues that have been ignored. Your minds have become extremely active, arguing about whose view of reality is correct. On the surface, it seems that this has divided you. But underneath the surface, something very different is happening. The tides of unity and integration (so necessary for a fourth-density reality) are pulling you together even as many resist it. When a natural process is resisted, it creates divisions as those resisting try to do anything possible to deny the pull of the integration. This creates tension in a society and within the psyche of individuals, and you see that playing out in the external reality. Under the surface however, integration and transformation continue to unfold.
When you read the text for this card, you may finally be feeling a little bit of renewed hope as the Zetas did. Let us discuss one aspect of “hope” so that you can use it as a tool to understand the choices that you make as you move forward in the aftermath of a global event that has shaken so many of you.
During times of distress, there is often a feeling of desperation to return to what one considers “normal.” If we look at it from an ego point of view, the ego wants to return to its familiar landscape and modes of operation. When the ego’s habits and patterns get disrupted, the feeling of disorientation and vulnerability cause it to seek whatever means it can to recreate those old familiar routines – including ways of thinking, acting, and expressing in the external world. If the distress lasts a long time (as in the case of a pandemic or a war), the ego has time to build new coping mechanisms – yet they are still egoic in nature if the person is not doing their inner work. In that case, it is simply an exchange of one set of egoic behaviors for another.
As one senses the distress is coming to an end, a feeling of renewed hope can emerge. This renewed hope can take two paths. The first path is the result of inner changes or healings that have taken place. On this first path, it is the sense that all the inner healthy changes born from pain can now begin to bloom in the outside world, creating a new template of reality. It feels fresh, exciting, and maybe a little bit fragile. It will require tender care and a watchful inner eye to be sure that old habits don’t invade like weeds and choke off the life of the new reality.
The second path of renewed hope is one that is more insidious because it happens on an unconscious egoic level. For those who haven’t done their inner work during a crisis, the renewed hope represents the excitement of being able to return “back to normal.” For many, “normal” means old, dysfunctional behaviors and thought patterns. The ego becomes excited and impatient to return to its old ways, and it seeks to extinguish any small disruption to that goal before a new reality can be born.
Therefore, we ask you to look at these two paths within you and be very conscious of nurturing the new, fragile reality that is just being born. Do not feed the old, dysfunctional habits and patterns that might try to seduce you into letting them reemerge. This advice applies to both your individual and collective realities. This is a time to walk with a light step and to be gentle with yourself and others as the potential new reality is unfolding and needing to be reinforced and strengthened. Your Zeta family, having walked this road before, will be with you as you take your first steps.
Card #79 | Zeta Reticuli (Present, 2nd Era) | Renewed Hope
This card references a turning point in Zeta Reticuli history. In the first era, they endured a traumatic species crisis in which they weren’t sure the species would survive – due to their own choices. As the species began to heal in the 2nd era, it required the Zetas to begin integrating their emotional and mental bodies, resulting in the ability to experience reality from a heart-centered place for the first time. This was a new experience for them, which left them both frightened of this new reality and hopeful for the future.
The timing of this card appearing now for your monthly guidance is significant. Even though this information is channeled months before the time this text is posted, we can see that humanity is beginning to walk a similar path as the Zetas did in terms of their healing process. For the last several years you have been battling a planet wide pandemic that has asked you to withdraw, separate from each other, and go within to address the inner issues that have been ignored. Your minds have become extremely active, arguing about whose view of reality is correct. On the surface, it seems that this has divided you. But underneath the surface, something very different is happening. The tides of unity and integration (so necessary for a fourth-density reality) are pulling you together even as many resist it. When a natural process is resisted, it creates divisions as those resisting try to do anything possible to deny the pull of the integration. This creates tension in a society and within the psyche of individuals, and you see that playing out in the external reality. Under the surface however, integration and transformation continue to unfold.
When you read the text for this card, you may finally be feeling a little bit of renewed hope as the Zetas did. Let us discuss one aspect of “hope” so that you can use it as a tool to understand the choices that you make as you move forward in the aftermath of a global event that has shaken so many of you.
During times of distress, there is often a feeling of desperation to return to what one considers “normal.” If we look at it from an ego point of view, the ego wants to return to its familiar landscape and modes of operation. When the ego’s habits and patterns get disrupted, the feeling of disorientation and vulnerability cause it to seek whatever means it can to recreate those old familiar routines – including ways of thinking, acting, and expressing in the external world. If the distress lasts a long time (as in the case of a pandemic or a war), the ego has time to build new coping mechanisms – yet they are still egoic in nature if the person is not doing their inner work. In that case, it is simply an exchange of one set of egoic behaviors for another.
As one senses the distress is coming to an end, a feeling of renewed hope can emerge. This renewed hope can take two paths. The first path is the result of inner changes or healings that have taken place. On this first path, it is the sense that all the inner healthy changes born from pain can now begin to bloom in the outside world, creating a new template of reality. It feels fresh, exciting, and maybe a little bit fragile. It will require tender care and a watchful inner eye to be sure that old habits don’t invade like weeds and choke off the life of the new reality.
The second path of renewed hope is one that is more insidious because it happens on an unconscious egoic level. For those who haven’t done their inner work during a crisis, the renewed hope represents the excitement of being able to return “back to normal.” For many, “normal” means old, dysfunctional behaviors and thought patterns. The ego becomes excited and impatient to return to its old ways, and it seeks to extinguish any small disruption to that goal before a new reality can be born.
Therefore, we ask you to look at these two paths within you and be very conscious of nurturing the new, fragile reality that is just being born. Do not feed the old, dysfunctional habits and patterns that might try to seduce you into letting them reemerge. This advice applies to both your individual and collective realities. This is a time to walk with a light step and to be gentle with yourself and others as the potential new reality is unfolding and needing to be reinforced and strengthened. Your Zeta family, having walked this road before, will be with you as you take your first steps.
February 2022
Card #21 | Vega (Past, 1st Era) | Self Sacrifice
In last month’s card of the month, Lemurian Era (#47), we discussed the idea of self-forgiveness – especially as it connects to guilt of what was done or not done in the ancient past to help Earth as it began to enter a sleep cycle 13,000 years ago. This card is an extension of that theme and is often what happens when one cannot forgive oneself.
The Vegans often had a very structured and rigid spirituality. They cultivated a belief that one had to deny the needs of the physical self in order to awaken spiritually. While that can sometimes be true in an ego sense, it does not apply to the needs of a physiological being. The ego’s constant need for reassurance, safety, recognition, control, etc., is the most active in 3rd density. This pattern needs to be seen and acknowledged (while not empowered) if one wishes to awaken. The Vegans took that idea to extremes. Many of them would also deny basic physical needs such as love, connection, community, and even sometimes went as far as denying or restricting the needs of the body such as food or rest. While they believed that this brought them closer to virtue or connected them to the universe, it actually created the opposite – a closed heart and mind that stopped connection and distorted their view of themselves and the universe. Over time, this self-sacrifice created deep pain within their species. (And for those of you who know galactic history, a branch of the Vega lineage—the Zeta Reticuli—took this idea to an even further extreme and brought the species nearly to the brink of extinction).
This Vegan wound still plays out in humans today. Many of you carry a deep sense of guilt, shame, or a feeling of being rejected or unloved by the Universe. To balance this, you may deny yourselves certain things as a way to balance those feelings. You can see this belief system play out in many religions too, such as Catholicism or Buddhism. As a way to remedy this, many of you sacrifice yourselves and constantly think of others first until you are so depleted that you no longer know how to replenish yourselves.
In order to heal this pattern, you must first recognize its existence in your life. Do you give yourself enough time in solitude to recharge? Have you learned how to say a polite “no” when something is expected of you and you just don’t have the energy to do it? Maybe you have heard the phrase, “You teach people how to treat you.” By showing yourself respect and honor (instead of reacting as a martyr or victim), you teach others how to respect you and show them that they must do the same for themselves as well.
Spiritual growth is a tricky journey. On one hand, you don’t want to empower the ego and on the other hand, you have to honor the physical being that has chosen this journey into separation. Part of the journey is finding that middle ground. That middle ground does not include denying or killing the ego, but neither does it include pampering it. Finding and walking that middle path is a process of integrating both sides of your nature – the illusionary human self that is temporarily here in this reality and the big Self overseeing it all.
Your Vegan ancestors eventually learned this painful truth and integrated and awakened themselves. They see their heritage in you, and with deep compassion they offer their assistance in whatever way it can be felt. These Vegan masters offer an exercise in which they can be of assistance. Hold this card (#21) and card #73 (Freedom) in your hands or put them on an altar. Quiet yourself and feel the energy of each card and the flow of transformational energy between them. That transformational energy between them is an energetic signature, or “road map” that assisted the Vegans in transmuting this wound within them. Connect with that energy and allow the Vegan masters to assist. Let this energy give you the strength to make the changes necessary to honor your physical beingness and nudge you along on the road of integration.
Card #21 | Vega (Past, 1st Era) | Self Sacrifice
In last month’s card of the month, Lemurian Era (#47), we discussed the idea of self-forgiveness – especially as it connects to guilt of what was done or not done in the ancient past to help Earth as it began to enter a sleep cycle 13,000 years ago. This card is an extension of that theme and is often what happens when one cannot forgive oneself.
The Vegans often had a very structured and rigid spirituality. They cultivated a belief that one had to deny the needs of the physical self in order to awaken spiritually. While that can sometimes be true in an ego sense, it does not apply to the needs of a physiological being. The ego’s constant need for reassurance, safety, recognition, control, etc., is the most active in 3rd density. This pattern needs to be seen and acknowledged (while not empowered) if one wishes to awaken. The Vegans took that idea to extremes. Many of them would also deny basic physical needs such as love, connection, community, and even sometimes went as far as denying or restricting the needs of the body such as food or rest. While they believed that this brought them closer to virtue or connected them to the universe, it actually created the opposite – a closed heart and mind that stopped connection and distorted their view of themselves and the universe. Over time, this self-sacrifice created deep pain within their species. (And for those of you who know galactic history, a branch of the Vega lineage—the Zeta Reticuli—took this idea to an even further extreme and brought the species nearly to the brink of extinction).
This Vegan wound still plays out in humans today. Many of you carry a deep sense of guilt, shame, or a feeling of being rejected or unloved by the Universe. To balance this, you may deny yourselves certain things as a way to balance those feelings. You can see this belief system play out in many religions too, such as Catholicism or Buddhism. As a way to remedy this, many of you sacrifice yourselves and constantly think of others first until you are so depleted that you no longer know how to replenish yourselves.
In order to heal this pattern, you must first recognize its existence in your life. Do you give yourself enough time in solitude to recharge? Have you learned how to say a polite “no” when something is expected of you and you just don’t have the energy to do it? Maybe you have heard the phrase, “You teach people how to treat you.” By showing yourself respect and honor (instead of reacting as a martyr or victim), you teach others how to respect you and show them that they must do the same for themselves as well.
Spiritual growth is a tricky journey. On one hand, you don’t want to empower the ego and on the other hand, you have to honor the physical being that has chosen this journey into separation. Part of the journey is finding that middle ground. That middle ground does not include denying or killing the ego, but neither does it include pampering it. Finding and walking that middle path is a process of integrating both sides of your nature – the illusionary human self that is temporarily here in this reality and the big Self overseeing it all.
Your Vegan ancestors eventually learned this painful truth and integrated and awakened themselves. They see their heritage in you, and with deep compassion they offer their assistance in whatever way it can be felt. These Vegan masters offer an exercise in which they can be of assistance. Hold this card (#21) and card #73 (Freedom) in your hands or put them on an altar. Quiet yourself and feel the energy of each card and the flow of transformational energy between them. That transformational energy between them is an energetic signature, or “road map” that assisted the Vegans in transmuting this wound within them. Connect with that energy and allow the Vegan masters to assist. Let this energy give you the strength to make the changes necessary to honor your physical beingness and nudge you along on the road of integration.
January 2022
Card #47 | Earth (Past, 1st Era) | Lemurian Era
This is a very significant card for this period of human history. As we have shared many times, we do not refer to Lemuria as a place, but consider it to be more of an era. The great galactic cycle is roughly 26,000 years. During the last 13,000 years, it was the time of the most separation when humanity experienced the deepest part of third density consciousness and a kind of winter or sleep state. (We have called it the “Atlantean era” and there is a card for that era as well). The period from 13,000-26,000 years ago is what we call the Lemurian era, which was a time of less separation, with the hope that humanity would make its leap into 4th density consciousness. This was a period when your extraterrestrial family was active on the Earth and had open relationships with humans in different areas of the globe.
Around 13,000 years ago, the wise ones on your world, together with your ET mentors, realized that it was not time for humanity to awaken and that Earth was beginning to enter a type of seasonal “winter” in which consciousness would go more deeply into sleep and not awaken until the energy shifted in the next era. That era of the next shift—13,000 years later—is your time on Earth now. You may consider this time on Earth to be like a new spring. Just like in spring, it takes a while for dormant seedlings to grow. As you enter the new spring and summer cycle, we could consider it another “Lemurian era” being born. The choices you make and actions you take in the coming decades and centuries will build energy toward your awakening into full 4th density consciousness so that another “Atlantean era”, or sleep cycle, won’t have to manifest in the same style of dramatic separation as it did in the past.
But before this new spring can truly bloom, healing must take place. This healing has to do with the unhealed wounds you held as you were moving into the sleep cycle. For example, we have spoken with many humans in the last decade who have experienced a similar challenging story. They have uncovered memories from the last Lemurian era that were very painful. These memories may have to do with destruction of civilization by flood or other disasters, or the painful feelings of abandonment when the ET family left the Earth. However, these memories are only a superficial layer of the deeper wound.
At the end of the last Lemurian cycle, many of you had incarnations either as ETs or as humans who were working to help raise consciousness. When the imminent sleep cycle began, it was very painful to witness. A collective feeling of guilt or sense of failure emerged in the emotional bodies of many of you who were working to raise consciousness. Somehow, many of you misinterpreted the start of the winter sleep cycle as failure. Inner stories began being created that told you if you had worked harder or did this-or-that differently, that you could have created a different outcome. But as we’ve said many times, the universe never makes mistakes. The winter sleep cycle didn’t happen because of your action or non-action. It happened simply because energy moves in cycles, and this was the energy needed for evolution.
So in current time now, as the new spring cycle begins emerging, the unhealed wounds from this ancient past are also coming up to be acknowledged and healed. In many cases, this means self-forgiveness. As with many of these painful ancient wounds, the deeper layers are sometimes harder to see so you have to look beneath the surface. For many of you doing spiritual work in current day, there is an undercurrent of insecurity, lack of self worth, perfectionism, fear of failure, and resistance to being visible. You may or may not be aware of this, but it is at the core of the more superficial wounds that are easier to see on the surface.
Therefore, this card is coming up now as a reminder to forgive yourself – the “you” that you were in the last Lemurian cycle who you may perceive did not finish the job, so to speak. To enter this new spring cycle and fully embrace your role in it, you have to let go of the past. Let yourself do a deep dive into the painful issues that sabotage you the most. In doing so, you’ll always see a story in there of self-blame if you look deep enough.
When humanity went to sleep, many of your allies and mentors from the last Lemurian cycle withdrew their energies to honor your sleep cycle. As you begin to awaken now, they return to fulfill their commitment to you and the galactic family. This is one of the reasons why it appears that so many beings from different realms are assisting you now. As you awaken, your relationships renew. The necessary step of your self-forgiveness will move you to the next phase where you can open even more deeply to accept their assistance. And of course, as you open more deeply through self-forgiveness, you are really only opening yourself to deeper and deeper love, for that is all there is.
Card #47 | Earth (Past, 1st Era) | Lemurian Era
This is a very significant card for this period of human history. As we have shared many times, we do not refer to Lemuria as a place, but consider it to be more of an era. The great galactic cycle is roughly 26,000 years. During the last 13,000 years, it was the time of the most separation when humanity experienced the deepest part of third density consciousness and a kind of winter or sleep state. (We have called it the “Atlantean era” and there is a card for that era as well). The period from 13,000-26,000 years ago is what we call the Lemurian era, which was a time of less separation, with the hope that humanity would make its leap into 4th density consciousness. This was a period when your extraterrestrial family was active on the Earth and had open relationships with humans in different areas of the globe.
Around 13,000 years ago, the wise ones on your world, together with your ET mentors, realized that it was not time for humanity to awaken and that Earth was beginning to enter a type of seasonal “winter” in which consciousness would go more deeply into sleep and not awaken until the energy shifted in the next era. That era of the next shift—13,000 years later—is your time on Earth now. You may consider this time on Earth to be like a new spring. Just like in spring, it takes a while for dormant seedlings to grow. As you enter the new spring and summer cycle, we could consider it another “Lemurian era” being born. The choices you make and actions you take in the coming decades and centuries will build energy toward your awakening into full 4th density consciousness so that another “Atlantean era”, or sleep cycle, won’t have to manifest in the same style of dramatic separation as it did in the past.
But before this new spring can truly bloom, healing must take place. This healing has to do with the unhealed wounds you held as you were moving into the sleep cycle. For example, we have spoken with many humans in the last decade who have experienced a similar challenging story. They have uncovered memories from the last Lemurian era that were very painful. These memories may have to do with destruction of civilization by flood or other disasters, or the painful feelings of abandonment when the ET family left the Earth. However, these memories are only a superficial layer of the deeper wound.
At the end of the last Lemurian cycle, many of you had incarnations either as ETs or as humans who were working to help raise consciousness. When the imminent sleep cycle began, it was very painful to witness. A collective feeling of guilt or sense of failure emerged in the emotional bodies of many of you who were working to raise consciousness. Somehow, many of you misinterpreted the start of the winter sleep cycle as failure. Inner stories began being created that told you if you had worked harder or did this-or-that differently, that you could have created a different outcome. But as we’ve said many times, the universe never makes mistakes. The winter sleep cycle didn’t happen because of your action or non-action. It happened simply because energy moves in cycles, and this was the energy needed for evolution.
So in current time now, as the new spring cycle begins emerging, the unhealed wounds from this ancient past are also coming up to be acknowledged and healed. In many cases, this means self-forgiveness. As with many of these painful ancient wounds, the deeper layers are sometimes harder to see so you have to look beneath the surface. For many of you doing spiritual work in current day, there is an undercurrent of insecurity, lack of self worth, perfectionism, fear of failure, and resistance to being visible. You may or may not be aware of this, but it is at the core of the more superficial wounds that are easier to see on the surface.
Therefore, this card is coming up now as a reminder to forgive yourself – the “you” that you were in the last Lemurian cycle who you may perceive did not finish the job, so to speak. To enter this new spring cycle and fully embrace your role in it, you have to let go of the past. Let yourself do a deep dive into the painful issues that sabotage you the most. In doing so, you’ll always see a story in there of self-blame if you look deep enough.
When humanity went to sleep, many of your allies and mentors from the last Lemurian cycle withdrew their energies to honor your sleep cycle. As you begin to awaken now, they return to fulfill their commitment to you and the galactic family. This is one of the reasons why it appears that so many beings from different realms are assisting you now. As you awaken, your relationships renew. The necessary step of your self-forgiveness will move you to the next phase where you can open even more deeply to accept their assistance. And of course, as you open more deeply through self-forgiveness, you are really only opening yourself to deeper and deeper love, for that is all there is.
December 2021
Card #14 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Seeds of Polarity
The word polarity often evokes a sense of dread or fear. Let’s look at it from a neutral place. Why does polarity exist? If the One is all that is, then how can the one see itself? Can a person see his or her own face without a mirror? In order to see oneself, a mirror or a window has to be created. But if the One is everything, how can it create something outside of itself? The only way to see itself is to create the illusion of separation so that it can experience the universe through a countless number of seemingly separate mirrors. The challenge is that these mirrors (you) don’t realize that they are only reflecting aspects of the One. You’ve come to believe the illusion of separation. This belief has a constructive purpose. Not knowing who you are, you are able to have adventures in separation that the One could never have in its state of Oneness. The separated mirrors traverse a journey that eventually leads them back to the One. Therefore, the separated self operates in a type of dream state that is generated by the One in order to maintain the illusion.
Archetypally, the ancient Lyrans represent the first physical species that awakened itself from the dream. Because they were the first, they had no mentors or guides to help them. Their road to awakening was a long one. The turning point came when the pain of separation became so great, that they gave up their willingness to maintain separation and continually fuel the illusionary dream state. Exhausted by the effort of separation, they let go.
Card #67, Self Observance (from the 3rd Lyran era), is the key to how the Lyrans began their awakening process. Using the mirror metaphor, they began to understand that separate beings were merely mirrors of the One. What do you do with a mirror? You gaze into it. If you don’t, what is its purpose? As they gazed into the mirrors all around them—other separate beings—with the deep awareness that others were really reflections of themselves, they began to see the similarity between beings, despite the individuality. Under the surface, they began to realize the pain of separation and the fear of the loss of the individual self that all beings carry. Under layers of trauma and pain from countless physical lifetimes, they found a spark of the awareness of the One. This revelation changed their trajectory from one of continued polarity and conflict to one of integration.
Most physical civilizations go through periods of deep polarity. During those times, it can feel very dark – as if it is impossible to shift the situation through anything but aggression. Yet aggression is the last thing that is needed at times like this. Imagine grabbing a mirror, seeing your own reflection, and yelling at that reflection to make it do what you want it to do. It doesn’t work. The only thing that can be done is to gaze at the reflections you see (especially the dark and painful ones) and bring them into you as a part of who you are. This is how the shattered mirror heals itself and returns home.
So in this Earth period of immense polarity, you are obviously being tested. Pandemics, climate crises, and radicalizations of belief are all emerging now. This isn’t because something is wrong; rather, it is because you are entering the final stages of this journey of separation. In those final stages, resistance to integration is the strongest. What can you do to navigate it? While this may seem like an intellectual exercise, it is actually so much more. Seek out the mirrors that you fear or detest. Gaze into them. Understand why they are how they are. When you can understand them, you can have compassion for them. Because they are really another version of you, your compassion becomes compassion toward yourself as well. This begins the alchemical process that leads to radical integration, healing, and true awakening.
The ancient Lyrans who passed through these difficult spiritual tests no longer have bodies in the same way you do, but their awakened consciousness remains like an echo in the fabric of your collective. In this time of tension and strife on Earth, they offer you comfort, guidance, and support. However, the only way to access this gift is to look into the mirror and begin your journey.
Card #14 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Seeds of Polarity
The word polarity often evokes a sense of dread or fear. Let’s look at it from a neutral place. Why does polarity exist? If the One is all that is, then how can the one see itself? Can a person see his or her own face without a mirror? In order to see oneself, a mirror or a window has to be created. But if the One is everything, how can it create something outside of itself? The only way to see itself is to create the illusion of separation so that it can experience the universe through a countless number of seemingly separate mirrors. The challenge is that these mirrors (you) don’t realize that they are only reflecting aspects of the One. You’ve come to believe the illusion of separation. This belief has a constructive purpose. Not knowing who you are, you are able to have adventures in separation that the One could never have in its state of Oneness. The separated mirrors traverse a journey that eventually leads them back to the One. Therefore, the separated self operates in a type of dream state that is generated by the One in order to maintain the illusion.
Archetypally, the ancient Lyrans represent the first physical species that awakened itself from the dream. Because they were the first, they had no mentors or guides to help them. Their road to awakening was a long one. The turning point came when the pain of separation became so great, that they gave up their willingness to maintain separation and continually fuel the illusionary dream state. Exhausted by the effort of separation, they let go.
Card #67, Self Observance (from the 3rd Lyran era), is the key to how the Lyrans began their awakening process. Using the mirror metaphor, they began to understand that separate beings were merely mirrors of the One. What do you do with a mirror? You gaze into it. If you don’t, what is its purpose? As they gazed into the mirrors all around them—other separate beings—with the deep awareness that others were really reflections of themselves, they began to see the similarity between beings, despite the individuality. Under the surface, they began to realize the pain of separation and the fear of the loss of the individual self that all beings carry. Under layers of trauma and pain from countless physical lifetimes, they found a spark of the awareness of the One. This revelation changed their trajectory from one of continued polarity and conflict to one of integration.
Most physical civilizations go through periods of deep polarity. During those times, it can feel very dark – as if it is impossible to shift the situation through anything but aggression. Yet aggression is the last thing that is needed at times like this. Imagine grabbing a mirror, seeing your own reflection, and yelling at that reflection to make it do what you want it to do. It doesn’t work. The only thing that can be done is to gaze at the reflections you see (especially the dark and painful ones) and bring them into you as a part of who you are. This is how the shattered mirror heals itself and returns home.
So in this Earth period of immense polarity, you are obviously being tested. Pandemics, climate crises, and radicalizations of belief are all emerging now. This isn’t because something is wrong; rather, it is because you are entering the final stages of this journey of separation. In those final stages, resistance to integration is the strongest. What can you do to navigate it? While this may seem like an intellectual exercise, it is actually so much more. Seek out the mirrors that you fear or detest. Gaze into them. Understand why they are how they are. When you can understand them, you can have compassion for them. Because they are really another version of you, your compassion becomes compassion toward yourself as well. This begins the alchemical process that leads to radical integration, healing, and true awakening.
The ancient Lyrans who passed through these difficult spiritual tests no longer have bodies in the same way you do, but their awakened consciousness remains like an echo in the fabric of your collective. In this time of tension and strife on Earth, they offer you comfort, guidance, and support. However, the only way to access this gift is to look into the mirror and begin your journey.
November 2021
Card #36 | Orion (Past, 1st Era) | Delusion of Control
Rather than discuss this card from the galactic history perspective, it is most important to understand its implications on an evolutionary level that have to do with species evolution. In order to do so, let us review some information we have shared in the past about humankind’s transition from third to fourth density.
Third density consciousness is based heavily on polarity, in which reality is seen as black or white, good or bad. This is one of the most separated states of consciousness possible. When a species is entrenched in this state of consciousness, it is driven by the energy of the solar plexus. The solar plexus provides the fuel for the will. The false self (ego) uses the will in order to push itself through a challenging reality by focusing on “getting” what it needs such as whatever is needed for survival at the most basic level. This extends to more abstract needs such as feelings of protection, safety, and recognition. In the most separated times of third density, the ego begins to believe that it controls reality and does whatever is necessary to get what it wants. This is often a subtle program that runs in the background for most people. However, in those you consider narcissists, the behavior is obvious for all to see.
As a species transitions to fourth density (which is a more integrated and less polarized consciousness state), the solar plexus energy weakens and the energy of the heart strengthens. This can cause a type of panic to arise in which the weakening ego fights for its survival. (You are seeing this happening on Earth now). The ego starts to realize that its previous belief that it can control reality was just a delusion. As the ability to control reality appears to wane, the ego panics even more, and a type of internal battle happens between the awakening 4th-density self and the weakening ego. In an attempt to continue its survival, the ego begins to envision enemies all around it. These “enemies” seem to be attempting to take away one’s “freedom.” In reality, this perception is simply the weakening ego’s terror that it is losing its grip on controlling its destiny. The biggest delusion here is the belief that one could ever control one’s destiny. The ego has very little power to control or direct anything, despite its belief that it has free will. This idea is resisted and often produces much terror in transitioning species.
When we say that “the energy of the heart strengthens,” what do we mean? We are not talking about feeling love and walking around in a state of bliss, although that can be a byproduct. We are talking about one’s ability to plug into the natural flow of the universe and be empowered by that flow rather than feeling like a victim to it and fighting against it. Only egos feel like victims. As the energy moves from the solar plexus to the heart, one begins to feel rooted in this universal flow and this creates a great sense of peace, no matter what is happening “out there” in the world. As long as the ego is thrashing about, complaining that it is being controlled, one will never make that shift from solar plexus to heart-centered energy.
In the current circumstances on Earth, humanity is being given an opportunity to make this transition away from the ego-centric belief that it can control everything, to the true state of freedom which, paradoxically, means letting go of all delusions of control. To the ego, this feels like entering a black hole. It is terrifying. The ego will cling to any belief, even obviously false ones (such as those propagated on social media for example), to support its need to feel in control (or as a victim) so that it never has to face its fears of that black hole.
Though it may not feel like it to you now, this is a precious, sacred time on Earth. It is one that all galactic species face as they transition. It is a time of death and rebirth. It is a time full of paradox. The biggest paradox? The more you let go of trying to control your reality, the more you feel empowered. This lesson often takes a long time to learn and though your species is struggling with it, you will eventually stop the thrashing and let go. Sometimes you don’t stop thrashing and resisting until you exhaust yourselves and then finally let go and be at peace. No matter how you walk this road, the Orion masters of light (who integrated polarity and made this transition in the ancient days) are silently supporting you. Look to them in your meditations and prayers, for if you allow it, they can help you walk this painful and beautiful road Home.
Card #36 | Orion (Past, 1st Era) | Delusion of Control
Rather than discuss this card from the galactic history perspective, it is most important to understand its implications on an evolutionary level that have to do with species evolution. In order to do so, let us review some information we have shared in the past about humankind’s transition from third to fourth density.
Third density consciousness is based heavily on polarity, in which reality is seen as black or white, good or bad. This is one of the most separated states of consciousness possible. When a species is entrenched in this state of consciousness, it is driven by the energy of the solar plexus. The solar plexus provides the fuel for the will. The false self (ego) uses the will in order to push itself through a challenging reality by focusing on “getting” what it needs such as whatever is needed for survival at the most basic level. This extends to more abstract needs such as feelings of protection, safety, and recognition. In the most separated times of third density, the ego begins to believe that it controls reality and does whatever is necessary to get what it wants. This is often a subtle program that runs in the background for most people. However, in those you consider narcissists, the behavior is obvious for all to see.
As a species transitions to fourth density (which is a more integrated and less polarized consciousness state), the solar plexus energy weakens and the energy of the heart strengthens. This can cause a type of panic to arise in which the weakening ego fights for its survival. (You are seeing this happening on Earth now). The ego starts to realize that its previous belief that it can control reality was just a delusion. As the ability to control reality appears to wane, the ego panics even more, and a type of internal battle happens between the awakening 4th-density self and the weakening ego. In an attempt to continue its survival, the ego begins to envision enemies all around it. These “enemies” seem to be attempting to take away one’s “freedom.” In reality, this perception is simply the weakening ego’s terror that it is losing its grip on controlling its destiny. The biggest delusion here is the belief that one could ever control one’s destiny. The ego has very little power to control or direct anything, despite its belief that it has free will. This idea is resisted and often produces much terror in transitioning species.
When we say that “the energy of the heart strengthens,” what do we mean? We are not talking about feeling love and walking around in a state of bliss, although that can be a byproduct. We are talking about one’s ability to plug into the natural flow of the universe and be empowered by that flow rather than feeling like a victim to it and fighting against it. Only egos feel like victims. As the energy moves from the solar plexus to the heart, one begins to feel rooted in this universal flow and this creates a great sense of peace, no matter what is happening “out there” in the world. As long as the ego is thrashing about, complaining that it is being controlled, one will never make that shift from solar plexus to heart-centered energy.
In the current circumstances on Earth, humanity is being given an opportunity to make this transition away from the ego-centric belief that it can control everything, to the true state of freedom which, paradoxically, means letting go of all delusions of control. To the ego, this feels like entering a black hole. It is terrifying. The ego will cling to any belief, even obviously false ones (such as those propagated on social media for example), to support its need to feel in control (or as a victim) so that it never has to face its fears of that black hole.
Though it may not feel like it to you now, this is a precious, sacred time on Earth. It is one that all galactic species face as they transition. It is a time of death and rebirth. It is a time full of paradox. The biggest paradox? The more you let go of trying to control your reality, the more you feel empowered. This lesson often takes a long time to learn and though your species is struggling with it, you will eventually stop the thrashing and let go. Sometimes you don’t stop thrashing and resisting until you exhaust yourselves and then finally let go and be at peace. No matter how you walk this road, the Orion masters of light (who integrated polarity and made this transition in the ancient days) are silently supporting you. Look to them in your meditations and prayers, for if you allow it, they can help you walk this painful and beautiful road Home.
October 2021
Card #81 | Zeta Reticuli (Present, 2nd Era) | Learning to Nurture
The energy of this card comes from the Zeta Reticuli history known by many of you. The Zetas, a species that developed a highly mental consciousness that submerged the emotional body, experienced a massive species crisis because of this unbalance. The species nearly destroyed itself through toxicity, sterility, and emotional atrophy. In order to heal themselves, right on the brink of destruction, they had to learn to reestablish a connection with the suppressed emotional body. This was a frightening and challenging experience for a species that prided itself on mental acuity and who viewed the emotional body as inferior to the mental body. It was a humbling journey for them, but a most necessary one.
One aspect of this journey was to learn how to nurture. This included nurturing those around them such as children and community members. It also meant learning how to nurture the environment around them (such as planets), as a way to remember that one’s environment is an extension of one’s own consciousness. But perhaps the most difficult (and most important) lesson for them was to learn to nurture the self, because that action meant embracing the emotional body. It was a long road, but with the help of humans and other species, they were able to heal themselves.
A similar experience is happening on Earth now. Even though humans are more naturally emotional than the Zetas were, there is great fear of the emotional body. This leads to an inner conflict felt by humans that is reaching an implosion point in the collective consciousness. In a species such as yours (one that is frightened of its robust emotional body), the relationship with the mental body becomes convoluted. What do we mean by this? In an attempt to protect the emotional body, the mental body in humans can become its own worst enemy. Instead of allowing the natural flow of emotional energy, the mental body can activate itself and become a kind of protector of the emotional body. What does this look like? This process takes the form of the construction of elaborate mental reasoning (sometimes very distorted) that is projected outwards into reality as a way to avoid feeling or experiencing the clear facts of the reality that are obvious for all to see. The mental body constructs an illusionary reality paradigm and begins believing it – all for the purpose of avoiding unpleasant or painful emotions.
What is the solution for this process that traps the person in a prison of their own convoluted belief systems? The answer is the theme of this card, but the implementation of it is not always easy. When we refer to the idea of “learning to nurture,” what do we mean? Suppressing the emotional body results in a profound state of desolation, like being in a desert without water. The state of drought just gets worse until the person realizes that they need to (metaphorically) hydrate themselves. Hydration, or taking a drink, is symbolic for opening the emotional body and reestablishing an inflow and outflow of energy. One will need to allow the stored and painful emotions to purge out, while at the same time allow the love from others and the universe to be truly absorbed within. This dismantles the illusionary paradigm that has been built for protection.
Therefore, learning to nurture is not referring to nurturing the ego’s desires, which would just continue to reinforce the distorted paradigm built for protection. True nurturing has more to do with allowing yourself to experience reality in the natural way you were meant to experience it – with a healthy emotional and mental body in balance. The road to this experience is often painful at first because opening the emotional body can feel like a death – but it is always followed by a rebirth.
The Zetas learned this lesson through a very painful and beautiful period in their history (2nd era) when they became almost like children again. That childlike innocence and wonder will give you the strength to go into the uncomfortable places that were previously submerged. When you do, you will take that much needed drink of water that will begin the process of nurturing and healing yourselves. This process is a game-changer, for it will make the creation of illusionary reality constructs impossible and will usher you into the necessary period of healing and release of denial that all 3rd density civilizations must face as they make their transition into 4th density.
This is one of the reasons why the Zeta energy is so strong in your reality and has been for a while – because these beings made this transition and are here to assist you in yours. They are offering you their wisdom and a refreshing drink of water. When you agree to take the first sip, you begin your journey into self-nurturance.
Card #81 | Zeta Reticuli (Present, 2nd Era) | Learning to Nurture
The energy of this card comes from the Zeta Reticuli history known by many of you. The Zetas, a species that developed a highly mental consciousness that submerged the emotional body, experienced a massive species crisis because of this unbalance. The species nearly destroyed itself through toxicity, sterility, and emotional atrophy. In order to heal themselves, right on the brink of destruction, they had to learn to reestablish a connection with the suppressed emotional body. This was a frightening and challenging experience for a species that prided itself on mental acuity and who viewed the emotional body as inferior to the mental body. It was a humbling journey for them, but a most necessary one.
One aspect of this journey was to learn how to nurture. This included nurturing those around them such as children and community members. It also meant learning how to nurture the environment around them (such as planets), as a way to remember that one’s environment is an extension of one’s own consciousness. But perhaps the most difficult (and most important) lesson for them was to learn to nurture the self, because that action meant embracing the emotional body. It was a long road, but with the help of humans and other species, they were able to heal themselves.
A similar experience is happening on Earth now. Even though humans are more naturally emotional than the Zetas were, there is great fear of the emotional body. This leads to an inner conflict felt by humans that is reaching an implosion point in the collective consciousness. In a species such as yours (one that is frightened of its robust emotional body), the relationship with the mental body becomes convoluted. What do we mean by this? In an attempt to protect the emotional body, the mental body in humans can become its own worst enemy. Instead of allowing the natural flow of emotional energy, the mental body can activate itself and become a kind of protector of the emotional body. What does this look like? This process takes the form of the construction of elaborate mental reasoning (sometimes very distorted) that is projected outwards into reality as a way to avoid feeling or experiencing the clear facts of the reality that are obvious for all to see. The mental body constructs an illusionary reality paradigm and begins believing it – all for the purpose of avoiding unpleasant or painful emotions.
What is the solution for this process that traps the person in a prison of their own convoluted belief systems? The answer is the theme of this card, but the implementation of it is not always easy. When we refer to the idea of “learning to nurture,” what do we mean? Suppressing the emotional body results in a profound state of desolation, like being in a desert without water. The state of drought just gets worse until the person realizes that they need to (metaphorically) hydrate themselves. Hydration, or taking a drink, is symbolic for opening the emotional body and reestablishing an inflow and outflow of energy. One will need to allow the stored and painful emotions to purge out, while at the same time allow the love from others and the universe to be truly absorbed within. This dismantles the illusionary paradigm that has been built for protection.
Therefore, learning to nurture is not referring to nurturing the ego’s desires, which would just continue to reinforce the distorted paradigm built for protection. True nurturing has more to do with allowing yourself to experience reality in the natural way you were meant to experience it – with a healthy emotional and mental body in balance. The road to this experience is often painful at first because opening the emotional body can feel like a death – but it is always followed by a rebirth.
The Zetas learned this lesson through a very painful and beautiful period in their history (2nd era) when they became almost like children again. That childlike innocence and wonder will give you the strength to go into the uncomfortable places that were previously submerged. When you do, you will take that much needed drink of water that will begin the process of nurturing and healing yourselves. This process is a game-changer, for it will make the creation of illusionary reality constructs impossible and will usher you into the necessary period of healing and release of denial that all 3rd density civilizations must face as they make their transition into 4th density.
This is one of the reasons why the Zeta energy is so strong in your reality and has been for a while – because these beings made this transition and are here to assist you in yours. They are offering you their wisdom and a refreshing drink of water. When you agree to take the first sip, you begin your journey into self-nurturance.
September 2021
Card #8 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Cosmic Midwifery
In many of our past communications, we have referred to the Arcturus energy as being like a midwife – one that guides you through the realms between birth and death. If we look at the initial fragmentation in the way we have presented it for you represented by the cards, the archetypal Arcturus energy represents the last realm of energetic balance and nonphysicality before physical incarnation and the exploration of the theme of polarity. This is why the Arcturus energy is so vital to civilizations that are making the transition from 3rd to 4th density. Their guidance that is offered to physical civilizations such as yours is essential in this transition. They teach you how to move from a mind-dominated reality to one that is mentally and emotionally balanced. In short, they help you open your hearts and experience the intense healing process that is necessary as you are “born” into a 4th density reality.
Humankind is now experiencing this birth process. Metaphorically, we can say that labor has started and you are just beginning the journey through the birth canal. That means it can be a confusing and painful time, because you have to learn to let go of an old reality (the womb, the sleep state so to speak) and a new world in which your eyes begin to open to a new reality. It is common to want to cling to sleep and comfort, rather than experience the intense process of birthing into a new reality. The scream that babies express upon birth is a humorous (but accurate) way to describe this state of transition.
As we often do, we look at processes on a macrocosmic and microcosmic level. We have just described the macrocosmic level, which takes the form of humankind’s birth into a whole new reality in which the comfortable sleep of separation must be exchanged for the shocking wakefulness of the integrative process. You see this all around you on Earth now. It may seem as if people are going crazy – striking out at others without realizing that others are a reflection of themselves. This may continue for a while longer but eventually most species see that the panic begins to weaken and eventually disappear.
The microcosmic level in which this process plays out is how it affects each of you on a personal level. Your personal inner work actually can affect the macrocosmic level profoundly. Since you cannot control or change what happens in Earth’s process as a whole, it is recommended that you begin to focus even more on your own personal process. You, too, are going through a profound birth process and it is up to you to navigate it to the best of your ability – of course, with loving guides to help you such as the Arcturus energy.
Therefore to expand upon the birth theme, most people do not remember their own birth. If you have done so through meditation or regression, you may remember that is can be fraught with fear, pain, and even anger at having left a safe and comfortable environment. This is a direct mirror of the “birth” into original separation from the One. The process you are now undergoing is the opposite. You are now experiencing the start of your “birth” back into your natural state of integration. (In that case you could say it is also a death process – the death of the separated, egoic self).
This birth into the integrative state requires one to shed all baggage that was collected in the separated state. Most people don’t realize the intensity of the old wounds they are carrying, and so the process of facing, feeling, thanking, and releasing the old wounds can be one that is frightening indeed. However, it is a necessary one that cannot be avoided forever. Life events often happen to force you to go through this birth process. For some of you, the motivation is a sense of profound discomfort in the old sleep state. Without knowing why, you may rush forward intuitively, trying to purge what you’ve held for so long. Whether your motivation is from unavoidable life events or profound discomfort with the old reality (and the old egoic self in that reality), it is important to know one thing.
The natural energy of the universe moves toward integration. It is hard to see or feel that truth in the separated, 3rd density state. Once you get a glimpse or a sense of your true integrated state, you can begin to feel this magnetic energy that pulls you toward the state of integration and use it as a compass to help guide your way Home. Your Arcturan counterparts wait for you in that twilight between separation and integration. They are a breath away and ready to help guide you. The easiest way to feel them is through your heart, which is the perfect way to begin your journey.
Card #8 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Cosmic Midwifery
In many of our past communications, we have referred to the Arcturus energy as being like a midwife – one that guides you through the realms between birth and death. If we look at the initial fragmentation in the way we have presented it for you represented by the cards, the archetypal Arcturus energy represents the last realm of energetic balance and nonphysicality before physical incarnation and the exploration of the theme of polarity. This is why the Arcturus energy is so vital to civilizations that are making the transition from 3rd to 4th density. Their guidance that is offered to physical civilizations such as yours is essential in this transition. They teach you how to move from a mind-dominated reality to one that is mentally and emotionally balanced. In short, they help you open your hearts and experience the intense healing process that is necessary as you are “born” into a 4th density reality.
Humankind is now experiencing this birth process. Metaphorically, we can say that labor has started and you are just beginning the journey through the birth canal. That means it can be a confusing and painful time, because you have to learn to let go of an old reality (the womb, the sleep state so to speak) and a new world in which your eyes begin to open to a new reality. It is common to want to cling to sleep and comfort, rather than experience the intense process of birthing into a new reality. The scream that babies express upon birth is a humorous (but accurate) way to describe this state of transition.
As we often do, we look at processes on a macrocosmic and microcosmic level. We have just described the macrocosmic level, which takes the form of humankind’s birth into a whole new reality in which the comfortable sleep of separation must be exchanged for the shocking wakefulness of the integrative process. You see this all around you on Earth now. It may seem as if people are going crazy – striking out at others without realizing that others are a reflection of themselves. This may continue for a while longer but eventually most species see that the panic begins to weaken and eventually disappear.
The microcosmic level in which this process plays out is how it affects each of you on a personal level. Your personal inner work actually can affect the macrocosmic level profoundly. Since you cannot control or change what happens in Earth’s process as a whole, it is recommended that you begin to focus even more on your own personal process. You, too, are going through a profound birth process and it is up to you to navigate it to the best of your ability – of course, with loving guides to help you such as the Arcturus energy.
Therefore to expand upon the birth theme, most people do not remember their own birth. If you have done so through meditation or regression, you may remember that is can be fraught with fear, pain, and even anger at having left a safe and comfortable environment. This is a direct mirror of the “birth” into original separation from the One. The process you are now undergoing is the opposite. You are now experiencing the start of your “birth” back into your natural state of integration. (In that case you could say it is also a death process – the death of the separated, egoic self).
This birth into the integrative state requires one to shed all baggage that was collected in the separated state. Most people don’t realize the intensity of the old wounds they are carrying, and so the process of facing, feeling, thanking, and releasing the old wounds can be one that is frightening indeed. However, it is a necessary one that cannot be avoided forever. Life events often happen to force you to go through this birth process. For some of you, the motivation is a sense of profound discomfort in the old sleep state. Without knowing why, you may rush forward intuitively, trying to purge what you’ve held for so long. Whether your motivation is from unavoidable life events or profound discomfort with the old reality (and the old egoic self in that reality), it is important to know one thing.
The natural energy of the universe moves toward integration. It is hard to see or feel that truth in the separated, 3rd density state. Once you get a glimpse or a sense of your true integrated state, you can begin to feel this magnetic energy that pulls you toward the state of integration and use it as a compass to help guide your way Home. Your Arcturan counterparts wait for you in that twilight between separation and integration. They are a breath away and ready to help guide you. The easiest way to feel them is through your heart, which is the perfect way to begin your journey.
August 2021
Card #1 | Founders (Parallel) | Beyond Wisdom
In last month’s card, Refining Galactic Lineage (#65), we spoke about “riding the spiral” of evolution, and how all the ancient galactic civilizations have contributed to the momentum of evolution that you experience here on Earth now. We also spoke about how as you continue to evolve, the spiral rungs get narrower and narrower and evolution accelerates. What happens when the spiral finally condenses and implodes?
In many of the books and transmissions we have given over the decades, we often discuss this process starting at the point of oneness through the process of fragmentation. But if we were to follow the process the opposite way – from separation to reintegration – what happens? How do you experience it? It is impossible to use words to define it, and even metaphors express only a tiny fraction of this experience, but we will do our best in the context of this month’s theme.
As a spiral of evolution begins to condense, the separated beings riding that spiral begin to feel the pressure. At first, this pressure causes even deeper separation and polarity as you are seeing on your world right now. Those who continually make choices that reinforce polarity begin to fracture off into a kind of self-generated parallel reality (that still coexists with the collective). This causes chaos on the planet and a state of massive distraction where the internal shadows are often projected outward and you begin to see the “bad guys” everywhere. Some of those who refuse to look inward at their shadows and unhealed pain eventually cannot maintain the frequency necessary for species evolution and integration and usually begin incarnating elsewhere. Some may even create a type of implosion while still on Earth, experiencing mental illness, delusion, physical illness and other challenges that cause them to lash out at others or themselves. As you can see, some of this is already beginning to happen on Earth.
But the news isn’t all dark, for those who continue the inner integration process with sincere hearts add to the momentum of evolution. Eventually, there is a breakthrough. It is impossible to forecast when or how that will be, but it is inevitable. As you ride this spiral of evolution toward the implosion point of alchemy and then integration, you receive help from other beings who have also taken the same journey. They are, in a sense, “waiting” for you on those spiral rungs to help you in your process.
The species associated with this card (the Founders) represents a group consciousness that was the first to separate from the One. They act like a bridge between the integrated and separated realities. They are like midwives to help separated beings cross over a threshold toward more complete integration. Since the early 2000s, Founders have been more present in contact work. We have seen that they have made connections with more and more humans. This is because so many of you are approaching the frequency of integration necessary to experience the deep presence that these beings emanate. This is a really good sign. Despite the chaos and overwhelming polarity your world is experiencing, there is an undercurrent of integration that is steadily progressing unseen. You can say that the more polarity you see, the more this undercurrent of integration is increasing. The theme of this card, “Beyond Wisdom” is expressing the profound nature of the consciousness of these beings. Their presence emanates much more than wisdom – they are a direct connection to Source itself.
This card is appearing now as a way to remind you of the path that you are traveling as a species. This path might seem unfamiliar and scary right now. You might feel that you have lost your way. In those times of confusion, fear, and division, the Founders are available to you to entrain you to a more integrated frequency that can remind you of who you really are. This is their role now. Do not hesitate to reach out to them, for it is their consciousness that acts as ambassadors -- ultimately guiding you all home to the One.
Card #1 | Founders (Parallel) | Beyond Wisdom
In last month’s card, Refining Galactic Lineage (#65), we spoke about “riding the spiral” of evolution, and how all the ancient galactic civilizations have contributed to the momentum of evolution that you experience here on Earth now. We also spoke about how as you continue to evolve, the spiral rungs get narrower and narrower and evolution accelerates. What happens when the spiral finally condenses and implodes?
In many of the books and transmissions we have given over the decades, we often discuss this process starting at the point of oneness through the process of fragmentation. But if we were to follow the process the opposite way – from separation to reintegration – what happens? How do you experience it? It is impossible to use words to define it, and even metaphors express only a tiny fraction of this experience, but we will do our best in the context of this month’s theme.
As a spiral of evolution begins to condense, the separated beings riding that spiral begin to feel the pressure. At first, this pressure causes even deeper separation and polarity as you are seeing on your world right now. Those who continually make choices that reinforce polarity begin to fracture off into a kind of self-generated parallel reality (that still coexists with the collective). This causes chaos on the planet and a state of massive distraction where the internal shadows are often projected outward and you begin to see the “bad guys” everywhere. Some of those who refuse to look inward at their shadows and unhealed pain eventually cannot maintain the frequency necessary for species evolution and integration and usually begin incarnating elsewhere. Some may even create a type of implosion while still on Earth, experiencing mental illness, delusion, physical illness and other challenges that cause them to lash out at others or themselves. As you can see, some of this is already beginning to happen on Earth.
But the news isn’t all dark, for those who continue the inner integration process with sincere hearts add to the momentum of evolution. Eventually, there is a breakthrough. It is impossible to forecast when or how that will be, but it is inevitable. As you ride this spiral of evolution toward the implosion point of alchemy and then integration, you receive help from other beings who have also taken the same journey. They are, in a sense, “waiting” for you on those spiral rungs to help you in your process.
The species associated with this card (the Founders) represents a group consciousness that was the first to separate from the One. They act like a bridge between the integrated and separated realities. They are like midwives to help separated beings cross over a threshold toward more complete integration. Since the early 2000s, Founders have been more present in contact work. We have seen that they have made connections with more and more humans. This is because so many of you are approaching the frequency of integration necessary to experience the deep presence that these beings emanate. This is a really good sign. Despite the chaos and overwhelming polarity your world is experiencing, there is an undercurrent of integration that is steadily progressing unseen. You can say that the more polarity you see, the more this undercurrent of integration is increasing. The theme of this card, “Beyond Wisdom” is expressing the profound nature of the consciousness of these beings. Their presence emanates much more than wisdom – they are a direct connection to Source itself.
This card is appearing now as a way to remind you of the path that you are traveling as a species. This path might seem unfamiliar and scary right now. You might feel that you have lost your way. In those times of confusion, fear, and division, the Founders are available to you to entrain you to a more integrated frequency that can remind you of who you really are. This is their role now. Do not hesitate to reach out to them, for it is their consciousness that acts as ambassadors -- ultimately guiding you all home to the One.
July 2021
Card #65 | Pleiades (Present, 2nd Era) | Refining Galactic Lineage
From the human perspective, the main goal of a physical life is to live happily – to have a life filled with love, excitement, and abundance. But as you all know, the human you is but one small percentage of the bigger picture. From the perspective of the Big Self, there is only one reason for living in a separated reality as a human – experience.
The Big Self is non-polarized. All experience, whether the human self deems it good or bad, is cherished by the Big Self. The Big Self isn’t impatient. It sees the long journey of evolution and the experiences along the way as immensely valuable simply because they exist. This is a valuable recognition that humans are on the brink of understanding. Even the deepest pain that you have exists for a greater purpose and when it is embraced, it then transforms. It integrates into the fabric of your galactic and universal story of which you are all a part.
Many people ask us the same question, “Are humans doomed to repeat the same lessons over and over again?” We know it feels that way to you at times. However, evolution is not linear. The energy of evolution moves in a spiral. At the top of the spiral (where it is wider), it may seem as if evolution takes a tremendously long time. This is what your ancestors from Lyra experienced – evolution was slow and tedious because they were, in a sense, cutting the path through the jungle first. However, the lessons your galactic forefathers learned built the momentum of the spiral so that the civilizations on the “lower” end of the spiral (where it is narrower) can benefit from this momentum. This is how galactic lineage becomes refined.
You on Earth are benefiting now from this momentum built by the lessons of your galactic family. Your evolution is moving faster. You may be excited to hear that, but it comes with a caveat. This means that in moving faster through the evolutionary spirals, your experience is usually more intense – especially during the transition from 3rd to 4th density as you are experiencing now.
Let’s look at two truths: 1) There is not one thing in creation that is separate from another, despite how it appears. 2) In the greater reality, there is no such thing as linear time. Therefore, this entire spiraling evolution is occurring in one cosmic moment. We understand that the mind cannot grasp that concept, but there is indeed a part of you that understands this because you can feel it.
So why are we talking about this in relationship to this card? Because we want you to know that all the pain and drama that you are experiencing on Earth now – whether on the collective or individual level – is flowing in the momentum of this spiral. Nothing is out of place. And furthermore, as you do your inner self-healing work, you help to unlock a current of alchemy on this spiral path that has a ripple effect through the cosmos. An ancient Pleiadian, for example, who healed his or her inner pain, has added to the current of alchemy that you are experiencing now. Nothing is extraneous and all is in perfect flow. Thus, just like that ancient Pleiadian, you too are giving a gift to “future” civilizations in the lower parts of the spiral. You do this by being fully present with who you are in this moment – the pain, the joy, the fear. Embrace all of it and ride the spiral!
When the ancient Pleiadians began to understand this truth as they were transitioning to 4th density, it was an immense key to their awakening process. Using a metaphor, there is a direct phone line to these ancient Pleiadians available to you now. They are willingly reaching through the illusion of time to this now moment to assist humanity in waking from the sleep of 3rd density so that you can see, as well as experience, the interconnectedness of all consciousness. Feeling and embracing this interconnectedness creates the alchemy on the spiral of evolution that is necessary now. As you begin to travel this road, meeting your galactic family along the way as you are doing, it becomes crystal clear that this is the way Home. Keep riding the spiral!
Card #65 | Pleiades (Present, 2nd Era) | Refining Galactic Lineage
From the human perspective, the main goal of a physical life is to live happily – to have a life filled with love, excitement, and abundance. But as you all know, the human you is but one small percentage of the bigger picture. From the perspective of the Big Self, there is only one reason for living in a separated reality as a human – experience.
The Big Self is non-polarized. All experience, whether the human self deems it good or bad, is cherished by the Big Self. The Big Self isn’t impatient. It sees the long journey of evolution and the experiences along the way as immensely valuable simply because they exist. This is a valuable recognition that humans are on the brink of understanding. Even the deepest pain that you have exists for a greater purpose and when it is embraced, it then transforms. It integrates into the fabric of your galactic and universal story of which you are all a part.
Many people ask us the same question, “Are humans doomed to repeat the same lessons over and over again?” We know it feels that way to you at times. However, evolution is not linear. The energy of evolution moves in a spiral. At the top of the spiral (where it is wider), it may seem as if evolution takes a tremendously long time. This is what your ancestors from Lyra experienced – evolution was slow and tedious because they were, in a sense, cutting the path through the jungle first. However, the lessons your galactic forefathers learned built the momentum of the spiral so that the civilizations on the “lower” end of the spiral (where it is narrower) can benefit from this momentum. This is how galactic lineage becomes refined.
You on Earth are benefiting now from this momentum built by the lessons of your galactic family. Your evolution is moving faster. You may be excited to hear that, but it comes with a caveat. This means that in moving faster through the evolutionary spirals, your experience is usually more intense – especially during the transition from 3rd to 4th density as you are experiencing now.
Let’s look at two truths: 1) There is not one thing in creation that is separate from another, despite how it appears. 2) In the greater reality, there is no such thing as linear time. Therefore, this entire spiraling evolution is occurring in one cosmic moment. We understand that the mind cannot grasp that concept, but there is indeed a part of you that understands this because you can feel it.
So why are we talking about this in relationship to this card? Because we want you to know that all the pain and drama that you are experiencing on Earth now – whether on the collective or individual level – is flowing in the momentum of this spiral. Nothing is out of place. And furthermore, as you do your inner self-healing work, you help to unlock a current of alchemy on this spiral path that has a ripple effect through the cosmos. An ancient Pleiadian, for example, who healed his or her inner pain, has added to the current of alchemy that you are experiencing now. Nothing is extraneous and all is in perfect flow. Thus, just like that ancient Pleiadian, you too are giving a gift to “future” civilizations in the lower parts of the spiral. You do this by being fully present with who you are in this moment – the pain, the joy, the fear. Embrace all of it and ride the spiral!
When the ancient Pleiadians began to understand this truth as they were transitioning to 4th density, it was an immense key to their awakening process. Using a metaphor, there is a direct phone line to these ancient Pleiadians available to you now. They are willingly reaching through the illusion of time to this now moment to assist humanity in waking from the sleep of 3rd density so that you can see, as well as experience, the interconnectedness of all consciousness. Feeling and embracing this interconnectedness creates the alchemy on the spiral of evolution that is necessary now. As you begin to travel this road, meeting your galactic family along the way as you are doing, it becomes crystal clear that this is the way Home. Keep riding the spiral!
June 2021
Card #29 | Insectoid (Parallel) | Hive Mind
The archetypal insectoid consciousness is an important one to embrace right now on Earth, for the specific reason that humankind is getting stuck in the attachment to individuality and polarity. This is the reason we have included this archetypal species group in the card deck, for it can be of great service to Earth. There are many insectoid species within this galaxy, but there is one specific species we wish to use as an example for this month’s text.
We will call this species the Ssohaa. Of course, this isn’t really their name but only a translation of their energy into sounds that the human mouth can make. The closest representation that you have on Earth to describe them would be the species of Dragonfly. Their original home world is in the direction of the star Copernicus, in the constellation of Cancer. They exist within a frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum that is invisible to the human eye. They have actually visited Earth, for they love to research about species that are different from them in order to understand themselves. There is much we could say about the Ssohaa, but we wish to speak more about the lesson of this card, using the Ssohaa as an example.
As a species transitions from 3rd to 4th density, one of the issues it has to heal is the addiction and attachment to individuality that manifests in unhealthy and destructive ways. We have often said that individuality doesn’t vanish in 4th density, but how you express it changes immensely. In 3rd density, individuality sometimes is an expression of one’s pain, or a rejection of the “status quo,” rather than being a true expression of unique energy. When this type of individuality is expressed from pain, it is not a pure expression of individuality. It is a misperception that leads one to reject reality and create a unique persona to protect oneself from pain. In a quest for self-protection, this faux persona will see reality through the lens of the polarized dynamic of victim and controller, further keeping one stuck in ego protection. One of the important processes that must take place in this 3D to 4D transition is to begin to understand what true individuality means – it is a unique expression of the energy of that soul in physical form. It is not an expression of ego. Paradoxically, true uniqueness is egoless.
So in this current time on Earth, when you are all feeling the changing energy, egos are resisting and fighting for survival. There are others of you who desperately want to discover your uniqueness and feel safe in expressing it. Right now, not all uniqueness is celebrated on Earth. Thus, so many of you seek to hide your unique light, for fear of persecution or judgment.
As the theme of the card indicates, the Ssohaa species is a hive mind. However, this is often misunderstood. It does not mean an absence of individuality. It means that the species moves as one – much like a flock of birds or a school of fish moves in elaborate patterns, seemingly bonded by an unseen force. To them, this is natural and necessary, and they cannot imagine why other species are so afraid of this type of bond with its members. However, despite this hive mind, individual members of the Ssohaa are profoundly unique and that uniqueness is highly celebrated within the species. We say they are “profoundly” unique because there is not one ounce of hesitation for individuals to express 100% of their unique light and also be 100% bonded to their species’ collective consciousness.
One of the joys of the Ssohaa is to be of service to species that are transitioning from 3rd to 4th density. Through their energetic connections with humans, they model the idea of a unified collective consciousness that can express profound uniqueness. This can help humanity begin to gradually let go of its attachment to egoic individuality and transition to a type of collective uniqueness that is necessary for the next step in human evolution.
Therefore our message is simple as it relates to this card: Whatever light you have been hiding or whatever truth you have been ignoring about your true essence must now begin to be embraced. While the outer reality may not yet feel safe, you can begin little by little and seek a spiritual tribe that can mirror your uniqueness in healthy ways so that you can begin to see your own reflection without distortion. As you embrace this self-uniqueness within, you develop the ability to naturally embrace it within others also. This begins to shift the paradigm of egoic expression on Earth as third density energetic structures begin fading in the background. It is not an immediate process, but you must start now. The beauty of “collective uniqueness” is what awaits you in 4th density and it is an experience that you will cherish as it unfolds around you. The Ssohaa will be silently supporting you through this journey.
Card #29 | Insectoid (Parallel) | Hive Mind
The archetypal insectoid consciousness is an important one to embrace right now on Earth, for the specific reason that humankind is getting stuck in the attachment to individuality and polarity. This is the reason we have included this archetypal species group in the card deck, for it can be of great service to Earth. There are many insectoid species within this galaxy, but there is one specific species we wish to use as an example for this month’s text.
We will call this species the Ssohaa. Of course, this isn’t really their name but only a translation of their energy into sounds that the human mouth can make. The closest representation that you have on Earth to describe them would be the species of Dragonfly. Their original home world is in the direction of the star Copernicus, in the constellation of Cancer. They exist within a frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum that is invisible to the human eye. They have actually visited Earth, for they love to research about species that are different from them in order to understand themselves. There is much we could say about the Ssohaa, but we wish to speak more about the lesson of this card, using the Ssohaa as an example.
As a species transitions from 3rd to 4th density, one of the issues it has to heal is the addiction and attachment to individuality that manifests in unhealthy and destructive ways. We have often said that individuality doesn’t vanish in 4th density, but how you express it changes immensely. In 3rd density, individuality sometimes is an expression of one’s pain, or a rejection of the “status quo,” rather than being a true expression of unique energy. When this type of individuality is expressed from pain, it is not a pure expression of individuality. It is a misperception that leads one to reject reality and create a unique persona to protect oneself from pain. In a quest for self-protection, this faux persona will see reality through the lens of the polarized dynamic of victim and controller, further keeping one stuck in ego protection. One of the important processes that must take place in this 3D to 4D transition is to begin to understand what true individuality means – it is a unique expression of the energy of that soul in physical form. It is not an expression of ego. Paradoxically, true uniqueness is egoless.
So in this current time on Earth, when you are all feeling the changing energy, egos are resisting and fighting for survival. There are others of you who desperately want to discover your uniqueness and feel safe in expressing it. Right now, not all uniqueness is celebrated on Earth. Thus, so many of you seek to hide your unique light, for fear of persecution or judgment.
As the theme of the card indicates, the Ssohaa species is a hive mind. However, this is often misunderstood. It does not mean an absence of individuality. It means that the species moves as one – much like a flock of birds or a school of fish moves in elaborate patterns, seemingly bonded by an unseen force. To them, this is natural and necessary, and they cannot imagine why other species are so afraid of this type of bond with its members. However, despite this hive mind, individual members of the Ssohaa are profoundly unique and that uniqueness is highly celebrated within the species. We say they are “profoundly” unique because there is not one ounce of hesitation for individuals to express 100% of their unique light and also be 100% bonded to their species’ collective consciousness.
One of the joys of the Ssohaa is to be of service to species that are transitioning from 3rd to 4th density. Through their energetic connections with humans, they model the idea of a unified collective consciousness that can express profound uniqueness. This can help humanity begin to gradually let go of its attachment to egoic individuality and transition to a type of collective uniqueness that is necessary for the next step in human evolution.
Therefore our message is simple as it relates to this card: Whatever light you have been hiding or whatever truth you have been ignoring about your true essence must now begin to be embraced. While the outer reality may not yet feel safe, you can begin little by little and seek a spiritual tribe that can mirror your uniqueness in healthy ways so that you can begin to see your own reflection without distortion. As you embrace this self-uniqueness within, you develop the ability to naturally embrace it within others also. This begins to shift the paradigm of egoic expression on Earth as third density energetic structures begin fading in the background. It is not an immediate process, but you must start now. The beauty of “collective uniqueness” is what awaits you in 4th density and it is an experience that you will cherish as it unfolds around you. The Ssohaa will be silently supporting you through this journey.
May 2021
Card #25 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Alone Time
The past few years have been an intense experience to be alive on Earth. You have been rapidly moving into the shadow as a collective consciousness, in an attempt to heal yourselves and propel your civilization into a new age of higher consciousness, compassion, and love. It is easiest to see your own light in the darkness, and this is one of the reasons for this journey into the shadow. But as with all journeys, it must be done alone. You can walk with others on a parallel journey, but your experiences are yours and yours alone.
The collective consciousness on your world is now being asked to pay attention to this inner, unique journey. You’ve been distracted by a pandemic for the last year or more. In the last year, the invitation to focus on this inner journey has been presented through what you call “lockdown” – an imposed period of separation and solitude that, for those who are paying attention, was a much-needed call to reboot your life, let go of old patterns, and return to what truly matters. However, so many of you have spent that sacred time caring for others rather than yourselves. This has emptied your gas tank, and many of you are finding yourselves running on empty.
You are being asked now to turn your attention even more inward and make yourself a priority. The healing process cannot fully occur without self-reflection, self-love, and self-forgiveness. In speaking to many humans around the world, we find, however, that many don’t know how to be with themselves, and the mind continues to seek more and more distraction so you don’t have to feel.
The time has come when you cannot escape the inevitable. We have heard over and over from humans that they can’t meditate because the mind is too busy. This is exactly why meditation is necessary. You are never meant to meditate perfectly – meditation is meant to be a tool. The word “meditation” has a lot of baggage around it, for many envision harsh discipline or monk-like dedication and then tell themselves they can’t do it, thus sabotaging the process before it has begun.
Think of it instead as “Alone Time.” Sit with yourself, with no distraction. Use your breath as a bridge to focus your energy, and your mind will begin to still itself with practice. When emotions or painful memories arise, allow yourself to be fully present with the feeling and let it wash over you like a wave. This simple practice was used by your ancient Vegan ancestors as a process of awakening themselves. When you still yourself in this way, slowly but surely, the wounds, pain, and unfinished business that have been pushed down will rise up and seek the light within you for its own healing. This won’t happen without you allowing it to happen, through dedicated quiet time.
Much has been churned up within you and within the collective in the last few years, and it is time now to process it as your civilization prepares to move into a cycle of growth and healing. The cosmic energy is supporting you in this time of turning inward. Though we said you must always walk your path alone, there are others who silently support you in the darkest times. Your ancient Vegan family is here for you now. When you become inwardly quiet, you will feel their presence as a gentle intuition or a gentle guidance about the next steps of your personal healing. It is time now to rest – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
If you commit to this Alone Time and do your inner work gently (without the inner tyrant dictating it), and yet fiercely (without letting the ego protect you from fear), you will pass through this necessary period with ease and feel a long-awaited sense of renewal. Your galactic family is so excited to meet you on the other side of this journey, with our metaphorical arms open, welcoming you into our embrace.
Card #25 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Alone Time
The past few years have been an intense experience to be alive on Earth. You have been rapidly moving into the shadow as a collective consciousness, in an attempt to heal yourselves and propel your civilization into a new age of higher consciousness, compassion, and love. It is easiest to see your own light in the darkness, and this is one of the reasons for this journey into the shadow. But as with all journeys, it must be done alone. You can walk with others on a parallel journey, but your experiences are yours and yours alone.
The collective consciousness on your world is now being asked to pay attention to this inner, unique journey. You’ve been distracted by a pandemic for the last year or more. In the last year, the invitation to focus on this inner journey has been presented through what you call “lockdown” – an imposed period of separation and solitude that, for those who are paying attention, was a much-needed call to reboot your life, let go of old patterns, and return to what truly matters. However, so many of you have spent that sacred time caring for others rather than yourselves. This has emptied your gas tank, and many of you are finding yourselves running on empty.
You are being asked now to turn your attention even more inward and make yourself a priority. The healing process cannot fully occur without self-reflection, self-love, and self-forgiveness. In speaking to many humans around the world, we find, however, that many don’t know how to be with themselves, and the mind continues to seek more and more distraction so you don’t have to feel.
The time has come when you cannot escape the inevitable. We have heard over and over from humans that they can’t meditate because the mind is too busy. This is exactly why meditation is necessary. You are never meant to meditate perfectly – meditation is meant to be a tool. The word “meditation” has a lot of baggage around it, for many envision harsh discipline or monk-like dedication and then tell themselves they can’t do it, thus sabotaging the process before it has begun.
Think of it instead as “Alone Time.” Sit with yourself, with no distraction. Use your breath as a bridge to focus your energy, and your mind will begin to still itself with practice. When emotions or painful memories arise, allow yourself to be fully present with the feeling and let it wash over you like a wave. This simple practice was used by your ancient Vegan ancestors as a process of awakening themselves. When you still yourself in this way, slowly but surely, the wounds, pain, and unfinished business that have been pushed down will rise up and seek the light within you for its own healing. This won’t happen without you allowing it to happen, through dedicated quiet time.
Much has been churned up within you and within the collective in the last few years, and it is time now to process it as your civilization prepares to move into a cycle of growth and healing. The cosmic energy is supporting you in this time of turning inward. Though we said you must always walk your path alone, there are others who silently support you in the darkest times. Your ancient Vegan family is here for you now. When you become inwardly quiet, you will feel their presence as a gentle intuition or a gentle guidance about the next steps of your personal healing. It is time now to rest – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
If you commit to this Alone Time and do your inner work gently (without the inner tyrant dictating it), and yet fiercely (without letting the ego protect you from fear), you will pass through this necessary period with ease and feel a long-awaited sense of renewal. Your galactic family is so excited to meet you on the other side of this journey, with our metaphorical arms open, welcoming you into our embrace.
April 2021
Card #43 | Sirius (Past, 1st Era) | Saving Humanity
Now that humanity has confronted and mostly passed through a huge challenge regarding the dangers of embracing the dynamic of polarity, healing begins. However, this is not a linear process. Tests will still arise that will ask you to choose to either go deeper into the addiction to polarity or commit to the profound transformation that is on the horizon and what you have to do to experience it. The more and more that you make choices that move you away from the addiction to polarity, the more healing you will experience – both as individuals and as a species. This is what is addressed through the energy of this card.
This card represents one of the biggest wounds of humanity that comes from ancient days. Simply, so many of you are affected by a collective wound from 13,000 years ago. At that time, humanity was about to enter a sleep cycle. This is a natural process of evolution, but there was a lot of resistance to it. Your ET family stopped their open interactions, and you began to feel very much alone. Those doing spiritual work at that time tried desperately to stop the coming sleep cycle and force awakening, but those attempts failed. Since that time, a tremendous amount of guilt has been carried by individuals and the collective because of this so-called failure. This guilt and pain caused many of you to incarnate again and again with an agenda to “save” the human race. This agenda manifested on a wide scale as crusades, fanaticism, and even authoritarianism as a way to force humanity to change. Again we have to say that this is natural for a 3rd density species on any planet. But now that you are moving into 4th density, humanity has to confront this tendency toward fanaticism (which is another form of expressing polarity) and begin to heal the guilt and pain from ancient days that is fueling that drive.
The good news is that the ancient Sirians who withdrew from human contact in the ancient days have been here all along and supporting you silently. These are the beings that have withdrawn to remote areas of your world and, for the most part, have gone into the inner Earth. (Some who have encountered them have referred to them as the inner Earth blue beings, as their identity as Sirians has faded). Now that you are moving out of the sleep cycle, they are becoming active again, but in a different way than they were thousands of years ago. They are connecting with you through dreams, meditation, and contact work for a specific purpose. That purpose is to help you heal the wounds of the sleep cycle, when you subconsciously berated yourselves for not being able to “save” the planet and transcend to higher consciousness.
In looking at your world and the fanaticism and cultism that has proliferated around the globe, it may feel natural to push against it. However as you can guess, that is just empowering a polarized dynamic. How, then, can you navigate these treacherous waters? Firstly, remember that fanaticism is born from deep feelings of pain and disempowerment. It is a way to feel in control and powerful, but it will never facilitate healing. It becomes important to have compassion for the ones who are in pain enough to act out in such a way, but at the same time create clear boundaries that do not condone the fanaticism. The same is true with the ego. The ego will always cry out, “I have a right to do this!” Such emotional expression is the shadow side of the ego that refuses to see the bigger picture of the whole. If the ego is allowed to get stuck there, it will never evolve.
So in these times, know that the fanaticism and cultism that is seemingly growing around the globe is actually coming to the surface in order for the wound to be seen, purged and then healed. Much like the lancing of a boil, this old festering wound is coming to the surface to be ultimately healed. The wound is ancient and stems from a collective feeling of failure to create the perfect world (as well as being abandoned by celestial parents). But how can a perfect world be created by an immature species? It is not expected of you, so why expect it of yourselves? This pain has to go somewhere, and it gets projected outwards as you are seeing today.
Your ancient Sirian family who has been silently supporting you throughout your sleep cycle is now more actively assisting you with this healing process. Should you be guided to do so, it is recommended that you go within and look at your own wounds (from this life or others) in which you carry the shame of “failure.” This is your homework assignment for the foreseeable future. These loving and awakened Sirian beings (specifically the ones who have retreated into the Earth) are continuing their promise of guiding you. All you have to do is be willing to look within with radical honesty but without judgment. As you do, you will naturally open to the new healing frequencies sent to humanity for the next step of your human journey.
Card #43 | Sirius (Past, 1st Era) | Saving Humanity
Now that humanity has confronted and mostly passed through a huge challenge regarding the dangers of embracing the dynamic of polarity, healing begins. However, this is not a linear process. Tests will still arise that will ask you to choose to either go deeper into the addiction to polarity or commit to the profound transformation that is on the horizon and what you have to do to experience it. The more and more that you make choices that move you away from the addiction to polarity, the more healing you will experience – both as individuals and as a species. This is what is addressed through the energy of this card.
This card represents one of the biggest wounds of humanity that comes from ancient days. Simply, so many of you are affected by a collective wound from 13,000 years ago. At that time, humanity was about to enter a sleep cycle. This is a natural process of evolution, but there was a lot of resistance to it. Your ET family stopped their open interactions, and you began to feel very much alone. Those doing spiritual work at that time tried desperately to stop the coming sleep cycle and force awakening, but those attempts failed. Since that time, a tremendous amount of guilt has been carried by individuals and the collective because of this so-called failure. This guilt and pain caused many of you to incarnate again and again with an agenda to “save” the human race. This agenda manifested on a wide scale as crusades, fanaticism, and even authoritarianism as a way to force humanity to change. Again we have to say that this is natural for a 3rd density species on any planet. But now that you are moving into 4th density, humanity has to confront this tendency toward fanaticism (which is another form of expressing polarity) and begin to heal the guilt and pain from ancient days that is fueling that drive.
The good news is that the ancient Sirians who withdrew from human contact in the ancient days have been here all along and supporting you silently. These are the beings that have withdrawn to remote areas of your world and, for the most part, have gone into the inner Earth. (Some who have encountered them have referred to them as the inner Earth blue beings, as their identity as Sirians has faded). Now that you are moving out of the sleep cycle, they are becoming active again, but in a different way than they were thousands of years ago. They are connecting with you through dreams, meditation, and contact work for a specific purpose. That purpose is to help you heal the wounds of the sleep cycle, when you subconsciously berated yourselves for not being able to “save” the planet and transcend to higher consciousness.
In looking at your world and the fanaticism and cultism that has proliferated around the globe, it may feel natural to push against it. However as you can guess, that is just empowering a polarized dynamic. How, then, can you navigate these treacherous waters? Firstly, remember that fanaticism is born from deep feelings of pain and disempowerment. It is a way to feel in control and powerful, but it will never facilitate healing. It becomes important to have compassion for the ones who are in pain enough to act out in such a way, but at the same time create clear boundaries that do not condone the fanaticism. The same is true with the ego. The ego will always cry out, “I have a right to do this!” Such emotional expression is the shadow side of the ego that refuses to see the bigger picture of the whole. If the ego is allowed to get stuck there, it will never evolve.
So in these times, know that the fanaticism and cultism that is seemingly growing around the globe is actually coming to the surface in order for the wound to be seen, purged and then healed. Much like the lancing of a boil, this old festering wound is coming to the surface to be ultimately healed. The wound is ancient and stems from a collective feeling of failure to create the perfect world (as well as being abandoned by celestial parents). But how can a perfect world be created by an immature species? It is not expected of you, so why expect it of yourselves? This pain has to go somewhere, and it gets projected outwards as you are seeing today.
Your ancient Sirian family who has been silently supporting you throughout your sleep cycle is now more actively assisting you with this healing process. Should you be guided to do so, it is recommended that you go within and look at your own wounds (from this life or others) in which you carry the shame of “failure.” This is your homework assignment for the foreseeable future. These loving and awakened Sirian beings (specifically the ones who have retreated into the Earth) are continuing their promise of guiding you. All you have to do is be willing to look within with radical honesty but without judgment. As you do, you will naturally open to the new healing frequencies sent to humanity for the next step of your human journey.
March 2021
Card #70 | Lyra (Future, 3rd Era) | Complete Surrender
As we have discussed in the card text of the last few months, humanity has been moving through a very volatile passage that has seen unprecedented polarization accentuated on your world. While this is expected for any civilization as it transitions from third to fourth density, it can be a very unsettling time in which it feels like the very foundation below you has been shattered and you must rebuild your framework of reality. That state of being is often a frightening one for humans because you feel the loss of control and yet try to cling to the old and step up the attempts to control reality. Of course, furthering the control dramas only leads to more frustration.
The most important action you can take in such a time isn’t an action at all – in fact, it is the most counterintuitive thing possible. Let go. What do we mean by that? This is one of the most significant lessons of this transition from third to fourth density, as your ancient Lyran family learned. As a 3rd density species, you are quite used to exerting your will (using solar plexus energy) to not only navigate reality, but try to bend it to your will. In 3rd density, the illusion was created that it is only you (the person, the small you) who is the creator of your reality through sheer force of intent. However, as you mature as a species and move into 4th density (using heart energy), you learn that what was seen in 3D as “intent” or “manifestation” was really an attempt to control the experience. As you transition into 4th density, you begin to experience reality in a whole new way. You begin to see that trying to control reality in the same way you did in 3rd density creates much more pain and frustration. You also begin to see that when you let go and surrender to the higher wisdom of the universe of which you are a part, life can flow smoothly in an unexpected and drama-free way – even in times when your experience of reality is something you don’t prefer.
So let’s look at this on the macrocosmic and microcosmic level as we often do. On the macrocosmic level on Earth, you see so much strife in the world and opposite sides fighting each other. The human tendency is to get involved in the fight – to try to change others’ opinions or somehow “prove” your point of view is correct. Where does that get you? Usually it only increases your frustration. (You saw this played out on a large scale in the ancient Orion civilization). This is a nexus point for ego evolution. Egos want to fight, to insure they have the last word, or to collect others of like mind to create an echo chamber of thought that only mires itself deeper into illusion. These types of self-reinforcing delusional realities cannot sustain themselves, for they, too, begin fracturing from within as you are seeing now. When we say this is a nexus point for ego evolution, we mean this quite literally. It is the ultimate ego training. What is being asked of you now in your evolutionary journey is to resist the seduction of the ego that will try to compel you to take sides, argue your point, or try to control reality. Opinions arrogantly expressed—an extension of ego—are distractions that move you away from spiritual evolution. The only true tool you have to enhance your evolution at this point in time is the opposite, counterintuitive approach. Surrender, back away from the raging conflict, and go within to address the conflicts in there that are mirrored in the outer world.
This leads us to the microcosmic aspect. When working with one’s own spiritual evolution, egos often take a similar approach. They will berate you, judge you, push you, and sometimes even delude you into making yourself into an unrealistic image of spiritual perfection that does not exist. This inner dynamic also must change as you move into 4th density. You will find that 4th density energy is much more supportive of compassion, nurturing, and inclusion, which will facilitate a deep process of inner integration when the process is engaged. To engage the process you need one thing … surrender. Notice and then let go of the ego’s demands to change or control reality, and instead be present with whatever is arising in your reality in such a way that the gift of that moment reveals itself in stunning clarity. There is always a gift waiting for you in any circumstance. But sometimes, the only way to see it is to let go and be still. You will find that, paradoxically, complete surrender actually becomes complete participation in all that the universe is offering to you. And we wouldn’t want you to miss a second of that experience!
Card #70 | Lyra (Future, 3rd Era) | Complete Surrender
As we have discussed in the card text of the last few months, humanity has been moving through a very volatile passage that has seen unprecedented polarization accentuated on your world. While this is expected for any civilization as it transitions from third to fourth density, it can be a very unsettling time in which it feels like the very foundation below you has been shattered and you must rebuild your framework of reality. That state of being is often a frightening one for humans because you feel the loss of control and yet try to cling to the old and step up the attempts to control reality. Of course, furthering the control dramas only leads to more frustration.
The most important action you can take in such a time isn’t an action at all – in fact, it is the most counterintuitive thing possible. Let go. What do we mean by that? This is one of the most significant lessons of this transition from third to fourth density, as your ancient Lyran family learned. As a 3rd density species, you are quite used to exerting your will (using solar plexus energy) to not only navigate reality, but try to bend it to your will. In 3rd density, the illusion was created that it is only you (the person, the small you) who is the creator of your reality through sheer force of intent. However, as you mature as a species and move into 4th density (using heart energy), you learn that what was seen in 3D as “intent” or “manifestation” was really an attempt to control the experience. As you transition into 4th density, you begin to experience reality in a whole new way. You begin to see that trying to control reality in the same way you did in 3rd density creates much more pain and frustration. You also begin to see that when you let go and surrender to the higher wisdom of the universe of which you are a part, life can flow smoothly in an unexpected and drama-free way – even in times when your experience of reality is something you don’t prefer.
So let’s look at this on the macrocosmic and microcosmic level as we often do. On the macrocosmic level on Earth, you see so much strife in the world and opposite sides fighting each other. The human tendency is to get involved in the fight – to try to change others’ opinions or somehow “prove” your point of view is correct. Where does that get you? Usually it only increases your frustration. (You saw this played out on a large scale in the ancient Orion civilization). This is a nexus point for ego evolution. Egos want to fight, to insure they have the last word, or to collect others of like mind to create an echo chamber of thought that only mires itself deeper into illusion. These types of self-reinforcing delusional realities cannot sustain themselves, for they, too, begin fracturing from within as you are seeing now. When we say this is a nexus point for ego evolution, we mean this quite literally. It is the ultimate ego training. What is being asked of you now in your evolutionary journey is to resist the seduction of the ego that will try to compel you to take sides, argue your point, or try to control reality. Opinions arrogantly expressed—an extension of ego—are distractions that move you away from spiritual evolution. The only true tool you have to enhance your evolution at this point in time is the opposite, counterintuitive approach. Surrender, back away from the raging conflict, and go within to address the conflicts in there that are mirrored in the outer world.
This leads us to the microcosmic aspect. When working with one’s own spiritual evolution, egos often take a similar approach. They will berate you, judge you, push you, and sometimes even delude you into making yourself into an unrealistic image of spiritual perfection that does not exist. This inner dynamic also must change as you move into 4th density. You will find that 4th density energy is much more supportive of compassion, nurturing, and inclusion, which will facilitate a deep process of inner integration when the process is engaged. To engage the process you need one thing … surrender. Notice and then let go of the ego’s demands to change or control reality, and instead be present with whatever is arising in your reality in such a way that the gift of that moment reveals itself in stunning clarity. There is always a gift waiting for you in any circumstance. But sometimes, the only way to see it is to let go and be still. You will find that, paradoxically, complete surrender actually becomes complete participation in all that the universe is offering to you. And we wouldn’t want you to miss a second of that experience!
February 2021
Card #83 | Hybrid (Parallel) | Common Ground
It is very synchronous that last month, we discussed the evolutionary challenges of the Zeta Reticuli in bridging the polarities within them and creating a new reality. One of the ways they created a new reality was to literally create themselves anew by combining genetics with humans to create a hybrid race that was instrumental in healing their species line. This hybrid card points to a similar idea. Now that humanity has passed through such a perilous time, it is time to rebuild your reality into one that no longer glorifies deep polarity but seeks to heal it instead.
This hybrid card has the theme of “common ground.” This means that in order to build a new reality (both within you and in the world around you), you have to designate a starting point from which to build a bridge that links the two poles. This idea is now essential to pave the way to an abundant, respectful, and mature future that embraces the lessons of the past while boldly stepping into the unknown of the future.
We have said many times that these lessons are reflected in both the inner and outer worlds. The inner world is the most important, for it generates the experience you have in the outer world. Therefore we can say that the single most important step that can be taken to build this new future has to do with rooting yourself in the here and now and constructing your reality not from what you wish, what you fear, or according to the truth of others. Instead, allow yourself to be fully naked with yourself and the delusions you have held over the years that have been coping mechanisms but that have also held you back from your full potential. See them. Bless them as your teachers. Learn from them. Then move on.
Your relationship with reality is now changing. The irony is that most of you are reading this online, but we will suggest that you begin to remove yourself from the virtual world as being a source of your truth. The only truth is the here and now and who you are in this moment. If you are experiencing pain or negativity, be present with it. If you are experiencing joy or love, fully immerse yourself in it with the knowledge that it, too, will be fleeting. Use your rootedness in the present moment to enrich what you are capable of feeling and experiencing. You no longer need to create belief systems or stories about reality in order to understand what you are experiencing. Just be.
This shift to present-moment awareness is an important point that marks your passage more deeply into a 4th density experience. When operating from present-moment awareness, it is impossible to maintain polarized consciousness. Therefore, it is your choice – where do you wish to focus your attention? Whatever you cling to (consciously or unconsciously) will be what you experience. It cannot be any other way.
As you do this work on the inner levels, the outer world will reflect your shift. You will see the deep polarity of the world begin to heal. It may take time (as all authentic evolution does), but it is the necessary next step if you want to emerge from the gravity well of polarized drama that has mired your civilization.
Beings whose evolutionary passage led them to traverse a road similar to yours – the hybrids – are especially active right now in supporting humanity through this shift. These hybrids are from various cultures and races within your galactic family, but they all have one thing in common. Like you, they have been on the brink of self-annihilation due to their own stubbornness about clinging to polarity. And yet, they pulled themselves from that dead end and awakened themselves. Like generations before them that stretch back millennia, they reach out to you now to help you make the leap so you can build a stable bridge to your future. In doing so, you will become a link in a chain and provide this service to others in your distant future as well. This is the way of your galactic lineage. You always pay it forward.
Card #83 | Hybrid (Parallel) | Common Ground
It is very synchronous that last month, we discussed the evolutionary challenges of the Zeta Reticuli in bridging the polarities within them and creating a new reality. One of the ways they created a new reality was to literally create themselves anew by combining genetics with humans to create a hybrid race that was instrumental in healing their species line. This hybrid card points to a similar idea. Now that humanity has passed through such a perilous time, it is time to rebuild your reality into one that no longer glorifies deep polarity but seeks to heal it instead.
This hybrid card has the theme of “common ground.” This means that in order to build a new reality (both within you and in the world around you), you have to designate a starting point from which to build a bridge that links the two poles. This idea is now essential to pave the way to an abundant, respectful, and mature future that embraces the lessons of the past while boldly stepping into the unknown of the future.
We have said many times that these lessons are reflected in both the inner and outer worlds. The inner world is the most important, for it generates the experience you have in the outer world. Therefore we can say that the single most important step that can be taken to build this new future has to do with rooting yourself in the here and now and constructing your reality not from what you wish, what you fear, or according to the truth of others. Instead, allow yourself to be fully naked with yourself and the delusions you have held over the years that have been coping mechanisms but that have also held you back from your full potential. See them. Bless them as your teachers. Learn from them. Then move on.
Your relationship with reality is now changing. The irony is that most of you are reading this online, but we will suggest that you begin to remove yourself from the virtual world as being a source of your truth. The only truth is the here and now and who you are in this moment. If you are experiencing pain or negativity, be present with it. If you are experiencing joy or love, fully immerse yourself in it with the knowledge that it, too, will be fleeting. Use your rootedness in the present moment to enrich what you are capable of feeling and experiencing. You no longer need to create belief systems or stories about reality in order to understand what you are experiencing. Just be.
This shift to present-moment awareness is an important point that marks your passage more deeply into a 4th density experience. When operating from present-moment awareness, it is impossible to maintain polarized consciousness. Therefore, it is your choice – where do you wish to focus your attention? Whatever you cling to (consciously or unconsciously) will be what you experience. It cannot be any other way.
As you do this work on the inner levels, the outer world will reflect your shift. You will see the deep polarity of the world begin to heal. It may take time (as all authentic evolution does), but it is the necessary next step if you want to emerge from the gravity well of polarized drama that has mired your civilization.
Beings whose evolutionary passage led them to traverse a road similar to yours – the hybrids – are especially active right now in supporting humanity through this shift. These hybrids are from various cultures and races within your galactic family, but they all have one thing in common. Like you, they have been on the brink of self-annihilation due to their own stubbornness about clinging to polarity. And yet, they pulled themselves from that dead end and awakened themselves. Like generations before them that stretch back millennia, they reach out to you now to help you make the leap so you can build a stable bridge to your future. In doing so, you will become a link in a chain and provide this service to others in your distant future as well. This is the way of your galactic lineage. You always pay it forward.
January 2021
Card #100 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Ultimate Evolution
The cards chosen randomly for the last few months (which are chosen months before they are posted), have certainly been telling a profound story about a rite of passage that humanity has been experiencing. The cards have shown the intense polarized energy that you have been facing. While it is easy to think that this polarity is “out there,” it is, in fact, within you. Those inner polarized fragments have been projecting upon the metaphorical walls of reality to provide you with an intense movie from which it has been hard to awaken. So many on your world have gotten lost in the dramatic movie and have had huge investment in rooting for who they think are the good guys, while never realizing that the real drama is playing out within you. This is one of the turning points in a civilization—when it lets go of the distraction of polarized dramas and begins the real work of integration and taking responsibility for the quality of the movie itself. This eventually leads to writing a new script.
The random choosing of this card for the beginning of your 2021 is a very positive sign, especially considering the trajectory your world has taken in 2020. This card refers to a successful passage through a spiritual challenge. It doesn’t mean that the challenges miraculously disappear, but it means that once the passage has been completed, the hard work of rebuilding and redefining reality begins. It also means that a type of ego death is required in which humans must let go of the beliefs and stories that have become part of their identity.
In their ancient past, the Zeta Reticuli faced a similar challenge, though amidst different circumstances. They faced a spiritual crisis that turned into a physical one that almost led to the extinction of their species. You on Earth have also been facing a spiritual crisis that has turned into a physical one in the shape of a pandemic. The Zetas eventually broke through their polarized resistance and embraced the healing crisis that was needed to insure their own evolution and survival. On Earth, your survival depends upon whether or not you can stop being lost in the “good guy and bad guy” movie and begin to build a bridge to a common ground. Can you rise above the well-engineered propaganda on both sides that is designed to keep you split? Some of you are willing to do this, and some of you are more invested in clinging to beliefs and stories that keep the drama intact. Which road will be built depends upon which road has the most momentum. Again, this is why inner work is so important. All of your inner healing work that short-circuits the external blame game will be the factor that decides which road you take.
This card suggests that enough of you are doing the necessary inner work to shift the momentum toward healing. It may not look that way on the surface, but the external is the last thing to change. Already we can say that the energy has shifted, but it will take work, commitment, and humility to sustain this road to a new future. Keep going. Root your awareness in the real, current moment around you and the love you have to share instead of focusing yourself in fictional realities, especially online.
The theme of Ultimate Evolution refers to the ability to navigate the inner alchemical process of bringing together opposing polarities into a unified whole. Resistance is natural for a time, but ultimately resistance gives way to the inevitable integration. Individuality and the “I” with all of its demands are ephemeral – they cannot be sustained forever. This card refers to that sacred point when the ego gives up its battle and surrenders to the truth of its nature –- that the ego is only a mechanism created by your consciousness as a way to experience separation. Once the time for that separated experience comes to an end, reality shifts in such a way that the ego’s demands can no longer be met. The ego becomes frightened and might even have tantrums like a child. As you walk a higher road, refusing to be dragged down into the polarized movie any longer, the ego is starved of its fuel and begins its death cycle. This is happening now on Earth, and explains why it is such a volatile time.
Stay the course. Do your inner work as if your very reality depends upon it, because it does. Your galactic family has walked this perilous road as they transitioned. They passed through the crucible and so will you!
Card #100 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Ultimate Evolution
The cards chosen randomly for the last few months (which are chosen months before they are posted), have certainly been telling a profound story about a rite of passage that humanity has been experiencing. The cards have shown the intense polarized energy that you have been facing. While it is easy to think that this polarity is “out there,” it is, in fact, within you. Those inner polarized fragments have been projecting upon the metaphorical walls of reality to provide you with an intense movie from which it has been hard to awaken. So many on your world have gotten lost in the dramatic movie and have had huge investment in rooting for who they think are the good guys, while never realizing that the real drama is playing out within you. This is one of the turning points in a civilization—when it lets go of the distraction of polarized dramas and begins the real work of integration and taking responsibility for the quality of the movie itself. This eventually leads to writing a new script.
The random choosing of this card for the beginning of your 2021 is a very positive sign, especially considering the trajectory your world has taken in 2020. This card refers to a successful passage through a spiritual challenge. It doesn’t mean that the challenges miraculously disappear, but it means that once the passage has been completed, the hard work of rebuilding and redefining reality begins. It also means that a type of ego death is required in which humans must let go of the beliefs and stories that have become part of their identity.
In their ancient past, the Zeta Reticuli faced a similar challenge, though amidst different circumstances. They faced a spiritual crisis that turned into a physical one that almost led to the extinction of their species. You on Earth have also been facing a spiritual crisis that has turned into a physical one in the shape of a pandemic. The Zetas eventually broke through their polarized resistance and embraced the healing crisis that was needed to insure their own evolution and survival. On Earth, your survival depends upon whether or not you can stop being lost in the “good guy and bad guy” movie and begin to build a bridge to a common ground. Can you rise above the well-engineered propaganda on both sides that is designed to keep you split? Some of you are willing to do this, and some of you are more invested in clinging to beliefs and stories that keep the drama intact. Which road will be built depends upon which road has the most momentum. Again, this is why inner work is so important. All of your inner healing work that short-circuits the external blame game will be the factor that decides which road you take.
This card suggests that enough of you are doing the necessary inner work to shift the momentum toward healing. It may not look that way on the surface, but the external is the last thing to change. Already we can say that the energy has shifted, but it will take work, commitment, and humility to sustain this road to a new future. Keep going. Root your awareness in the real, current moment around you and the love you have to share instead of focusing yourself in fictional realities, especially online.
The theme of Ultimate Evolution refers to the ability to navigate the inner alchemical process of bringing together opposing polarities into a unified whole. Resistance is natural for a time, but ultimately resistance gives way to the inevitable integration. Individuality and the “I” with all of its demands are ephemeral – they cannot be sustained forever. This card refers to that sacred point when the ego gives up its battle and surrenders to the truth of its nature –- that the ego is only a mechanism created by your consciousness as a way to experience separation. Once the time for that separated experience comes to an end, reality shifts in such a way that the ego’s demands can no longer be met. The ego becomes frightened and might even have tantrums like a child. As you walk a higher road, refusing to be dragged down into the polarized movie any longer, the ego is starved of its fuel and begins its death cycle. This is happening now on Earth, and explains why it is such a volatile time.
Stay the course. Do your inner work as if your very reality depends upon it, because it does. Your galactic family has walked this perilous road as they transitioned. They passed through the crucible and so will you!
December 2020
Card #44 | Sirius (Past, 1st Era) | Secrecy
The year of 2020 has been unprecedented. You have witnessed raging battles of polarity, a global pandemic, devastating fires, hurricanes and other planetary tragedies. The circumstances of 2020, while tragic, have been a predictable passage in the transition from 3rd to 4th density. When a civilization resists change as your people have, that repressed energy waiting to be born can create a kind of energetic typhoon that shakes the old, stuck energy loose. The way this manifests in a society is through toxic secrets being revealed, old wounds being revisited, and the emergence of a metaphorical energetic mirror that shows all of you what you have not wanted to see in yourselves. Those mirror images finally must be embraced as your teacher. This is the essence of this card.
In the ancient Sirius society, they experienced a similar path. Just like Orion, their 3rd density era was extremely polarized. As the poles intensified, one side wished to look into the mirror, see the pain, and heal themselves. The other side refused to look into the mirror and own the reflections. Instead, they projected that repressed and dark energy on others, creating a fearful, distorted narrative that pulled innocent minds into the black hole of fear. The reason this card is called “Secrecy” is in reference to this dark, unhealed energy that is held in 3rd density beings before they transition. It is deep within you and protected as a secret part of yourself. It is like a dungeon door that is locked. Once you know it is there, you must choose either to unlock the door and go into the darkness, pretend it isn’t there, or, in extreme cases, throw your perceived enemies (those who don’t believe what you believe) into the dungeon with whatever else you don’t want to see. This same dynamic is beginning to play out on Earth now. The Sirians are your very close cousins. Because they were some of your teachers in the ancient days, you have begun mirroring their patterns. How you choose to deal with the dungeon matters, because your relationship to it will shape the reality you create in the coming years.
You may have noticed that over the last few years, we have spoken much about integrating the shadow. The shadow has many layers and appears in many ways. It is only the part of you that is unhealed, unrecognized and denied. The ego would have you believe that this shadow energy is evil, build stories about it, and scare you so much that of course you would never wish to go in the dungeon. However, at this point of your evolution, you cannot move forward without owning these shadows. We cannot say it more simply than that. It is time to unpack the dungeon of your secrets – the pain held deep within that you have externalized and projected on others.
Many times we have spoken about the full 26,000-year cycle and your movement into a new 13,000-year era of healing and integration. The journey into this metaphorical dungeon is a required step along the way. It is only through this shamanic journey into the darkness within you that the healing process can begin.
We have been asked many times, “Germane, how do I know if I have started this journey?” One of the ways we answer this is to ask you if you are still polarizing reality and blaming the problems of the world on others – a political group, a parent, a so-called cabal, or anything else. If so, it is showing you that a new level of maturity is being asked of you. It is time to own your polarized consciousness and journey deep within yourself to find the pain that causes you to still cling to that perspective. You will ultimately find that that deep inner pain is what fuels the polarized perspective. When you heal the inner pain that is generating your polarization, the world begins reshaping itself to match your more integrated consciousness.
So for this month of December, the ancient Sirian masters who have long ago transcended to the nonphysical realms will be assisting all of you to have the courage and strength to journey into the places within you that are still unhealed. We are certain you will agree that this empowering and healing journey is desperately needed for you as individuals and for your planet as a whole right now. You are not only healing wounds from this life, but from the trauma of planetary tragedy 13,000 years ago. It is time to begin a new integrative cycle, but only when the wounds of the old cycle have been healed and their echoes have begun being released. Most of you have begun this journey already and we encourage you to continue. You won’t know what the road looks like or where you are going most of the time, but there will always be signposts that will be a guiding light along the way.
Card #44 | Sirius (Past, 1st Era) | Secrecy
The year of 2020 has been unprecedented. You have witnessed raging battles of polarity, a global pandemic, devastating fires, hurricanes and other planetary tragedies. The circumstances of 2020, while tragic, have been a predictable passage in the transition from 3rd to 4th density. When a civilization resists change as your people have, that repressed energy waiting to be born can create a kind of energetic typhoon that shakes the old, stuck energy loose. The way this manifests in a society is through toxic secrets being revealed, old wounds being revisited, and the emergence of a metaphorical energetic mirror that shows all of you what you have not wanted to see in yourselves. Those mirror images finally must be embraced as your teacher. This is the essence of this card.
In the ancient Sirius society, they experienced a similar path. Just like Orion, their 3rd density era was extremely polarized. As the poles intensified, one side wished to look into the mirror, see the pain, and heal themselves. The other side refused to look into the mirror and own the reflections. Instead, they projected that repressed and dark energy on others, creating a fearful, distorted narrative that pulled innocent minds into the black hole of fear. The reason this card is called “Secrecy” is in reference to this dark, unhealed energy that is held in 3rd density beings before they transition. It is deep within you and protected as a secret part of yourself. It is like a dungeon door that is locked. Once you know it is there, you must choose either to unlock the door and go into the darkness, pretend it isn’t there, or, in extreme cases, throw your perceived enemies (those who don’t believe what you believe) into the dungeon with whatever else you don’t want to see. This same dynamic is beginning to play out on Earth now. The Sirians are your very close cousins. Because they were some of your teachers in the ancient days, you have begun mirroring their patterns. How you choose to deal with the dungeon matters, because your relationship to it will shape the reality you create in the coming years.
You may have noticed that over the last few years, we have spoken much about integrating the shadow. The shadow has many layers and appears in many ways. It is only the part of you that is unhealed, unrecognized and denied. The ego would have you believe that this shadow energy is evil, build stories about it, and scare you so much that of course you would never wish to go in the dungeon. However, at this point of your evolution, you cannot move forward without owning these shadows. We cannot say it more simply than that. It is time to unpack the dungeon of your secrets – the pain held deep within that you have externalized and projected on others.
Many times we have spoken about the full 26,000-year cycle and your movement into a new 13,000-year era of healing and integration. The journey into this metaphorical dungeon is a required step along the way. It is only through this shamanic journey into the darkness within you that the healing process can begin.
We have been asked many times, “Germane, how do I know if I have started this journey?” One of the ways we answer this is to ask you if you are still polarizing reality and blaming the problems of the world on others – a political group, a parent, a so-called cabal, or anything else. If so, it is showing you that a new level of maturity is being asked of you. It is time to own your polarized consciousness and journey deep within yourself to find the pain that causes you to still cling to that perspective. You will ultimately find that that deep inner pain is what fuels the polarized perspective. When you heal the inner pain that is generating your polarization, the world begins reshaping itself to match your more integrated consciousness.
So for this month of December, the ancient Sirian masters who have long ago transcended to the nonphysical realms will be assisting all of you to have the courage and strength to journey into the places within you that are still unhealed. We are certain you will agree that this empowering and healing journey is desperately needed for you as individuals and for your planet as a whole right now. You are not only healing wounds from this life, but from the trauma of planetary tragedy 13,000 years ago. It is time to begin a new integrative cycle, but only when the wounds of the old cycle have been healed and their echoes have begun being released. Most of you have begun this journey already and we encourage you to continue. You won’t know what the road looks like or where you are going most of the time, but there will always be signposts that will be a guiding light along the way.
November 2020
Card #3 | Andromeda (Parallel) | Change
The cards of the last few months, while chosen randomly, are certainly sequential. They are mapping out a path that is being taken by your mass consciousness. This path may lead you through some metaphorical dark forests in which you cannot see where you are going. While you travel through this darkness, uncertainty and fear seem to grow. This is a natural process but it is hard to remember that idea when you are in the middle of it. Thus, we remind you again.
In the text for last month’s card (#55 Fusion and Magic, Orion), we discussed the critical evolutionary process your planet is now experiencing and how your transformation can be activated. We spoke of a renaissance in consciousness that can happen if your society allows it. In order for that renaissance to happen, individuals must be willing to let go of all they believe to be true. We are not talking about exchanging one belief for another, which is just a way to bounce back and forth between opposite poles. We are actually talking about a state in which one becomes willing to let it all go – the beliefs, the stories built to support those beliefs, and the habits that are used to keep the beliefs intact. What happens when you do this? Last month we referred to “floating naked in a dark void.” As you let go of clinging to your beliefs and be ok with acknowledging that you don’t know what you don’t know, you open your consciousness in such a way that change becomes possible. It is a type of “beginner’s mind” in which all realities exist as potentials and whatever you resonate to is what you begin to experience. While this is actually the nature of the universe, it is heightened now because you are moving from one state of consciousness to another. This is why we have been stressing the importance of your inner work. If you are focused on fear, division, and stories of evil in the external reality, you will not be able to unlock your consciousness in order to experience change. You will simply create more ways to validate your view of reality and stay locked in that prison.
Therefore, you are all standing on a precipice with invisible wings. Will you jump into the void, free of your stories and beliefs, in order to experience profound change? Or will you cling to your view of reality—shaped by your stories and beliefs—and stay locked in a cage of your own design? This is one of those true tests for all species who have approached an evolutionary opportunity for change. The choice is up to you, but we suggest that you do not allow fear to be your guide on this journey.
Andromedan energy is so valuable in times such as these, for it is based on flow, change, and flexibility. You can say that it is like an opposite of the energy of Earth at this time. Because the universe is dualistic in nature, any pole that you experience will be balanced by its opposite. The Andromedan energy is playing that role now. As humans become more fearful, rigid, and fooled by their self-created illusions, the Andromedan energy rises in order to counteract that rigidity. If you seek out this energy, it can guide you as you jump over the precipice with your invisible wings.
Let us be clear: All beings must, at some point, jump off that precipice. If you don’t, you will be metaphorically pushed by circumstances. Humanity is getting very close to being pushed by circumstances. Pandemics, political upheaval, raging wildfires, typhoons, and earthquakes are all manifestations of humanity’s resistance to change. At some point, your resistance will exhaust you and you will let go because you have no more strength left. Why not begin to embrace change now, before you are forced to do so? (Of course, this is true on the individual level as well as the society).
In this perilous and chaotic time, reach out to the Andromedan energy. Let it guide you and help you embrace the change that you fear so much. Ask it to show you where you are stuck in old patterns and beliefs. By seeking to embrace change amidst your fear of it, you bring those poles together inside of you to create a much-needed alchemical shift that reverberates outward into the mass consciousness. This is how lighting one candle within you can spread the light to many other candles. The flame of that candle first begins with you.
Card #3 | Andromeda (Parallel) | Change
The cards of the last few months, while chosen randomly, are certainly sequential. They are mapping out a path that is being taken by your mass consciousness. This path may lead you through some metaphorical dark forests in which you cannot see where you are going. While you travel through this darkness, uncertainty and fear seem to grow. This is a natural process but it is hard to remember that idea when you are in the middle of it. Thus, we remind you again.
In the text for last month’s card (#55 Fusion and Magic, Orion), we discussed the critical evolutionary process your planet is now experiencing and how your transformation can be activated. We spoke of a renaissance in consciousness that can happen if your society allows it. In order for that renaissance to happen, individuals must be willing to let go of all they believe to be true. We are not talking about exchanging one belief for another, which is just a way to bounce back and forth between opposite poles. We are actually talking about a state in which one becomes willing to let it all go – the beliefs, the stories built to support those beliefs, and the habits that are used to keep the beliefs intact. What happens when you do this? Last month we referred to “floating naked in a dark void.” As you let go of clinging to your beliefs and be ok with acknowledging that you don’t know what you don’t know, you open your consciousness in such a way that change becomes possible. It is a type of “beginner’s mind” in which all realities exist as potentials and whatever you resonate to is what you begin to experience. While this is actually the nature of the universe, it is heightened now because you are moving from one state of consciousness to another. This is why we have been stressing the importance of your inner work. If you are focused on fear, division, and stories of evil in the external reality, you will not be able to unlock your consciousness in order to experience change. You will simply create more ways to validate your view of reality and stay locked in that prison.
Therefore, you are all standing on a precipice with invisible wings. Will you jump into the void, free of your stories and beliefs, in order to experience profound change? Or will you cling to your view of reality—shaped by your stories and beliefs—and stay locked in a cage of your own design? This is one of those true tests for all species who have approached an evolutionary opportunity for change. The choice is up to you, but we suggest that you do not allow fear to be your guide on this journey.
Andromedan energy is so valuable in times such as these, for it is based on flow, change, and flexibility. You can say that it is like an opposite of the energy of Earth at this time. Because the universe is dualistic in nature, any pole that you experience will be balanced by its opposite. The Andromedan energy is playing that role now. As humans become more fearful, rigid, and fooled by their self-created illusions, the Andromedan energy rises in order to counteract that rigidity. If you seek out this energy, it can guide you as you jump over the precipice with your invisible wings.
Let us be clear: All beings must, at some point, jump off that precipice. If you don’t, you will be metaphorically pushed by circumstances. Humanity is getting very close to being pushed by circumstances. Pandemics, political upheaval, raging wildfires, typhoons, and earthquakes are all manifestations of humanity’s resistance to change. At some point, your resistance will exhaust you and you will let go because you have no more strength left. Why not begin to embrace change now, before you are forced to do so? (Of course, this is true on the individual level as well as the society).
In this perilous and chaotic time, reach out to the Andromedan energy. Let it guide you and help you embrace the change that you fear so much. Ask it to show you where you are stuck in old patterns and beliefs. By seeking to embrace change amidst your fear of it, you bring those poles together inside of you to create a much-needed alchemical shift that reverberates outward into the mass consciousness. This is how lighting one candle within you can spread the light to many other candles. The flame of that candle first begins with you.
October 2020
Card #55 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Fusion and Magic
In many workshops we have used an analogy to explain the dynamics of this card, and it is very appropriate to use it again. Many have asked how the Orion civilization transformed itself and we have explained about the energy dynamics of deep polarity that occurred during their transformation. Your civilization is experiencing a similar crucial evolutionary nexus point as the Orions did. Though your civilizations are different, the dynamic is similar.
Imagine that you have two powerful magnets. They are aligned in such a way that they repel each other. In this analogy, it is impossible for these magnets to meet each other. However, when forces within a society compel the magnets to come together, they begin to move toward each other, but with massive resistance. If you could see what is happening energetically between these magnets as they are being forced to connect to each other, you would see an intense interdimensional compression of energy on the quantum level. This compression of energy continues as resistance increases, but it cannot continue forever. Eventually, on the quantum level, massive compression becomes forceful expansion. During this forceful expansion, the poles that were previously repelling each other begin to realign (some might even say there is a “pole shift”). In this realignment, the repulsion becomes attraction and the poles collide together. When the poles begin to collide and then integrate, species transformation occurs.
This is an analogy to describe what your species is currently experiencing. You have divided into “sides,” and these sides are repulsing each other. Despite the repulsion, universal forces are pushing you together because the natural state of existence is integration. This is a type of natural evolution that happens as a species transitions from 3rd to 4th density. These competing forces are creating a massive compression of energy that will eventually become a forceful expansion. During times of compression, civilizations feel extremely polarized and chaotic. When the forceful expansion part of the cycle occurs after the compression, a civilization will experience extensive reorganization toward balance and, if allowed by the society, a type of renaissance in consciousness and planetary structure is born.
The theme of this card, Fusion and Magic, refers to this process. The fusion aspect is what we have described above. The magic aspect is what happens during that renaissance of consciousness. This renaissance is never guaranteed. It depends upon the civilization’s willingness to let go of resistance, stubbornness, fear, denial, polarized thinking, and delusion. Those civilizations (and individuals) who refuse to change will find themselves locked in the same cycle over and over again.
As you know, the energy of 2020 is intense, to say the least. You are approaching one of these compression/expansion points that can be a turning point for the Earth. There isn’t much you can do as individuals to affect the planetary outcome except to do your own essential inner work. (What do you avoid or fear? You must be willing to journey within it from a neutral place). Remember that the outer always reflects the inner. We have been talking about Earth’s mass consciousness, but the same dynamic is happening within you on a smaller scale. While each person may be firmly clinging to their view of reality, this too must change. As you begin the compression (fusion) and expansion (magic) within you, you will experience a void point between the two. This is a time of confusion, which is actually a place of power. In this void point, you begin the reassembling process as you enter the expansion cycle. Be aware that anything you cling to from the old way of being (namely polarized thought) cannot be brought into the renaissance of your new consciousness. This means that everyone is being asked to float naked in a dark void, so to speak.
The good news is that older, awakened civilizations always help younger ones make these kinds of transitions. You on Earth are blessed by the assistance of what we will call the Orion Alchemists. In the coming months, their energy will be more active – not only for the mass consciousness, but with individuals as well. You will feel their presence energetically if you quiet yourself to connect with them. These Orion Alchemists are the masters that helped Orion go through its transition, and they give this gift to you as well. You will feel them when you allow yourself to float naked in that dark void, so do not fear that void. It signals the renaissance that is about to come.
Card #55 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Fusion and Magic
In many workshops we have used an analogy to explain the dynamics of this card, and it is very appropriate to use it again. Many have asked how the Orion civilization transformed itself and we have explained about the energy dynamics of deep polarity that occurred during their transformation. Your civilization is experiencing a similar crucial evolutionary nexus point as the Orions did. Though your civilizations are different, the dynamic is similar.
Imagine that you have two powerful magnets. They are aligned in such a way that they repel each other. In this analogy, it is impossible for these magnets to meet each other. However, when forces within a society compel the magnets to come together, they begin to move toward each other, but with massive resistance. If you could see what is happening energetically between these magnets as they are being forced to connect to each other, you would see an intense interdimensional compression of energy on the quantum level. This compression of energy continues as resistance increases, but it cannot continue forever. Eventually, on the quantum level, massive compression becomes forceful expansion. During this forceful expansion, the poles that were previously repelling each other begin to realign (some might even say there is a “pole shift”). In this realignment, the repulsion becomes attraction and the poles collide together. When the poles begin to collide and then integrate, species transformation occurs.
This is an analogy to describe what your species is currently experiencing. You have divided into “sides,” and these sides are repulsing each other. Despite the repulsion, universal forces are pushing you together because the natural state of existence is integration. This is a type of natural evolution that happens as a species transitions from 3rd to 4th density. These competing forces are creating a massive compression of energy that will eventually become a forceful expansion. During times of compression, civilizations feel extremely polarized and chaotic. When the forceful expansion part of the cycle occurs after the compression, a civilization will experience extensive reorganization toward balance and, if allowed by the society, a type of renaissance in consciousness and planetary structure is born.
The theme of this card, Fusion and Magic, refers to this process. The fusion aspect is what we have described above. The magic aspect is what happens during that renaissance of consciousness. This renaissance is never guaranteed. It depends upon the civilization’s willingness to let go of resistance, stubbornness, fear, denial, polarized thinking, and delusion. Those civilizations (and individuals) who refuse to change will find themselves locked in the same cycle over and over again.
As you know, the energy of 2020 is intense, to say the least. You are approaching one of these compression/expansion points that can be a turning point for the Earth. There isn’t much you can do as individuals to affect the planetary outcome except to do your own essential inner work. (What do you avoid or fear? You must be willing to journey within it from a neutral place). Remember that the outer always reflects the inner. We have been talking about Earth’s mass consciousness, but the same dynamic is happening within you on a smaller scale. While each person may be firmly clinging to their view of reality, this too must change. As you begin the compression (fusion) and expansion (magic) within you, you will experience a void point between the two. This is a time of confusion, which is actually a place of power. In this void point, you begin the reassembling process as you enter the expansion cycle. Be aware that anything you cling to from the old way of being (namely polarized thought) cannot be brought into the renaissance of your new consciousness. This means that everyone is being asked to float naked in a dark void, so to speak.
The good news is that older, awakened civilizations always help younger ones make these kinds of transitions. You on Earth are blessed by the assistance of what we will call the Orion Alchemists. In the coming months, their energy will be more active – not only for the mass consciousness, but with individuals as well. You will feel their presence energetically if you quiet yourself to connect with them. These Orion Alchemists are the masters that helped Orion go through its transition, and they give this gift to you as well. You will feel them when you allow yourself to float naked in that dark void, so do not fear that void. It signals the renaissance that is about to come.
September 2020
Card #9 | Arcturus (Parallel Time Stream) | Balance
At the time this text is channeled (July 2020), your world is still experiencing rising coronavirus cases, political division, power struggles, and, most worriedly, a silent operation driven by a third party to keep humanity polarized. What was that we just said? This is something we have not yet really explored, but it is time now to discuss it. Though it may seem as if we are taking a tangent away from the theme of this card, you will see that it is very connected.
In the ancient days of Orion during the deepest polarity between two sides, a third and hidden group began to benefit from the constant division. In fact, in all physical planetary civilizations experiencing the deepest time of polarity, this is a common theme. Opportunistic and power-hungry groups believe they benefit from chaos and division. They seek to continue to fuel the fires of polarity for their own benefit, and they do this while hiding in the shadows or taking on glamorous or anonymous personas that are too seductive to resist. People become so distracted by the chaos (and blaming either side), that they don’t look into the shadows to see who is really keeping the fire of polarity burning and for what purpose.
The above paragraph may be uncharacteristic for us compared to past communications. We say this now because as polarity is increasing on Earth, some of you are starting to look into the shadows and clearly see these hidden players. They are the ones creating elaborate narratives (that may contain a grain of truth but are exaggerated way out of proportion) and they spread these narratives online and through like-minded communities. Especially vulnerable are those with unhealed wounds of abuse or abandonment who need a boogeyman to blame. That boogeyman can be a political party, a race, a celebrity, or even an imaginary cabal out to take away your “rights.” This dynamic continually reinforces disempowerment, and fractures a society until it can no longer withstand the pressure and its fabric begins to shatter. This is beginning to happen on Earth now.
Please do not despair about this. Actually, this is a natural part of the transition from third to fourth density. We know it is painful. On those worlds that experience polarity as deeply as you do, it becomes a necessary process of awakening. This “shattering” is necessary to break down illusions and provide multiple mirrors in which to see yourself and your own illusions. Beware of the thought that you are seeing clearly but others are not. This is a trap. No one is seeing clearly with human eyes right now. During this process of shattering, it is as if you are in a house of mirrors. Every reflection you see is distorted. Therefore, the only way out is IN.
This is where the Arcturus energy is assisting you. The Arcturus energy is inherently neutral, unbiased, balanced, and unfractured. You can say that it is a macrocosm of your own microcosmic balanced, innate consciousness that reflects the qualities of the One. While this energy is always assisting physical species, it becomes especially active during times when a species is sending out a galactic SOS signal. Earth is currently sending out that metaphorical SOS signal as it approaches its fracture point. Of course, your galactic family cannot save you, but they can be loving midwives that help you through your new birth. This is the role of the Arcturus consciousness. The Arcturus energy is always felt through the heart. Though it might seem like a perilous time to open your hearts, paradoxically, this is the time when you must do so. When you do, allow the embrace of your Arcturan family to support you during this painful birth process. In this unique experience of labor, pushing is futile, however. Simply breathe deeply, relax, stay in your center, and await the new birth that is on the horizon.
Card #9 | Arcturus (Parallel Time Stream) | Balance
At the time this text is channeled (July 2020), your world is still experiencing rising coronavirus cases, political division, power struggles, and, most worriedly, a silent operation driven by a third party to keep humanity polarized. What was that we just said? This is something we have not yet really explored, but it is time now to discuss it. Though it may seem as if we are taking a tangent away from the theme of this card, you will see that it is very connected.
In the ancient days of Orion during the deepest polarity between two sides, a third and hidden group began to benefit from the constant division. In fact, in all physical planetary civilizations experiencing the deepest time of polarity, this is a common theme. Opportunistic and power-hungry groups believe they benefit from chaos and division. They seek to continue to fuel the fires of polarity for their own benefit, and they do this while hiding in the shadows or taking on glamorous or anonymous personas that are too seductive to resist. People become so distracted by the chaos (and blaming either side), that they don’t look into the shadows to see who is really keeping the fire of polarity burning and for what purpose.
The above paragraph may be uncharacteristic for us compared to past communications. We say this now because as polarity is increasing on Earth, some of you are starting to look into the shadows and clearly see these hidden players. They are the ones creating elaborate narratives (that may contain a grain of truth but are exaggerated way out of proportion) and they spread these narratives online and through like-minded communities. Especially vulnerable are those with unhealed wounds of abuse or abandonment who need a boogeyman to blame. That boogeyman can be a political party, a race, a celebrity, or even an imaginary cabal out to take away your “rights.” This dynamic continually reinforces disempowerment, and fractures a society until it can no longer withstand the pressure and its fabric begins to shatter. This is beginning to happen on Earth now.
Please do not despair about this. Actually, this is a natural part of the transition from third to fourth density. We know it is painful. On those worlds that experience polarity as deeply as you do, it becomes a necessary process of awakening. This “shattering” is necessary to break down illusions and provide multiple mirrors in which to see yourself and your own illusions. Beware of the thought that you are seeing clearly but others are not. This is a trap. No one is seeing clearly with human eyes right now. During this process of shattering, it is as if you are in a house of mirrors. Every reflection you see is distorted. Therefore, the only way out is IN.
This is where the Arcturus energy is assisting you. The Arcturus energy is inherently neutral, unbiased, balanced, and unfractured. You can say that it is a macrocosm of your own microcosmic balanced, innate consciousness that reflects the qualities of the One. While this energy is always assisting physical species, it becomes especially active during times when a species is sending out a galactic SOS signal. Earth is currently sending out that metaphorical SOS signal as it approaches its fracture point. Of course, your galactic family cannot save you, but they can be loving midwives that help you through your new birth. This is the role of the Arcturus consciousness. The Arcturus energy is always felt through the heart. Though it might seem like a perilous time to open your hearts, paradoxically, this is the time when you must do so. When you do, allow the embrace of your Arcturan family to support you during this painful birth process. In this unique experience of labor, pushing is futile, however. Simply breathe deeply, relax, stay in your center, and await the new birth that is on the horizon.
August 2020
Card #91 | Cetacean-Whale (Parallel Time Stream) | Dreamtime and Awakening
As many of you know, we often use metaphor to explain concepts that express a more holistic idea rather than the linear and fixed ideas of physical reality. For this month’s card, we wish to use core ideas of a movie plot that we find within the channel’s memory. It is the movie Inception. If you haven’t seen this movie, we will describe the premise.
Aided by a scientist, agents trained themselves to enter a type of layered dream reality through an induced sleep state. The first layer was often typical dream reality stuff. They would then go to another layer in which an entirely different scenario was playing out. The purpose was to travel to the target’s subconscious, where they could obtain some secret information that he held. However, as they navigated these layers of dream reality, there were obstacles in the subconscious dream landscape. These obstacles took the form of unresolved emotional wounds of the dreamer. These wounds, usually embodied in the dream world by a person familiar to the dreamer, ended up sabotaging the mission and confusing the dreamer. Once caught in his or her wounds, it was very hard to remember one was dreaming and the agent risked spiraling deeper into the dream world of pain, which could cause physical death due to lack of care for the dreamer’s “real” physical body.
This is a wonderful allegory that describes the nature of consciousness. The human reality is the dream, and waking from the dream means first resolving old pain held beneath the conscious level of thought. On the way to awakening, aspects of the dreamer desperately don’t want to awaken and they cling to a self-generated reality that is a product of the unresolved wounds. They begin to try to convince others that it is they who are asleep, spinning an air tight reality paradigm for themselves. It becomes a closed system, whereby awakening becomes a very narrow path that is easily ignored through the distractions of a polarized physical life. Therefore, awakening requires very specific work that is immensely painful but which ultimately leads to the greatest of joy.
So why are we discussing this idea for this card? Whale consciousness is very unique. On your world, you have representatives that energetically model higher levels of consciousness for the purpose of helping you in your transition. The dolphins model 4th density consciousness, which is still somewhat individualized. The whales model 5th density consciousness – the first density in which group consciousness begins forming. The soul of a whale is actually a matrix or a group consciousness that uses its huge body to anchor this consciousness in physical reality. When humans interact with whale consciousness, the whales provide a point of view from a more integrated, group consciousness. This helps to lift you out of the distracting dream of life on Earth and remind you of the more holistic and holographic nature of consciousness.
At this perilous time on Earth, humanity must begin to lift itself out of the distracting dream of polarized thought that generates countless illusionary realities that are keeping you trapped. Once you disentangle yourselves from these dream layers that are fueled by opinions, fear, judgment, and blame, you will be asked to look into the deepest mirror of yourself. Just like the characters in Inception, you will be asked to face your wounds and how they have shaped your perception of reality. Once you willingly begin this process, the path opens wider and it is easier to see. The Whales understand that you are part of the Earth collective but that you do not yet recognize it. They are silently helping and supporting you to realize the greater truth. Once your vision is activated on a collective level, the petty, constricted, and painful human realities that you have generated begin to fall away. They cannot exist energetically when the truth of the whole is remembered.
We ask that you now open yourself to this ancient and wise energy of the Whale collective on your world. They can help to guide you through this process as long as you are willing to let go of all the stories and opinions of reality that you have generated to keep you feeling safe. For all beings now, awakening means walking naked into the unknown with no stories, and trusting that the Universe knows what it is doing. It is scary, yes, but your galactic ancestors also walked this frightening path and transformed themselves. Without a doubt, you can do so as well.
Card #91 | Cetacean-Whale (Parallel Time Stream) | Dreamtime and Awakening
As many of you know, we often use metaphor to explain concepts that express a more holistic idea rather than the linear and fixed ideas of physical reality. For this month’s card, we wish to use core ideas of a movie plot that we find within the channel’s memory. It is the movie Inception. If you haven’t seen this movie, we will describe the premise.
Aided by a scientist, agents trained themselves to enter a type of layered dream reality through an induced sleep state. The first layer was often typical dream reality stuff. They would then go to another layer in which an entirely different scenario was playing out. The purpose was to travel to the target’s subconscious, where they could obtain some secret information that he held. However, as they navigated these layers of dream reality, there were obstacles in the subconscious dream landscape. These obstacles took the form of unresolved emotional wounds of the dreamer. These wounds, usually embodied in the dream world by a person familiar to the dreamer, ended up sabotaging the mission and confusing the dreamer. Once caught in his or her wounds, it was very hard to remember one was dreaming and the agent risked spiraling deeper into the dream world of pain, which could cause physical death due to lack of care for the dreamer’s “real” physical body.
This is a wonderful allegory that describes the nature of consciousness. The human reality is the dream, and waking from the dream means first resolving old pain held beneath the conscious level of thought. On the way to awakening, aspects of the dreamer desperately don’t want to awaken and they cling to a self-generated reality that is a product of the unresolved wounds. They begin to try to convince others that it is they who are asleep, spinning an air tight reality paradigm for themselves. It becomes a closed system, whereby awakening becomes a very narrow path that is easily ignored through the distractions of a polarized physical life. Therefore, awakening requires very specific work that is immensely painful but which ultimately leads to the greatest of joy.
So why are we discussing this idea for this card? Whale consciousness is very unique. On your world, you have representatives that energetically model higher levels of consciousness for the purpose of helping you in your transition. The dolphins model 4th density consciousness, which is still somewhat individualized. The whales model 5th density consciousness – the first density in which group consciousness begins forming. The soul of a whale is actually a matrix or a group consciousness that uses its huge body to anchor this consciousness in physical reality. When humans interact with whale consciousness, the whales provide a point of view from a more integrated, group consciousness. This helps to lift you out of the distracting dream of life on Earth and remind you of the more holistic and holographic nature of consciousness.
At this perilous time on Earth, humanity must begin to lift itself out of the distracting dream of polarized thought that generates countless illusionary realities that are keeping you trapped. Once you disentangle yourselves from these dream layers that are fueled by opinions, fear, judgment, and blame, you will be asked to look into the deepest mirror of yourself. Just like the characters in Inception, you will be asked to face your wounds and how they have shaped your perception of reality. Once you willingly begin this process, the path opens wider and it is easier to see. The Whales understand that you are part of the Earth collective but that you do not yet recognize it. They are silently helping and supporting you to realize the greater truth. Once your vision is activated on a collective level, the petty, constricted, and painful human realities that you have generated begin to fall away. They cannot exist energetically when the truth of the whole is remembered.
We ask that you now open yourself to this ancient and wise energy of the Whale collective on your world. They can help to guide you through this process as long as you are willing to let go of all the stories and opinions of reality that you have generated to keep you feeling safe. For all beings now, awakening means walking naked into the unknown with no stories, and trusting that the Universe knows what it is doing. It is scary, yes, but your galactic ancestors also walked this frightening path and transformed themselves. Without a doubt, you can do so as well.
July 2020
Card #105 | Orion Light (Future, 3rd Era) | Light of Awareness
As we have been discussing for a while now, your planet is currently mired in a state of intense and increasing polarity that spans the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. The fractal of the hologram that you are now experiencing is presenting a very tempting road – one that leads you into a rabbit hole of deeper and deeper polarity. If you continually go down that hole, it will be increasingly difficult to find your way out. It is essential that each and every thought, action, and intention you have be looked at with clear eyes not clouded by polarized thought. (See the guidance for June 2020 – card #67, Self Observance.) This is a very difficult challenge, but the challenge itself can awaken your consciousness as you commit to no longer being seduced by the polarity that is rampant on your world.
The ancient Orions had a similar challenge as most of you know. Actually, their road of polarity was even more intense than yours. They resisted integration until the point where energy could not exist in such a polarized state any longer. Their civilization had to create dramatic experiences to shift this intensely polarized consciousness. Once they did, awakening happened quickly. However, it was a painful process.
Let us give you a metaphor. Imagine that you are walking in a tunnel. The goal is to reach the beautiful light at the end. On each side of the tunnel (left and right), there is tremendous chaos. As soon as you put your attention on it, that chaos is like a magnetic force that keeps pulling you off the path into the chaotic polarized jungle. You may get caught there for a long time, distracted by the chaos, and not even remember why you were walking in the tunnel in the first place. The journey through that tunnel is one that is fraught with temptation. The biggest temptation is to get caught in stories, beliefs, and projections that make the ego feel better but that ultimately pulls you off the path. So, what is this path?
Metaphorically, the journey through that tunnel represents your journey through physicality and all the challenges it includes—most notably the seduction of polarized thought. In third density this immersion into polarized thought is natural and part of the journey. However, as you transition to fourth density like you are doing now, the entire paradigm of reality shifts. You have to learn how to give up the reliance on polarized thought as a navigational tool. The first phase of this process means learning how to travel through that tunnel (toward the light, or integration) without being distracted by the chaos of polarity on the left or right. The light at the end of the tunnel represents your awakened consciousness—the aspect of you as the One that is free from polarity.
When people talk about the “battle of dark and light,” they are talking about this internal struggle, though it is often projected outward and not clearly understood. The evil/good they reference does not exist out there. It is instead the battle within each physical being to remain on a path to the light (integration) instead of being tempted by distractions that express ignorance, fear, and polarity.
Therefore, the message of this card is meant to remind you of the journey through this metaphorical tunnel to your own light of integration. You are now entering a part of the journey that is perilous. It is essential to become acutely aware of your tendencies to be pulled off the path to the left or to the right. The more you practice recalibrating your trajectory toward the integrated light ahead instead of moving into the distraction, the easier your awakening process will be.
This card represents the Light of Orion – the awakened Orion consciousness that, with great effort, eventually awakened itself beyond polarity. That Orion consciousness is assisting your people now (individually and collectively) by helping to give you the strength to no longer choose the chaos of polarity. Each choice you make as individuals cumulatively makes a difference. If you need help to step out of the polarity game, these wise ones—the collective Orion Light consciousness—will lovingly help to guide you through the tunnel and back to the One. They are ready when you are.
Card #105 | Orion Light (Future, 3rd Era) | Light of Awareness
As we have been discussing for a while now, your planet is currently mired in a state of intense and increasing polarity that spans the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. The fractal of the hologram that you are now experiencing is presenting a very tempting road – one that leads you into a rabbit hole of deeper and deeper polarity. If you continually go down that hole, it will be increasingly difficult to find your way out. It is essential that each and every thought, action, and intention you have be looked at with clear eyes not clouded by polarized thought. (See the guidance for June 2020 – card #67, Self Observance.) This is a very difficult challenge, but the challenge itself can awaken your consciousness as you commit to no longer being seduced by the polarity that is rampant on your world.
The ancient Orions had a similar challenge as most of you know. Actually, their road of polarity was even more intense than yours. They resisted integration until the point where energy could not exist in such a polarized state any longer. Their civilization had to create dramatic experiences to shift this intensely polarized consciousness. Once they did, awakening happened quickly. However, it was a painful process.
Let us give you a metaphor. Imagine that you are walking in a tunnel. The goal is to reach the beautiful light at the end. On each side of the tunnel (left and right), there is tremendous chaos. As soon as you put your attention on it, that chaos is like a magnetic force that keeps pulling you off the path into the chaotic polarized jungle. You may get caught there for a long time, distracted by the chaos, and not even remember why you were walking in the tunnel in the first place. The journey through that tunnel is one that is fraught with temptation. The biggest temptation is to get caught in stories, beliefs, and projections that make the ego feel better but that ultimately pulls you off the path. So, what is this path?
Metaphorically, the journey through that tunnel represents your journey through physicality and all the challenges it includes—most notably the seduction of polarized thought. In third density this immersion into polarized thought is natural and part of the journey. However, as you transition to fourth density like you are doing now, the entire paradigm of reality shifts. You have to learn how to give up the reliance on polarized thought as a navigational tool. The first phase of this process means learning how to travel through that tunnel (toward the light, or integration) without being distracted by the chaos of polarity on the left or right. The light at the end of the tunnel represents your awakened consciousness—the aspect of you as the One that is free from polarity.
When people talk about the “battle of dark and light,” they are talking about this internal struggle, though it is often projected outward and not clearly understood. The evil/good they reference does not exist out there. It is instead the battle within each physical being to remain on a path to the light (integration) instead of being tempted by distractions that express ignorance, fear, and polarity.
Therefore, the message of this card is meant to remind you of the journey through this metaphorical tunnel to your own light of integration. You are now entering a part of the journey that is perilous. It is essential to become acutely aware of your tendencies to be pulled off the path to the left or to the right. The more you practice recalibrating your trajectory toward the integrated light ahead instead of moving into the distraction, the easier your awakening process will be.
This card represents the Light of Orion – the awakened Orion consciousness that, with great effort, eventually awakened itself beyond polarity. That Orion consciousness is assisting your people now (individually and collectively) by helping to give you the strength to no longer choose the chaos of polarity. Each choice you make as individuals cumulatively makes a difference. If you need help to step out of the polarity game, these wise ones—the collective Orion Light consciousness—will lovingly help to guide you through the tunnel and back to the One. They are ready when you are.
June 2020
Card #67 | Lyra (Future, 3rd Era) | Self Observance
Dear friends, this is the first transmission we share with you that was written since your global pandemic began. (The previous months were channeled before it happened). Firstly, we want to tell you that we understand how frustrating and scary this time is for you. Your galactic ancestors also experienced similar global events as they went through their shift in consciousness. We are all with you in Spirit.
The Lyran energy is especially strongly guiding you now, because they have walked this road before and can offer you a road map to help you navigate this confusing time. The number one tool that awakened your ancient Lyran forefathers is the theme of this card, Self Observance. You have heard us speak of this many times, for it is a key to awakening for all physical beings. Because of this, the beings we have called the awakened Lyran Archons (a collective group consciousness) are assisting with this month’s transmission. [Note: Some people refer to “Archons” as negatively-oriented beings. This is an entirely different energy.]
Self observance means learning to observe (without judgment) your habits, patterns, ego desires, and fears from a place of raw honesty and deep compassion for the wounds within that perpetuate these patterns. This might sound like a mental process but it is much more than that. It requires you to actually feel the raw energy of the ego in a way that can be painful, but remembering that it serves as a release of stored and blocked energy. In order to do this type of self observation, you will need to do so from a quantum consciousness level because the ego observing itself never really works deeper than the superficial levels. Therefore, it is time now to commit yourself to frequent deep meditation that is focused on uncovering and releasing the stored energy of old wounds. This can feel like an endless journey in which you are forced to look into the mirror of your deepest self, but it is a vital one for your species to experience in order to facilitate your shift.
This process isn’t only experienced during meditation. What you experience in meditation often carries over into daily life. In your life, each obstacle and challenge is an opportunity to observe yourself and your reactions so that those inner patterns of pain and distorted beliefs can be illuminated. During a pandemic, you have many tools that you can use for your practice! You can begin by watching your habits during such an intense time. How do you respond to this crisis? For example, do you continually post articles in social media about being lied to or losing individual rights? If so, that is a clue about a wound within – perhaps a feeling of victimhood deep down inside. Do you rebel against all guidance from medical experts or choose only the guidance that stops unpleasant feelings from arising? That rebellion might stem from deep inner anger that was there well before this pandemic. Do you feel an intense need to help others that goes beyond rationality? That might be a reaction to the wound of feeling worthless. Only you can discover these wounds and how they manifest in your life, with deep inner explorations and observations with raw honesty on the quantum consciousness level. You will know you’ve found these wounds and patterns when something is revealed that you don’t want to see or if profound pain is uncovered. At this point, in order to move forward as an individual and a species, you must embrace what you don’t want to see within yourself and as a collective. It is indeed a paradox.
This is a process of embracing your shadow – the parts that you haven’t wanted to see. When a global crisis such as this happens, planetary energy is increased. This heightened energy causes all that has been pushed down to rise to the surface. You can either project this unwanted intense energy on others (including governments, medical establishments, and those who don’t share your beliefs), or look in your own mirror. Your choice will determine your experience during this intense time. If you keep focusing “out there,” the necessary awakening process of self observation will elude you. Quarantine is a very clear message from the universe that it is time to take a time-out and look deeply within. If that very clear message from reality isn’t heeded at this point in your evolution, you can trust that it will be repeated over and over again. Your way out of this crisis is to move inward. When you change your direction to move inward, you will find your ancient Lyran ancestors and all the other loving helpers there to show you the way forward. This road has been walked by your celestial family many times. It is well-paved, and we are waiting for you with open arms.
Card #67 | Lyra (Future, 3rd Era) | Self Observance
Dear friends, this is the first transmission we share with you that was written since your global pandemic began. (The previous months were channeled before it happened). Firstly, we want to tell you that we understand how frustrating and scary this time is for you. Your galactic ancestors also experienced similar global events as they went through their shift in consciousness. We are all with you in Spirit.
The Lyran energy is especially strongly guiding you now, because they have walked this road before and can offer you a road map to help you navigate this confusing time. The number one tool that awakened your ancient Lyran forefathers is the theme of this card, Self Observance. You have heard us speak of this many times, for it is a key to awakening for all physical beings. Because of this, the beings we have called the awakened Lyran Archons (a collective group consciousness) are assisting with this month’s transmission. [Note: Some people refer to “Archons” as negatively-oriented beings. This is an entirely different energy.]
Self observance means learning to observe (without judgment) your habits, patterns, ego desires, and fears from a place of raw honesty and deep compassion for the wounds within that perpetuate these patterns. This might sound like a mental process but it is much more than that. It requires you to actually feel the raw energy of the ego in a way that can be painful, but remembering that it serves as a release of stored and blocked energy. In order to do this type of self observation, you will need to do so from a quantum consciousness level because the ego observing itself never really works deeper than the superficial levels. Therefore, it is time now to commit yourself to frequent deep meditation that is focused on uncovering and releasing the stored energy of old wounds. This can feel like an endless journey in which you are forced to look into the mirror of your deepest self, but it is a vital one for your species to experience in order to facilitate your shift.
This process isn’t only experienced during meditation. What you experience in meditation often carries over into daily life. In your life, each obstacle and challenge is an opportunity to observe yourself and your reactions so that those inner patterns of pain and distorted beliefs can be illuminated. During a pandemic, you have many tools that you can use for your practice! You can begin by watching your habits during such an intense time. How do you respond to this crisis? For example, do you continually post articles in social media about being lied to or losing individual rights? If so, that is a clue about a wound within – perhaps a feeling of victimhood deep down inside. Do you rebel against all guidance from medical experts or choose only the guidance that stops unpleasant feelings from arising? That rebellion might stem from deep inner anger that was there well before this pandemic. Do you feel an intense need to help others that goes beyond rationality? That might be a reaction to the wound of feeling worthless. Only you can discover these wounds and how they manifest in your life, with deep inner explorations and observations with raw honesty on the quantum consciousness level. You will know you’ve found these wounds and patterns when something is revealed that you don’t want to see or if profound pain is uncovered. At this point, in order to move forward as an individual and a species, you must embrace what you don’t want to see within yourself and as a collective. It is indeed a paradox.
This is a process of embracing your shadow – the parts that you haven’t wanted to see. When a global crisis such as this happens, planetary energy is increased. This heightened energy causes all that has been pushed down to rise to the surface. You can either project this unwanted intense energy on others (including governments, medical establishments, and those who don’t share your beliefs), or look in your own mirror. Your choice will determine your experience during this intense time. If you keep focusing “out there,” the necessary awakening process of self observation will elude you. Quarantine is a very clear message from the universe that it is time to take a time-out and look deeply within. If that very clear message from reality isn’t heeded at this point in your evolution, you can trust that it will be repeated over and over again. Your way out of this crisis is to move inward. When you change your direction to move inward, you will find your ancient Lyran ancestors and all the other loving helpers there to show you the way forward. This road has been walked by your celestial family many times. It is well-paved, and we are waiting for you with open arms.
May 2020
Card #80 | Zeta Reticuli (Present, 2nd Era) | Embracing Family
Note: This material was channeled in January 2020, before the corona virus was widely known. There are some very interesting messages in this text that hint at what was to come.
Archetypally, the Zeta Reticuli represent a species that rejected its physicality. In an effort to evolve (and to avoid the unpleasantness of being physical) the Zetas repressed the emotional body and focused primarily on the development of their mentality. This type of unbalance could only be experienced for a limited time until the deep imbalance between the mental and emotional bodies created a species crisis that manifested in many ways. Most of you know the story. To find their way back from the brink of extinction and move to the next level of their evolution, they had to face their fears – the fear of emotion, vulnerability, and the fear of the uncontrollable unknown.
One of their first steps was to relearn the necessity of emotional connection with each other. Without emotional connection, compassion is impossible and isolation is the result. With the help of human volunteers, the Zetas eventually relearned this vital part of physicality and created an alchemical shift in their species consciousness.
Right now on Earth, you are facing a similar crisis that is manifested in a different way. As the galactic energy fueling your consciousness shift is accelerating, humans feel increasing pressure. This pressure brings old pain to the surface much like squeezing a tube of toothpaste. Humans and Zetas share a Vega lineage, which means that welcoming emotion and knowing how to work with it in healthy ways is not an easy or intuitive skill. As you face mounting energetic pressure, the human tendency is to put up walls and defend them fiercely. You are seeing this manifesting on your social media, where anti-social behavior and polarized, aggressive expression have little consequences in the “real world.” But that type of behavior has huge consequences for your inner world.
Now more than ever it is important to behave in a counterintuitive way, in order to break the cycle of separation and isolation. This means that when faced with aggressive behavior, it is important to remember that the aggressor is in a lot of pain instead of returning the attack. This isn’t an excuse for their actions, but it is an opportunity to open your heart with compassion for their pain. Can you reach out to them somehow, even just energetically in a neutral way? As you make this a regular practice (and not a superficial or purely mental one), you will actually move more deeply into your own heart and reconnect the areas that you have severed in order to cope with the intensity of the human experience. This is what we mean when we always say that you have to start within to see any real change.
It is time now to reconnect those severed parts of yourself that you have pushed aside in order to survive as a human. The original human template, which represents your highest potential, is one that is deeply emotional yet balanced – a species not afraid to go deep within their pain (and thus their joy). You will find that when you allow yourself to go deeply within your own emotional body, you will connect to others in a whole new empowering way. The masks come off. You see that everyone carries pain, and therefore the tough armored costumes you wear begin to dissolve. You then see that you are all equal in sharing the human experience, and you seek to lift each other instead of beating each other down.
This is what the spirit of this card means. You can only embrace family when you first embrace your own weakness and pain. From there, you can embrace your human family as reflections of yourself. And finally, when you have embraced each other in this way, you are ready to embrace your cosmic family. We are waiting for you.
Card #80 | Zeta Reticuli (Present, 2nd Era) | Embracing Family
Note: This material was channeled in January 2020, before the corona virus was widely known. There are some very interesting messages in this text that hint at what was to come.
Archetypally, the Zeta Reticuli represent a species that rejected its physicality. In an effort to evolve (and to avoid the unpleasantness of being physical) the Zetas repressed the emotional body and focused primarily on the development of their mentality. This type of unbalance could only be experienced for a limited time until the deep imbalance between the mental and emotional bodies created a species crisis that manifested in many ways. Most of you know the story. To find their way back from the brink of extinction and move to the next level of their evolution, they had to face their fears – the fear of emotion, vulnerability, and the fear of the uncontrollable unknown.
One of their first steps was to relearn the necessity of emotional connection with each other. Without emotional connection, compassion is impossible and isolation is the result. With the help of human volunteers, the Zetas eventually relearned this vital part of physicality and created an alchemical shift in their species consciousness.
Right now on Earth, you are facing a similar crisis that is manifested in a different way. As the galactic energy fueling your consciousness shift is accelerating, humans feel increasing pressure. This pressure brings old pain to the surface much like squeezing a tube of toothpaste. Humans and Zetas share a Vega lineage, which means that welcoming emotion and knowing how to work with it in healthy ways is not an easy or intuitive skill. As you face mounting energetic pressure, the human tendency is to put up walls and defend them fiercely. You are seeing this manifesting on your social media, where anti-social behavior and polarized, aggressive expression have little consequences in the “real world.” But that type of behavior has huge consequences for your inner world.
Now more than ever it is important to behave in a counterintuitive way, in order to break the cycle of separation and isolation. This means that when faced with aggressive behavior, it is important to remember that the aggressor is in a lot of pain instead of returning the attack. This isn’t an excuse for their actions, but it is an opportunity to open your heart with compassion for their pain. Can you reach out to them somehow, even just energetically in a neutral way? As you make this a regular practice (and not a superficial or purely mental one), you will actually move more deeply into your own heart and reconnect the areas that you have severed in order to cope with the intensity of the human experience. This is what we mean when we always say that you have to start within to see any real change.
It is time now to reconnect those severed parts of yourself that you have pushed aside in order to survive as a human. The original human template, which represents your highest potential, is one that is deeply emotional yet balanced – a species not afraid to go deep within their pain (and thus their joy). You will find that when you allow yourself to go deeply within your own emotional body, you will connect to others in a whole new empowering way. The masks come off. You see that everyone carries pain, and therefore the tough armored costumes you wear begin to dissolve. You then see that you are all equal in sharing the human experience, and you seek to lift each other instead of beating each other down.
This is what the spirit of this card means. You can only embrace family when you first embrace your own weakness and pain. From there, you can embrace your human family as reflections of yourself. And finally, when you have embraced each other in this way, you are ready to embrace your cosmic family. We are waiting for you.
April 2020
Card #13 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Birth and Expansion
(Note: This info was channeled in December 2019, before knowledge of the corona virus pandemic).
The energy of this card is sourced from the very beginnings of the birth of your galactic family. It was a time of excitement, new potential, and an inherent trust in this journey into the unknown. Most of you know the galactic history. From this birth of innocence and enthusiasm came division, polarity, and a journey into forgetfulness. However, this forgetfulness and division was an inherent part of the journey and is only temporary. The natural state of consciousness is integrated, and thus will always find its way back home.
On Earth now, you are tapping into this energy of birth and expansion as your ancient Lyran family did. You are standing on the precipice of a new dawn. You are older and wiser now, having had eons of lessons in polarity from countless star civilizations. Yet, the old habits, fears, wounds, and belief systems still sometimes weigh you down. Will you choose to put those old paradigms of limitation and fear aside and step boldly into the new unknown as your ancestors did, yet infinitely more wise than they were? These are choices that must be made by your mass consciousness very soon. But this time, the momentum behind you is that of integration. You can say it is like the wind in the metaphorical sails of your evolutionary path. All you have to do is relax and, in a sense, get out of your own way.
So we have spoken about the mass consciousness, but what about you as individuals? You may find that you are feeling the energy of birth within you, but you may not know what that means for you in a practical sense. Of course, it may be a new project that wants to be born, or other ideas that manifest on the physical plane. However, those are just reflections of the new you on the inner level that is gestating and readying itself for birth. This feeling of impending birth may be subtle or strong, but it is also there because it is mirroring the birth process of your civilization on the collective level. There isn’t much you can do to facilitate the new birth on the collective level, but what you do on your inner levels is much more important for it will affect the collective in powerful ways.
Expansion is a natural mechanism of consciousness. When consciousness expands, it must slough off old skin so to speak. If you are feeling constriction, it is often expansion in disguise. Your consciousness wants to expand but cannot because of old constrictions and limitations. The time in which you feel constriction is actually the perfect opportunity to practice expansion. Yes, the universal paradox shows itself once again! Please remember that these times of expansion are often accompanied by chaos, confusion, fear, and impatience. This is natural. Do not let yourself become distracted by the discomfort or chaos and instead, focus on that undeniable and unstoppable energy of expansion. Play with it. Where does it lead? You might find that it leads straight to the issues that have always stopped you in the past – fear, insecurity, doubt, or feelings of worthlessness. Whatever those issues are, know that it is the perfect opportunity to embrace and transform those issues. Even just a little bit of work with this frees more metaphorical space within you to continue your expansion—one step at a time.
Your ancient Lyran family supports you during this time. Though they have already transcended into more integrated states of consciousness, their love and support is constant, for they see themselves in you more than you know. As we have stated many times, since there is only one consciousness in creation seeing through countless eyes, these ancient transcended Lyrans are in fact you. The memory of their wisdom and their transcendence is within you and ready to be accessed at any moment. This time, as you walk into the unknown, have faith that you have all the tools you need to navigate. Feel the wind at your back, relax into its current no matter where it leads, and you will emerge into a new world within yourself. This new inner world will ultimately reflect itself in the physical world around you in the appropriate timing. This is how to become your own midwife, honoring the birth and subsequent integration of your divine presence embodied in human form. That powerful integration marks the final phases of your journey from ancient Lyra to Earth – and from separation back to the One of your true essence.
Card #13 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Birth and Expansion
(Note: This info was channeled in December 2019, before knowledge of the corona virus pandemic).
The energy of this card is sourced from the very beginnings of the birth of your galactic family. It was a time of excitement, new potential, and an inherent trust in this journey into the unknown. Most of you know the galactic history. From this birth of innocence and enthusiasm came division, polarity, and a journey into forgetfulness. However, this forgetfulness and division was an inherent part of the journey and is only temporary. The natural state of consciousness is integrated, and thus will always find its way back home.
On Earth now, you are tapping into this energy of birth and expansion as your ancient Lyran family did. You are standing on the precipice of a new dawn. You are older and wiser now, having had eons of lessons in polarity from countless star civilizations. Yet, the old habits, fears, wounds, and belief systems still sometimes weigh you down. Will you choose to put those old paradigms of limitation and fear aside and step boldly into the new unknown as your ancestors did, yet infinitely more wise than they were? These are choices that must be made by your mass consciousness very soon. But this time, the momentum behind you is that of integration. You can say it is like the wind in the metaphorical sails of your evolutionary path. All you have to do is relax and, in a sense, get out of your own way.
So we have spoken about the mass consciousness, but what about you as individuals? You may find that you are feeling the energy of birth within you, but you may not know what that means for you in a practical sense. Of course, it may be a new project that wants to be born, or other ideas that manifest on the physical plane. However, those are just reflections of the new you on the inner level that is gestating and readying itself for birth. This feeling of impending birth may be subtle or strong, but it is also there because it is mirroring the birth process of your civilization on the collective level. There isn’t much you can do to facilitate the new birth on the collective level, but what you do on your inner levels is much more important for it will affect the collective in powerful ways.
Expansion is a natural mechanism of consciousness. When consciousness expands, it must slough off old skin so to speak. If you are feeling constriction, it is often expansion in disguise. Your consciousness wants to expand but cannot because of old constrictions and limitations. The time in which you feel constriction is actually the perfect opportunity to practice expansion. Yes, the universal paradox shows itself once again! Please remember that these times of expansion are often accompanied by chaos, confusion, fear, and impatience. This is natural. Do not let yourself become distracted by the discomfort or chaos and instead, focus on that undeniable and unstoppable energy of expansion. Play with it. Where does it lead? You might find that it leads straight to the issues that have always stopped you in the past – fear, insecurity, doubt, or feelings of worthlessness. Whatever those issues are, know that it is the perfect opportunity to embrace and transform those issues. Even just a little bit of work with this frees more metaphorical space within you to continue your expansion—one step at a time.
Your ancient Lyran family supports you during this time. Though they have already transcended into more integrated states of consciousness, their love and support is constant, for they see themselves in you more than you know. As we have stated many times, since there is only one consciousness in creation seeing through countless eyes, these ancient transcended Lyrans are in fact you. The memory of their wisdom and their transcendence is within you and ready to be accessed at any moment. This time, as you walk into the unknown, have faith that you have all the tools you need to navigate. Feel the wind at your back, relax into its current no matter where it leads, and you will emerge into a new world within yourself. This new inner world will ultimately reflect itself in the physical world around you in the appropriate timing. This is how to become your own midwife, honoring the birth and subsequent integration of your divine presence embodied in human form. That powerful integration marks the final phases of your journey from ancient Lyra to Earth – and from separation back to the One of your true essence.
March 2020
Card #103 | Essassani (Present, 2nd Era) | Spiritual Sovereignty
Spiritual Sovereignty is a state of supreme balance and freedom. One walks in integrity, has completed unfinished business, confronted and embraced the shadow, recognizes illusion, and knows the self intimately without judgment. This state of consciousness is reached through a steady process that often comes from lifetimes of inner work. The Essassani are an example of a realized civilization, and they are some of your most important guides as your planet’s people begin transitioning into higher states of consciousness.
One of the most important aspects of spiritual sovereignty has to do with relinquishing the need to be fulfilled from things outside of you. For example, people often choose religion, gurus, or spiritual techniques as a way to fill a need that comes from emotional pain. Most of the time, the source of the pain is buried and the craving for a belief structure to ease the pain is not understood. Humans may bounce from different spiritual groups or religions throughout their lives because the need never gets filled and the person keeps seeking. What they don’t realize is that what they are seeking can only be found within. This is not to say that spiritual teachers, religions, or practices are not helpful. They are meant to be tools rather than solutions. This is an important distinction to realize as you walk your spiritual path.
We have spoken so many times about the current acceleration of energy and how it is bringing unhealed energy to the surface. Sometimes, this unhealed energy might be purely in an energetic state with no story attached. Other times, it may have to do with a trauma from this life or a past one that does have a particular story connected to it. Either way, the raw energy behind the wound has, in a sense, taken up space within your energy body. This perpetuates a state of disintegration rather than integration. Within third density, this disintegrated state is natural. Now that you have begun your transition into fourth density, disintegrated states must shift into integrated ones – and that means that whatever has blocked your light must now come into view.
To use an analogy, imagine that you are sitting at the shore waiting for the sunrise. Between you and the sun, however, are a variety of objects – maybe clouds, or large rocks that reach high into to the sky. You really won’t be able to experience the sunrise until those obstacles dissolve. The same is true in terms of seeing your own light within you. The obstacles to your inner light take the form of unhealed wounds and the shadow energy that has been unacknowledged. The only way to experience your inner light is to address those obstacles. Once you do, the horizon clears and what remains is a limitless sky that is filled by your own inner light. This is what spiritual sovereignty means – through your own inner work, deep integration occurs that expands the space of your consciousness without obstacles or limitations. This leads to a state of spiritual self-sufficiency in which nothing is needed from outside of you. You, in a sense, become your own sun.
The Essassani species is a product of profound alchemy. As most of you know, they are a hybrid race created from humans and Zeta Reticuli. The deep inner work that both humans and Zetas did was actually necessary to create the Essassani species. The paradox is that this important work that you as humans do now actually helped to create the possibility for the Essassani to be a self-realized species in what you call your future. So while many of you may enjoy hearing communications from Essassani (such as those through the channeled being named Bashar), you are actually receiving communications from your future – the time in which all the inner work you have done now has come to fruition.
Do not feel despair if you feel stuck now, or if you feel that your healing process isn’t moving as fast as your egos would like. You are exactly where you need to be. Let yourself keep your eyes fixed on the rising sun (your True Self). Should an obstacle or wound arise, remind yourself that you are that sun while you gently, yet bravely, navigate through the obstacle (not around it). As time moves on, this process becomes habit. Soon, the warming rays of the sun will be the primary experience rather than the denseness of the obstacle. As you take this journey, invite your Essassani family to assist. Let them into your heart, for they can joyfully guide you to remember your true essence – the eternal, always-shining sun.
Card #103 | Essassani (Present, 2nd Era) | Spiritual Sovereignty
Spiritual Sovereignty is a state of supreme balance and freedom. One walks in integrity, has completed unfinished business, confronted and embraced the shadow, recognizes illusion, and knows the self intimately without judgment. This state of consciousness is reached through a steady process that often comes from lifetimes of inner work. The Essassani are an example of a realized civilization, and they are some of your most important guides as your planet’s people begin transitioning into higher states of consciousness.
One of the most important aspects of spiritual sovereignty has to do with relinquishing the need to be fulfilled from things outside of you. For example, people often choose religion, gurus, or spiritual techniques as a way to fill a need that comes from emotional pain. Most of the time, the source of the pain is buried and the craving for a belief structure to ease the pain is not understood. Humans may bounce from different spiritual groups or religions throughout their lives because the need never gets filled and the person keeps seeking. What they don’t realize is that what they are seeking can only be found within. This is not to say that spiritual teachers, religions, or practices are not helpful. They are meant to be tools rather than solutions. This is an important distinction to realize as you walk your spiritual path.
We have spoken so many times about the current acceleration of energy and how it is bringing unhealed energy to the surface. Sometimes, this unhealed energy might be purely in an energetic state with no story attached. Other times, it may have to do with a trauma from this life or a past one that does have a particular story connected to it. Either way, the raw energy behind the wound has, in a sense, taken up space within your energy body. This perpetuates a state of disintegration rather than integration. Within third density, this disintegrated state is natural. Now that you have begun your transition into fourth density, disintegrated states must shift into integrated ones – and that means that whatever has blocked your light must now come into view.
To use an analogy, imagine that you are sitting at the shore waiting for the sunrise. Between you and the sun, however, are a variety of objects – maybe clouds, or large rocks that reach high into to the sky. You really won’t be able to experience the sunrise until those obstacles dissolve. The same is true in terms of seeing your own light within you. The obstacles to your inner light take the form of unhealed wounds and the shadow energy that has been unacknowledged. The only way to experience your inner light is to address those obstacles. Once you do, the horizon clears and what remains is a limitless sky that is filled by your own inner light. This is what spiritual sovereignty means – through your own inner work, deep integration occurs that expands the space of your consciousness without obstacles or limitations. This leads to a state of spiritual self-sufficiency in which nothing is needed from outside of you. You, in a sense, become your own sun.
The Essassani species is a product of profound alchemy. As most of you know, they are a hybrid race created from humans and Zeta Reticuli. The deep inner work that both humans and Zetas did was actually necessary to create the Essassani species. The paradox is that this important work that you as humans do now actually helped to create the possibility for the Essassani to be a self-realized species in what you call your future. So while many of you may enjoy hearing communications from Essassani (such as those through the channeled being named Bashar), you are actually receiving communications from your future – the time in which all the inner work you have done now has come to fruition.
Do not feel despair if you feel stuck now, or if you feel that your healing process isn’t moving as fast as your egos would like. You are exactly where you need to be. Let yourself keep your eyes fixed on the rising sun (your True Self). Should an obstacle or wound arise, remind yourself that you are that sun while you gently, yet bravely, navigate through the obstacle (not around it). As time moves on, this process becomes habit. Soon, the warming rays of the sun will be the primary experience rather than the denseness of the obstacle. As you take this journey, invite your Essassani family to assist. Let them into your heart, for they can joyfully guide you to remember your true essence – the eternal, always-shining sun.
February 2020
Card #23 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Spiritual Technology
You are at a significant point in your 26,000-year evolutionary cycle. If you think of this cycle as being like seasons of consciousness, then you have just entered the season of spring after a long winter. This means that after being “asleep” or dormant for thousands of years, consciousness is now beginning to awaken much like when you see new plants blooming even though it is still cold outside. There is still more time until full awakening, but the process has begun.
Part of the process of awakening has to do with healing the wounds of the past. The collective wounds carried by humanity now can be directly sourced from the opposite end of the evolutionary cycle. This was the time of a metaphorical autumn, when the collective consciousness began preparing for a long winter. The collective realized that humanity wasn’t ready for awakening yet, despite all the hard work many of you had done 13,000 years ago to help the process along in the previous “summer” cycle. The collective didn’t want to go to sleep so it resisted the autumn and, in fact, tried many techniques and processes to change its evolutionary trajectory – to, in a sense, force awakening. However, this was an act of desperation from the collective ego and, in the end, it actually accelerated your sleep state. What do we mean by this?
When the collective realized that autumn was upon it and that sleep was on the horizon, it utilized tools that can be termed “spiritual technology” in order to stop the winter from coming or to simulate a state of awakening even though the natural season was supposed to be sleep. This created a huge imbalance in the collective energy that accelerated the sleep state and enhanced polarity. This phase of spiritual technology is one that most third-density species pass through on the way to awakening. The key is to not attach to this technology. It is necessary to clearly see its uses, but then put the tools down and honor the natural seasons of consciousness. Awakening naturally happens in the right timing.
So many of you had incarnated during that ancient autumn season and, with love in your hearts, tried valiantly to assist Earth in her awakening process. Many of you did not want to accept that the natural season of sleep was coming so through the use of spiritual technology (in many forms), you tried even harder. When these efforts failed and humanity’s collective consciousness sunk deeper into autumn and then winter, you blamed yourselves. You felt like failures and carried immense guilt. As the season of spring is now blossoming, these wounds of guilt and self-blame that have been buried through the long cold winter are now being felt once again. We’ve spoken to so many of you who are feeling this! Thus, it is time to forgive yourself for the perceived failures of the ancient past and enter this new cycle with a renewed sense of joy and freedom.
The message of this card is thus twofold. First, it is asking you to uncover the most ancient of your wounds from early incarnations on Earth. These wounds often take the form of deep guilt and self-blame that are disguised as workaholism, perfectionism, judgment, and anxiety. Know that nothing you can “do” in this life can ease that pain. The only way to shift the wound is to pass through it. See it clearly and feel it profoundly – with full acceptance and gratitude for it as your teacher. Release it from your physical and energetic body in whatever way you can. (This happens in layers, over time). This makes you strong and incorruptible, and ready for the next step.
The next step is the second part of this message. So long ago, ancient humans believed that “spiritual technology” would save them. This included special prayers, processes, spiritual devices, and even the power of spiritual teachers, gurus, priests. They put all their trust in these things outside of themselves. The lopsided reliance on these spiritual technologies led them farther from the inner, wise self that knows Truth beyond the ego. This new spring season begins to awaken that sleeping consciousness of the One within. The time for reliance on tools has passed. Your true power is only within you. This lesson was learned as far back as your Vega ancestors, and it is still the truth today. If you heal yourself from your core wounds, you reclaim your power. Tools and technology can work with you, but they can never replace the power of the One within you.
Card #23 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Spiritual Technology
You are at a significant point in your 26,000-year evolutionary cycle. If you think of this cycle as being like seasons of consciousness, then you have just entered the season of spring after a long winter. This means that after being “asleep” or dormant for thousands of years, consciousness is now beginning to awaken much like when you see new plants blooming even though it is still cold outside. There is still more time until full awakening, but the process has begun.
Part of the process of awakening has to do with healing the wounds of the past. The collective wounds carried by humanity now can be directly sourced from the opposite end of the evolutionary cycle. This was the time of a metaphorical autumn, when the collective consciousness began preparing for a long winter. The collective realized that humanity wasn’t ready for awakening yet, despite all the hard work many of you had done 13,000 years ago to help the process along in the previous “summer” cycle. The collective didn’t want to go to sleep so it resisted the autumn and, in fact, tried many techniques and processes to change its evolutionary trajectory – to, in a sense, force awakening. However, this was an act of desperation from the collective ego and, in the end, it actually accelerated your sleep state. What do we mean by this?
When the collective realized that autumn was upon it and that sleep was on the horizon, it utilized tools that can be termed “spiritual technology” in order to stop the winter from coming or to simulate a state of awakening even though the natural season was supposed to be sleep. This created a huge imbalance in the collective energy that accelerated the sleep state and enhanced polarity. This phase of spiritual technology is one that most third-density species pass through on the way to awakening. The key is to not attach to this technology. It is necessary to clearly see its uses, but then put the tools down and honor the natural seasons of consciousness. Awakening naturally happens in the right timing.
So many of you had incarnated during that ancient autumn season and, with love in your hearts, tried valiantly to assist Earth in her awakening process. Many of you did not want to accept that the natural season of sleep was coming so through the use of spiritual technology (in many forms), you tried even harder. When these efforts failed and humanity’s collective consciousness sunk deeper into autumn and then winter, you blamed yourselves. You felt like failures and carried immense guilt. As the season of spring is now blossoming, these wounds of guilt and self-blame that have been buried through the long cold winter are now being felt once again. We’ve spoken to so many of you who are feeling this! Thus, it is time to forgive yourself for the perceived failures of the ancient past and enter this new cycle with a renewed sense of joy and freedom.
The message of this card is thus twofold. First, it is asking you to uncover the most ancient of your wounds from early incarnations on Earth. These wounds often take the form of deep guilt and self-blame that are disguised as workaholism, perfectionism, judgment, and anxiety. Know that nothing you can “do” in this life can ease that pain. The only way to shift the wound is to pass through it. See it clearly and feel it profoundly – with full acceptance and gratitude for it as your teacher. Release it from your physical and energetic body in whatever way you can. (This happens in layers, over time). This makes you strong and incorruptible, and ready for the next step.
The next step is the second part of this message. So long ago, ancient humans believed that “spiritual technology” would save them. This included special prayers, processes, spiritual devices, and even the power of spiritual teachers, gurus, priests. They put all their trust in these things outside of themselves. The lopsided reliance on these spiritual technologies led them farther from the inner, wise self that knows Truth beyond the ego. This new spring season begins to awaken that sleeping consciousness of the One within. The time for reliance on tools has passed. Your true power is only within you. This lesson was learned as far back as your Vega ancestors, and it is still the truth today. If you heal yourself from your core wounds, you reclaim your power. Tools and technology can work with you, but they can never replace the power of the One within you.
January 2020
Card #27 | Non-Humanoid (Parallel) | Alienness
This is an interesting card to begin your year of 2020. This card suggests a paradox, which is how so many of you are feeling at this point in time. You feel the “other” so strongly – those who have strange beliefs that you do not understand. Yet if you let yourself, you can also feel the commonality in these “others” – the One consciousness shining through every being, no matter their shape, size, or color.
In this time of increasing polarity on Earth, this energy of Non-Humanoid consciousness comes to you to challenge you. How much can you embrace those who are different? In a climate of intense polarity, can you find the commonality? What is being asked of you is to circumvent the natural tendency to react with fear, distaste, or judgment when exposed to something new and different that threatens the status quo. Even if the “other” is violent, delusional, or hurtful, can you still find the commonality in your heart?
In your galactic history, whenever a civilization experienced its transition from 3rd to 4th density, it was very common that during the deepest polarization, species were confronted with the necessity of interacting with those who are different. This is actually part of the natural process of integrating polarity. There is a time when poles become magnified before integration energetically becomes inevitable. Will you lose your way in such intense magnification? (Losing one’s way means getting sucked into the black hole of one pole or the other). Will you strengthen your ego by clinging to your side of the polarity spectrum? These are like tests that refine your ability to balance on the paradox point between poles. It isn’t an easy skill, but a most necessary one to master eventually if you wish to evolve.
Within the galactic history we have shared, we have spoken mostly about the archetypal species such as the Orions, Pleiadians, Sirians, etc. However, Non-Humanoid species are archetypes too. They express this fear of the other as we have explained above. Therefore, in 2020 and beyond, you may begin to see more and more galactic energies making contact that do not fit in the box of your humanoid star family. This will happen for a specific purpose – as a way to help you begin to embrace those who are different, and as such, neutralize the habitual reactions of judgment and fear. As you can imagine, this is an essential aspect of species evolution. Primitive humans were genetically programmed to react to threats (from those who are different) as a way to survive. But now comes the time to transcend programming, navigate through the illusion of polarity and the resistance to embracing the “other”, and shift consciousness. This shift in consciousness returns you to the perspective of the One.
Our recommendation is to begin to search your inner self for the areas where you shun or fear the “other,” in whatever form that means for you. Can you allow yourself to navigate to a point in consciousness where it becomes clear that these others are also sourced from the One? Doing this on the individual inner level can radically shift the mass consciousness in such a way that you can begin to see a shift in acceptance on Earth – a lessening of the battling poles and the beginnings of understanding, compassion, and love.
Your Non-Humanoid galactic family will be assisting you with this process. Do not be surprised if you receive visits from some of these Non-Humanoid beings in dreams or meditations. If you do, know that they are there to help you embrace all aspects of Creation no matter the form in which they manifest.
Card #27 | Non-Humanoid (Parallel) | Alienness
This is an interesting card to begin your year of 2020. This card suggests a paradox, which is how so many of you are feeling at this point in time. You feel the “other” so strongly – those who have strange beliefs that you do not understand. Yet if you let yourself, you can also feel the commonality in these “others” – the One consciousness shining through every being, no matter their shape, size, or color.
In this time of increasing polarity on Earth, this energy of Non-Humanoid consciousness comes to you to challenge you. How much can you embrace those who are different? In a climate of intense polarity, can you find the commonality? What is being asked of you is to circumvent the natural tendency to react with fear, distaste, or judgment when exposed to something new and different that threatens the status quo. Even if the “other” is violent, delusional, or hurtful, can you still find the commonality in your heart?
In your galactic history, whenever a civilization experienced its transition from 3rd to 4th density, it was very common that during the deepest polarization, species were confronted with the necessity of interacting with those who are different. This is actually part of the natural process of integrating polarity. There is a time when poles become magnified before integration energetically becomes inevitable. Will you lose your way in such intense magnification? (Losing one’s way means getting sucked into the black hole of one pole or the other). Will you strengthen your ego by clinging to your side of the polarity spectrum? These are like tests that refine your ability to balance on the paradox point between poles. It isn’t an easy skill, but a most necessary one to master eventually if you wish to evolve.
Within the galactic history we have shared, we have spoken mostly about the archetypal species such as the Orions, Pleiadians, Sirians, etc. However, Non-Humanoid species are archetypes too. They express this fear of the other as we have explained above. Therefore, in 2020 and beyond, you may begin to see more and more galactic energies making contact that do not fit in the box of your humanoid star family. This will happen for a specific purpose – as a way to help you begin to embrace those who are different, and as such, neutralize the habitual reactions of judgment and fear. As you can imagine, this is an essential aspect of species evolution. Primitive humans were genetically programmed to react to threats (from those who are different) as a way to survive. But now comes the time to transcend programming, navigate through the illusion of polarity and the resistance to embracing the “other”, and shift consciousness. This shift in consciousness returns you to the perspective of the One.
Our recommendation is to begin to search your inner self for the areas where you shun or fear the “other,” in whatever form that means for you. Can you allow yourself to navigate to a point in consciousness where it becomes clear that these others are also sourced from the One? Doing this on the individual inner level can radically shift the mass consciousness in such a way that you can begin to see a shift in acceptance on Earth – a lessening of the battling poles and the beginnings of understanding, compassion, and love.
Your Non-Humanoid galactic family will be assisting you with this process. Do not be surprised if you receive visits from some of these Non-Humanoid beings in dreams or meditations. If you do, know that they are there to help you embrace all aspects of Creation no matter the form in which they manifest.
December 2019
Card #6 | Andromeda (Parallel) | New Paradigm
In this current time on Earth, this card is actually connected to the card from November’s card of the month theme, which was card #50 – Abandonment. (Please see that month’s text for its importance). We previously discussed the deep wound of abandonment that Earth humans carry. This wound is like the signature wound of your species. It is the key to the shift of consciousness on Earth, for once you heal and clear this wound it will no longer cloud your ability to see a more integrated and balanced reality. This brings us to the idea of New Paradigm, which is the theme of this card. Why is this theme associated with Andromeda?
First let us remind you of what we have said in the past – that in an archetypal way, Andromeda and your Milky Way galaxy represent opposite energies and for that reason we refer to the two galaxies as sister galaxies. Your galaxy’s signature energy leans more toward the masculine. This means that the underlying energy of the Milky Way is that of structure, linearity, and action. All of these are considered traits of masculine energy. The Andromeda galaxy’s energy leans more toward the feminine. That means its underlying energy expresses itself as more fluid, malleable, and based on flow rather than forced action. An analogy is to imagine the infinity symbol. One side is masculine (Milky Way) and the other side is feminine (Andromeda). The middle point is where both energies meet, and that is the point of integration. You influence each other in very subtle ways and as energy is exchanged between the galaxies on these subtle levels, the energy can be used for spiritual growth and evolution.
Because your civilization is now moving from a 3rd to a 4th density reality, it means that you are shifting from a more masculine (linear and structured) reality to a more integrated masculine/feminine reality. The old programs of linearity in thought and action must now change. You can no longer navigate a new 4th density reality using 3rd density tools. However, consciousness takes a while to shift, so as you move deeper and deeper into this new 4th density reality, other energies can assist you. Right now, that means that the Andromeda energy is working overtime to assist you in learning to balance the male/female, structure/unstructured, linear/holographic transformation that is taking place.
So many of you are mentioning how disoriented you feel. There are not enough hours in the day. Things that used to take you a short time to accomplish take much longer. Memory is changing. Sensitivity to people and environments is increasing, and so much more. Why? This transitional time between 3rd and 4th density requires you to become accustomed to a new paradigm of thought, perception, and experience. Most civilizations find this very challenging, and we can see that you are feeling that challenge too. Habits have a strong pull, and much of the challenge you are experiencing is because of the old habits of 3rd density that are still hanging on, including how you perceive and process reality. This is why we speak so often of how important inner work is – because it allows you to see your habits and patterns and begin changing them.
Fourth density is indeed a new paradigm, but its introduction into your daily reality will be slow at first, and that is a good thing. Slow and unhurried navigation through this new reality, while maintaining focus in the present moment, is required now. This is where the Andromeda energy can assist. When you feel frazzled, anxious, and disoriented, let yourself take a few minutes to sit comfortably, focus on the breath, and invite the Andromeda energy to help you to become more accustomed to riding the flow of energy instead of trying to shape reality the way you want it to be. Andromeda energy is inherently fluid and without the insistence on structure. This type of relaxed and flowing energy is what humans must begin to learn to navigate, because it reflects your quantum nature. In this fluid, wounds can heal in an organic way – including the core abandonment wounds of humanity. This is the quantum fluid – the common ground upon which all consciousness meets. It is the true home of the One.
Card #6 | Andromeda (Parallel) | New Paradigm
In this current time on Earth, this card is actually connected to the card from November’s card of the month theme, which was card #50 – Abandonment. (Please see that month’s text for its importance). We previously discussed the deep wound of abandonment that Earth humans carry. This wound is like the signature wound of your species. It is the key to the shift of consciousness on Earth, for once you heal and clear this wound it will no longer cloud your ability to see a more integrated and balanced reality. This brings us to the idea of New Paradigm, which is the theme of this card. Why is this theme associated with Andromeda?
First let us remind you of what we have said in the past – that in an archetypal way, Andromeda and your Milky Way galaxy represent opposite energies and for that reason we refer to the two galaxies as sister galaxies. Your galaxy’s signature energy leans more toward the masculine. This means that the underlying energy of the Milky Way is that of structure, linearity, and action. All of these are considered traits of masculine energy. The Andromeda galaxy’s energy leans more toward the feminine. That means its underlying energy expresses itself as more fluid, malleable, and based on flow rather than forced action. An analogy is to imagine the infinity symbol. One side is masculine (Milky Way) and the other side is feminine (Andromeda). The middle point is where both energies meet, and that is the point of integration. You influence each other in very subtle ways and as energy is exchanged between the galaxies on these subtle levels, the energy can be used for spiritual growth and evolution.
Because your civilization is now moving from a 3rd to a 4th density reality, it means that you are shifting from a more masculine (linear and structured) reality to a more integrated masculine/feminine reality. The old programs of linearity in thought and action must now change. You can no longer navigate a new 4th density reality using 3rd density tools. However, consciousness takes a while to shift, so as you move deeper and deeper into this new 4th density reality, other energies can assist you. Right now, that means that the Andromeda energy is working overtime to assist you in learning to balance the male/female, structure/unstructured, linear/holographic transformation that is taking place.
So many of you are mentioning how disoriented you feel. There are not enough hours in the day. Things that used to take you a short time to accomplish take much longer. Memory is changing. Sensitivity to people and environments is increasing, and so much more. Why? This transitional time between 3rd and 4th density requires you to become accustomed to a new paradigm of thought, perception, and experience. Most civilizations find this very challenging, and we can see that you are feeling that challenge too. Habits have a strong pull, and much of the challenge you are experiencing is because of the old habits of 3rd density that are still hanging on, including how you perceive and process reality. This is why we speak so often of how important inner work is – because it allows you to see your habits and patterns and begin changing them.
Fourth density is indeed a new paradigm, but its introduction into your daily reality will be slow at first, and that is a good thing. Slow and unhurried navigation through this new reality, while maintaining focus in the present moment, is required now. This is where the Andromeda energy can assist. When you feel frazzled, anxious, and disoriented, let yourself take a few minutes to sit comfortably, focus on the breath, and invite the Andromeda energy to help you to become more accustomed to riding the flow of energy instead of trying to shape reality the way you want it to be. Andromeda energy is inherently fluid and without the insistence on structure. This type of relaxed and flowing energy is what humans must begin to learn to navigate, because it reflects your quantum nature. In this fluid, wounds can heal in an organic way – including the core abandonment wounds of humanity. This is the quantum fluid – the common ground upon which all consciousness meets. It is the true home of the One.
November 2019
Card #50 | Earth (Past, 1st Era) | Abandonment
This card is one of the most significant in the deck, for it gives many clues to the collective wounds of humanity, which are mirrored on the individual level as well. Knowing these wounds will help point the way to healing and awakening for humans. Let us examine the many layers of meaning for this theme, and how the shift of this issue is crucial for the next phase of evolution on Earth.
We first look at an obvious and literal interpretation on a collective level. The hidden history of your planet, as it is coming more out into the open, reveals an ancient history of contact and mentorship with beings from the stars. This is reflected even in pre-historic archaeology, as well as oral tradition. It is easy to dismiss it as just myths created by primitive humans. The reality, however, is quite different. The presence of extraterrestrial beings on Earth in ancient days was widespread, and early humans not only got used to their presence, but depended upon it. These ET beings became like surrogate parents to the human species. They provided the first cosmology for humans, so that humans could understand their place in the universe and see themselves as part of a larger whole. However, these ET “parents” eventually had to leave. With that departure came the wounds of abandonment. Imagine what a child feels when a parent abandons the family – the same is true on a collective level for a species. In order to cope, the human species began trying to find ways to stay connected to its cosmology and spirituality. The end result was manmade religion. In essence, while its original intention was to maintain a spiritual connection, religion became a distortion and a way to cover up the wounds of abandonment trauma. This pain is locked within the human collective psyche – until humans do the necessary work to reconnect themselves with their true heritage and realize that every being can connect back to the galactic family and heal the wounds. This is beginning to happen now.
Wounds occur in layers. These layers all mirror each other. With that in mind, let us look at the personal layer. Each human carries a personal abandonment wound that is based on experiences they have had in this life. (Of course, there are past life wounds too, which is another layer as well). The abandonment wound may be literal, such as in the case of being abandoned by a parent or loved one. This abandonment wound could also be more internal – such as “abandoning” emotional or spiritual connections as a way to protect oneself. A person might abandon his or her sense of integrity, or the expression of authenticity. Each person’s “cocktail” of abandonment wounds is unique. What is universal is that the healing of this wound is necessary before new consciousness can be born.
Wounds can be likened to a stone dropped in a pond. You see the ripples. Wounds experienced as physical beings reverberate through time and dimension and actually have their roots all the way back to the original separation. Those primal wounds are harder to untangle and heal – which is why working on the personal level is the best place to start, because the healing reverberates back through time. The original separation of the One from itself into a realm of forgetfulness and separation created the original wounds. You can see this wound reveal itself through the intense longing to feel connected to the universe, and how you use a myriad of ways to mitigate the pain of those wounds – from spiritual practices to numbing the pain through drug addiction, for example.
Now that you can begin to see the multi-layers of humanity’s wound of abandonment, how do you navigate it? How do you heal it? Please recognize that the higher layers of this wound make it a universal one – and one not easily healed in its totality. The deepest pain comes from the separation from the One, and you and your ET family are still experiencing separation from the One (in varying degrees). This isn’t anything the human ego can fully understand or change, but you can certainly feel it and learn from it through emotional pain. As you do your inner work and process your emotions, seek to understand your unique signature of this abandonment wound and how it plays out in your life in subtle or direct ways. Working with these original wounds is much like opening a gift that is a series of smaller and smaller boxes nested inside one another. There will be many discoveries – and it won’t all be pain! With this discovery and healing process, you move your awareness closer and closer to the aspect of yourself that is the One. This radically shifts your perspective and experience as a human being in ways that are crucial to the evolution of consciousness on Earth. This may feel like the loneliest of expeditions, but please know that your entire galactic family is with you on this path. We will meet you there – back to the One.
Card #50 | Earth (Past, 1st Era) | Abandonment
This card is one of the most significant in the deck, for it gives many clues to the collective wounds of humanity, which are mirrored on the individual level as well. Knowing these wounds will help point the way to healing and awakening for humans. Let us examine the many layers of meaning for this theme, and how the shift of this issue is crucial for the next phase of evolution on Earth.
We first look at an obvious and literal interpretation on a collective level. The hidden history of your planet, as it is coming more out into the open, reveals an ancient history of contact and mentorship with beings from the stars. This is reflected even in pre-historic archaeology, as well as oral tradition. It is easy to dismiss it as just myths created by primitive humans. The reality, however, is quite different. The presence of extraterrestrial beings on Earth in ancient days was widespread, and early humans not only got used to their presence, but depended upon it. These ET beings became like surrogate parents to the human species. They provided the first cosmology for humans, so that humans could understand their place in the universe and see themselves as part of a larger whole. However, these ET “parents” eventually had to leave. With that departure came the wounds of abandonment. Imagine what a child feels when a parent abandons the family – the same is true on a collective level for a species. In order to cope, the human species began trying to find ways to stay connected to its cosmology and spirituality. The end result was manmade religion. In essence, while its original intention was to maintain a spiritual connection, religion became a distortion and a way to cover up the wounds of abandonment trauma. This pain is locked within the human collective psyche – until humans do the necessary work to reconnect themselves with their true heritage and realize that every being can connect back to the galactic family and heal the wounds. This is beginning to happen now.
Wounds occur in layers. These layers all mirror each other. With that in mind, let us look at the personal layer. Each human carries a personal abandonment wound that is based on experiences they have had in this life. (Of course, there are past life wounds too, which is another layer as well). The abandonment wound may be literal, such as in the case of being abandoned by a parent or loved one. This abandonment wound could also be more internal – such as “abandoning” emotional or spiritual connections as a way to protect oneself. A person might abandon his or her sense of integrity, or the expression of authenticity. Each person’s “cocktail” of abandonment wounds is unique. What is universal is that the healing of this wound is necessary before new consciousness can be born.
Wounds can be likened to a stone dropped in a pond. You see the ripples. Wounds experienced as physical beings reverberate through time and dimension and actually have their roots all the way back to the original separation. Those primal wounds are harder to untangle and heal – which is why working on the personal level is the best place to start, because the healing reverberates back through time. The original separation of the One from itself into a realm of forgetfulness and separation created the original wounds. You can see this wound reveal itself through the intense longing to feel connected to the universe, and how you use a myriad of ways to mitigate the pain of those wounds – from spiritual practices to numbing the pain through drug addiction, for example.
Now that you can begin to see the multi-layers of humanity’s wound of abandonment, how do you navigate it? How do you heal it? Please recognize that the higher layers of this wound make it a universal one – and one not easily healed in its totality. The deepest pain comes from the separation from the One, and you and your ET family are still experiencing separation from the One (in varying degrees). This isn’t anything the human ego can fully understand or change, but you can certainly feel it and learn from it through emotional pain. As you do your inner work and process your emotions, seek to understand your unique signature of this abandonment wound and how it plays out in your life in subtle or direct ways. Working with these original wounds is much like opening a gift that is a series of smaller and smaller boxes nested inside one another. There will be many discoveries – and it won’t all be pain! With this discovery and healing process, you move your awareness closer and closer to the aspect of yourself that is the One. This radically shifts your perspective and experience as a human being in ways that are crucial to the evolution of consciousness on Earth. This may feel like the loneliest of expeditions, but please know that your entire galactic family is with you on this path. We will meet you there – back to the One.
October 2019
Card #97 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Enlightenment
Most of you remember the history of the Zetas. As part of the Vegan lineage, they split themselves off and became a distinct race that prided itself on the development of the mental body and the conquering of the emotional body. As evolution progressed, they experienced a species crisis due to this dramatic split of two vital aspects that must be experienced by physical beings – learning to navigate the mental and emotional bodies with balance. During this species crisis, they reached out to humans (primarily from the 20th century) to help them learn about emotions and integrate their emotional bodies. Once they began integrating themselves and healing the pain of their split, they began to see the importance of emotions as a necessary experience on the road to evolution and awakening. This path, however, was for them an intense one to navigate.
The energy of this card represents the Zetas from the third era – the era in which the species has awakened and is experiencing its last phases of physicality. Their energy is very appropriate for this time in human evolution, because while humans are not experiencing the exact same type of crisis the Zetas did, they are experiencing their own crisis of polarization.
On Earth now, a significant portion of the mass consciousness is clinging to polarized beliefs. These belief systems generate manufactured stories that project polarized energy onto others or societal systems. It is like entering a complex maze and not being able to find the exit because the maze continually generates more dead-end pathways. Belief systems that are projected outward create an increasingly intricate and distracting maze that traps people. They cannot ever free themselves until they see that they are the ones generating the polarized stories despite believing they are broadcasting “facts”. At this level of polarization and external projection, the human nervous system becomes involved – to the point where surrendering one’s polarized beliefs feels like one’s survival is threatened. The nervous system lashes out in order to protect the domain of the ego’s beliefs, and that includes using the intellect to rationalize and defend the beliefs. This is why you see so much vitriol and aggression on your social media. Social media is a really good mirror to see what is happening within the subconscious of your species. Right now, metaphorical warning lights are blinking. Your collective consciousness is reaching a nexus point that requires a shift in consciousness in order to change the direction of the trajectory.
The Zetas also reached this nexus point in their species crisis. What was the key to their shift? The key was that they began to recognize their own beliefs and projections. They began to circumvent the habitual and unconscious reactions that happen when confronted with a reality that they do not prefer. They began to see their resistance to change and to take responsibility for it. They began to see, without judgment, how complicit they have been in the creation of their own crisis. As their eyes opened, the metaphorical maze began to dissolve and they began to feel comfortable resting in a point of paradox – a place in consciousness where all viewpoints are seen in a neutral way without clinging to any of them. Eventually, the strength of their nonpolarized and integrated consciousness led to their enlightenment.
The road the Zetas have taken in their healing process is now an important one for humanity, and this is part of the gift they return to you. They remind you that the reality you see “out there” is a reflection of your consciousnesses and it can be no other way, for the universe is a mirror. The source of all things that disturb you can be found within you. Only there, in the depths of your consciousness, can the world be healed. Your enlightenment as individuals and as a species will unfold as this Truth begins to be embraced. You can start today by looking within to find the source of the thing that causes you the most pain “out there” in the world. The answer might not come quickly but if you keep looking sincerely, it will be revealed in the right time. Your inner landscape eventually reveals all your inner truths when you search patiently.
As the Zetas did, let yourselves explore these hidden corners of consciousness – the places that you never want to see or embrace. This journey eventually leads to only one place – the awakening of your consciousness and what the ancients called Enlightenment.
Card #97 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Enlightenment
Most of you remember the history of the Zetas. As part of the Vegan lineage, they split themselves off and became a distinct race that prided itself on the development of the mental body and the conquering of the emotional body. As evolution progressed, they experienced a species crisis due to this dramatic split of two vital aspects that must be experienced by physical beings – learning to navigate the mental and emotional bodies with balance. During this species crisis, they reached out to humans (primarily from the 20th century) to help them learn about emotions and integrate their emotional bodies. Once they began integrating themselves and healing the pain of their split, they began to see the importance of emotions as a necessary experience on the road to evolution and awakening. This path, however, was for them an intense one to navigate.
The energy of this card represents the Zetas from the third era – the era in which the species has awakened and is experiencing its last phases of physicality. Their energy is very appropriate for this time in human evolution, because while humans are not experiencing the exact same type of crisis the Zetas did, they are experiencing their own crisis of polarization.
On Earth now, a significant portion of the mass consciousness is clinging to polarized beliefs. These belief systems generate manufactured stories that project polarized energy onto others or societal systems. It is like entering a complex maze and not being able to find the exit because the maze continually generates more dead-end pathways. Belief systems that are projected outward create an increasingly intricate and distracting maze that traps people. They cannot ever free themselves until they see that they are the ones generating the polarized stories despite believing they are broadcasting “facts”. At this level of polarization and external projection, the human nervous system becomes involved – to the point where surrendering one’s polarized beliefs feels like one’s survival is threatened. The nervous system lashes out in order to protect the domain of the ego’s beliefs, and that includes using the intellect to rationalize and defend the beliefs. This is why you see so much vitriol and aggression on your social media. Social media is a really good mirror to see what is happening within the subconscious of your species. Right now, metaphorical warning lights are blinking. Your collective consciousness is reaching a nexus point that requires a shift in consciousness in order to change the direction of the trajectory.
The Zetas also reached this nexus point in their species crisis. What was the key to their shift? The key was that they began to recognize their own beliefs and projections. They began to circumvent the habitual and unconscious reactions that happen when confronted with a reality that they do not prefer. They began to see their resistance to change and to take responsibility for it. They began to see, without judgment, how complicit they have been in the creation of their own crisis. As their eyes opened, the metaphorical maze began to dissolve and they began to feel comfortable resting in a point of paradox – a place in consciousness where all viewpoints are seen in a neutral way without clinging to any of them. Eventually, the strength of their nonpolarized and integrated consciousness led to their enlightenment.
The road the Zetas have taken in their healing process is now an important one for humanity, and this is part of the gift they return to you. They remind you that the reality you see “out there” is a reflection of your consciousnesses and it can be no other way, for the universe is a mirror. The source of all things that disturb you can be found within you. Only there, in the depths of your consciousness, can the world be healed. Your enlightenment as individuals and as a species will unfold as this Truth begins to be embraced. You can start today by looking within to find the source of the thing that causes you the most pain “out there” in the world. The answer might not come quickly but if you keep looking sincerely, it will be revealed in the right time. Your inner landscape eventually reveals all your inner truths when you search patiently.
As the Zetas did, let yourselves explore these hidden corners of consciousness – the places that you never want to see or embrace. This journey eventually leads to only one place – the awakening of your consciousness and what the ancients called Enlightenment.
September 2019
Card #2 | Galactic Core (Parallel) | Pulse of Life
This card represents the most primal energy in our galaxy. It is the energy of both the birth and death of the Milky Way. It is the Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end. Accessing this frequency connects you to the pure and raw energy of Creation itself.
We have often used a metaphor for galactic core. Within a human body, the heart keeps everything circulating. By connecting with your heartbeat, or your breath, you can connect with the body. The energy of galactic core has similar principles. It has a pulse, or frequency. By connecting with this pulse, you can connect with the flow of evolution. This frequency has no story, no drama, and no polarity. It simply exists as a reminder of the true nature of consciousness, which is often forgotten as it is birthed into physical reality. This frequency changes as the galaxy matures and it is this frequency that compels evolution. When the frequency begins to intensify, integration must occur. Evolution rapidly accelerates. Humanity is now feeling this shift in galactic frequency. It is now calling you home.
This description may seem too abstract or esoteric to be useful to humans who are entangled in physical lives, so what guidance can we give for a more clear understanding of this principle?
As the energy accelerates, humans have the sense of being overwhelmed. You feel overwhelmed by everything: emotions, relationships, and managing all the have-to-dos that seem to be multiplying by the day. In this state, you begin to shut down as a way to manage too much stimuli. The more you shut down, the more disconnected you feel from the Universe, and the cycle continues. You eventually long to be more spiritually connected but have no idea where to start.
We have often discussed the microcosm and the macrocosm and how reality is reflected in the way many of you have heard: As above, so below. This means that in order to access the larger ideas (macrocosm) such as the energy of galactic core, you can do so by tapping into the microcosm – the “smaller” fractal of the larger idea. As stated above, you can use the body as a way to tap into galactic core, by placing your focus on the “pulses” or cycles within the body. The easiest is the breath.
Think of galaxies as having breath cycles. The out-breath represents original separation and the in-breath is evolutionary integration. As you sit quietly and focus on your own breath (as a representation of the microcosm) and you watch and feel these cycles of breath, the mind quiets and you begin to not only tap into the cycles within the body (microcosm), but you can also begin to tap into the cycles of the universe (the macrocosm). This process removes you from the minutiae of a human existence and moves your consciousness into a more true reality of its infinite nature. Inner peace begins to blossom.
The message about this card is timely and actually quite simple. As you on Earth begin entering a cycle of extreme distraction caused by the habit of trying to manage external minutiae, you have a choice. The more you chase the external drama, the more fragmented and disconnected you will become. If you make the choice to instead go inward and cultivate your connection to the “Pulse of Life” (the theme of this card), you revitalize yourself. Reconnecting back to the energy of galactic core returns you to a more primal and yet integrated aspect of consciousness itself – one that is beyond duality and profound in its ability to remind you of your true nature. That true nature is nondual and can center you in the highest frequencies of love. It is your choice. Start with the breath as a way to reconnect with the primal energy of Creation. Follow the thread of your breath, for it will always lead you back Home.
Card #2 | Galactic Core (Parallel) | Pulse of Life
This card represents the most primal energy in our galaxy. It is the energy of both the birth and death of the Milky Way. It is the Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end. Accessing this frequency connects you to the pure and raw energy of Creation itself.
We have often used a metaphor for galactic core. Within a human body, the heart keeps everything circulating. By connecting with your heartbeat, or your breath, you can connect with the body. The energy of galactic core has similar principles. It has a pulse, or frequency. By connecting with this pulse, you can connect with the flow of evolution. This frequency has no story, no drama, and no polarity. It simply exists as a reminder of the true nature of consciousness, which is often forgotten as it is birthed into physical reality. This frequency changes as the galaxy matures and it is this frequency that compels evolution. When the frequency begins to intensify, integration must occur. Evolution rapidly accelerates. Humanity is now feeling this shift in galactic frequency. It is now calling you home.
This description may seem too abstract or esoteric to be useful to humans who are entangled in physical lives, so what guidance can we give for a more clear understanding of this principle?
As the energy accelerates, humans have the sense of being overwhelmed. You feel overwhelmed by everything: emotions, relationships, and managing all the have-to-dos that seem to be multiplying by the day. In this state, you begin to shut down as a way to manage too much stimuli. The more you shut down, the more disconnected you feel from the Universe, and the cycle continues. You eventually long to be more spiritually connected but have no idea where to start.
We have often discussed the microcosm and the macrocosm and how reality is reflected in the way many of you have heard: As above, so below. This means that in order to access the larger ideas (macrocosm) such as the energy of galactic core, you can do so by tapping into the microcosm – the “smaller” fractal of the larger idea. As stated above, you can use the body as a way to tap into galactic core, by placing your focus on the “pulses” or cycles within the body. The easiest is the breath.
Think of galaxies as having breath cycles. The out-breath represents original separation and the in-breath is evolutionary integration. As you sit quietly and focus on your own breath (as a representation of the microcosm) and you watch and feel these cycles of breath, the mind quiets and you begin to not only tap into the cycles within the body (microcosm), but you can also begin to tap into the cycles of the universe (the macrocosm). This process removes you from the minutiae of a human existence and moves your consciousness into a more true reality of its infinite nature. Inner peace begins to blossom.
The message about this card is timely and actually quite simple. As you on Earth begin entering a cycle of extreme distraction caused by the habit of trying to manage external minutiae, you have a choice. The more you chase the external drama, the more fragmented and disconnected you will become. If you make the choice to instead go inward and cultivate your connection to the “Pulse of Life” (the theme of this card), you revitalize yourself. Reconnecting back to the energy of galactic core returns you to a more primal and yet integrated aspect of consciousness itself – one that is beyond duality and profound in its ability to remind you of your true nature. That true nature is nondual and can center you in the highest frequencies of love. It is your choice. Start with the breath as a way to reconnect with the primal energy of Creation. Follow the thread of your breath, for it will always lead you back Home.
August 2019
Card #17 | Lyra (Present, 2nd Era) | Pushing the Envelope
The theme of this card has to do with the tendency to keep pushing, keep doing, beyond what seems to be the limit. It is seen as a noble exercise, as if it proves one’s worth. Human blockbuster movie dramas always show the hero defying all the odds to save the world. In your human lives, many of you work or push yourselves almost to the point of collapse, thinking that somehow it is expected of you in order to earn your place on this planet. If you don’t work hard enough, you feel shame. This is a very common pattern for a species in the midst of a huge shift in consciousness as you are now. Where does this self-destructive, habitual pattern originate?
Let us look at your Lyran forefathers, who are the archetypal species represented on this card. As you know, they were the first humanoid species – the original ancestors. They had no mentors in the physical realms, so their evolutionary cycle was very long and arduous. They had to forge their own path in the jungle of consciousness evolution and physical survival. Their journey was not an easy one.
As they became sentient and explored the physical and emotional worlds, they became aware of a great pain within them. As a young species, they could not identify this pain, but they were well aware that this pain drove them to be warriors, inventors, conquerors, and explorers. These characteristics wove themselves into the fabric of what it meant to be Lyran. In a sense, you could say they were seen as the ancient super heroes. But this reputation came at a great price. In the 2nd era (the era of this card), this pain began to magnify to the point where it had to be addressed.
As the Lyran species began their awakening process in the end of the 2nd era and beginning of the 3rd, they finally saw this pain clearly and were able to trace it to the source. Please know this isn’t an intellectual exercise. They were actually tracing an energetic emotional thread back through time to the very beginnings of physical reality. When consciousness is on a journey of separation for the purpose of learning and reintegration, it will go through periods of confusion and periods of clarity. During the times of confusion in a physical species’ experience, wounds are formed. During times of clarity, wounds are healed. These original energetic wounds are archetypal in nature and are stored deep within the collective energy of a species. When the ancient Lyrans saw the origins of these wounds, they were deeply humbled.
Imagine the process of consciousness as it experiences the illusion of linear separation from Source. It first separates and experiences a form of collectivity before it separates even further into individuals. Once consciousness begins to experience this separation, it also begins experiencing the typical archetypal wounds. In this case, the first separated consciousness experienced the agony of separation in a way that may sound familiar to you. In order to manage the agony of the separation (and, in a sense, not truly feel it), the pain was turned inward. Once consciousness began embodying, this deep-pain-turned-inward was translated by the ego mechanism in a myriad of self-destructive ways such as guilt (“I must have done something wrong to experience separation”), shame (“I am a horrible being, kicked out of Heaven”), or self-hatred (“The universe doesn’t love me so I cannot love myself”). These are unconscious emotional belief systems that remain unrecognized until the right timing and when one searches within.
Carrying these archetypal wounds means that the individual’s quest throughout their lives revolves around proving themselves worthy of existing. How do you prove yourself worthy? In the eyes of the ego, worth is connected with how much you do in this world. So you try to do more, but it is never enough to heal the ancient wound. Doing more will never heal anything – it will only leave you empty and exhausted.
Your ancient Lyran forefathers finally learned this lesson late in their 2nd era of evolution. They began to see the core pain that drove them. As they did, they began to shift the habit to “push the envelope” as a way to prove themselves worthy to the universe. As humans, it is time now for you to do the same. You carry the same core pain as every physical species before you. You are seeing the exhaustion and stress on your world, and much of it comes from this unconscious pain from the original wounds of separation. It is time now to see this and to stop pushing yourselves in a habitual way. You are already loved by the Source. You are already enough. You cannot be loved any more by the Source than you already are! It is time to look into the mirror now and see where you don’t love yourself. You cannot awaken your true self-love by pushing yourself to do more. Paradoxically, your self-love will blossom when you do less and simply be with yourself in a state of true compassion (card #107 from July 2019), and self-acceptance.
Your awakened Lyran forefathers have walked this road before, and they are here to help you now. Be still and call upon them when in need, for they have been waiting for this moment to be of service to you for eons. They have already cleared the path for you to walk. When you are ready, they will be with you as you take the first step.
Card #17 | Lyra (Present, 2nd Era) | Pushing the Envelope
The theme of this card has to do with the tendency to keep pushing, keep doing, beyond what seems to be the limit. It is seen as a noble exercise, as if it proves one’s worth. Human blockbuster movie dramas always show the hero defying all the odds to save the world. In your human lives, many of you work or push yourselves almost to the point of collapse, thinking that somehow it is expected of you in order to earn your place on this planet. If you don’t work hard enough, you feel shame. This is a very common pattern for a species in the midst of a huge shift in consciousness as you are now. Where does this self-destructive, habitual pattern originate?
Let us look at your Lyran forefathers, who are the archetypal species represented on this card. As you know, they were the first humanoid species – the original ancestors. They had no mentors in the physical realms, so their evolutionary cycle was very long and arduous. They had to forge their own path in the jungle of consciousness evolution and physical survival. Their journey was not an easy one.
As they became sentient and explored the physical and emotional worlds, they became aware of a great pain within them. As a young species, they could not identify this pain, but they were well aware that this pain drove them to be warriors, inventors, conquerors, and explorers. These characteristics wove themselves into the fabric of what it meant to be Lyran. In a sense, you could say they were seen as the ancient super heroes. But this reputation came at a great price. In the 2nd era (the era of this card), this pain began to magnify to the point where it had to be addressed.
As the Lyran species began their awakening process in the end of the 2nd era and beginning of the 3rd, they finally saw this pain clearly and were able to trace it to the source. Please know this isn’t an intellectual exercise. They were actually tracing an energetic emotional thread back through time to the very beginnings of physical reality. When consciousness is on a journey of separation for the purpose of learning and reintegration, it will go through periods of confusion and periods of clarity. During the times of confusion in a physical species’ experience, wounds are formed. During times of clarity, wounds are healed. These original energetic wounds are archetypal in nature and are stored deep within the collective energy of a species. When the ancient Lyrans saw the origins of these wounds, they were deeply humbled.
Imagine the process of consciousness as it experiences the illusion of linear separation from Source. It first separates and experiences a form of collectivity before it separates even further into individuals. Once consciousness begins to experience this separation, it also begins experiencing the typical archetypal wounds. In this case, the first separated consciousness experienced the agony of separation in a way that may sound familiar to you. In order to manage the agony of the separation (and, in a sense, not truly feel it), the pain was turned inward. Once consciousness began embodying, this deep-pain-turned-inward was translated by the ego mechanism in a myriad of self-destructive ways such as guilt (“I must have done something wrong to experience separation”), shame (“I am a horrible being, kicked out of Heaven”), or self-hatred (“The universe doesn’t love me so I cannot love myself”). These are unconscious emotional belief systems that remain unrecognized until the right timing and when one searches within.
Carrying these archetypal wounds means that the individual’s quest throughout their lives revolves around proving themselves worthy of existing. How do you prove yourself worthy? In the eyes of the ego, worth is connected with how much you do in this world. So you try to do more, but it is never enough to heal the ancient wound. Doing more will never heal anything – it will only leave you empty and exhausted.
Your ancient Lyran forefathers finally learned this lesson late in their 2nd era of evolution. They began to see the core pain that drove them. As they did, they began to shift the habit to “push the envelope” as a way to prove themselves worthy to the universe. As humans, it is time now for you to do the same. You carry the same core pain as every physical species before you. You are seeing the exhaustion and stress on your world, and much of it comes from this unconscious pain from the original wounds of separation. It is time now to see this and to stop pushing yourselves in a habitual way. You are already loved by the Source. You are already enough. You cannot be loved any more by the Source than you already are! It is time to look into the mirror now and see where you don’t love yourself. You cannot awaken your true self-love by pushing yourself to do more. Paradoxically, your self-love will blossom when you do less and simply be with yourself in a state of true compassion (card #107 from July 2019), and self-acceptance.
Your awakened Lyran forefathers have walked this road before, and they are here to help you now. Be still and call upon them when in need, for they have been waiting for this moment to be of service to you for eons. They have already cleared the path for you to walk. When you are ready, they will be with you as you take the first step.
July 2019
Card #107 | Orion Light (Future, 3rd Era) | True Compassion
Much has been spoken about the concept of self-love. It is an idea that is intellectually understood, but humans often find it hard to implement authentically in a physical reality. One reason for this is because genuine self-love cannot blossom until one passes through some very crucial steps along the way.
In order to address this idea, let us first look at the Orion civilization. Most of you know the history. In the 1st Era, when the species was young, they were extremely polarized. An Orion empire ruled with an iron fist and the Orion people felt suffocated. In the early 2nd Era, the Black League freedom fighters began to resist the Empire, which only fueled the energy of polarity. In the second half of the 2nd Era, the energy of polarization was intense and caused great suffering. As the awakening process began, they began to see the pain and trauma that was stored within them. Not only that, they felt shame and remorse for what was perpetuated for millennia. Where does that shame, remorse and self-hatred go? It often gets stored inside.
In the first part of the awakening and healing of the Orion civilization, they had to navigate this inner self-hatred. First, they had to go deep within and find the inner pain that caused the polarization. This inner pain is usually caused by fear – the fear of the loss of control, fear of the unknown, and the fear of insignificance. Once these fears are uncovered, they must not be dwelled upon, but processed and released. It sounds easy, but this process is filled with traps where one can get stuck. Often, the self-hatred that is felt is a safety mechanism to stop one from going more deeply into the pain. The deeper they went into their healing process, the more clearly they could see the layers of their own delusion with which they had been living for so long. As they journeyed deeper, they saw the key to their freedom from the inner pain. That key was compassion.
When we speak of compassion in this way, we are not talking about compassion for others. We are talking about compassion for self. When you allow yourself to have an authentic journey into your pain, there is a point where you neutrally see the inner fragment that is hurting. This is a crucial nexus point. You can either judge, punish, or shame that part of you in pain, or you can let your heart open and feel the pain of this fragment. If you truly let yourself feel the pain of this fragment, you have made the first important step in which true compassion can bloom.
Thus, true compassion is one of the important nexus points in your journey to awakening. It is impossible to have true compassion for others when you do not have it for yourself. As we have said over and over, everything comes from within. When you take this inner journey to free yourself from your inner pain, you release stored energy that you have carried for eons. As you do, it is as if the tight threads around the heart begin to loosen. The heart energy swells. Where must it go first? It must be accepted and absorbed by you first, as a way to begin dissolving the rest of those threads and opening the heart. Only then can it be spread authentically to others.
On the collective and individual levels, humankind is now at a point where you must begin taking the same journey as your Orion forefathers. You are becoming mired in polarity, and the only way through it is by going inward into your pain. When you strip yourself naked and look into the mirror to see all the pain that you have carried and why, the self-forgiveness process organically begins. As the self-forgiveness process continues, you begin to develop profound compassion for the part of you in pain. As you have compassion for this part, then your capacity to have compassion for others is automatic and genuine. When this true compassion is spread from self to others, polarity can no longer be maintained and species transformation dawns on the horizon.
It is time now to initiate that inner journey. If you do not know how to take those first steps, having intention and opening sacred time for inner reflection is enough to begin. The Universe will bring to you all that you need to see. Do not be afraid to look into the mirror. The mirror not only reveals your pain, but it also reveals your beauty. Be willing to walk through the fire because what awaits you is an open heart filled with compassion and love for those around you – but most importantly, for yourself.
Card #107 | Orion Light (Future, 3rd Era) | True Compassion
Much has been spoken about the concept of self-love. It is an idea that is intellectually understood, but humans often find it hard to implement authentically in a physical reality. One reason for this is because genuine self-love cannot blossom until one passes through some very crucial steps along the way.
In order to address this idea, let us first look at the Orion civilization. Most of you know the history. In the 1st Era, when the species was young, they were extremely polarized. An Orion empire ruled with an iron fist and the Orion people felt suffocated. In the early 2nd Era, the Black League freedom fighters began to resist the Empire, which only fueled the energy of polarity. In the second half of the 2nd Era, the energy of polarization was intense and caused great suffering. As the awakening process began, they began to see the pain and trauma that was stored within them. Not only that, they felt shame and remorse for what was perpetuated for millennia. Where does that shame, remorse and self-hatred go? It often gets stored inside.
In the first part of the awakening and healing of the Orion civilization, they had to navigate this inner self-hatred. First, they had to go deep within and find the inner pain that caused the polarization. This inner pain is usually caused by fear – the fear of the loss of control, fear of the unknown, and the fear of insignificance. Once these fears are uncovered, they must not be dwelled upon, but processed and released. It sounds easy, but this process is filled with traps where one can get stuck. Often, the self-hatred that is felt is a safety mechanism to stop one from going more deeply into the pain. The deeper they went into their healing process, the more clearly they could see the layers of their own delusion with which they had been living for so long. As they journeyed deeper, they saw the key to their freedom from the inner pain. That key was compassion.
When we speak of compassion in this way, we are not talking about compassion for others. We are talking about compassion for self. When you allow yourself to have an authentic journey into your pain, there is a point where you neutrally see the inner fragment that is hurting. This is a crucial nexus point. You can either judge, punish, or shame that part of you in pain, or you can let your heart open and feel the pain of this fragment. If you truly let yourself feel the pain of this fragment, you have made the first important step in which true compassion can bloom.
Thus, true compassion is one of the important nexus points in your journey to awakening. It is impossible to have true compassion for others when you do not have it for yourself. As we have said over and over, everything comes from within. When you take this inner journey to free yourself from your inner pain, you release stored energy that you have carried for eons. As you do, it is as if the tight threads around the heart begin to loosen. The heart energy swells. Where must it go first? It must be accepted and absorbed by you first, as a way to begin dissolving the rest of those threads and opening the heart. Only then can it be spread authentically to others.
On the collective and individual levels, humankind is now at a point where you must begin taking the same journey as your Orion forefathers. You are becoming mired in polarity, and the only way through it is by going inward into your pain. When you strip yourself naked and look into the mirror to see all the pain that you have carried and why, the self-forgiveness process organically begins. As the self-forgiveness process continues, you begin to develop profound compassion for the part of you in pain. As you have compassion for this part, then your capacity to have compassion for others is automatic and genuine. When this true compassion is spread from self to others, polarity can no longer be maintained and species transformation dawns on the horizon.
It is time now to initiate that inner journey. If you do not know how to take those first steps, having intention and opening sacred time for inner reflection is enough to begin. The Universe will bring to you all that you need to see. Do not be afraid to look into the mirror. The mirror not only reveals your pain, but it also reveals your beauty. Be willing to walk through the fire because what awaits you is an open heart filled with compassion and love for those around you – but most importantly, for yourself.
June 2019
Card #86 | Pleiades (Future, 3rd Era) | Equal Value Philosophy
We have spoken about the ego many times and have defined it as a neutral mechanism through which you can navigate and experience separation in the reality of third density. Because that realm is ruled by polarity, the ego learns to identify itself through its preferences, beliefs, and categorization of reality. (For example: “This is good, and that is bad.” “This has more value than that,” etc.) As this polarized viewpoint takes hold, the ego begins to chase the desirable and resist the undesirable. Then, suffering begins. This is a common experience for most civilizations as they experience a third-density reality.
Now that your civilization is in its early stages of fourth density, the behaviors of holding on to old belief structures, reinforcing the need for categorization, and chasing desires no longer feel compatible with your expanding consciousness. Yet your society is based on those polarized ideas. The more you repeat those behaviors, the more you suffer. Many of you have already begun seeking a new way. This new path is not connected to anything outside of yourself. It has to do with finding a path that leads you away from internal polarization. What do we mean by that?
The best way to describe this is to look at the 4th density Pleiadian civilization. We can use a simple analogy about Pleiadian society that many of you have heard before. It is simplified, but it gets the point across. Let’s say that Pleiadian A’s life work is to build homes. Pleiadian B’s life work is to create clothing. On 3rd density Earth, these two products (a home and a sweater, for example) are not equal in value. However, within Pleiadian society, they are absolutely equal. Why is that?
Each item (a home or a sweater) is the expression of a person’s creativity, excitement, and life purpose. Each item was created with full consciousness and heart. Therefore, they are seen as valid exchanges. If you look at a Pleiadian planet as a whole then, there is no monetary system. All people express their life purpose and all the needs of society get met. A human might think of this as wildly impractical. Who would deal with the trash? But in a free society such as this, there would always be an inventor whose excitement was to create technology to fill every need in society. This societal balance is actually always there because every planet is a complete organic system. It is just harder to see it on Earth at this time.
This kind of society can never be implemented until consciousness has integrated and evolved enough to maintain such a frequency. There can be no fear of lack or competitive drive in the collective, or the system could not sustain itself. This is why communistic and utopian societies have never been successful on Earth – because underlying them is always the fear of lack, the need to control, and the hopeless addiction to polarized thought. So what is the lesson from this card?
The spiritual lesson of this card was one that the Pleiadians mastered as they went through their awakening process. They learned to recognize their habitual wish for things to be different. Like most young species, they chased everything outside of them instead of resting their awareness in the present moment. They chased the desirable and resisted the undesirable. Until they could see that even undesirable experiences were gifts and lessons to further their evolution, they suffered. As they began to stop trying to stubbornly shape their reality by rejecting the undesirable, their polarized consciousness began to heal. Eventually, they noticed that through the healing of their polarized consciousness, their society began changing. The Equal Value System that they now embrace arose not from imposing a system on society, but as a natural evolution that came from the healing of polarized consciousness.
As a society and as individuals, you are soon facing a crossroads. You will need to choose where your focus will be. Will you still embrace polarized consciousness (and suffering)? Or will you retrain your habituated psyches to begin to embrace the undesirable and the uncomfortable as a means to your refinement and growth? By making a new choice, you bring yourself to the center of the polarity spectrum. This is the zero point – the nexus of change. This center point contains the power of alchemy – where your consciousness begins to transform. The energy of evolution will compel you to make this shift. However, it is you who will choose to embrace or to resist this evolutionary invitation. We suggest that you choose wisely!
Card #86 | Pleiades (Future, 3rd Era) | Equal Value Philosophy
We have spoken about the ego many times and have defined it as a neutral mechanism through which you can navigate and experience separation in the reality of third density. Because that realm is ruled by polarity, the ego learns to identify itself through its preferences, beliefs, and categorization of reality. (For example: “This is good, and that is bad.” “This has more value than that,” etc.) As this polarized viewpoint takes hold, the ego begins to chase the desirable and resist the undesirable. Then, suffering begins. This is a common experience for most civilizations as they experience a third-density reality.
Now that your civilization is in its early stages of fourth density, the behaviors of holding on to old belief structures, reinforcing the need for categorization, and chasing desires no longer feel compatible with your expanding consciousness. Yet your society is based on those polarized ideas. The more you repeat those behaviors, the more you suffer. Many of you have already begun seeking a new way. This new path is not connected to anything outside of yourself. It has to do with finding a path that leads you away from internal polarization. What do we mean by that?
The best way to describe this is to look at the 4th density Pleiadian civilization. We can use a simple analogy about Pleiadian society that many of you have heard before. It is simplified, but it gets the point across. Let’s say that Pleiadian A’s life work is to build homes. Pleiadian B’s life work is to create clothing. On 3rd density Earth, these two products (a home and a sweater, for example) are not equal in value. However, within Pleiadian society, they are absolutely equal. Why is that?
Each item (a home or a sweater) is the expression of a person’s creativity, excitement, and life purpose. Each item was created with full consciousness and heart. Therefore, they are seen as valid exchanges. If you look at a Pleiadian planet as a whole then, there is no monetary system. All people express their life purpose and all the needs of society get met. A human might think of this as wildly impractical. Who would deal with the trash? But in a free society such as this, there would always be an inventor whose excitement was to create technology to fill every need in society. This societal balance is actually always there because every planet is a complete organic system. It is just harder to see it on Earth at this time.
This kind of society can never be implemented until consciousness has integrated and evolved enough to maintain such a frequency. There can be no fear of lack or competitive drive in the collective, or the system could not sustain itself. This is why communistic and utopian societies have never been successful on Earth – because underlying them is always the fear of lack, the need to control, and the hopeless addiction to polarized thought. So what is the lesson from this card?
The spiritual lesson of this card was one that the Pleiadians mastered as they went through their awakening process. They learned to recognize their habitual wish for things to be different. Like most young species, they chased everything outside of them instead of resting their awareness in the present moment. They chased the desirable and resisted the undesirable. Until they could see that even undesirable experiences were gifts and lessons to further their evolution, they suffered. As they began to stop trying to stubbornly shape their reality by rejecting the undesirable, their polarized consciousness began to heal. Eventually, they noticed that through the healing of their polarized consciousness, their society began changing. The Equal Value System that they now embrace arose not from imposing a system on society, but as a natural evolution that came from the healing of polarized consciousness.
As a society and as individuals, you are soon facing a crossroads. You will need to choose where your focus will be. Will you still embrace polarized consciousness (and suffering)? Or will you retrain your habituated psyches to begin to embrace the undesirable and the uncomfortable as a means to your refinement and growth? By making a new choice, you bring yourself to the center of the polarity spectrum. This is the zero point – the nexus of change. This center point contains the power of alchemy – where your consciousness begins to transform. The energy of evolution will compel you to make this shift. However, it is you who will choose to embrace or to resist this evolutionary invitation. We suggest that you choose wisely!
May 2019
Card #5 | Andromeda (Parallel) | Fluidity
The third-density reality that you have been experiencing for the past many thousands of years is based on structure and linearity. When a reality paradigm is as separated and fragmented as is 3rd density, structure is the only thing that provides the necessary organization to make that kind of intense reality manageable. However, as consciousness begins to expand, old structures cannot contain the expanded consciousness. Thus, not only do new structures have to be built, but the paradigm upon which the new structures are based must profoundly change as well.
Some may wonder why we include the Andromeda galaxy in the teachings of your galactic heritage. The reason is simple: contrast. Concepts can often become more deeply understood when a contrasting idea is shown in a comparative way. We utilize the Andromeda archetypal energy as a mirror in which you can see yourselves, for you can consider Andromeda to express a yin (female) energy that balances the yang (masculine) energy of your galaxy. As an archetype, Andromeda energy is nonlinear, fluid, and changeable. It does not adhere to the principles of structure that third-density species have embraced within your galactic lineage.
As a species begins making its transition to a more balanced and less structured reality, it often needs role models that can help it unlock from the limited systems that have shaped it in the past. This is the role that the Andromeda energy is playing for you at this time. Human emotional suffering primarily comes from the unwillingness to release structure – beliefs, habits, patterns, and the comfort of old wounds. The nonlinear and fluid nature of Andromeda energy invites you to gradually let go of the crumbling structures that are no longer supporting your human experience. To use a metaphor, opening to Andromeda energy is like experiencing and welcoming a rainstorm in the desert. All the dry, dusty, rigid structures begin to relax and absorb the nurturing liquid that dissolves structure and entices you to begin to explore a more flexible, flowing, and feminine aspect of consciousness. This is what your planet and her people must now do to move to the next level of evolution.
On a practical level then, this card is inviting all of you to use your senses and feel where in your life there is rigidity. (We specifically use the word feel to remind you not to use your mental body for this exercise). Where there is rigidity, there is outdated structure. Rigidity in your inner structures (be they conscious or, more importantly, unconscious), can show itself as anxiety, fear, stress, chronic maladies, workaholism, control dramas, and more. Through your senses, find those structures, and, just like the rainstorm in the desert, allow the true fluidic nature of consciousness to begin infusing those rigid areas. How? Meditation is a good start. But also, your emotional body is a key to allowing the fluidity that can dissolve old structures, if you have the courage to dive deep into your emotional nature.
Remember: The original and purest state of consciousness is liquid in nature, and expresses itself as a kind of quantum fluid. It has no structure. Consciousness experiences structure as a way to contain itself when the incarnational process happens. The first half of your evolutionary cycle is about separation – infusing the liquid into structure. This first half of your evolutionary cycle is now over. The second part of the cycle is about returning to your fluid nature and learning how to express it while still having bodies. This process has already begun, but it is being resisted, as is common at the beginning of such a profound change. It is time to now allow the metaphorical rainstorm in the desert to soften all the dusty old structures that have kept rigidity intact. The Andromeda energy can assist with this if you open to it. At times, this energy can feel frightening because it leads you deeply into the unknown – a place where the ego can no longer control the structures. As you continue to relax into the fluid, it will require deeper and deeper trust and thus lead to deeper and deeper transformation. Your quantum self will guide this process, so swim with confidence. You will never be led in over your head!
Card #5 | Andromeda (Parallel) | Fluidity
The third-density reality that you have been experiencing for the past many thousands of years is based on structure and linearity. When a reality paradigm is as separated and fragmented as is 3rd density, structure is the only thing that provides the necessary organization to make that kind of intense reality manageable. However, as consciousness begins to expand, old structures cannot contain the expanded consciousness. Thus, not only do new structures have to be built, but the paradigm upon which the new structures are based must profoundly change as well.
Some may wonder why we include the Andromeda galaxy in the teachings of your galactic heritage. The reason is simple: contrast. Concepts can often become more deeply understood when a contrasting idea is shown in a comparative way. We utilize the Andromeda archetypal energy as a mirror in which you can see yourselves, for you can consider Andromeda to express a yin (female) energy that balances the yang (masculine) energy of your galaxy. As an archetype, Andromeda energy is nonlinear, fluid, and changeable. It does not adhere to the principles of structure that third-density species have embraced within your galactic lineage.
As a species begins making its transition to a more balanced and less structured reality, it often needs role models that can help it unlock from the limited systems that have shaped it in the past. This is the role that the Andromeda energy is playing for you at this time. Human emotional suffering primarily comes from the unwillingness to release structure – beliefs, habits, patterns, and the comfort of old wounds. The nonlinear and fluid nature of Andromeda energy invites you to gradually let go of the crumbling structures that are no longer supporting your human experience. To use a metaphor, opening to Andromeda energy is like experiencing and welcoming a rainstorm in the desert. All the dry, dusty, rigid structures begin to relax and absorb the nurturing liquid that dissolves structure and entices you to begin to explore a more flexible, flowing, and feminine aspect of consciousness. This is what your planet and her people must now do to move to the next level of evolution.
On a practical level then, this card is inviting all of you to use your senses and feel where in your life there is rigidity. (We specifically use the word feel to remind you not to use your mental body for this exercise). Where there is rigidity, there is outdated structure. Rigidity in your inner structures (be they conscious or, more importantly, unconscious), can show itself as anxiety, fear, stress, chronic maladies, workaholism, control dramas, and more. Through your senses, find those structures, and, just like the rainstorm in the desert, allow the true fluidic nature of consciousness to begin infusing those rigid areas. How? Meditation is a good start. But also, your emotional body is a key to allowing the fluidity that can dissolve old structures, if you have the courage to dive deep into your emotional nature.
Remember: The original and purest state of consciousness is liquid in nature, and expresses itself as a kind of quantum fluid. It has no structure. Consciousness experiences structure as a way to contain itself when the incarnational process happens. The first half of your evolutionary cycle is about separation – infusing the liquid into structure. This first half of your evolutionary cycle is now over. The second part of the cycle is about returning to your fluid nature and learning how to express it while still having bodies. This process has already begun, but it is being resisted, as is common at the beginning of such a profound change. It is time to now allow the metaphorical rainstorm in the desert to soften all the dusty old structures that have kept rigidity intact. The Andromeda energy can assist with this if you open to it. At times, this energy can feel frightening because it leads you deeply into the unknown – a place where the ego can no longer control the structures. As you continue to relax into the fluid, it will require deeper and deeper trust and thus lead to deeper and deeper transformation. Your quantum self will guide this process, so swim with confidence. You will never be led in over your head!
April 2019
Card #92 | Sirius (Future, 3rd Era) | Calling Our Parts Home
The cards of the last several months have led to this card. This is one of the most important cards of the deck that represents the key to your integration as individuals and as a species. It represents a much-needed turning point for Earth at this time.
We have recently spoken about the cards Spiritual Sovereignty (Essassani) and Spiritual Commitment (Vega). There is a thread that ties those cards together that is connected to this month’s card as well. It has to do with the idea of allowing yourself to be fully present with whatever is showing up in your reality. Whatever shows up in your reality at any given moment is there for a reason. You don’t necessarily have to understand the reason, but it is essential that you allow yourself to experience the reality around you without making stories about it, avoiding it, or clinging to it. Whenever you reject reality in any way (and that includes fooling yourself that you are not), it is as if you create a tiny wall inside yourself that generates consciousness fragmentation. Over time, this pattern creates a system of internal fragmentation (made up of multiple tiny walls), which magnifies emotional pain. Then, it becomes like a maze through which it becomes impossible to navigate. The maze gets more complex and becomes filled with misshapen mirrors that create even more distortion. Eventually, if allowed to get to this level, psychological destabilization begins.
Within a third-density reality, this kind of fragmentation is somewhat “normal” for that period of evolution. You will find that most species experience that kind of fragmentation at that level of evolution. But as a species begins to move into fourth density as you are now, these tiny walls of fragmentation cannot be maintained. The pressure becomes too great, compelling you to dissolve the walls—and yet, the ego can actually become more resistant to the necessary process of this dissolution. You are seeing this playing out on your world right now, as terrified egos are trying to do anything to avoid the change that is on the horizon. Change will always come, with or without your willing cooperation.
This month’s card, Calling Our Parts Home, refers to the willing process of your inner integration that is necessary for the next phase of evolution. While you may understand this philosophically, how do you apply it practically? Returning to the metaphor of the walls and how they had originally been built, it means beginning to allow yourself to embrace and experience every single opportunity that reality presents to you. The pleasurable and the painful are welcomed, with the understanding that they would not be present if they did not belong there. You allow yourself to see clearly without distortion, and feel profoundly without numbing the emotion or pain. As you do this, those many tiny walls that have been built begin to dissolve. The psychological and emotional pressure begins releasing, which reveals deeper and deeper layers of joy and love—your true nature under all the walls.
Your Sirian forefathers experienced this profound process of inner integration before their awakening, which is why they return now to remind you of these truths. Calling Your Parts Home means bringing back home to yourself the lost pieces of you that were previously walled off or denied. It is the key step of integration, after which the awakening process accelerates. This step takes time and patience, and it happens in layers, but it is inevitable. Your evolutionary alarm clock is now ringing. It is time to begin these steps. As you do so willingly and with a sense of joyful adventure, be ready to watch the shifts and miracles begin to unfold. Walls stop you from seeing the horizon so to speak, and they stop you from sensing your innate and infinite nature. Dissolve the walls, call your parts home, and watch yourself expand beyond your imagination!
Card #92 | Sirius (Future, 3rd Era) | Calling Our Parts Home
The cards of the last several months have led to this card. This is one of the most important cards of the deck that represents the key to your integration as individuals and as a species. It represents a much-needed turning point for Earth at this time.
We have recently spoken about the cards Spiritual Sovereignty (Essassani) and Spiritual Commitment (Vega). There is a thread that ties those cards together that is connected to this month’s card as well. It has to do with the idea of allowing yourself to be fully present with whatever is showing up in your reality. Whatever shows up in your reality at any given moment is there for a reason. You don’t necessarily have to understand the reason, but it is essential that you allow yourself to experience the reality around you without making stories about it, avoiding it, or clinging to it. Whenever you reject reality in any way (and that includes fooling yourself that you are not), it is as if you create a tiny wall inside yourself that generates consciousness fragmentation. Over time, this pattern creates a system of internal fragmentation (made up of multiple tiny walls), which magnifies emotional pain. Then, it becomes like a maze through which it becomes impossible to navigate. The maze gets more complex and becomes filled with misshapen mirrors that create even more distortion. Eventually, if allowed to get to this level, psychological destabilization begins.
Within a third-density reality, this kind of fragmentation is somewhat “normal” for that period of evolution. You will find that most species experience that kind of fragmentation at that level of evolution. But as a species begins to move into fourth density as you are now, these tiny walls of fragmentation cannot be maintained. The pressure becomes too great, compelling you to dissolve the walls—and yet, the ego can actually become more resistant to the necessary process of this dissolution. You are seeing this playing out on your world right now, as terrified egos are trying to do anything to avoid the change that is on the horizon. Change will always come, with or without your willing cooperation.
This month’s card, Calling Our Parts Home, refers to the willing process of your inner integration that is necessary for the next phase of evolution. While you may understand this philosophically, how do you apply it practically? Returning to the metaphor of the walls and how they had originally been built, it means beginning to allow yourself to embrace and experience every single opportunity that reality presents to you. The pleasurable and the painful are welcomed, with the understanding that they would not be present if they did not belong there. You allow yourself to see clearly without distortion, and feel profoundly without numbing the emotion or pain. As you do this, those many tiny walls that have been built begin to dissolve. The psychological and emotional pressure begins releasing, which reveals deeper and deeper layers of joy and love—your true nature under all the walls.
Your Sirian forefathers experienced this profound process of inner integration before their awakening, which is why they return now to remind you of these truths. Calling Your Parts Home means bringing back home to yourself the lost pieces of you that were previously walled off or denied. It is the key step of integration, after which the awakening process accelerates. This step takes time and patience, and it happens in layers, but it is inevitable. Your evolutionary alarm clock is now ringing. It is time to begin these steps. As you do so willingly and with a sense of joyful adventure, be ready to watch the shifts and miracles begin to unfold. Walls stop you from seeing the horizon so to speak, and they stop you from sensing your innate and infinite nature. Dissolve the walls, call your parts home, and watch yourself expand beyond your imagination!
March 2019
Card #72 | Vega (Future, 3rd Era) | Spiritual Commitment
The cards of the last few months have been linked together nicely. This reveals a flow of energy within your mass consciousness. Last month, the Spiritual Sovereignty (Essassani) card expressed that the key to freedom has to do with embracing what is arising in the present moment. This sovereignty means releasing attachment to the past or future, and letting go of the human habit to always wish for things to be different.
In this context, this month’s card, Spiritual Commitment, refers to how one can go about cultivating this sovereignty. As you may know from galactic history lessons, the ancient Vegans were overly focused on the mind, which created an imbalance on the individual and species level. One of the keys to their integration and awakening had to do with their eventual relinquishment of mind-dominated activity, which only fuels the ego structure. The mind is the only aspect of you that craves linearity and structure. It is the only part of you that clings to the past or chases the future. A species can get stuck in this loop indefinitely. The mind encourages the ego to cling to its belief systems at all costs, and most of this happens unconsciously. When this happens, the body, mind, and heart all suffer. However, when a species or a person has had enough of this drama, a change starts happening. This change doesn’t happen of its own accord; it must be nurtured through the choices that are made by individuals on a moment-to-moment basis.
When we talk about the idea of Spiritual Commitment, we are not talking about committing to a religion or even a practice—despite how helpful that may be. We are instead talking about a commitment to honoring the needs of the Spirit. In order to grow, the Spirit needs the space to expand. This space can only be nurtured when the mind and ego aren’t always running the show. The needs of the Spirit also include embracing uncomfortable experiences too, for with all growth there is some level of discomfort that serves as motivation for change. And thus, this returns us to Spiritual Sovereignty once again.
The mind-ego mechanism always wants to change unpleasant or undesired experiences. It wants to “manifest” what it wants. It goes on a continuing chase of things that are just beyond reach, telling you that if you just do this or that, you’ll have what you want. This trap keeps you in the mode of chasing and never in the present moment. Thus, it keeps you disempowered and, in a sense, a slave to the demands of the ego even without being aware of it on a conscious level.
Spiritual Commitment then, in the context in which we present it to you in this discourse, truly has to do with honoring your Spirit enough to trust that everything that arises in your reality is there because it is supposed to be there. The Universe makes no mistakes. Everything is fully balanced, despite how it appears to a polarized mind. To truly commit to your Spirit means honoring the present moment in a way that unlocks you from the ego’s demands. When you notice that the incessant voice of the mind or ego is criticizing you, judging you, or even praising you, just let that chatter pass by like a cloud on a windy day. That voice is not you, but it is important to see it and to learn about how it influences your choices. Having an authentic Spiritual Commitment means seeing the things you don’t want to see—not with judgment but with compassion. Root yourself in the present moment with whatever is happening – be it pleasure, pain, or neutrality. Embrace the jewels that are revealed in each passing moment, for they are only visible when you are still enough to see.
Card #72 | Vega (Future, 3rd Era) | Spiritual Commitment
The cards of the last few months have been linked together nicely. This reveals a flow of energy within your mass consciousness. Last month, the Spiritual Sovereignty (Essassani) card expressed that the key to freedom has to do with embracing what is arising in the present moment. This sovereignty means releasing attachment to the past or future, and letting go of the human habit to always wish for things to be different.
In this context, this month’s card, Spiritual Commitment, refers to how one can go about cultivating this sovereignty. As you may know from galactic history lessons, the ancient Vegans were overly focused on the mind, which created an imbalance on the individual and species level. One of the keys to their integration and awakening had to do with their eventual relinquishment of mind-dominated activity, which only fuels the ego structure. The mind is the only aspect of you that craves linearity and structure. It is the only part of you that clings to the past or chases the future. A species can get stuck in this loop indefinitely. The mind encourages the ego to cling to its belief systems at all costs, and most of this happens unconsciously. When this happens, the body, mind, and heart all suffer. However, when a species or a person has had enough of this drama, a change starts happening. This change doesn’t happen of its own accord; it must be nurtured through the choices that are made by individuals on a moment-to-moment basis.
When we talk about the idea of Spiritual Commitment, we are not talking about committing to a religion or even a practice—despite how helpful that may be. We are instead talking about a commitment to honoring the needs of the Spirit. In order to grow, the Spirit needs the space to expand. This space can only be nurtured when the mind and ego aren’t always running the show. The needs of the Spirit also include embracing uncomfortable experiences too, for with all growth there is some level of discomfort that serves as motivation for change. And thus, this returns us to Spiritual Sovereignty once again.
The mind-ego mechanism always wants to change unpleasant or undesired experiences. It wants to “manifest” what it wants. It goes on a continuing chase of things that are just beyond reach, telling you that if you just do this or that, you’ll have what you want. This trap keeps you in the mode of chasing and never in the present moment. Thus, it keeps you disempowered and, in a sense, a slave to the demands of the ego even without being aware of it on a conscious level.
Spiritual Commitment then, in the context in which we present it to you in this discourse, truly has to do with honoring your Spirit enough to trust that everything that arises in your reality is there because it is supposed to be there. The Universe makes no mistakes. Everything is fully balanced, despite how it appears to a polarized mind. To truly commit to your Spirit means honoring the present moment in a way that unlocks you from the ego’s demands. When you notice that the incessant voice of the mind or ego is criticizing you, judging you, or even praising you, just let that chatter pass by like a cloud on a windy day. That voice is not you, but it is important to see it and to learn about how it influences your choices. Having an authentic Spiritual Commitment means seeing the things you don’t want to see—not with judgment but with compassion. Root yourself in the present moment with whatever is happening – be it pleasure, pain, or neutrality. Embrace the jewels that are revealed in each passing moment, for they are only visible when you are still enough to see.
February 2019
Card #103 | Essassani (Parallel) | Spiritual Sovereignty
Last month we spoke about creative communication that comes from a non-polarized and authentic place. (Card #61). We mentioned how this frees you from the unconscious and addictive need to polarize in both thought and action. This depolarization is essential in these intense times. When the internal self becomes less polarized, the true essence of your One consciousness blossoms. Yet those blossoms have to be nurtured in order to fully bloom.
From your galactic history lessons, you know that Essassani represents a culmination hybrid race between humans and Zeta Reticuli. (The channeled entity ‘Bashar’ is from that race). This is significant because humans and Zetas are representatives of the older lineages that come from Lyra and Vega, who were extremely polarized. You can say that the successful birth of the Essassani is near “the end of the line” so to speak. This means that the diverse lines of polarity have come together and, through a process of consciousness alchemy, have begun integrating and healing on the way back to the One.
Before that integration took place, however, the polarized lineages were burdened by their perceptions of reality. (This is true in your timeline now, as you haven’t yet freed yourself from these burdensome polarized perceptions). These polarized perceptions come from wounds and unhealed energy and they perpetuate even more distorted perception that stops you from really feeling whole and recognizing yourself as an expression of the One. However as we have said many times, consciousness is a hologram. Even though you might feel mired in polarity with no way to free yourself, the more integrated species within the galactic hologram play an important role to remind you of your true nature as the One. Reaching back through time, their energy helps to heal your fractures.
Essassani, being an energy that comes to you from what you see as the future, is an important energy that helps the entire galactic family with its integration process. The theme of this card, Spiritual Sovereignty, refers to the byproduct or result of this integration process. When individuals and species are polarized, they are not free. Their unconscious beliefs shape the reality they experience. On a spiritual level, this is displayed in many ways such as: An attachment to or an emotional rejection of religion; A defiant proclamation about having “free will” (which is often an unacknowledged fear about loss of control); the use of techniques to “manifest” reality (which is really displeasure with what the universe has unfolded to you in the now), and more. When individuals are in this state of polarization, they always want something because they somehow feel that what is arising in the moment isn’t enough. This constant desire for a fictitious future maintains a state of polarization.
The Essassani species presents a new path. This path is based on an experience of such completeness and integration that they are at peace. There is a lack of “wanting.” They simply exist, in full bloom so to speak, in a way that embraces reality as it is in every moment. This way of living is filled with joy and excitement for each new experience. It contains a profound lack of judgment that things aren’t the way they “should” be. This, my friends, is what spiritual sovereignty is. It is a true freedom to experience all the learning that this physical reality has to offer – without the constant criticism that the present experience isn’t enough.
What humans often don’t remember is that you are here to experience. Everyone always asks about the meaning of life, and they think the answer must be so profound. The answer is actually simple – to experience these wild, unpredictable, painful, and joyous lives by being fully present in them instead of wishing they were different. It sounds simple, but it is actually one of the biggest challenges for physical beings. If any of you have had interactions with Essassani beings (through channeling or contact), you know that they embody a profound energy of excitement. This is a result of their sovereignty. By no longer being burdened with the need to change anything, they become free to live in the moment with whatever the universe presents.
This state of sovereignty awaits you on the horizon. While it may seem a long distance away from you now, it is rapidly approaching. Each of you can facilitate this process by compassionately viewing yourself when you get caught in the need to change something about yourself or your world. Ask yourself, “What keeps me from being at peace in this moment and then the next one too?” With honest and compassionate self-reflection, and a commitment to being fully present in each moment as much as you can, the peace you seek reveals itself. Then, you become a sovereign – free from the influence of the past or attachment to the future, and fully able to celebrate each moment with the awareness of your true nature as the One.
Card #103 | Essassani (Parallel) | Spiritual Sovereignty
Last month we spoke about creative communication that comes from a non-polarized and authentic place. (Card #61). We mentioned how this frees you from the unconscious and addictive need to polarize in both thought and action. This depolarization is essential in these intense times. When the internal self becomes less polarized, the true essence of your One consciousness blossoms. Yet those blossoms have to be nurtured in order to fully bloom.
From your galactic history lessons, you know that Essassani represents a culmination hybrid race between humans and Zeta Reticuli. (The channeled entity ‘Bashar’ is from that race). This is significant because humans and Zetas are representatives of the older lineages that come from Lyra and Vega, who were extremely polarized. You can say that the successful birth of the Essassani is near “the end of the line” so to speak. This means that the diverse lines of polarity have come together and, through a process of consciousness alchemy, have begun integrating and healing on the way back to the One.
Before that integration took place, however, the polarized lineages were burdened by their perceptions of reality. (This is true in your timeline now, as you haven’t yet freed yourself from these burdensome polarized perceptions). These polarized perceptions come from wounds and unhealed energy and they perpetuate even more distorted perception that stops you from really feeling whole and recognizing yourself as an expression of the One. However as we have said many times, consciousness is a hologram. Even though you might feel mired in polarity with no way to free yourself, the more integrated species within the galactic hologram play an important role to remind you of your true nature as the One. Reaching back through time, their energy helps to heal your fractures.
Essassani, being an energy that comes to you from what you see as the future, is an important energy that helps the entire galactic family with its integration process. The theme of this card, Spiritual Sovereignty, refers to the byproduct or result of this integration process. When individuals and species are polarized, they are not free. Their unconscious beliefs shape the reality they experience. On a spiritual level, this is displayed in many ways such as: An attachment to or an emotional rejection of religion; A defiant proclamation about having “free will” (which is often an unacknowledged fear about loss of control); the use of techniques to “manifest” reality (which is really displeasure with what the universe has unfolded to you in the now), and more. When individuals are in this state of polarization, they always want something because they somehow feel that what is arising in the moment isn’t enough. This constant desire for a fictitious future maintains a state of polarization.
The Essassani species presents a new path. This path is based on an experience of such completeness and integration that they are at peace. There is a lack of “wanting.” They simply exist, in full bloom so to speak, in a way that embraces reality as it is in every moment. This way of living is filled with joy and excitement for each new experience. It contains a profound lack of judgment that things aren’t the way they “should” be. This, my friends, is what spiritual sovereignty is. It is a true freedom to experience all the learning that this physical reality has to offer – without the constant criticism that the present experience isn’t enough.
What humans often don’t remember is that you are here to experience. Everyone always asks about the meaning of life, and they think the answer must be so profound. The answer is actually simple – to experience these wild, unpredictable, painful, and joyous lives by being fully present in them instead of wishing they were different. It sounds simple, but it is actually one of the biggest challenges for physical beings. If any of you have had interactions with Essassani beings (through channeling or contact), you know that they embody a profound energy of excitement. This is a result of their sovereignty. By no longer being burdened with the need to change anything, they become free to live in the moment with whatever the universe presents.
This state of sovereignty awaits you on the horizon. While it may seem a long distance away from you now, it is rapidly approaching. Each of you can facilitate this process by compassionately viewing yourself when you get caught in the need to change something about yourself or your world. Ask yourself, “What keeps me from being at peace in this moment and then the next one too?” With honest and compassionate self-reflection, and a commitment to being fully present in each moment as much as you can, the peace you seek reveals itself. Then, you become a sovereign – free from the influence of the past or attachment to the future, and fully able to celebrate each moment with the awareness of your true nature as the One.
January 2019
Card #61 | Sirius (Present, 2nd Era) | Creative Communication
Happy New Year! This is a wonderful, optimistic card to start your new year, and for many, it can be seen as a confirmation that the inner work that you have been doing is taking root. For others, it is a recommendation as to how to move forward during times of chaos.
As with many of our card discussions, we look at this theme on both the internal and external as well as the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. On the external level, you see in your world that divisiveness and polarity seem to be creating walls that look insurmountable. Communication has broken down, and it is becoming very difficult to see the perspective of “the other side” because everyone is clinging to their own beliefs and cannot bear the thought of not being “right.” (See last month, card #58 Seduction and Addiction, to be reminded of how hard it is to shift those ingrained and seductive belief systems). When stuck in polarity, it appears that communication has come to a standstill.
When communication breakdowns happen (in relationships or society), the most effective way to shift the situation is to be creative with communication. Creative communication is sourced from outside of the dynamics of polarity. It requires one to seek a common ground (often through archetype or metaphor), where the language of polarity cannot take root. Human language is a tool that reflects consciousness, and it goes both ways. This means that your belief systems are unconsciously reflected in your language. But it also means that you can use language to shift belief systems and send messages to the unconscious that polarized thoughts are no longer welcome. This practice alone doesn’t shift anything if done habitually, as a way to try to control reality, or if it is done without conscious and sincere self-observation. When done with integrity, you can see it as a way to assist in the reframing of your perception of reality. Over a period of time of sincere practice, your view of reality begins changing and internal realizations begin to abound – creating profound shifts in your experience of reality. Once perception changes, the shifting of the experience of reality follows.
Through this inner work, your ability to creatively communicate—beyond the need for polarity—will give you the ability to connect with people who have many diverse views without falling into the traps that polarized thought bring. But even more important than this, as you do this inner work with the human tendency to be seduced by polarized thought, your internal thought processes toward yourself begin to change. No longer do you judge or punish yourself for “wrong” action or lack of action. You give up labeling yourself as this or that. Internal polarity resists integration. When internal polarity is lessened, integration begins. This is the road to the transformation of your consciousness.
We have often spoken about galactic history, because the lessons of your forefathers are so relevant in current times. The Sirians, like the Orions, fought an internal battle against their own polarized demons for millennia. Through their work with integrating inner polarities, the Sirians created a powerful alchemy within their consciousness that became the fuel for their awakening. You humans are similar to your Sirian forefathers on the emotional level, so you have the opportunity to utilize the experience of the Sirians to help you navigate this turbulent and polarized time on Earth. In order to do so, it first begins with internal belief systems and your polarized thought. Only from there, can polarity be integrated on the external, macrocosmic level of your human society.
So what kind of creative communication should be utilized? That is up to you. “Creative” also means authentic. It comes from deep inside, beyond the realm of polarity, and does not seek to change people’s minds, invalidate opinions, or control reality. It is inclusive rather than exclusive, which reflects the idea of integration (inclusive) rather than separation (exclusive). We can give you a hint to help you find that creative, integrative communication within you – the communication that is universal and can rise above polarized expression. Look to your heart, the one true universal language.
Card #61 | Sirius (Present, 2nd Era) | Creative Communication
Happy New Year! This is a wonderful, optimistic card to start your new year, and for many, it can be seen as a confirmation that the inner work that you have been doing is taking root. For others, it is a recommendation as to how to move forward during times of chaos.
As with many of our card discussions, we look at this theme on both the internal and external as well as the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. On the external level, you see in your world that divisiveness and polarity seem to be creating walls that look insurmountable. Communication has broken down, and it is becoming very difficult to see the perspective of “the other side” because everyone is clinging to their own beliefs and cannot bear the thought of not being “right.” (See last month, card #58 Seduction and Addiction, to be reminded of how hard it is to shift those ingrained and seductive belief systems). When stuck in polarity, it appears that communication has come to a standstill.
When communication breakdowns happen (in relationships or society), the most effective way to shift the situation is to be creative with communication. Creative communication is sourced from outside of the dynamics of polarity. It requires one to seek a common ground (often through archetype or metaphor), where the language of polarity cannot take root. Human language is a tool that reflects consciousness, and it goes both ways. This means that your belief systems are unconsciously reflected in your language. But it also means that you can use language to shift belief systems and send messages to the unconscious that polarized thoughts are no longer welcome. This practice alone doesn’t shift anything if done habitually, as a way to try to control reality, or if it is done without conscious and sincere self-observation. When done with integrity, you can see it as a way to assist in the reframing of your perception of reality. Over a period of time of sincere practice, your view of reality begins changing and internal realizations begin to abound – creating profound shifts in your experience of reality. Once perception changes, the shifting of the experience of reality follows.
Through this inner work, your ability to creatively communicate—beyond the need for polarity—will give you the ability to connect with people who have many diverse views without falling into the traps that polarized thought bring. But even more important than this, as you do this inner work with the human tendency to be seduced by polarized thought, your internal thought processes toward yourself begin to change. No longer do you judge or punish yourself for “wrong” action or lack of action. You give up labeling yourself as this or that. Internal polarity resists integration. When internal polarity is lessened, integration begins. This is the road to the transformation of your consciousness.
We have often spoken about galactic history, because the lessons of your forefathers are so relevant in current times. The Sirians, like the Orions, fought an internal battle against their own polarized demons for millennia. Through their work with integrating inner polarities, the Sirians created a powerful alchemy within their consciousness that became the fuel for their awakening. You humans are similar to your Sirian forefathers on the emotional level, so you have the opportunity to utilize the experience of the Sirians to help you navigate this turbulent and polarized time on Earth. In order to do so, it first begins with internal belief systems and your polarized thought. Only from there, can polarity be integrated on the external, macrocosmic level of your human society.
So what kind of creative communication should be utilized? That is up to you. “Creative” also means authentic. It comes from deep inside, beyond the realm of polarity, and does not seek to change people’s minds, invalidate opinions, or control reality. It is inclusive rather than exclusive, which reflects the idea of integration (inclusive) rather than separation (exclusive). We can give you a hint to help you find that creative, integrative communication within you – the communication that is universal and can rise above polarized expression. Look to your heart, the one true universal language.
December 2018
Card #58 | Orion (Present) | Seduction and Addiction
For the third month in a row, an Orion card wishes to be explored as a card-of-the-month message. This is quite unusual and thus it appears that the collective consciousness on your world will be exploring Orion themes in the latter portion of 2018. This is no surprise, for as we’ve said previously, it is part of the evolutionary cycle at the beginning of 4th density for there to be wild swings in polarity in the outer world, and deep processing of polarity in the inner world.
The theme of this card is quite significant. What does “Seduction and Addiction” mean? As you know, life in 3rd density is hard because of the state of separation that consciousness is exploring. Because of its intensity, human egos create coping mechanisms to deal with the pain of such a separated reality. These coping mechanisms include physical substances (such as alcohol, tobacco or drugs), but those are the more obvious ways to cope. The deeper coping mechanisms are more invisible. They include the creation of elaborate belief systems to cope with emotional or physical pain, as well as behaviors (such as repressing emotion) in order to avoid feeling the intensity of life on Earth. It is these more invisible habits and patterns that are addressed by this card, for the physical coping mechanisms like alcohol are just reflections of the inner ones.
As these coping mechanisms appear to dull the pain, the ego grasps them more. Thus, they become very hard to shift. There is an infinite combination of behavioral patterns possible, but some examples include: Self-blame (to avoid feeling victimized), Being a martyr or sacrificer (to justify the anger of not feeling loved), Pushing all emotions into the body or the mind in order to avoid feeling, and so many more. As humans reinforce these behaviors by doing them over and over again, the addiction becomes stronger, and the behavior becomes even more ingrained.
As a civilization moves into 4th density as you are now, it becomes imperative to begin unraveling these so-called behavioral “addictions” because they only create more pain as the frequency increases. As we have said many times, this requires you to begin a deep and vulnerable process of nonjudgmental self-observation. You will need to learn your patterns and learn to recognize the triggers. Most importantly, you will need to learn how the ego seduces you into lapsing back into old self-destructive patterns. This is the addiction of which we speak in regard to this card. Becoming aware of the patterns will begin breaking the addiction cycle, once you learn how to, in a sense, resist lapsing back into the addictive behavior.
Humans very often believe in this concept of “free will” that we hear discussed so often. But what they don’t realize is that there are unconscious forces that push the ego to make choices, because an ego can never make choices not distorted by its own painful experiences. Those unconscious forces are the collective energy of all that you have denied within you. Those forces will always compel you to choose the experience that will move you toward healing, even if that means going through a dark night of the soul first. Each time you torture yourself by “freely” choosing a path that is really only a repeat of the behavioral patterns from which you feel you cannot escape, the cycle continues. The point is to step outside of the so-called “free will” of the ego, which cannot really free you from anything. Addictions are the realm of the ego. To shift them, you cannot use the ego. Thus, you have to go deeper.
Humanity is now at a place that it has to address these ego delusions and seductive habits and patterns that keep you stuck. This must be done both on the collective and individual levels. If you are reading these words, then it is likely you have already begun this process, but there are times when you feel stuck, or blind. In those times when you cannot see yourself clearly, when you cannot understand the message that reality is giving to you, go more deeply into the pain – into the energy or issue that the behavioral patterns protected you from previously. You don’t even have to understand it intellectually (though understanding may come). Just be there. Just show up. Just feel it. Just ask for help from the higher consciousness of which your small self is a part and then let go. Be even more aware in watching your inner world. When you least expect it, revelations come. Healing comes. And as it does, the seductive nature of the previously-destructive addictive patterns begins diminishing. This is your road to true freedom.
Card #58 | Orion (Present) | Seduction and Addiction
For the third month in a row, an Orion card wishes to be explored as a card-of-the-month message. This is quite unusual and thus it appears that the collective consciousness on your world will be exploring Orion themes in the latter portion of 2018. This is no surprise, for as we’ve said previously, it is part of the evolutionary cycle at the beginning of 4th density for there to be wild swings in polarity in the outer world, and deep processing of polarity in the inner world.
The theme of this card is quite significant. What does “Seduction and Addiction” mean? As you know, life in 3rd density is hard because of the state of separation that consciousness is exploring. Because of its intensity, human egos create coping mechanisms to deal with the pain of such a separated reality. These coping mechanisms include physical substances (such as alcohol, tobacco or drugs), but those are the more obvious ways to cope. The deeper coping mechanisms are more invisible. They include the creation of elaborate belief systems to cope with emotional or physical pain, as well as behaviors (such as repressing emotion) in order to avoid feeling the intensity of life on Earth. It is these more invisible habits and patterns that are addressed by this card, for the physical coping mechanisms like alcohol are just reflections of the inner ones.
As these coping mechanisms appear to dull the pain, the ego grasps them more. Thus, they become very hard to shift. There is an infinite combination of behavioral patterns possible, but some examples include: Self-blame (to avoid feeling victimized), Being a martyr or sacrificer (to justify the anger of not feeling loved), Pushing all emotions into the body or the mind in order to avoid feeling, and so many more. As humans reinforce these behaviors by doing them over and over again, the addiction becomes stronger, and the behavior becomes even more ingrained.
As a civilization moves into 4th density as you are now, it becomes imperative to begin unraveling these so-called behavioral “addictions” because they only create more pain as the frequency increases. As we have said many times, this requires you to begin a deep and vulnerable process of nonjudgmental self-observation. You will need to learn your patterns and learn to recognize the triggers. Most importantly, you will need to learn how the ego seduces you into lapsing back into old self-destructive patterns. This is the addiction of which we speak in regard to this card. Becoming aware of the patterns will begin breaking the addiction cycle, once you learn how to, in a sense, resist lapsing back into the addictive behavior.
Humans very often believe in this concept of “free will” that we hear discussed so often. But what they don’t realize is that there are unconscious forces that push the ego to make choices, because an ego can never make choices not distorted by its own painful experiences. Those unconscious forces are the collective energy of all that you have denied within you. Those forces will always compel you to choose the experience that will move you toward healing, even if that means going through a dark night of the soul first. Each time you torture yourself by “freely” choosing a path that is really only a repeat of the behavioral patterns from which you feel you cannot escape, the cycle continues. The point is to step outside of the so-called “free will” of the ego, which cannot really free you from anything. Addictions are the realm of the ego. To shift them, you cannot use the ego. Thus, you have to go deeper.
Humanity is now at a place that it has to address these ego delusions and seductive habits and patterns that keep you stuck. This must be done both on the collective and individual levels. If you are reading these words, then it is likely you have already begun this process, but there are times when you feel stuck, or blind. In those times when you cannot see yourself clearly, when you cannot understand the message that reality is giving to you, go more deeply into the pain – into the energy or issue that the behavioral patterns protected you from previously. You don’t even have to understand it intellectually (though understanding may come). Just be there. Just show up. Just feel it. Just ask for help from the higher consciousness of which your small self is a part and then let go. Be even more aware in watching your inner world. When you least expect it, revelations come. Healing comes. And as it does, the seductive nature of the previously-destructive addictive patterns begins diminishing. This is your road to true freedom.
November 2018
Card #106 | Orion Light (Future) | Force of Attraction
This is the perfect card to follow last month’s Orion card (Black League Patterning #38), which discussed the challenges of polarized thought. We have often explored the energetic mechanics of how the Orion civilization transformed its collective consciousness and that process is embodied in the interpretation of this card.
The universal energy works in cycles. Deep polarity can only be sustained for a limited time until it goes through a radical shift. Within the ancient Orion civilization, this was played out in a dramatic way. Polarity became so great that they, in a sense, lost the ability to function as a society. Polarization on a societal level was just one aspect of the fractal of polarization that was also expressing itself internally within the consciousness of the people. Thus you could say that the people, and their society, no longer moved forward in evolution. Your planet may collectively choose that same path.
Yet the tides of evolution stop for no one. So when you have the stuck energy of polarization combined with the compelling energy of universal evolution, one of them has to “win,” and evolution always wins! But what are the mechanics?
Within the ancient Orion civilization, the polarity and rigidity seemed immovable. Pressure was energetically added as they more deeply entered their 4th density evolution cycle. This pressure can be likened to the pressure that carbon endures as it becomes a diamond. At some point, alchemy begins. This alchemy can take many forms, but it usually always includes a radical destruction cycle – not only destruction of societal systems, but destruction on the personal level of out-dated and self-sabotaging belief systems. Individual egos that once clung to the preservation of their own survival and self-importance begin to crumble. This leaves a society and a person with the feeling that they have no compass. The old belief systems and personal identity were the compass. When the compass is removed, there is a feeling of being adrift with no orientation. While terrifying, this is what needs to happen for the alchemical process to continue its work.
The significant aspect of this alchemical process is what happens once the destruction cycle begins. On the energetic level, the opposing forces no longer repel each other. They begin attracting each other. What was once separate begins rapidly and dramatically colliding and absorbing each other, much like a black hole sucking in debris and digesting it into a huge big bang. This is the force of attraction we refer to in the title of this card. It is an essential process of your evolution.
Humans cannot sustain polarity indefinitely, and they weren’t meant to do so. The magnification of polarity that you see on your world is the beginning of the end, so to speak. You are on a collision course that requires you to embrace and absorb all that you have pushed away. You may choose to begin this process willingly, on both the collective and personal level. If you don’t do so willingly, your fate may be similar to your Orion forefathers, who resisted until the proverbial last second. The bigger the resistance, the bigger the bang!
Thus, as we have said over and over, this the time to do the necessary inner work as a first step. It is time to go deep within the inner shadow and embrace what is there, process what is ignored, and become whole again. On the collective level, the reality that you are all One is something that has to begin to be seriously experienced and then acknowledged. There needs to be a collective recognition that nothing is “out there.” Your planet, your cosmos, your animal life, and of course your neighbor are other aspects of you. As they are acknowledged and treated as such without resistance, the entire paradigm shifts.
This force of attraction is strong. In this stage of your evolution (having just entered 4th density), you will be attracting to you what you previously pushed away. It wants to come Home. Recognize it and let it in. This force of attraction, when not resisted, can become like a nurturing and supportive wave that rocks you gently or it can be a tidal wave crashing upon the shore when you resist. Either way, it is coming. We recommend to grab your surf board and surrender to the ride!
Card #106 | Orion Light (Future) | Force of Attraction
This is the perfect card to follow last month’s Orion card (Black League Patterning #38), which discussed the challenges of polarized thought. We have often explored the energetic mechanics of how the Orion civilization transformed its collective consciousness and that process is embodied in the interpretation of this card.
The universal energy works in cycles. Deep polarity can only be sustained for a limited time until it goes through a radical shift. Within the ancient Orion civilization, this was played out in a dramatic way. Polarity became so great that they, in a sense, lost the ability to function as a society. Polarization on a societal level was just one aspect of the fractal of polarization that was also expressing itself internally within the consciousness of the people. Thus you could say that the people, and their society, no longer moved forward in evolution. Your planet may collectively choose that same path.
Yet the tides of evolution stop for no one. So when you have the stuck energy of polarization combined with the compelling energy of universal evolution, one of them has to “win,” and evolution always wins! But what are the mechanics?
Within the ancient Orion civilization, the polarity and rigidity seemed immovable. Pressure was energetically added as they more deeply entered their 4th density evolution cycle. This pressure can be likened to the pressure that carbon endures as it becomes a diamond. At some point, alchemy begins. This alchemy can take many forms, but it usually always includes a radical destruction cycle – not only destruction of societal systems, but destruction on the personal level of out-dated and self-sabotaging belief systems. Individual egos that once clung to the preservation of their own survival and self-importance begin to crumble. This leaves a society and a person with the feeling that they have no compass. The old belief systems and personal identity were the compass. When the compass is removed, there is a feeling of being adrift with no orientation. While terrifying, this is what needs to happen for the alchemical process to continue its work.
The significant aspect of this alchemical process is what happens once the destruction cycle begins. On the energetic level, the opposing forces no longer repel each other. They begin attracting each other. What was once separate begins rapidly and dramatically colliding and absorbing each other, much like a black hole sucking in debris and digesting it into a huge big bang. This is the force of attraction we refer to in the title of this card. It is an essential process of your evolution.
Humans cannot sustain polarity indefinitely, and they weren’t meant to do so. The magnification of polarity that you see on your world is the beginning of the end, so to speak. You are on a collision course that requires you to embrace and absorb all that you have pushed away. You may choose to begin this process willingly, on both the collective and personal level. If you don’t do so willingly, your fate may be similar to your Orion forefathers, who resisted until the proverbial last second. The bigger the resistance, the bigger the bang!
Thus, as we have said over and over, this the time to do the necessary inner work as a first step. It is time to go deep within the inner shadow and embrace what is there, process what is ignored, and become whole again. On the collective level, the reality that you are all One is something that has to begin to be seriously experienced and then acknowledged. There needs to be a collective recognition that nothing is “out there.” Your planet, your cosmos, your animal life, and of course your neighbor are other aspects of you. As they are acknowledged and treated as such without resistance, the entire paradigm shifts.
This force of attraction is strong. In this stage of your evolution (having just entered 4th density), you will be attracting to you what you previously pushed away. It wants to come Home. Recognize it and let it in. This force of attraction, when not resisted, can become like a nurturing and supportive wave that rocks you gently or it can be a tidal wave crashing upon the shore when you resist. Either way, it is coming. We recommend to grab your surf board and surrender to the ride!
October 2018
Card #38 | Orion (Past) | Black League Patterning
The name “Black League” comes from the ancient past in Orion. We have told the story many times. There were essentially three sides: the controlling empire, the people being oppressed, and the resistance fighters. These resistance fighters were called the “Black League”. They were a secret, hidden group that fought the oppressive empire for millennia.
The important lesson that came from this drama was that one cannot fight fire with fire because it only creates more fire. In order to step outside of polarity, one must first stop fueling it. This is a significant lesson that most species have to learn as they mature. It is also one of the most difficult challenges because it requires a fundamental shift in consciousness that is not easy to make. Polarity is seductive and addictive. Choosing a side and empowering it is a lower emotional need that helps less mature humans feel they have a purpose, and that they belong to something greater than themselves. With younger species, it is a natural part of evolution. However, this addictive tendency to polarize must be relinquished as a species matures.
On Earth now, you are seeing what appears to be more polarization than ever before. These phases of intense polarization also arise naturally as a species matures. These spurts of deep polarization can be seen as windows of opportunity for the species and individuals to make new choices and heal the addiction that causes the most suffering on your world. Therefore it becomes important to look at yourselves closely and ask yourself the question, “Where am I polarizing on both the external and internal levels?” True nonjudgmental self-observation in this regard can free you from your inner terrorists – polarized thoughts that lead to polarized actions.
Regarding external polarization, take a look at the groups you are a part of, the news that you watch, the opinions that you express, and more. Are they one-sided? This is extremely hard to see in yourself unless you are willing to be honest. Do they imply that only your views are the right ones or that you are the only one “awake?” Do those mindsets accuse other groups of exactly the same thing you are doing? There have been brain studies that show that the challenge to one’s belief systems creates panic and sometimes violent resistance to change. This does not bode well for a society that is trying to evolve. At some point, letting go of one’s ingrained beliefs has to be more important than fighting for them. That is not an easy choice, since even neuroscience supports clinging to beliefs for dear life!
We know many of you reading this might be activists for a variety of social issues. While this is another topic to be discussed in the future, please know that there is a fine line between supporting women’s rights (because it fills your heart with joy to do so) and criticizing the “evil patriarchy” (which generally spreads judgmental energy far and wide). The key is motivation – joy or judgment? That internal (often hidden) motivation will dictate the level of polarization that you experience because of the reflective nature of the universe.
Internal polarization is even more insidious and harder to see. This internal polarization, which usually comes from unhealed and unaddressed wounds from this life, other lives, or even back to original separation, is what keeps polarized belief systems in place. Internal polarization is judgment and aggression toward self rather than the outside world and it is often unconscious. These habits of self-shaming, self-judgment, self-hatred are deeply ingrained and can only be sustained in a polarized reality. As you all know, things are changing. As your species evolves, this deep state of internal and external polarization cannot be sustained. This is what many are feeling now – a squeezing of the emotional body that results in anxiety, depression, panic, and confusion. There is a realignment occurring that will move you more toward equilibrium. But this shift cannot occur without your cooperation and willingness to let go of habitualized mental and emotional patterns.
This text is not meant to expound on the doom and gloom of polarity! It is actually meant to be encouraging – to show you that shifts are on the horizon but you have to act in partnership with the changing energy. It is important to understand the dynamics of polarity on the internal and external levels and how easy it is to be seduced into polarized thoughts and actions. But you don’t have to be forever seduced. As you look within, into the dark places that don’t want to be seen, you have the capability to see where you have polarized your thoughts and beliefs, especially about yourself. This is a key to your freedom. Own those wounds. See how they have shaped your reality. Once you do (without judgment), you unlock the door to a new path that represents the journey into your integrated self. Your inner healing will be reflected in the outer reality, and a new world is born.
Card #38 | Orion (Past) | Black League Patterning
The name “Black League” comes from the ancient past in Orion. We have told the story many times. There were essentially three sides: the controlling empire, the people being oppressed, and the resistance fighters. These resistance fighters were called the “Black League”. They were a secret, hidden group that fought the oppressive empire for millennia.
The important lesson that came from this drama was that one cannot fight fire with fire because it only creates more fire. In order to step outside of polarity, one must first stop fueling it. This is a significant lesson that most species have to learn as they mature. It is also one of the most difficult challenges because it requires a fundamental shift in consciousness that is not easy to make. Polarity is seductive and addictive. Choosing a side and empowering it is a lower emotional need that helps less mature humans feel they have a purpose, and that they belong to something greater than themselves. With younger species, it is a natural part of evolution. However, this addictive tendency to polarize must be relinquished as a species matures.
On Earth now, you are seeing what appears to be more polarization than ever before. These phases of intense polarization also arise naturally as a species matures. These spurts of deep polarization can be seen as windows of opportunity for the species and individuals to make new choices and heal the addiction that causes the most suffering on your world. Therefore it becomes important to look at yourselves closely and ask yourself the question, “Where am I polarizing on both the external and internal levels?” True nonjudgmental self-observation in this regard can free you from your inner terrorists – polarized thoughts that lead to polarized actions.
Regarding external polarization, take a look at the groups you are a part of, the news that you watch, the opinions that you express, and more. Are they one-sided? This is extremely hard to see in yourself unless you are willing to be honest. Do they imply that only your views are the right ones or that you are the only one “awake?” Do those mindsets accuse other groups of exactly the same thing you are doing? There have been brain studies that show that the challenge to one’s belief systems creates panic and sometimes violent resistance to change. This does not bode well for a society that is trying to evolve. At some point, letting go of one’s ingrained beliefs has to be more important than fighting for them. That is not an easy choice, since even neuroscience supports clinging to beliefs for dear life!
We know many of you reading this might be activists for a variety of social issues. While this is another topic to be discussed in the future, please know that there is a fine line between supporting women’s rights (because it fills your heart with joy to do so) and criticizing the “evil patriarchy” (which generally spreads judgmental energy far and wide). The key is motivation – joy or judgment? That internal (often hidden) motivation will dictate the level of polarization that you experience because of the reflective nature of the universe.
Internal polarization is even more insidious and harder to see. This internal polarization, which usually comes from unhealed and unaddressed wounds from this life, other lives, or even back to original separation, is what keeps polarized belief systems in place. Internal polarization is judgment and aggression toward self rather than the outside world and it is often unconscious. These habits of self-shaming, self-judgment, self-hatred are deeply ingrained and can only be sustained in a polarized reality. As you all know, things are changing. As your species evolves, this deep state of internal and external polarization cannot be sustained. This is what many are feeling now – a squeezing of the emotional body that results in anxiety, depression, panic, and confusion. There is a realignment occurring that will move you more toward equilibrium. But this shift cannot occur without your cooperation and willingness to let go of habitualized mental and emotional patterns.
This text is not meant to expound on the doom and gloom of polarity! It is actually meant to be encouraging – to show you that shifts are on the horizon but you have to act in partnership with the changing energy. It is important to understand the dynamics of polarity on the internal and external levels and how easy it is to be seduced into polarized thoughts and actions. But you don’t have to be forever seduced. As you look within, into the dark places that don’t want to be seen, you have the capability to see where you have polarized your thoughts and beliefs, especially about yourself. This is a key to your freedom. Own those wounds. See how they have shaped your reality. Once you do (without judgment), you unlock the door to a new path that represents the journey into your integrated self. Your inner healing will be reflected in the outer reality, and a new world is born.
September 2018
Card #20 | Vega (Past) | Power of Sound
This card has caused some confusion in the past because it is multi-layered. It can be understood on a superficial level or a deeper one. In order to understand the layers, we first explore why we chose this theme for a card.
The ancient Vegan priests were masters of sound and frequency. All technology that is based on sound for healing, construction, and creative expression was first refined by your Vegan forefathers. Sound and light represent tangible universal energy that can be harnessed and used within the physical realms in various ways. It was a way for the ancient Vegans to still feel connected to the greater reality from which they separated, and at first they used it with great harmony. But because one of the main reasons you are experiencing physicality is to experience polarity, the Vegans, and their descendants the Orions, eventually used it for destruction too.
The power of sound thus represents a pure allegory of the journey into physicality and back home to the Source. As beings mature and begin to reconnect with the myriad of ways the universe expresses itself, they are always tested. Can they use universal principles neutrally, or polarize into battles of dark and light? The wars in Orion, heavily based on sound technology, were one of these tests.
So here you are again. You are a physical society that is just beginning to tap into what you call the “free energy” all around you. The temptation is there to utilize it in selfish ways or for destruction. We know that many of you believe it is a test you will fail once again, as the so-called power players of Earth grasp at these kinds of technologies and make them unavailable to the masses. Let us not get distracted by this same old story.
Instead of perpetuating this back-and-forth struggle yet again, let us look at a deeper meaning of this card. It is referring to the ability of all physical beings to tap into the Source energy and express it through them in empowered, balanced ways. Light represents the nonphysical realms, but sound represents the physical realms. It represents the entrance into a realm of confusion and darkness as well as a path out of it. The universal sound of God that you call “Om” is such an example. It is the first sound, the first expression of the One. You as a human can actually utilize this sound to remind yourself of home. It is meant to be a lifeline – a thread back to the One. The ancient Vegans knew this and that was why they were so committed to sound technology.
In your daily life, how can you use sound to realign yourselves and help you remember who you are? Pure sound actually connects you to the Phi wavelength which again, is a representation of the One. Nature sounds, ecstatic chant, and the powerful voices of the world’s most talented vocalists can bring you to tears. This sound opens you, reconnects you, and it destroys illusion – only if you surrender to it. Also remember that the power of sound is inherent in speaking your truth – not the ego’s opinionated “truth”, but the truth that emerges from your heart and soul when you allow it to do so.
In this day and age, the power of sound (universal energy translated into physicality) must be expressed through your soul, through your actions, and through your integrity. It has to do with how you bring forth the universal energy into physicality. When you do so with integrity (in alignment with the greater universe), you are metaphorically expressing the energy of the universe itself. You are tearing open the shell of the limited human self and living in authenticity as a child of creation. It no longer serves you to keep yourself closed. Why not tear yourself open and be your authentic self by singing your own song, so to speak? When you do, you have truly arrived in this reality. The power of your unique “sound” is a vital piece of the whole expression of creation in this reality. As you say on Earth, “Go for it!” :)
Card #20 | Vega (Past) | Power of Sound
This card has caused some confusion in the past because it is multi-layered. It can be understood on a superficial level or a deeper one. In order to understand the layers, we first explore why we chose this theme for a card.
The ancient Vegan priests were masters of sound and frequency. All technology that is based on sound for healing, construction, and creative expression was first refined by your Vegan forefathers. Sound and light represent tangible universal energy that can be harnessed and used within the physical realms in various ways. It was a way for the ancient Vegans to still feel connected to the greater reality from which they separated, and at first they used it with great harmony. But because one of the main reasons you are experiencing physicality is to experience polarity, the Vegans, and their descendants the Orions, eventually used it for destruction too.
The power of sound thus represents a pure allegory of the journey into physicality and back home to the Source. As beings mature and begin to reconnect with the myriad of ways the universe expresses itself, they are always tested. Can they use universal principles neutrally, or polarize into battles of dark and light? The wars in Orion, heavily based on sound technology, were one of these tests.
So here you are again. You are a physical society that is just beginning to tap into what you call the “free energy” all around you. The temptation is there to utilize it in selfish ways or for destruction. We know that many of you believe it is a test you will fail once again, as the so-called power players of Earth grasp at these kinds of technologies and make them unavailable to the masses. Let us not get distracted by this same old story.
Instead of perpetuating this back-and-forth struggle yet again, let us look at a deeper meaning of this card. It is referring to the ability of all physical beings to tap into the Source energy and express it through them in empowered, balanced ways. Light represents the nonphysical realms, but sound represents the physical realms. It represents the entrance into a realm of confusion and darkness as well as a path out of it. The universal sound of God that you call “Om” is such an example. It is the first sound, the first expression of the One. You as a human can actually utilize this sound to remind yourself of home. It is meant to be a lifeline – a thread back to the One. The ancient Vegans knew this and that was why they were so committed to sound technology.
In your daily life, how can you use sound to realign yourselves and help you remember who you are? Pure sound actually connects you to the Phi wavelength which again, is a representation of the One. Nature sounds, ecstatic chant, and the powerful voices of the world’s most talented vocalists can bring you to tears. This sound opens you, reconnects you, and it destroys illusion – only if you surrender to it. Also remember that the power of sound is inherent in speaking your truth – not the ego’s opinionated “truth”, but the truth that emerges from your heart and soul when you allow it to do so.
In this day and age, the power of sound (universal energy translated into physicality) must be expressed through your soul, through your actions, and through your integrity. It has to do with how you bring forth the universal energy into physicality. When you do so with integrity (in alignment with the greater universe), you are metaphorically expressing the energy of the universe itself. You are tearing open the shell of the limited human self and living in authenticity as a child of creation. It no longer serves you to keep yourself closed. Why not tear yourself open and be your authentic self by singing your own song, so to speak? When you do, you have truly arrived in this reality. The power of your unique “sound” is a vital piece of the whole expression of creation in this reality. As you say on Earth, “Go for it!” :)
August 2018
Card #94 | Sirius (Future) | Mental Transformation
We have been talking a lot about the ego in many past card texts. We have also implied that there would be a huge shift in consciousness as the ego begins relinquishing the illusionary control it thinks it has over reality. This shift in consciousness is hard to describe, because it is a very experiential process that bypasses the ego, without the ego even realizing it until the shift has already been made.
Within a 3rd density reality (when the ego is most dominant), one of the ego’s most powerful tools is the mind. The mind sorts reality into polarized labels (good/bad, for example). The mind creates stories that reinforce old thought patterns and beliefs, and doesn’t even realize it is doing it and often vehemently denies it. Thus, the mind can keep you stuck in a loop of self-defeating beliefs and perceptions that are based on nothing but misperception and illusion.
When your consciousness went through its fragmentation process in order to experience human life, the mind was meant to be a neutral processor of reality. It was meant to be a tool to help your survival, as well as your enjoyment and experience of physical reality. But whenever any neutral tool is exposed to a polarized reality, it often becomes polarized too. So you get caught in a loop. The irony is that the mind and intellect have helped your species survive and thrive on Earth, but it is also the very thing that keeps you in a state of separation.
We have shared a lot of galactic history with you. You have seen civilizations such as the Vegans and the Zetas get caught in their mentality to the point where they nearly destroyed themselves. Your Sirian forefathers (who are part of the Vegan lineage) recognized these tendencies and began to notice when their species fell into those same mental patterns. Through impeccable work on themselves, they eventually facilitated a mental transformation within their species. They now see that humans are following a very similar trajectory that they did in the past, and are doing what they can to encourage you not to fall into those same mental traps.
As you move into 4th density, many of you are seeing that you cannot use your minds in the same way. In fact, many of you find it draining to do so. The reason for this is because using the separated mental energy that you used in 3rd density within a 4th density reality is extremely disharmonious. If you insist on navigating reality with 3rd density separated mentality, you may experience a draining exhaustion, headaches, anxiety or panic attacks, and a host of other uncomfortable symptoms that scream, “It is time for a change!”
So, then, what do you do? How do you navigate reality in a new way? The specifics are different for each person but in general the requirement is to begin using your mentality in a way that incorporates intuition. It is also an integration of the energies of the solar plexus (the ego’s will, 3rd density) with the heart (intuition, flow, 4th density). It means being ok with not knowing where you are going but moving forward anyway. It means relinquishing the attachment to the outcome as well as letting go of trying to control reality.
Your awakened Sirian family from the third era you call “future” is assisting you with this now. We will share with you a Sirian key to their mental transformation. One of the primary ways they transformed their mentality was to train themselves to be more focused on the sensation of being in a physical body and in a physical reality. They stopped running away from experiencing physicality. Every time their focus went to the mind, they brought it to the body or to the observation and experience of the reality around them – through sound, feeling, and sensation. As with any training, it requires patience and diligence. They soon learned that this process yielded unexpected results – a complete species awakening. Once again they saw the truth in paradox: The way out is in.
Card #94 | Sirius (Future) | Mental Transformation
We have been talking a lot about the ego in many past card texts. We have also implied that there would be a huge shift in consciousness as the ego begins relinquishing the illusionary control it thinks it has over reality. This shift in consciousness is hard to describe, because it is a very experiential process that bypasses the ego, without the ego even realizing it until the shift has already been made.
Within a 3rd density reality (when the ego is most dominant), one of the ego’s most powerful tools is the mind. The mind sorts reality into polarized labels (good/bad, for example). The mind creates stories that reinforce old thought patterns and beliefs, and doesn’t even realize it is doing it and often vehemently denies it. Thus, the mind can keep you stuck in a loop of self-defeating beliefs and perceptions that are based on nothing but misperception and illusion.
When your consciousness went through its fragmentation process in order to experience human life, the mind was meant to be a neutral processor of reality. It was meant to be a tool to help your survival, as well as your enjoyment and experience of physical reality. But whenever any neutral tool is exposed to a polarized reality, it often becomes polarized too. So you get caught in a loop. The irony is that the mind and intellect have helped your species survive and thrive on Earth, but it is also the very thing that keeps you in a state of separation.
We have shared a lot of galactic history with you. You have seen civilizations such as the Vegans and the Zetas get caught in their mentality to the point where they nearly destroyed themselves. Your Sirian forefathers (who are part of the Vegan lineage) recognized these tendencies and began to notice when their species fell into those same mental patterns. Through impeccable work on themselves, they eventually facilitated a mental transformation within their species. They now see that humans are following a very similar trajectory that they did in the past, and are doing what they can to encourage you not to fall into those same mental traps.
As you move into 4th density, many of you are seeing that you cannot use your minds in the same way. In fact, many of you find it draining to do so. The reason for this is because using the separated mental energy that you used in 3rd density within a 4th density reality is extremely disharmonious. If you insist on navigating reality with 3rd density separated mentality, you may experience a draining exhaustion, headaches, anxiety or panic attacks, and a host of other uncomfortable symptoms that scream, “It is time for a change!”
So, then, what do you do? How do you navigate reality in a new way? The specifics are different for each person but in general the requirement is to begin using your mentality in a way that incorporates intuition. It is also an integration of the energies of the solar plexus (the ego’s will, 3rd density) with the heart (intuition, flow, 4th density). It means being ok with not knowing where you are going but moving forward anyway. It means relinquishing the attachment to the outcome as well as letting go of trying to control reality.
Your awakened Sirian family from the third era you call “future” is assisting you with this now. We will share with you a Sirian key to their mental transformation. One of the primary ways they transformed their mentality was to train themselves to be more focused on the sensation of being in a physical body and in a physical reality. They stopped running away from experiencing physicality. Every time their focus went to the mind, they brought it to the body or to the observation and experience of the reality around them – through sound, feeling, and sensation. As with any training, it requires patience and diligence. They soon learned that this process yielded unexpected results – a complete species awakening. Once again they saw the truth in paradox: The way out is in.
July 2018
Card #69 | Lyra (Future) | Natural Humility
In recent years, the awakened Lyran energy has been supporting humans more and more. Much of this energy is felt in the background but there is one particular thread that is standing out. This particular thread is one we can call the Lyran Awakening Teachings and it is quite appropriate for the current stage of human evolution. Why is this?
Your ancient Lyran forefathers, the progenitors of your galactic family, experienced a lonely road in their awakening process because there were not many models that could assist them, unlike the humans of today who have many galactic mentors. Because of this lonely road, their awakening process was long and arduous. The innate characteristics of these original Lyrans tended to lean toward masculine energy. Therefore, as a young species they displayed many strong traits such as arrogance, stubbornness, pushiness, and blind addiction to their own points of view. As their species began its inevitable transformation, there was an inner war felt inside them between the ways of the past and the exhaustion caused by those old ways. This exhaustion led them to seek a new way and this was the key element that helped to accelerate their awakening process.
On Earth now, there is a great exhaustion – much like what was felt by your ancient Lyran forefathers. This exhaustion is caused by egos that can’t let go of trying to control or shape reality in the way they want. The ego tries many sneaky (and not-so-sneaky) ways of trying to get its way. When it can’t, much like a child, it can sometimes throw a temper tantrum. All of this egoic energy, when combined with the intense accelerated energy as you move into fourth density, can create a profound exhaustion on a collective level. You are seeing this now. Not only are many of you battling with the demands of your ego (even when having a higher vision about it), but you are also being subjected to the collective egoic energy playing out in the world. This combination of dynamics is tremendously draining. The level of exhaustion many of you are feeling is not imagined. It is felt as most species similar to yours begin to make their transition. So what do you need to do when you are exhausted? The obvious answer is rest. But what does that really mean?
Of course this means that resting your body is necessary, but we are referring to something a little bit more subtle. The ego needs to rest! Yet rest is the last thing it wants, because it fears that to rest means to relinquish control. It feels it must always be watchful and prepared for any perceived attacks. It also has to, in a sense, constantly survey its kingdom to be sure that nothing is out of place that could possibly cause you discomfort or pain. This kind of vigilance is exhausting and yet addictive at the same time. So what is the solution?
We have said many times that as you move into 4th density, you become less focused on doing (manipulating reality), and more focused on being (allowing yourself to move with the flow of the universe). In this transitory stage right now, the doer and the one trying to rest in just being (the “be-er”) feel conflicted. Chaos ensues as you try to navigate this uncharted territory. In the chaos, the ego just feels exhausted, but still keeps trying to run its programs.
Much like a caterpillar goes into a type of hibernation before it becomes a butterfly, it is now time for the ego to rest – to move inward in order to facilitate its metamorphosis. So what does this have to do with the theme of this card, Natural Humility?
As the ego rests and goes into its metamorphosis, it’s very foundation begins to change. When it emerges from its cocoon (so to speak), it will become a 4th density version of itself. As you move further into fourth density, the ego doesn’t die – but it changes. (We do have to say that this metamorphosis may feel like a death from the ego’s point of view). This 4th density ego (which Sasha has discussed at length) has new qualities. It begins to live its truth with quiet confidence. It doesn’t need to trumpet it’s points of view and yet it has a strength, stability and humility that set it apart from the 3rd density version.
This is the natural humility that awaits you. It is a quiet strength in which you are fully aligned with your joy, truth, and integrity, but without a 3D ego that needs attention. It is an entirely new way of being that is a step on your path to what you call enlightenment.
Your ancient Lyran forefathers eventually made this leap and so will you. Meanwhile, they guide you in the background, giving you the strength to see the ego clearly as they had to do. Metaphorically, your ancient Lyran family is singing a lullaby to you – coaxing your egos into the deep sleep of metamorphosis. Upon awakening, you are born anew.
Card #69 | Lyra (Future) | Natural Humility
In recent years, the awakened Lyran energy has been supporting humans more and more. Much of this energy is felt in the background but there is one particular thread that is standing out. This particular thread is one we can call the Lyran Awakening Teachings and it is quite appropriate for the current stage of human evolution. Why is this?
Your ancient Lyran forefathers, the progenitors of your galactic family, experienced a lonely road in their awakening process because there were not many models that could assist them, unlike the humans of today who have many galactic mentors. Because of this lonely road, their awakening process was long and arduous. The innate characteristics of these original Lyrans tended to lean toward masculine energy. Therefore, as a young species they displayed many strong traits such as arrogance, stubbornness, pushiness, and blind addiction to their own points of view. As their species began its inevitable transformation, there was an inner war felt inside them between the ways of the past and the exhaustion caused by those old ways. This exhaustion led them to seek a new way and this was the key element that helped to accelerate their awakening process.
On Earth now, there is a great exhaustion – much like what was felt by your ancient Lyran forefathers. This exhaustion is caused by egos that can’t let go of trying to control or shape reality in the way they want. The ego tries many sneaky (and not-so-sneaky) ways of trying to get its way. When it can’t, much like a child, it can sometimes throw a temper tantrum. All of this egoic energy, when combined with the intense accelerated energy as you move into fourth density, can create a profound exhaustion on a collective level. You are seeing this now. Not only are many of you battling with the demands of your ego (even when having a higher vision about it), but you are also being subjected to the collective egoic energy playing out in the world. This combination of dynamics is tremendously draining. The level of exhaustion many of you are feeling is not imagined. It is felt as most species similar to yours begin to make their transition. So what do you need to do when you are exhausted? The obvious answer is rest. But what does that really mean?
Of course this means that resting your body is necessary, but we are referring to something a little bit more subtle. The ego needs to rest! Yet rest is the last thing it wants, because it fears that to rest means to relinquish control. It feels it must always be watchful and prepared for any perceived attacks. It also has to, in a sense, constantly survey its kingdom to be sure that nothing is out of place that could possibly cause you discomfort or pain. This kind of vigilance is exhausting and yet addictive at the same time. So what is the solution?
We have said many times that as you move into 4th density, you become less focused on doing (manipulating reality), and more focused on being (allowing yourself to move with the flow of the universe). In this transitory stage right now, the doer and the one trying to rest in just being (the “be-er”) feel conflicted. Chaos ensues as you try to navigate this uncharted territory. In the chaos, the ego just feels exhausted, but still keeps trying to run its programs.
Much like a caterpillar goes into a type of hibernation before it becomes a butterfly, it is now time for the ego to rest – to move inward in order to facilitate its metamorphosis. So what does this have to do with the theme of this card, Natural Humility?
As the ego rests and goes into its metamorphosis, it’s very foundation begins to change. When it emerges from its cocoon (so to speak), it will become a 4th density version of itself. As you move further into fourth density, the ego doesn’t die – but it changes. (We do have to say that this metamorphosis may feel like a death from the ego’s point of view). This 4th density ego (which Sasha has discussed at length) has new qualities. It begins to live its truth with quiet confidence. It doesn’t need to trumpet it’s points of view and yet it has a strength, stability and humility that set it apart from the 3rd density version.
This is the natural humility that awaits you. It is a quiet strength in which you are fully aligned with your joy, truth, and integrity, but without a 3D ego that needs attention. It is an entirely new way of being that is a step on your path to what you call enlightenment.
Your ancient Lyran forefathers eventually made this leap and so will you. Meanwhile, they guide you in the background, giving you the strength to see the ego clearly as they had to do. Metaphorically, your ancient Lyran family is singing a lullaby to you – coaxing your egos into the deep sleep of metamorphosis. Upon awakening, you are born anew.
June 2018
Card #77 | Earth (Future) | Being the Mentors
Once again, this month’s card flows smoothly from the previous month. Last month the card was New Consciousness. We discussed how new consciousness can only be born from the ability to see the ego’s stories and to move beyond that polarized vision. We also mentioned how this awakening process begins with individuals first, before it spreads throughout a civilization. Thus, these pioneering individuals become the reference point that assists all others in their awakening process. We are not talking about the people you call spiritual teachers or awakened masters. We are talking about you.
If you are reading these words we transmit for Card of the Month, then we are talking about you. You’ve probably noticed we aren’t interested in chatting about the latest New Age technique that often ends up being a creative way to avoid facing the inner self rather than engage it. We prefer instead to confront the inner dynamics head on. If you are still reading our words after all this time, then you have joined our team of nerdy inner explorers!
If the idea of authentic inner exploration speaks to you, then you are part of the proverbial team of mentors that are becoming instrumental in the Earth’s awakening process. You don’t have to be a teacher, author, or channel. You just have to be you. True mentors are those who live authentic lives, sometimes not consciously realizing that it is for the good of all. They don’t push their beliefs but instead model a new consciousness in the way they live their lives. They possess a generosity of spirit and an open, vulnerable strength that can serve like a magnet. This magnetic energy draws others to them, which helps them reboot their stuck energy patterns. All of this happens automatically when you just live as your authentic self.
This is how a planet truly transforms. It doesn’t transform through laws, technology, or spiritual mastery. It transforms itself when its people finally become tired of the disintegrated and chaotic way of existence in which they have mired themselves. They become tired of appointing leaders that they think can fix things, only to be later disappointed yet again. Your people are reaching that nexus point, as evidenced by the planetary chaos that you are experiencing. While it may seem this chaotic place is one of weakness, it is actually a point of tremendous strength.
It is at this point in a planet’s evolution, amidst the chaos, that the true mentors silently work in the background tilling the soil and planting the seeds. They might even be seen by the masses as the “crazy” ones. These original mentors might not ever see the seeds sprout or the fruit ripen on the tree, but they will have been instrumental in the growth process because they simply allowed themselves to walk an authentic path. Others see this path and are inspired and then they, too, model that path of authenticity and pass it on. Eventually, change is firmly rooted in this slow, steady, and almost invisible way.
This requires patience. Your forefathers, especially the Sirians, had to cultivate this patience as they assisted in the long journey of humanity’s maturation process. While you cannot see the bird’s eye view of this journey, it is imperative that you walk your authentic path while always looking inward. Let go of the ego’s need for a certain outcome. Just be you. You are enough!
In the distant future, Earth will be seen as a planet of quirky yet powerful individuals who somehow came together and became whole. This happened in no small part because of these silent mentors walking an authentic path. This organic awakening process that Earth will eventually experience will be why future humans are sought out as mentors for beings on younger developing planets who have lost their way. Through your journey of confusion, angst, and chaos, you will be reborn and you will give back to your galactic family a thousand fold. It all starts with one step in the now: Be your authentic self. There is no one else you can really be anyway, so why fight it? It is time now to embrace it.
Card #77 | Earth (Future) | Being the Mentors
Once again, this month’s card flows smoothly from the previous month. Last month the card was New Consciousness. We discussed how new consciousness can only be born from the ability to see the ego’s stories and to move beyond that polarized vision. We also mentioned how this awakening process begins with individuals first, before it spreads throughout a civilization. Thus, these pioneering individuals become the reference point that assists all others in their awakening process. We are not talking about the people you call spiritual teachers or awakened masters. We are talking about you.
If you are reading these words we transmit for Card of the Month, then we are talking about you. You’ve probably noticed we aren’t interested in chatting about the latest New Age technique that often ends up being a creative way to avoid facing the inner self rather than engage it. We prefer instead to confront the inner dynamics head on. If you are still reading our words after all this time, then you have joined our team of nerdy inner explorers!
If the idea of authentic inner exploration speaks to you, then you are part of the proverbial team of mentors that are becoming instrumental in the Earth’s awakening process. You don’t have to be a teacher, author, or channel. You just have to be you. True mentors are those who live authentic lives, sometimes not consciously realizing that it is for the good of all. They don’t push their beliefs but instead model a new consciousness in the way they live their lives. They possess a generosity of spirit and an open, vulnerable strength that can serve like a magnet. This magnetic energy draws others to them, which helps them reboot their stuck energy patterns. All of this happens automatically when you just live as your authentic self.
This is how a planet truly transforms. It doesn’t transform through laws, technology, or spiritual mastery. It transforms itself when its people finally become tired of the disintegrated and chaotic way of existence in which they have mired themselves. They become tired of appointing leaders that they think can fix things, only to be later disappointed yet again. Your people are reaching that nexus point, as evidenced by the planetary chaos that you are experiencing. While it may seem this chaotic place is one of weakness, it is actually a point of tremendous strength.
It is at this point in a planet’s evolution, amidst the chaos, that the true mentors silently work in the background tilling the soil and planting the seeds. They might even be seen by the masses as the “crazy” ones. These original mentors might not ever see the seeds sprout or the fruit ripen on the tree, but they will have been instrumental in the growth process because they simply allowed themselves to walk an authentic path. Others see this path and are inspired and then they, too, model that path of authenticity and pass it on. Eventually, change is firmly rooted in this slow, steady, and almost invisible way.
This requires patience. Your forefathers, especially the Sirians, had to cultivate this patience as they assisted in the long journey of humanity’s maturation process. While you cannot see the bird’s eye view of this journey, it is imperative that you walk your authentic path while always looking inward. Let go of the ego’s need for a certain outcome. Just be you. You are enough!
In the distant future, Earth will be seen as a planet of quirky yet powerful individuals who somehow came together and became whole. This happened in no small part because of these silent mentors walking an authentic path. This organic awakening process that Earth will eventually experience will be why future humans are sought out as mentors for beings on younger developing planets who have lost their way. Through your journey of confusion, angst, and chaos, you will be reborn and you will give back to your galactic family a thousand fold. It all starts with one step in the now: Be your authentic self. There is no one else you can really be anyway, so why fight it? It is time now to embrace it.
May 2018
Card #54 | Earth (Present) | New Consciousness
Last month’s card, Primal Fear (#28) was the perfect precursor to the New Consciousness card. We discussed how the emotion of primal fear, which is present in the unconscious of every human, is like a gate one must pass through before moving to a higher evolutionary state. Until that fear is recognized, humans simply react to the stories generated by the ego that are based on conditioning and old belief systems. Without this recognition of the nature of human consciousness, people simply live lifetime after lifetime in a perpetual state of reaction rather than awareness. This reactionary state keeps polarized vision intact, and the cycle continues.
But what happens when one makes a conscious decision to unravel the ego’s stories? This quest is one of the most important, yet difficult, spiritual journeys a person can take. When one begins the painful process of cultivating neutral, nondual consciousness, one then has to take ownership of his or her distorted perceptions without judgment. The ego does not like to be “wrong.” It doesn’t like to learn that its perceptions and beliefs are distorted. It needs to believe that it can influence reality. As it learns that the perceived external reality is merely a projection of the internal one, it resists and makes more stories, creating distractions so it never has to own what is happening on the internal levels.
Eventually, at some point, the pressure of this kind of denial reaches a tipping point. The psyche can no longer manage the ego stories any more. At this point several things can happen. The person might have an emotional breakdown or a health crisis. The person might create continuing chaos. The person might seek to gather others who believe the way he does, as a means to, in a sense, share the psychic or emotional pressure he feels. Or, the person has a spiritual awakening.
This is the theme of this card. As we use it here, the New Consciousness card refers to the other side of the polarized pressure felt by the mass consciousness (and individuals) at this time. If a person or a civilization chooses not to deny, not to polarize, not to project, and instead looks inward, the natural result is awakening. The pressure that you feel is the gate. You must walk through the gate to facilitate transformation. But to walk through that gate, you have to really see with clear eyes.
We have said many times that the concept of awakening has been grossly misunderstood in New Age circles. It doesn’t mean awakening to the idea of who the “puppet masters” are in your reality as some believe. Chasing that idea only perpetuates the delusion. Awakening means allowing yourselves to walk through the house of mirrors in which reality gets distorted and convinces you the boogeyman is out there. As you walk through that house of mirrors, you will be challenged to not be distracted and to remember who you really are – a nondual aware consciousness system that is experiencing a separated, polarized reality for the purpose of learning what it is like not to know who you are. You learn that the reflections you see in those distorted mirrors are reflections of your own distorted beliefs and perceptions. You don’t hate them or push them away, but you see them for what they are – a means to trigger your own remembrance of your True Self.
This is the most perilous journey you will take as spiritual beings in a physical reality. All of your forefathers on countless planets have taken this journey too, and all of them have their own stories of adventure as they traversed this house of mirrors. Earth is making its own story too, of which your personal journey is a part.
You are on the brink of the birth of this new consciousness. It won’t happen all at once. At first, it will happen person by person. Those first pioneers will lend a guiding hand for those who make the journey after them. Where does it lead? It leads to a new world … one in which you no longer allow the distorted perceptions of ego to write your story. You instead form a healthy and powerful relationship with ego to be your eyes and ears in the physical world, rather than your interpreter. And this, my friends, is the new consciousness. It is true freedom.
Card #54 | Earth (Present) | New Consciousness
Last month’s card, Primal Fear (#28) was the perfect precursor to the New Consciousness card. We discussed how the emotion of primal fear, which is present in the unconscious of every human, is like a gate one must pass through before moving to a higher evolutionary state. Until that fear is recognized, humans simply react to the stories generated by the ego that are based on conditioning and old belief systems. Without this recognition of the nature of human consciousness, people simply live lifetime after lifetime in a perpetual state of reaction rather than awareness. This reactionary state keeps polarized vision intact, and the cycle continues.
But what happens when one makes a conscious decision to unravel the ego’s stories? This quest is one of the most important, yet difficult, spiritual journeys a person can take. When one begins the painful process of cultivating neutral, nondual consciousness, one then has to take ownership of his or her distorted perceptions without judgment. The ego does not like to be “wrong.” It doesn’t like to learn that its perceptions and beliefs are distorted. It needs to believe that it can influence reality. As it learns that the perceived external reality is merely a projection of the internal one, it resists and makes more stories, creating distractions so it never has to own what is happening on the internal levels.
Eventually, at some point, the pressure of this kind of denial reaches a tipping point. The psyche can no longer manage the ego stories any more. At this point several things can happen. The person might have an emotional breakdown or a health crisis. The person might create continuing chaos. The person might seek to gather others who believe the way he does, as a means to, in a sense, share the psychic or emotional pressure he feels. Or, the person has a spiritual awakening.
This is the theme of this card. As we use it here, the New Consciousness card refers to the other side of the polarized pressure felt by the mass consciousness (and individuals) at this time. If a person or a civilization chooses not to deny, not to polarize, not to project, and instead looks inward, the natural result is awakening. The pressure that you feel is the gate. You must walk through the gate to facilitate transformation. But to walk through that gate, you have to really see with clear eyes.
We have said many times that the concept of awakening has been grossly misunderstood in New Age circles. It doesn’t mean awakening to the idea of who the “puppet masters” are in your reality as some believe. Chasing that idea only perpetuates the delusion. Awakening means allowing yourselves to walk through the house of mirrors in which reality gets distorted and convinces you the boogeyman is out there. As you walk through that house of mirrors, you will be challenged to not be distracted and to remember who you really are – a nondual aware consciousness system that is experiencing a separated, polarized reality for the purpose of learning what it is like not to know who you are. You learn that the reflections you see in those distorted mirrors are reflections of your own distorted beliefs and perceptions. You don’t hate them or push them away, but you see them for what they are – a means to trigger your own remembrance of your True Self.
This is the most perilous journey you will take as spiritual beings in a physical reality. All of your forefathers on countless planets have taken this journey too, and all of them have their own stories of adventure as they traversed this house of mirrors. Earth is making its own story too, of which your personal journey is a part.
You are on the brink of the birth of this new consciousness. It won’t happen all at once. At first, it will happen person by person. Those first pioneers will lend a guiding hand for those who make the journey after them. Where does it lead? It leads to a new world … one in which you no longer allow the distorted perceptions of ego to write your story. You instead form a healthy and powerful relationship with ego to be your eyes and ears in the physical world, rather than your interpreter. And this, my friends, is the new consciousness. It is true freedom.
April 2018
Card #28 | Reptilian (Parallel) | Primal Fear
In the creation of this card deck, we deliberately chose the species “Reptilian” to represent archetypal primal fear. Why? It isn’t because the Reptilian species is negative, as some distorted information would have you believe. It is because most humans react to this species with fear, which has nothing to do with their true nature. More than anything, this card is a message about the ego’s tendency to make stories. Those stories then lead to a human reaction to the story itself – rather than to the reality of a situation. This is what it means to be trapped in a realm of separation where you don’t remember who you are. You react to the shadows on the walls, interpreting them to mean this or that, instead of resting in your true, nondual nature and seeing reality for what it really is.
Every civilization goes through a maturation process. The peak of this maturation process is during what we call the transition from third to fourth density, which is where your civilization is now. During this sensitive time period, consciousness on a planet begins to polarize dramatically because portions of the collective start tapping into the most primal archetypal fears. Instead of recognizing that their egos are projecting these fears as a way to stimulate consciousness integration and evolution, many people instead make stories about those shadows on the wall and then organize themselves in groups that are “for” or “against” those illusionary shadows. This of course only further polarizes a planet.
This is where a civilization gets lost. There have been many who have destroyed themselves fighting their own shadows. Right now on your world you are seeing this playing out. The stories created by frightened egos—projected as shadows on the walls of the collective consciousness—are fooling those who refuse to look within. The population gets caught in a net of conspiracy theories and political intrigue. Without recognizing these distractions as egoic projections, a civilization finds it nearly impossible to extricate itself from the net of stories that seem very real to the human egos.
This is one of the true spiritual nexus points for both a civilization and its individuals. Those who stay mired in the dramas and stories also stay stuck. It may take lifetimes to be able to see with clear, nonegoic vision. For those who are training themselves to see beyond the stories and human drama, the awakening process accelerates. In this awakening process, all beings then come face-to-face with the shadow within.
The shadow is only that which has been denied. The energy of the pain, the trauma, and the fear that has not been accepted or embraced has to go somewhere. If the person is asleep, this energy projects outward and they chase the shadows in the outer world. If the person is awakening, the energy gets revealed inwardly. This is why so many people going through the awakening process find it so painful and discouraging – because in order to awaken, one must pass through the gate of primal fear. There is no way around it. Befriend that fear, welcome it, and once you have encountered it, know that it represents the part of you that was denied. You don’t even have to understand it. You don’t have to intellectually dissect it. Just own it. Feel it. Welcome it as your ultimate teacher, for it will lead you where you need to go if you follow those proverbial bread crumbs.
There is no more time to waste in new age techniques or “instant healing” methodologies. You aren’t here to deny your pain and fear or to magically bypass it. You are here to feel it. Without feeling the pain and fear, you cannot ever really feel the love. The original prime directive of the One was to experience the full range of what it is like to separate from source. This is it. If you don’t let yourself experience it, “in the trenches” so to speak, the prime directive remains unfulfilled and you stay caught in delusion. It is time to change the story about this. These painful, dark, and scary aspects of being human aren’t because you have fallen or failed in your spirituality somehow. They are present because it is part of the experience you actually volunteered to have, on behalf of the One. Letting go of trying to control your experience and feeling what shows up in reality, no matter how scary, is a noble quest. It is the ultimate spiritual journey. Embracing this journey honors the One (your True Self) and uplifts those around you who are still struggling. You become a shining light, helping to lead the way in what may feel like a very dark cave. You become a link in a chain that leads everyone Home again.
Card #28 | Reptilian (Parallel) | Primal Fear
In the creation of this card deck, we deliberately chose the species “Reptilian” to represent archetypal primal fear. Why? It isn’t because the Reptilian species is negative, as some distorted information would have you believe. It is because most humans react to this species with fear, which has nothing to do with their true nature. More than anything, this card is a message about the ego’s tendency to make stories. Those stories then lead to a human reaction to the story itself – rather than to the reality of a situation. This is what it means to be trapped in a realm of separation where you don’t remember who you are. You react to the shadows on the walls, interpreting them to mean this or that, instead of resting in your true, nondual nature and seeing reality for what it really is.
Every civilization goes through a maturation process. The peak of this maturation process is during what we call the transition from third to fourth density, which is where your civilization is now. During this sensitive time period, consciousness on a planet begins to polarize dramatically because portions of the collective start tapping into the most primal archetypal fears. Instead of recognizing that their egos are projecting these fears as a way to stimulate consciousness integration and evolution, many people instead make stories about those shadows on the wall and then organize themselves in groups that are “for” or “against” those illusionary shadows. This of course only further polarizes a planet.
This is where a civilization gets lost. There have been many who have destroyed themselves fighting their own shadows. Right now on your world you are seeing this playing out. The stories created by frightened egos—projected as shadows on the walls of the collective consciousness—are fooling those who refuse to look within. The population gets caught in a net of conspiracy theories and political intrigue. Without recognizing these distractions as egoic projections, a civilization finds it nearly impossible to extricate itself from the net of stories that seem very real to the human egos.
This is one of the true spiritual nexus points for both a civilization and its individuals. Those who stay mired in the dramas and stories also stay stuck. It may take lifetimes to be able to see with clear, nonegoic vision. For those who are training themselves to see beyond the stories and human drama, the awakening process accelerates. In this awakening process, all beings then come face-to-face with the shadow within.
The shadow is only that which has been denied. The energy of the pain, the trauma, and the fear that has not been accepted or embraced has to go somewhere. If the person is asleep, this energy projects outward and they chase the shadows in the outer world. If the person is awakening, the energy gets revealed inwardly. This is why so many people going through the awakening process find it so painful and discouraging – because in order to awaken, one must pass through the gate of primal fear. There is no way around it. Befriend that fear, welcome it, and once you have encountered it, know that it represents the part of you that was denied. You don’t even have to understand it. You don’t have to intellectually dissect it. Just own it. Feel it. Welcome it as your ultimate teacher, for it will lead you where you need to go if you follow those proverbial bread crumbs.
There is no more time to waste in new age techniques or “instant healing” methodologies. You aren’t here to deny your pain and fear or to magically bypass it. You are here to feel it. Without feeling the pain and fear, you cannot ever really feel the love. The original prime directive of the One was to experience the full range of what it is like to separate from source. This is it. If you don’t let yourself experience it, “in the trenches” so to speak, the prime directive remains unfulfilled and you stay caught in delusion. It is time to change the story about this. These painful, dark, and scary aspects of being human aren’t because you have fallen or failed in your spirituality somehow. They are present because it is part of the experience you actually volunteered to have, on behalf of the One. Letting go of trying to control your experience and feeling what shows up in reality, no matter how scary, is a noble quest. It is the ultimate spiritual journey. Embracing this journey honors the One (your True Self) and uplifts those around you who are still struggling. You become a shining light, helping to lead the way in what may feel like a very dark cave. You become a link in a chain that leads everyone Home again.
March 2018
Card #68 | Lyra (Future) | Generosity
This card continues on with the theme we explored last month even though it may seem like a totally different subject. Last month’s card, Arrogance (Lyra), discussed the source of arrogance (fear) and how to heal that aspect of the collective consciousness – through love and acceptance of even the undesirable aspects of human consciousness.
There can be many definitions of generosity, but we are going to examine a specific spiritual aspect that was understood by the ancient Lyrans when they were going through their awakening process. When one encounters qualities they don’t like – whether the qualities are within themselves or others – the natural tendency is to shut down. Humans create a barrier between themselves and others when dealing with a person who is unpleasant. Or, when dealing with discomfort within oneself, a person tends to wall off that part and not look into that dark corner. This is a process of shutting down or closing off the undesirable. It fools the ego into thinking the discomfort has passed. It has been a useful coping mechanism for humans since the beginning. But in this time of integration, as we mentioned before, the collective human consciousness is going through a detox of sorts. This detox is forcing the dissolution of walls that previously separated you from the undesirable. For a while, you might fight this dissolution and try to build stronger walls as a way to claim your metaphorical (egoic) territory. You will soon see, however, that it is a futile attempt.
The only way to facilitate integration is through openness. Can you be open to welcoming the undesirable as a teacher? Can you see that the “undesirable” is only undesirable because you have created a story around it? If the story changes, so does your experience of the event. What happens, then, when a person stops pushing away the undesirable and welcomes it instead? We are not saying that one should run around and call in the shadow consciousness. We are simply saying that when it arises, it is here for a reason. If it knocks on your door, you have no choice but to let it in if you want to evolve.
Thus, when you approach life with the attitude of welcoming that which shows up in reality and being present with it as a learning process, it creates an energy of openness. In that environment, walls aren’t built. Remember that walls not only keep things out, but they stop things from coming in – like love. Here is where we introduce the concept of generosity that we wish to discuss.
Generosity begins with the ability to let things in. When you let things in, you are vulnerable in an empowered way and you connect with the totality of the universe. The universe fills you and you allow it joyfully. As the universe fills you, you eventually become so full that it overflows and you naturally give back. Giving, therefore, is not an act of duty but a natural act of love that becomes second nature. This is the true expression of generosity. A person who is truly generous is someone who feels filled with blessings because they have let those blessings in rather than built a wall of protection around them.
This quality of the awakened Lyrans came from their painful history. For millennia they were warlike and, some may say, even narcissistic in their younger eras. But as they went through their awakening process (as you are now), they began to see how closed they were, and that this closure created all of their wounds. They went through the painful process of opening in order to truly let the universe fill them. This is where you are now in your evolution. You desperately cling to protecting yourselves and staying closed; but at the same time, you are being torn open through stress, self-judgment, polarization, and trauma. As you give up resisting this opening process, the process itself becomes gentler.
This card is now beckoning to you. It is suggesting a whole new way of navigating reality that has little to do with control and resistance and everything to do with opening. Through that path, you will notice that your ability to receive from the universe grows exponentially. As you allow yourselves to receive more authentically, your generous and open nature will reveal itself in surprising ways, much as it did with your Lyran forefathers. So what can you do today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, to open yourself a little bit more?
Card #68 | Lyra (Future) | Generosity
This card continues on with the theme we explored last month even though it may seem like a totally different subject. Last month’s card, Arrogance (Lyra), discussed the source of arrogance (fear) and how to heal that aspect of the collective consciousness – through love and acceptance of even the undesirable aspects of human consciousness.
There can be many definitions of generosity, but we are going to examine a specific spiritual aspect that was understood by the ancient Lyrans when they were going through their awakening process. When one encounters qualities they don’t like – whether the qualities are within themselves or others – the natural tendency is to shut down. Humans create a barrier between themselves and others when dealing with a person who is unpleasant. Or, when dealing with discomfort within oneself, a person tends to wall off that part and not look into that dark corner. This is a process of shutting down or closing off the undesirable. It fools the ego into thinking the discomfort has passed. It has been a useful coping mechanism for humans since the beginning. But in this time of integration, as we mentioned before, the collective human consciousness is going through a detox of sorts. This detox is forcing the dissolution of walls that previously separated you from the undesirable. For a while, you might fight this dissolution and try to build stronger walls as a way to claim your metaphorical (egoic) territory. You will soon see, however, that it is a futile attempt.
The only way to facilitate integration is through openness. Can you be open to welcoming the undesirable as a teacher? Can you see that the “undesirable” is only undesirable because you have created a story around it? If the story changes, so does your experience of the event. What happens, then, when a person stops pushing away the undesirable and welcomes it instead? We are not saying that one should run around and call in the shadow consciousness. We are simply saying that when it arises, it is here for a reason. If it knocks on your door, you have no choice but to let it in if you want to evolve.
Thus, when you approach life with the attitude of welcoming that which shows up in reality and being present with it as a learning process, it creates an energy of openness. In that environment, walls aren’t built. Remember that walls not only keep things out, but they stop things from coming in – like love. Here is where we introduce the concept of generosity that we wish to discuss.
Generosity begins with the ability to let things in. When you let things in, you are vulnerable in an empowered way and you connect with the totality of the universe. The universe fills you and you allow it joyfully. As the universe fills you, you eventually become so full that it overflows and you naturally give back. Giving, therefore, is not an act of duty but a natural act of love that becomes second nature. This is the true expression of generosity. A person who is truly generous is someone who feels filled with blessings because they have let those blessings in rather than built a wall of protection around them.
This quality of the awakened Lyrans came from their painful history. For millennia they were warlike and, some may say, even narcissistic in their younger eras. But as they went through their awakening process (as you are now), they began to see how closed they were, and that this closure created all of their wounds. They went through the painful process of opening in order to truly let the universe fill them. This is where you are now in your evolution. You desperately cling to protecting yourselves and staying closed; but at the same time, you are being torn open through stress, self-judgment, polarization, and trauma. As you give up resisting this opening process, the process itself becomes gentler.
This card is now beckoning to you. It is suggesting a whole new way of navigating reality that has little to do with control and resistance and everything to do with opening. Through that path, you will notice that your ability to receive from the universe grows exponentially. As you allow yourselves to receive more authentically, your generous and open nature will reveal itself in surprising ways, much as it did with your Lyran forefathers. So what can you do today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, to open yourself a little bit more?
February 2018
Card #18 | Lyra (Past) | Arrogance
This card represents one of the last tests that the Lyrans had on their way to awakening. It is also one of the biggest tests for the human species as well. You all know what arrogance looks like on the surface, but from where is it sourced?
Arrogance is an outer expression of fear – and especially a fear of one’s own weakness or powerlessness. The ego needs to feel that it is in control of reality all the time, even though that is a complete illusion. Most humans, who are relatively healthy, can keep this part of the ego in check. But for those humans who perhaps were abused, or raised in a privileged environment in which their character didn’t matter as much as status, arrogance becomes a way to express the fear that they refuse to recognize.
We have said many times that as you are moving from third-density to fourth-density consciousness, much toxic energy has to be released. This toxic energy represents all that you have denied or kept unhealed. The naturally intense energy of 4th density forces this energy to the surface for healing. It is easy to be distracted by people whose hurtful, arrogant behavior creates chaos. What needs to be understood is that this energy is based on fear, and fear does not belong to one individual. Fear, in its most primal state, is archetypal in nature and is part of the fabric of the dark side of consciousness. Until that fear is recognized and even welcomed (as a teacher), cycles of arrogance, chaos, and pain continue to repeat.
As you look on your world right now, you see some loved ones and public figures (even world leaders) acting with such childish arrogance that you wonder how the universe allows it to be. Some have said that it is like you have entered an alternate reality. In a sense, you have. You are beginning to create a reality in which all that you have denied internally is now purging itself in the external world. This is one of those evolutionary nexus points that has to be confronted. How you deal with this energy will very clearly dictate what kind of reality you will experience in the near future. Therefore, choose wisely.
If you choose the road of polarity by judging or fighting against another’s arrogance (or even your own), you will create a reality in which this type of expression only gets stronger. If you choose the road of complacency—in which you just tolerate it—you also give permission to the universe to continue the present energy dynamic. What, then, is the solution to changing the dynamic? Understanding, compassion, and genuine empathy but without validation of the behavior.
What do we mean by this? If arrogance is sourced from denied archetypal fear, then every single human also contains an aspect of that shadow consciousness. If you can get in touch with the archetypal fear within yourself that generates arrogance, it is a powerful first step. After that, can you learn to love it? We are not talking about “loving the arrogance.” We are talking about nurturing and loving the wounded part of you that is in such deep fear that it can create arrogance. Befriend it. Understand it. But never, ever validate the hurtful behavior that seeks to express that pain through arrogant actions or words.
Thus, if the arrogant behavior of a loved one, a public figure, or even yourself has become too painful to watch, the first step—the only step—is love. Once you understand that this behavior comes from fear, and that everyone shares this archetypal fear, it becomes easier to let the empathy and love flow. It doesn’t mean you have to “love” the arrogant acts; but it does mean that once you understand from where they come, that you let your heart open. In this way, you get much closer to helping transform a situation with the strength of your heart.
(We do have to stress here that this is not a mental process. Just understanding this with the mind is not enough. It will not shift you at all. The mind is only the first step. The next step is to feel the archetypal fear genuinely within you and that leads to the transformation in your heart).
It is likely that humanity will have to deal with many more manifestations of archetypal fear in the coming years, before peace will spread more fully. Therefore, we recommend learning this essential self-healing process that can make such a difference not only within you, but in the world around you. These are precarious times that every civilization transitioning to fourth density faces. Yet we know that you have all the tools within you to traverse this transition with grace and ease. It will take some hard work and sincere dedication in the midst of chaos, but you have an unseen cosmic family supporting you with infinite love.
Card #18 | Lyra (Past) | Arrogance
This card represents one of the last tests that the Lyrans had on their way to awakening. It is also one of the biggest tests for the human species as well. You all know what arrogance looks like on the surface, but from where is it sourced?
Arrogance is an outer expression of fear – and especially a fear of one’s own weakness or powerlessness. The ego needs to feel that it is in control of reality all the time, even though that is a complete illusion. Most humans, who are relatively healthy, can keep this part of the ego in check. But for those humans who perhaps were abused, or raised in a privileged environment in which their character didn’t matter as much as status, arrogance becomes a way to express the fear that they refuse to recognize.
We have said many times that as you are moving from third-density to fourth-density consciousness, much toxic energy has to be released. This toxic energy represents all that you have denied or kept unhealed. The naturally intense energy of 4th density forces this energy to the surface for healing. It is easy to be distracted by people whose hurtful, arrogant behavior creates chaos. What needs to be understood is that this energy is based on fear, and fear does not belong to one individual. Fear, in its most primal state, is archetypal in nature and is part of the fabric of the dark side of consciousness. Until that fear is recognized and even welcomed (as a teacher), cycles of arrogance, chaos, and pain continue to repeat.
As you look on your world right now, you see some loved ones and public figures (even world leaders) acting with such childish arrogance that you wonder how the universe allows it to be. Some have said that it is like you have entered an alternate reality. In a sense, you have. You are beginning to create a reality in which all that you have denied internally is now purging itself in the external world. This is one of those evolutionary nexus points that has to be confronted. How you deal with this energy will very clearly dictate what kind of reality you will experience in the near future. Therefore, choose wisely.
If you choose the road of polarity by judging or fighting against another’s arrogance (or even your own), you will create a reality in which this type of expression only gets stronger. If you choose the road of complacency—in which you just tolerate it—you also give permission to the universe to continue the present energy dynamic. What, then, is the solution to changing the dynamic? Understanding, compassion, and genuine empathy but without validation of the behavior.
What do we mean by this? If arrogance is sourced from denied archetypal fear, then every single human also contains an aspect of that shadow consciousness. If you can get in touch with the archetypal fear within yourself that generates arrogance, it is a powerful first step. After that, can you learn to love it? We are not talking about “loving the arrogance.” We are talking about nurturing and loving the wounded part of you that is in such deep fear that it can create arrogance. Befriend it. Understand it. But never, ever validate the hurtful behavior that seeks to express that pain through arrogant actions or words.
Thus, if the arrogant behavior of a loved one, a public figure, or even yourself has become too painful to watch, the first step—the only step—is love. Once you understand that this behavior comes from fear, and that everyone shares this archetypal fear, it becomes easier to let the empathy and love flow. It doesn’t mean you have to “love” the arrogant acts; but it does mean that once you understand from where they come, that you let your heart open. In this way, you get much closer to helping transform a situation with the strength of your heart.
(We do have to stress here that this is not a mental process. Just understanding this with the mind is not enough. It will not shift you at all. The mind is only the first step. The next step is to feel the archetypal fear genuinely within you and that leads to the transformation in your heart).
It is likely that humanity will have to deal with many more manifestations of archetypal fear in the coming years, before peace will spread more fully. Therefore, we recommend learning this essential self-healing process that can make such a difference not only within you, but in the world around you. These are precarious times that every civilization transitioning to fourth density faces. Yet we know that you have all the tools within you to traverse this transition with grace and ease. It will take some hard work and sincere dedication in the midst of chaos, but you have an unseen cosmic family supporting you with infinite love.
January 2018
Card #93 | Sirius (Future) | Assistance without Interference
This card, while seemingly gentle on the surface, addresses the ego need for control. When every civilization is making its transition from third to fourth density, it has to pass through this particular challenge. The civilization never transforms until it resolves this dilemma that has to do with control versus allowance. As with many of our discourses on the cards, we will address this theme as it relates to both the external and internal worlds.
In the external world and in interpersonal relationships, the heart often wants to "help." But sometimes this implies a lack of trust that a person or a group isn't experiencing what they need for their own awakening. Humans often want to change things "for the better," but who is the one who judges what is better? The ego is the only one that makes this kind of judgment. This kind of judgment is polarized because it naturally includes the belief that only the comfortable/pleasant things are good, and the uncomfortable/painful things are bad. It totally discounts the unavoidable truth that human life is both painful and pleasurable and that part of the journey of being human is to learn to navigate that duality from a place of allowance and learning rather than rejection and control.
Another aspect of this idea has to do with deeper motivations to change the external reality. A painful truth is that sometimes when one wants to change another person's reality, it isn't just because one doesn't want to see the other person suffer. Oftentimes it is because the person wanting to assist doesn't want to feel the pain of the other person, which is really one's internal pain that was there all along. Thus the ego finds crafty ways to "help," so one doesn't have to feel pain. This is a natural behavior of a third-density ego, so one doesn't have to feel shame about it. It is what it is. Humans are now slowly moving out of this phase of development and learning that ego observation (without judgment) is an important step in getting one in touch with inner motivations so that one can be truly helpful in an organic way when called upon.
This issue was one of the main wounds of your Sirian forefathers. In the early days, they desired to help human so much, but didn't realize that it was a way to avoid looking at their own pain and truly feeling it. Before realizing this, the help that they gave humanity was based on an avoidance of their own pain. Eventually, they awakened themselves by recognizing this and going through a type of emotional alchemy in which they integrated their emotional bodies. The result was that they could clearly see themselves and the difference between true assistance and interference (which is motivated by the ego). This is one of the main things the Sirian consciousness is here to assist you with now -- seeing the ego's motivations so you can free yourselves.
Let's take this idea and look at it on the internal level. So many humans are seeking to awaken themselves. But very often there is a misunderstanding that awakening means that you will be somehow lifted away from the painful things and only reside in a realm of consciousness filled with rainbows and light. Nothing could be furthest from the truth. But in this early time of awakening on your world, the ego is very active. It wants to help. It tries this tool and that tool as a way to somehow find the "right" thing that will awaken you. It pushes. It resists what is arising in reality. When things don't work, it judges and gets angry, or feels worthless. On and on it goes. This is the ego's version of awakening -- it tries to interfere in a natural process through its impatience to move faster, and its desperation to find the right button to push to awaken you. Interference in the natural flow will never lead to awakening.
In summary then, when seeking to help either yourself or another person, ask yourself these questions: Am I following the flow or attempting to swim upstream? Am I trying to circumvent my or someone else's life lesson? If so, why? What are my ego's motivations in this situation? Am I avoiding/resisting feeling something within myself? Am I experiencing impatience with the timing of things? Can I allow myself to just relax and respect what the universe has presented to me in this moment?
As you become still inside and see yourself clearly, you will begin to see that the only true option is to relax, follow the flow, and act from within in joy and spontaneity rather than acting from ego motivations. Remind yourself that this is a challenging time for all humans and have compassion for yourself. Give yourself a break! As you do these things, you will learn quite clearly the difference between interference and true assistance. Ultimately, this lesson is one of the most essential ones for individuals and your species as you begin your journey to join your galactic community.
Card #93 | Sirius (Future) | Assistance without Interference
This card, while seemingly gentle on the surface, addresses the ego need for control. When every civilization is making its transition from third to fourth density, it has to pass through this particular challenge. The civilization never transforms until it resolves this dilemma that has to do with control versus allowance. As with many of our discourses on the cards, we will address this theme as it relates to both the external and internal worlds.
In the external world and in interpersonal relationships, the heart often wants to "help." But sometimes this implies a lack of trust that a person or a group isn't experiencing what they need for their own awakening. Humans often want to change things "for the better," but who is the one who judges what is better? The ego is the only one that makes this kind of judgment. This kind of judgment is polarized because it naturally includes the belief that only the comfortable/pleasant things are good, and the uncomfortable/painful things are bad. It totally discounts the unavoidable truth that human life is both painful and pleasurable and that part of the journey of being human is to learn to navigate that duality from a place of allowance and learning rather than rejection and control.
Another aspect of this idea has to do with deeper motivations to change the external reality. A painful truth is that sometimes when one wants to change another person's reality, it isn't just because one doesn't want to see the other person suffer. Oftentimes it is because the person wanting to assist doesn't want to feel the pain of the other person, which is really one's internal pain that was there all along. Thus the ego finds crafty ways to "help," so one doesn't have to feel pain. This is a natural behavior of a third-density ego, so one doesn't have to feel shame about it. It is what it is. Humans are now slowly moving out of this phase of development and learning that ego observation (without judgment) is an important step in getting one in touch with inner motivations so that one can be truly helpful in an organic way when called upon.
This issue was one of the main wounds of your Sirian forefathers. In the early days, they desired to help human so much, but didn't realize that it was a way to avoid looking at their own pain and truly feeling it. Before realizing this, the help that they gave humanity was based on an avoidance of their own pain. Eventually, they awakened themselves by recognizing this and going through a type of emotional alchemy in which they integrated their emotional bodies. The result was that they could clearly see themselves and the difference between true assistance and interference (which is motivated by the ego). This is one of the main things the Sirian consciousness is here to assist you with now -- seeing the ego's motivations so you can free yourselves.
Let's take this idea and look at it on the internal level. So many humans are seeking to awaken themselves. But very often there is a misunderstanding that awakening means that you will be somehow lifted away from the painful things and only reside in a realm of consciousness filled with rainbows and light. Nothing could be furthest from the truth. But in this early time of awakening on your world, the ego is very active. It wants to help. It tries this tool and that tool as a way to somehow find the "right" thing that will awaken you. It pushes. It resists what is arising in reality. When things don't work, it judges and gets angry, or feels worthless. On and on it goes. This is the ego's version of awakening -- it tries to interfere in a natural process through its impatience to move faster, and its desperation to find the right button to push to awaken you. Interference in the natural flow will never lead to awakening.
In summary then, when seeking to help either yourself or another person, ask yourself these questions: Am I following the flow or attempting to swim upstream? Am I trying to circumvent my or someone else's life lesson? If so, why? What are my ego's motivations in this situation? Am I avoiding/resisting feeling something within myself? Am I experiencing impatience with the timing of things? Can I allow myself to just relax and respect what the universe has presented to me in this moment?
As you become still inside and see yourself clearly, you will begin to see that the only true option is to relax, follow the flow, and act from within in joy and spontaneity rather than acting from ego motivations. Remind yourself that this is a challenging time for all humans and have compassion for yourself. Give yourself a break! As you do these things, you will learn quite clearly the difference between interference and true assistance. Ultimately, this lesson is one of the most essential ones for individuals and your species as you begin your journey to join your galactic community.
December 2017
Card #49 | Earth (Past) | Missing Link
This card can be interpreted in numerous ways. On the surface, it represents the missing piece of the puzzle for you to understand yourselves -- that you are an extension (both genetically and spiritually) of your forefathers from the stars. This is a truth that was buried long ago in order to manage the pain of your perceived abandonment by your celestial parents. As with any wound, one of the first steps is to recognize the wound. But then it becomes important not to become trapped in the role of victim during the healing process. It becomes necessary to see the bigger picture by expanding one's perception. Without that expansion, one becomes lost in the ego's version of events that take place in physical reality.
As we discuss the meanings of this card for this month, we are not just going to focus on the issue of your unrecognized celestial connections. This is because we don't want to imply that the lesson of this card is understood through the resolution of something "out there." Instead, we wish to focus more deeply on the idea that the so-called missing link is actually something within you.
We will remind you of lessons we have given many times in the past. Your original state of consciousness is not a bunch of individual souls floating out there in the universe. Your original state is as ONE consciousness that chose to experience the illusion of fragmentation in order to see itself in myriad ways. Part of this experience required you to forget your true nature. This amnesia didn't happen because you've "fallen" or aren't spiritual enough to reactivate your memories. It happened because it was intended to be that way. Only with that amnesia could the One have the experience of deep separation. Eventually, the illusion of separation begins to shatter and the One consciousness starts emerging. It can never be stopped -- this is the way of evolution. When the separative illusions begin to shatter, the organizer of the separative experience (the ego) begins to panic. If inner work isn't done, the ego attempts to generate even more polarity and fragmentation to keep itself separated. This is where you find yourselves now as a species. A great many of you are waking up out of this dream and a great many are struggling to stay asleep, because the waking process is profoundly painful.
(We have to say here that there is a big misunderstanding about what being "asleep" really means. Many think it means being asleep to the control dramas about who is "running the show" on Earth. That is not it at all. If one thinks waking up has anything to do with understanding the power players on Earth, one is just perpetuating another layer of the dream. The human drama is part of the dream. The challenge is - can you wake to the True Self (the one neutrally watching the show), and then not get sucked into the stage play? That is awakening). We digress. Let us continue.
With what we've said above in mind, you can see why the card "Missing Link" is so important right now. The missing link represents the one piece of the puzzle that you resist embracing. For most people, it is the visceral recognition that the ego identity is merely an organizer and experiencer of physical reality that relays its experiences to the One from a separated point of view. The real you (the One) is holographic, infinite, neutral, whole and complete. There is only one One, and it represents the ultimate paradox. This is the missing link that will free you as individuals and as a species. The embracing of this missing link is the gateway that leads you solidly into fourth density and beyond. Begin to experientially recognize that the ego -- with all its neuroses and attachments -- is just a conduit through which the One experiences separation. As you begin this inner work sincerely, your consciousness will shift in ways that you cannot yet imagine. We've seen countless species walk this path of evolution -- some with joy, some with resistance, and many with fear. It is an unavoidable path. We hope that you can be comforted in the knowledge that many have walked it before you and are now supporting you behind the scenes. While it may seem you have a long way to go to make this shift, we can say that you are almost there ... in universal time, that is! ;-)
Card #49 | Earth (Past) | Missing Link
This card can be interpreted in numerous ways. On the surface, it represents the missing piece of the puzzle for you to understand yourselves -- that you are an extension (both genetically and spiritually) of your forefathers from the stars. This is a truth that was buried long ago in order to manage the pain of your perceived abandonment by your celestial parents. As with any wound, one of the first steps is to recognize the wound. But then it becomes important not to become trapped in the role of victim during the healing process. It becomes necessary to see the bigger picture by expanding one's perception. Without that expansion, one becomes lost in the ego's version of events that take place in physical reality.
As we discuss the meanings of this card for this month, we are not just going to focus on the issue of your unrecognized celestial connections. This is because we don't want to imply that the lesson of this card is understood through the resolution of something "out there." Instead, we wish to focus more deeply on the idea that the so-called missing link is actually something within you.
We will remind you of lessons we have given many times in the past. Your original state of consciousness is not a bunch of individual souls floating out there in the universe. Your original state is as ONE consciousness that chose to experience the illusion of fragmentation in order to see itself in myriad ways. Part of this experience required you to forget your true nature. This amnesia didn't happen because you've "fallen" or aren't spiritual enough to reactivate your memories. It happened because it was intended to be that way. Only with that amnesia could the One have the experience of deep separation. Eventually, the illusion of separation begins to shatter and the One consciousness starts emerging. It can never be stopped -- this is the way of evolution. When the separative illusions begin to shatter, the organizer of the separative experience (the ego) begins to panic. If inner work isn't done, the ego attempts to generate even more polarity and fragmentation to keep itself separated. This is where you find yourselves now as a species. A great many of you are waking up out of this dream and a great many are struggling to stay asleep, because the waking process is profoundly painful.
(We have to say here that there is a big misunderstanding about what being "asleep" really means. Many think it means being asleep to the control dramas about who is "running the show" on Earth. That is not it at all. If one thinks waking up has anything to do with understanding the power players on Earth, one is just perpetuating another layer of the dream. The human drama is part of the dream. The challenge is - can you wake to the True Self (the one neutrally watching the show), and then not get sucked into the stage play? That is awakening). We digress. Let us continue.
With what we've said above in mind, you can see why the card "Missing Link" is so important right now. The missing link represents the one piece of the puzzle that you resist embracing. For most people, it is the visceral recognition that the ego identity is merely an organizer and experiencer of physical reality that relays its experiences to the One from a separated point of view. The real you (the One) is holographic, infinite, neutral, whole and complete. There is only one One, and it represents the ultimate paradox. This is the missing link that will free you as individuals and as a species. The embracing of this missing link is the gateway that leads you solidly into fourth density and beyond. Begin to experientially recognize that the ego -- with all its neuroses and attachments -- is just a conduit through which the One experiences separation. As you begin this inner work sincerely, your consciousness will shift in ways that you cannot yet imagine. We've seen countless species walk this path of evolution -- some with joy, some with resistance, and many with fear. It is an unavoidable path. We hope that you can be comforted in the knowledge that many have walked it before you and are now supporting you behind the scenes. While it may seem you have a long way to go to make this shift, we can say that you are almost there ... in universal time, that is! ;-)
November 2017
Card #75 | Earth (Future) | Melting Pot
We once again pick up the thread that we have been discussing about diversity, uniqueness, and the importance of loving and accepting all of the seemingly "separate" parts of each other and oneself. In a previous text, we talked about how one cannot ever really touch the True Self without first accepting, owning, and valuing one's uniqueness. The energy of this card continues with that idea, on both the microcosmic and macrocosmic levels.
First let us look at the microcosmic level. Within all humans in a physical reality, there appears to be a collection of separate parts. Emotions are over here, the mind is in the other direction, and the body ends up being the repository for unhealed and unrecognized energy and emotion. Even within the emotions there appears to be separate expressions -- love, jealousy, anger, compassion, envy, and on it goes. Humans, especially in third density, are tortured by these seemingly conflicted parts of the self. But as you begin to move into fourth density as you now are, an interesting process begins to happen. Emotions begin to overlap. You start feeling beauty in the pain, for example. This is because in 4th density, the new energy cannot sustain continued separation of polarized emotion without tearing the person apart. So, the emotions begin integrating. This is one way to look at the idea of "melting pot" that is the metaphor for this card.
In some of our transmissions about emotion, many of you have heard us use the soup analogy. In third density, reality is like a vegetable soup. You have carrots, onions, and tomatoes all floating around in the soup with separate identities. This is what makes third density so appealing for a consciousness to want to incarnate -- because it gets to experience and savor the uniqueness of the separate parts. But as you move into 4th density, the soup begins to become creamy, where all the separate parts begin to blend. You don't get the sharp, separate flavors in the same way as you do in 3rd density. Thus, emotions overlap. They can also seem as if they become stronger, especially if you are not doing your internal work.
This is what we mean by "melting pot" on a microcosmic level. You have already begun this blending process where the sharp definitions of your experience (especially the polarized ones) are now beginning to blend. This can cause resistance, disorientation and confusion, which is very natural. This is why this card is labeled "Future." It represents the current and future consciousness integration of your species. This integration first starts on the internal levels within the emotional body. As you become more and more relaxed and accepting of this change (and give up the habitual need to control your reality), this idea of integration spreads outward to the macrocosmic level into your world. It is then that you will see more comfort with embracing diversity rather than being threatened by it.
As you can well imagine, the future potential for your species is a melting pot indeed. You are influenced (both genetically and socially) by a wide variety of extraterrestrial species. Your diversity, easily embraced on the future Earth, will become a strength and a model for younger galactic species as they, too, go through their growing pains. But the first step is to facilitate the integration from within. From that first step, all roads are open to you to reach your full potential as a species. This is the potential that your forefathers envisioned for you and the reason why they have cherished and nurtured you since your inception. For now, the way forward is inward. But remember that you are never alone.
Card #75 | Earth (Future) | Melting Pot
We once again pick up the thread that we have been discussing about diversity, uniqueness, and the importance of loving and accepting all of the seemingly "separate" parts of each other and oneself. In a previous text, we talked about how one cannot ever really touch the True Self without first accepting, owning, and valuing one's uniqueness. The energy of this card continues with that idea, on both the microcosmic and macrocosmic levels.
First let us look at the microcosmic level. Within all humans in a physical reality, there appears to be a collection of separate parts. Emotions are over here, the mind is in the other direction, and the body ends up being the repository for unhealed and unrecognized energy and emotion. Even within the emotions there appears to be separate expressions -- love, jealousy, anger, compassion, envy, and on it goes. Humans, especially in third density, are tortured by these seemingly conflicted parts of the self. But as you begin to move into fourth density as you now are, an interesting process begins to happen. Emotions begin to overlap. You start feeling beauty in the pain, for example. This is because in 4th density, the new energy cannot sustain continued separation of polarized emotion without tearing the person apart. So, the emotions begin integrating. This is one way to look at the idea of "melting pot" that is the metaphor for this card.
In some of our transmissions about emotion, many of you have heard us use the soup analogy. In third density, reality is like a vegetable soup. You have carrots, onions, and tomatoes all floating around in the soup with separate identities. This is what makes third density so appealing for a consciousness to want to incarnate -- because it gets to experience and savor the uniqueness of the separate parts. But as you move into 4th density, the soup begins to become creamy, where all the separate parts begin to blend. You don't get the sharp, separate flavors in the same way as you do in 3rd density. Thus, emotions overlap. They can also seem as if they become stronger, especially if you are not doing your internal work.
This is what we mean by "melting pot" on a microcosmic level. You have already begun this blending process where the sharp definitions of your experience (especially the polarized ones) are now beginning to blend. This can cause resistance, disorientation and confusion, which is very natural. This is why this card is labeled "Future." It represents the current and future consciousness integration of your species. This integration first starts on the internal levels within the emotional body. As you become more and more relaxed and accepting of this change (and give up the habitual need to control your reality), this idea of integration spreads outward to the macrocosmic level into your world. It is then that you will see more comfort with embracing diversity rather than being threatened by it.
As you can well imagine, the future potential for your species is a melting pot indeed. You are influenced (both genetically and socially) by a wide variety of extraterrestrial species. Your diversity, easily embraced on the future Earth, will become a strength and a model for younger galactic species as they, too, go through their growing pains. But the first step is to facilitate the integration from within. From that first step, all roads are open to you to reach your full potential as a species. This is the potential that your forefathers envisioned for you and the reason why they have cherished and nurtured you since your inception. For now, the way forward is inward. But remember that you are never alone.
October 2017
Card #85 | Cetacean-Dolphin (Parallel) | Living in the Now
We wish to pick up the thread from last month's card about embracing uniqueness and diversity and moving away from conformity. Conformity is based on an attachment to the past and a fear of the future. It roots you to the illusion of the time continuum. Conformity is a solidly third-density concept that stops one from accessing and expressing the True Self. While it had its place to help your species survive in the ancient past, it is no longer useful when consciousness begins to evolve.
We have spoken many times about Earth's transition to fourth-density -- a state of consciousness that begins healing polarity and facilitating inner integration. As long as a civilization is attached to the constructs of linear time, it will never be free. This is one of the attachments that 3rd density species begin to release as they move to 4th density. It is also one of the hardest attachments to release and the releasing process is a long one. This is because linear time provides structure. It provides shape and form within an otherwise confusing reality. But it is just an illusion that helps separated consciousness make sense of the intense realm it finds itself within, so painfully separated from the One.
As your civilization begins its transition to 4th density, many of you are finding that your relationship to time is changing. You feel that the hours in the day seem different and that the more you focus on time the more stuck, angry, and frustrated you feel. This is a byproduct of the consciousness expansion that is taking place as you move into 4th density. This temporary frustration is just that - temporary. Consciousness is not linear, nor is it bound in time. Thus, as consciousness expands, it, in a sense, breaks the chains that have bound it to third density. As it goes through this transitional phase, feelings of confusion and frustration are naturally a part of this long process. Yet even amidst the maelstrom of confusion, there are glimmers of a higher order, a symmetry, a flow that is unbound to time.
Before your extraterrestrial family walks openly on this Earth, humans need guides to help them begin to navigate this new realm of unbound consciousness that is beginning to blossom in the human collective. You have had these guides all along and yet only some of you have noticed them. These are the cetaceans that swim in the vast oceans of Earth. Most of you have long realized that they are not "fish!"Dolphins and whales play a very important role in helping humans begin to let go of the addiction to time and form. They teach you the meaning of the eternal Now. In the realm of the One (your true state of consciousness), there is no time. There are no attachments to the past or fears of the future. There is only the Now. Dolphins embody this 4th-density frequency and have done so for quite some time. Through physical and nonphysical interaction with them, they act as mentors for your tentative steps into a 4th-density consciousness.
Let yourselves embrace this confusing time. Form and structure are transforming to a higher expression that more suits a 4th density species. This transformation (and your experience of it) cannot be controlled. Suffering will come the more you try to control. Instead, we recommend looking to your dolphin friends and learning from their fluid nature. Anyone who has physically interacted with dolphins has experienced how solidly rooted in the present moment they are. This is the key to your inner freedom. This is a model for 4th-density consciousness. We recommend practicing some form of NOW training every day. The easiest place to start is with the breath. Just be with the breath. Here and now. The past and future will take care of themselves.
Card #85 | Cetacean-Dolphin (Parallel) | Living in the Now
We wish to pick up the thread from last month's card about embracing uniqueness and diversity and moving away from conformity. Conformity is based on an attachment to the past and a fear of the future. It roots you to the illusion of the time continuum. Conformity is a solidly third-density concept that stops one from accessing and expressing the True Self. While it had its place to help your species survive in the ancient past, it is no longer useful when consciousness begins to evolve.
We have spoken many times about Earth's transition to fourth-density -- a state of consciousness that begins healing polarity and facilitating inner integration. As long as a civilization is attached to the constructs of linear time, it will never be free. This is one of the attachments that 3rd density species begin to release as they move to 4th density. It is also one of the hardest attachments to release and the releasing process is a long one. This is because linear time provides structure. It provides shape and form within an otherwise confusing reality. But it is just an illusion that helps separated consciousness make sense of the intense realm it finds itself within, so painfully separated from the One.
As your civilization begins its transition to 4th density, many of you are finding that your relationship to time is changing. You feel that the hours in the day seem different and that the more you focus on time the more stuck, angry, and frustrated you feel. This is a byproduct of the consciousness expansion that is taking place as you move into 4th density. This temporary frustration is just that - temporary. Consciousness is not linear, nor is it bound in time. Thus, as consciousness expands, it, in a sense, breaks the chains that have bound it to third density. As it goes through this transitional phase, feelings of confusion and frustration are naturally a part of this long process. Yet even amidst the maelstrom of confusion, there are glimmers of a higher order, a symmetry, a flow that is unbound to time.
Before your extraterrestrial family walks openly on this Earth, humans need guides to help them begin to navigate this new realm of unbound consciousness that is beginning to blossom in the human collective. You have had these guides all along and yet only some of you have noticed them. These are the cetaceans that swim in the vast oceans of Earth. Most of you have long realized that they are not "fish!"Dolphins and whales play a very important role in helping humans begin to let go of the addiction to time and form. They teach you the meaning of the eternal Now. In the realm of the One (your true state of consciousness), there is no time. There are no attachments to the past or fears of the future. There is only the Now. Dolphins embody this 4th-density frequency and have done so for quite some time. Through physical and nonphysical interaction with them, they act as mentors for your tentative steps into a 4th-density consciousness.
Let yourselves embrace this confusing time. Form and structure are transforming to a higher expression that more suits a 4th density species. This transformation (and your experience of it) cannot be controlled. Suffering will come the more you try to control. Instead, we recommend looking to your dolphin friends and learning from their fluid nature. Anyone who has physically interacted with dolphins has experienced how solidly rooted in the present moment they are. This is the key to your inner freedom. This is a model for 4th-density consciousness. We recommend practicing some form of NOW training every day. The easiest place to start is with the breath. Just be with the breath. Here and now. The past and future will take care of themselves.
September 2017
Card #66 | Pleiades (Present, 2nd Era) | Sharing Cultural Ideals
For last month's card, Graduation (#76), we mentioned a big shift in energy on a collective and individual scale. It may or may not have been obvious, but this shift in energy has now made the energy of this card possible. This Pleiadian card refers to the necessary step in evolution in which individuals and cultures begin to feel a freedom to share who they naturally are, without fearing judgment.
One of the biggest sources of pain on your world has to do with not allowing one's true nature to express freely. This, too, is a paradox. You have two selves - the illusionary human personality expression (the little you) and the True Self (the Big You) that is a reflection of the holographic quantum nature of the One consciousness. Even though the little you is an illusion and the Big You is true, the experience of separateness in physicality is an essential initiatory step (so to speak) that moves you toward the embracing of your true nature. Thus, when one denies physicality -- including the individual unique expressions of the One as it manifests in human form -- the connection with the Big You suffers and can never really be felt. This is what we mean by it being a paradox. You can never really become the Big You (the quantum you) without first embracing the individual, quirky, unique human being.
All civilizations go through periods in which conformity is necessary for survival. But once a civilization reaches a certain level of development when communities are not necessary for physical survival, everything changes. People begin to feel constricted. When the celebration of uniqueness (the very reason for separating from source), is not honored, you begin to see toxicity in a society. Depression, anxiety, and narcissism are toxic expressions of an individual or a society that was never really allowed to express in an organic, truthful way. This is why we say it is a paradox. You have to first embrace your uniqueness and diversity before you can actually return to the One.
Your society is on the brink of making this shift. You have had moments when diversity has been celebrated and then the energy swings back into fear of those who are different. We don't have to point out the obvious: It will be very hard to create interplanetary relationships when you cannot even embrace your neighbor, or the parts of yourself that you fear. So as usual, the message of this card is on two levels -- the individual and the collective.
On the individual level, it is time now for each of you to not only discover who your unique human self is, but to celebrate it in a nonegoic way. Perhaps society, parents, and religion have told you who you should be. You know in your heart that this doesn't work. The people to whom you are most drawn are usually those who feel comfortable with themselves and express their uniqueness without reservation. The mind will tell you that a society with too many individuals will be chaotic. But the paradox is that when you have a society filled with individuals who joyfully support the unique expression of everyone, that society lives in great harmony. But how does this lead you back to the One?
Once you have a society that cannot only allow but celebrate unique expression and individuality, people begin to feel free. In that freedom, they then begin to feel the energy that unifies them -- the One consciousness of which everyone is a part. This One consciousness is infinitely accepting of all. Quantum vision begins expanding until there is a clear understanding of the nature of human existence as part of the One. Individuals then loosen their grip on the individual human expression and gravitate toward their true nature of the One. This is how the collective begins to shift. But it starts on the individual level.
Therefore the message of this card is, as you say, to let your freak flag fly. Be who you are! And if you don't yet know who you are, then this is your essential homework -- find out. Go into the fear of exposure, of persecution, and confront it head on. As this fear and pain heals, the unique human emerges. Allow that unique human to be loved and valued. Reach out and embrace others who struggle with this and begin to feel the energy that unifies you. This unifying energy is the thread to follow, and it will always take you back to the One.
Card #66 | Pleiades (Present, 2nd Era) | Sharing Cultural Ideals
For last month's card, Graduation (#76), we mentioned a big shift in energy on a collective and individual scale. It may or may not have been obvious, but this shift in energy has now made the energy of this card possible. This Pleiadian card refers to the necessary step in evolution in which individuals and cultures begin to feel a freedom to share who they naturally are, without fearing judgment.
One of the biggest sources of pain on your world has to do with not allowing one's true nature to express freely. This, too, is a paradox. You have two selves - the illusionary human personality expression (the little you) and the True Self (the Big You) that is a reflection of the holographic quantum nature of the One consciousness. Even though the little you is an illusion and the Big You is true, the experience of separateness in physicality is an essential initiatory step (so to speak) that moves you toward the embracing of your true nature. Thus, when one denies physicality -- including the individual unique expressions of the One as it manifests in human form -- the connection with the Big You suffers and can never really be felt. This is what we mean by it being a paradox. You can never really become the Big You (the quantum you) without first embracing the individual, quirky, unique human being.
All civilizations go through periods in which conformity is necessary for survival. But once a civilization reaches a certain level of development when communities are not necessary for physical survival, everything changes. People begin to feel constricted. When the celebration of uniqueness (the very reason for separating from source), is not honored, you begin to see toxicity in a society. Depression, anxiety, and narcissism are toxic expressions of an individual or a society that was never really allowed to express in an organic, truthful way. This is why we say it is a paradox. You have to first embrace your uniqueness and diversity before you can actually return to the One.
Your society is on the brink of making this shift. You have had moments when diversity has been celebrated and then the energy swings back into fear of those who are different. We don't have to point out the obvious: It will be very hard to create interplanetary relationships when you cannot even embrace your neighbor, or the parts of yourself that you fear. So as usual, the message of this card is on two levels -- the individual and the collective.
On the individual level, it is time now for each of you to not only discover who your unique human self is, but to celebrate it in a nonegoic way. Perhaps society, parents, and religion have told you who you should be. You know in your heart that this doesn't work. The people to whom you are most drawn are usually those who feel comfortable with themselves and express their uniqueness without reservation. The mind will tell you that a society with too many individuals will be chaotic. But the paradox is that when you have a society filled with individuals who joyfully support the unique expression of everyone, that society lives in great harmony. But how does this lead you back to the One?
Once you have a society that cannot only allow but celebrate unique expression and individuality, people begin to feel free. In that freedom, they then begin to feel the energy that unifies them -- the One consciousness of which everyone is a part. This One consciousness is infinitely accepting of all. Quantum vision begins expanding until there is a clear understanding of the nature of human existence as part of the One. Individuals then loosen their grip on the individual human expression and gravitate toward their true nature of the One. This is how the collective begins to shift. But it starts on the individual level.
Therefore the message of this card is, as you say, to let your freak flag fly. Be who you are! And if you don't yet know who you are, then this is your essential homework -- find out. Go into the fear of exposure, of persecution, and confront it head on. As this fear and pain heals, the unique human emerges. Allow that unique human to be loved and valued. Reach out and embrace others who struggle with this and begin to feel the energy that unifies you. This unifying energy is the thread to follow, and it will always take you back to the One.
August 2017
Card #76 | Earth (Future) | Graduation
In many of these card texts, we've spoken about polarity, the shadow, fear, and the other experiences you have in a human reality. Any time we speak about these things, we are imploring you to develop a razor-sharp ability to see yourself clearly with nonjudgment, self-acceptance, and love. But now it is time to talk about the other side of the coin.
When one develops clear inner vision, it is not just about seeing one's shadow. It also has to do with seeing one's light. It has to do with learning to recognize when a cycle completes or a lesson finishes. When you can see these important markers on your path, you must learn to let go. When a cycle finishes, do you still cling? Or can you walk away and be free?
The underlying energy of this card (and the timing of this writing) is pointing toward a significant passage, not only in the mass consciousness but in your inner selves as well. This cycle on Earth is about completion, and finishing what has been left undone or unhealed. This card is coming up now to highlight one of those significant passages. First, we will talk about it on a mass consciousness level.
On the collective level, we see that the energy flow is pushing you toward a release of an old self-sabotaging, polarized, and delusional belief system based on fear. This collective pattern has been instrumental in the feelings of energetic pressure many of you have felt over the last many months, but have mistakenly attributed to something within yourself only. It is not only within you, but it is a force bubbling up to the surface in the collective energy. As we sense the energy at the time of this writing (May 2017), August is a significant month for a big shift in a collective belief pattern. Let's see how it plays out. When we read energy trends in this way they often can shift. This collective pressure is building and will eventually lead to a release. How will this release happen? It may be a scandal, it may be a big world event that forces humans to shift their attention in a different way. It is impossible to forecast the details, but suffice it to say, there is an energy pressure building that will be released soon in a way that you do not expect.
If the collective consciousness of your world successfully shifts its attention in a more compassionate and integrative way, this is the energy of "graduation" that we sense. You will have successfully moved your attention away from the distractive events of the world to something that accelerates your growth in powerful ways. That is the potential.
On the personal level, you are always affected by the energy of the mass consciousness. Thus, your personal graduation has a lot to do with how able you are to shift your attention away from the drama and distraction to, instead, a heightened awareness of your own consciousness as seen from a nondual perspective. As the energy shifts on the collective level, you will find that you have more energy and a clearer focus for your personal journey. People may actually even begin to lose the craving to project their pain onto others (such as in social media) and begin to tend their own gardens instead. While this may sound impossible, remember that it starts on a seed level first. You may also find that an unresolved issue or a personal pain that you've carried begins to shift. If it does, recognize it and water the seed so it can sprout into healing.
It is as important to see your shadow as it is to see your light. Recognize these healing shifts you make within yourself. You can do this in a way that is not egoic. These little recognitions are important along your path. However as with any graduation, remember that there is always another set of lessons on their way. Meanwhile, we send our congratulations for the graduation you are experiencing in the now moment!
Card #76 | Earth (Future) | Graduation
In many of these card texts, we've spoken about polarity, the shadow, fear, and the other experiences you have in a human reality. Any time we speak about these things, we are imploring you to develop a razor-sharp ability to see yourself clearly with nonjudgment, self-acceptance, and love. But now it is time to talk about the other side of the coin.
When one develops clear inner vision, it is not just about seeing one's shadow. It also has to do with seeing one's light. It has to do with learning to recognize when a cycle completes or a lesson finishes. When you can see these important markers on your path, you must learn to let go. When a cycle finishes, do you still cling? Or can you walk away and be free?
The underlying energy of this card (and the timing of this writing) is pointing toward a significant passage, not only in the mass consciousness but in your inner selves as well. This cycle on Earth is about completion, and finishing what has been left undone or unhealed. This card is coming up now to highlight one of those significant passages. First, we will talk about it on a mass consciousness level.
On the collective level, we see that the energy flow is pushing you toward a release of an old self-sabotaging, polarized, and delusional belief system based on fear. This collective pattern has been instrumental in the feelings of energetic pressure many of you have felt over the last many months, but have mistakenly attributed to something within yourself only. It is not only within you, but it is a force bubbling up to the surface in the collective energy. As we sense the energy at the time of this writing (May 2017), August is a significant month for a big shift in a collective belief pattern. Let's see how it plays out. When we read energy trends in this way they often can shift. This collective pressure is building and will eventually lead to a release. How will this release happen? It may be a scandal, it may be a big world event that forces humans to shift their attention in a different way. It is impossible to forecast the details, but suffice it to say, there is an energy pressure building that will be released soon in a way that you do not expect.
If the collective consciousness of your world successfully shifts its attention in a more compassionate and integrative way, this is the energy of "graduation" that we sense. You will have successfully moved your attention away from the distractive events of the world to something that accelerates your growth in powerful ways. That is the potential.
On the personal level, you are always affected by the energy of the mass consciousness. Thus, your personal graduation has a lot to do with how able you are to shift your attention away from the drama and distraction to, instead, a heightened awareness of your own consciousness as seen from a nondual perspective. As the energy shifts on the collective level, you will find that you have more energy and a clearer focus for your personal journey. People may actually even begin to lose the craving to project their pain onto others (such as in social media) and begin to tend their own gardens instead. While this may sound impossible, remember that it starts on a seed level first. You may also find that an unresolved issue or a personal pain that you've carried begins to shift. If it does, recognize it and water the seed so it can sprout into healing.
It is as important to see your shadow as it is to see your light. Recognize these healing shifts you make within yourself. You can do this in a way that is not egoic. These little recognitions are important along your path. However as with any graduation, remember that there is always another set of lessons on their way. Meanwhile, we send our congratulations for the graduation you are experiencing in the now moment!
July 2017
Card #42 | Pleiades (Past) | Blind Enthusiasm
Once again, the Pleiades energy is coming up to assist humanity in its evolutionary process. As many of you know, one of the core wounds of the ancient Pleiadian civilization was the fear of the shadow. This caused them to become very unbalanced -- focusing only on the positive (and what they wanted to see), instead of recognizing and embracing the dual nature of reality.
It appears to humans right now on your world that there is a deep split between polarities. Many have said that they feel the forces of separation and fear are becoming stronger, as evidenced by world events. However, that is only an illusion. Negativity and the shadow have always existed but there have been great efforts to keep them hidden. At some point, pushing down negativity becomes impossible -- much like keeping too many beach balls submerged under water. Eventually, the pressure builds and the negativity has to pop up into the visible realm. When this happens, it may appear that the shadow is "winning" but in reality, it is simply a sign that what was submerged is coming into recognition. You are seeing this on your world now. And of course, on the other end of the spectrum, there is tremendous positive energy being birthed into your reality; but it gains less attention than the drama does.
As this dynamic plays out, the human consciousness begins to respond. For those who have done deep inner spiritual work, they won't fear the darkness. They allow it to play out, and attempt to integrate both the shadow and the light as two valuable forces not only within the psyche but within the collective consciousness as well.
What about those people who don't have a spiritual foundation or who still view reality in a polarized way? There are many on your world who intensely fear their own shadow. Perhaps they have even misunderstood the concept of "you create your reality." Reality isn't created by the ego mind at all. It isn't created by a desire of the personality. It is created by the most intense force one is carrying, be it fear, love, or denial. The force of attraction brings to you a reflection of the strongest force within you. This is the lesson that the Pleiadians learned so long ago.
In the old days, the young Pleiadians chased only the light and made choices based on what made them feel good, with no regard for balance or a true understanding of the dual nature of reality. There is a big difference between the concept of "following your excitement" in an authentic way, and creating a false illusion to protect one from seeing what one doesn't want to see -- namely, the shadow. Thus, there is a big challenge facing humanity at this time. In order to ease the pain of the seeming polarity erupting all around, many are creating illusionary realities in which a veneer of positivity covers over what one doesn't want to see or feel. (For example: When one says or feels a negative thought, they counter with a positive affirmation to somehow control the outcome of the negative energy expression. This only serves to build the internal pressure of the shadow).
This card's theme is Blind Enthusiasm. While we could interpret it in several ways, today we are going to use it as a caution that is based on the deep lesson your Pleiadian forefathers learned. See and embrace reality as it is. Your ego will never be able to control reality, period. Do more than embrace the shadow, but see its encounter as a way to further your evolution. Do not run from it because it is the wisest teacher you will ever encounter. If you do this, you will have no need to create a positive veneer to cover over what you fear most. Beings have a tendency to act in blindly enthusiastic ways when they don't want to accept a possible painful outcome. But all events -- positive or negative -- are your teacher and they will find you with or without your cooperation. Keep your eyes open beyond the duality. As you do, the two human eyes of duality become the single eye of the One -- the only true consciousness in all of creation. That is your True Self.
Card #42 | Pleiades (Past) | Blind Enthusiasm
Once again, the Pleiades energy is coming up to assist humanity in its evolutionary process. As many of you know, one of the core wounds of the ancient Pleiadian civilization was the fear of the shadow. This caused them to become very unbalanced -- focusing only on the positive (and what they wanted to see), instead of recognizing and embracing the dual nature of reality.
It appears to humans right now on your world that there is a deep split between polarities. Many have said that they feel the forces of separation and fear are becoming stronger, as evidenced by world events. However, that is only an illusion. Negativity and the shadow have always existed but there have been great efforts to keep them hidden. At some point, pushing down negativity becomes impossible -- much like keeping too many beach balls submerged under water. Eventually, the pressure builds and the negativity has to pop up into the visible realm. When this happens, it may appear that the shadow is "winning" but in reality, it is simply a sign that what was submerged is coming into recognition. You are seeing this on your world now. And of course, on the other end of the spectrum, there is tremendous positive energy being birthed into your reality; but it gains less attention than the drama does.
As this dynamic plays out, the human consciousness begins to respond. For those who have done deep inner spiritual work, they won't fear the darkness. They allow it to play out, and attempt to integrate both the shadow and the light as two valuable forces not only within the psyche but within the collective consciousness as well.
What about those people who don't have a spiritual foundation or who still view reality in a polarized way? There are many on your world who intensely fear their own shadow. Perhaps they have even misunderstood the concept of "you create your reality." Reality isn't created by the ego mind at all. It isn't created by a desire of the personality. It is created by the most intense force one is carrying, be it fear, love, or denial. The force of attraction brings to you a reflection of the strongest force within you. This is the lesson that the Pleiadians learned so long ago.
In the old days, the young Pleiadians chased only the light and made choices based on what made them feel good, with no regard for balance or a true understanding of the dual nature of reality. There is a big difference between the concept of "following your excitement" in an authentic way, and creating a false illusion to protect one from seeing what one doesn't want to see -- namely, the shadow. Thus, there is a big challenge facing humanity at this time. In order to ease the pain of the seeming polarity erupting all around, many are creating illusionary realities in which a veneer of positivity covers over what one doesn't want to see or feel. (For example: When one says or feels a negative thought, they counter with a positive affirmation to somehow control the outcome of the negative energy expression. This only serves to build the internal pressure of the shadow).
This card's theme is Blind Enthusiasm. While we could interpret it in several ways, today we are going to use it as a caution that is based on the deep lesson your Pleiadian forefathers learned. See and embrace reality as it is. Your ego will never be able to control reality, period. Do more than embrace the shadow, but see its encounter as a way to further your evolution. Do not run from it because it is the wisest teacher you will ever encounter. If you do this, you will have no need to create a positive veneer to cover over what you fear most. Beings have a tendency to act in blindly enthusiastic ways when they don't want to accept a possible painful outcome. But all events -- positive or negative -- are your teacher and they will find you with or without your cooperation. Keep your eyes open beyond the duality. As you do, the two human eyes of duality become the single eye of the One -- the only true consciousness in all of creation. That is your True Self.
June 2017
Card #53 | Earth (Present) | Belief Systems
Let us revisit a lesson that we've given many times in many ways -- that of the original fragmentation of consciousness. From its original state of wholeness, the One consciousness wished to have the experience of separation and to learn what it is like not to remember its true nature. Thus began the long journey of holographic fragmentation and integration on the way back to total remembrance and back to the One. This fragmentation made it possible for you to have singular lives here on Earth as seemingly separate beings and to forget the holographic nature of the One you that you are. Now imagine that this fragmentation of consciousness is like walking into one of those fun-house mirror rooms, where every reflection of you in hundreds of mirrors is distorted. To complicate matters, the disorientation is so great, that you eventually forget that you are in that fun house, and you begin to identify with the distorted reflections of yourself instead of the One true you that wished to have this separated experience in the first place!
In that place of disorientation, the force that you call "ego" has to be created in order to anchor you into one experience so that you can orient yourself in this realm of amnesia. This means that ego must choose one of the distorted mirrors with which to identify. Once it does, it builds its human life according to the distortions of this particular mirror, all the while convincing itself that it, alone, has the truer point of view. This delusion gets deeper until the suffering that is generated from such a distorted identification reaches such pain that the individual begins to awaken from the distortion, perhaps even remembering the One consciousness that is its source.
What we've just described is the role of belief systems, which are the distorted mirror reflections. The cause of particular belief systems is unimportant; they can be passed to you from society or parents, or even formed from painful childhood or past life experiences. What is more important to understand about belief systems is their nature -- that they are a direct result of the distortion created from the original fragmentation. Lifetime after lifetime they are reinforced until the person eventually remembers that they are standing in that hall of mirrors and only seeing their own distorted reflection. This awareness is the first step of the awakening process. As this awareness dawns, there may be a sense of shame or self-judgment when one sees that they have been basically defending this distortion through their rigid attachment to their point of view and sense of self. That, too, is one of the first steps of awakening. Of course, it is important to not get stuck in that place of self-blame.
This card is expressing the final and most important challenge and test that is left for humanity (individually and collectively) before breaking through to a new level of consciousness. In the deck, the next card numerically (#54, the halfway point through the cards) is "New Consciousness." Awakening oneself to the point of recognizing your own distortions without judgment is the beginning of mastery and eventual enlightenment. It is not an easy task. One cannot see one's distortions from a place of distortion! Thus, one has to learn to rise above distortion, into one's quantum nature, in order to see oneself clearly.
Therefore, the message of this card is a key for humanity's evolution. The single most important spiritual priority is to learn to see and identify your distortions (belief systems) without judgment. Very often, these belief systems reside in the unconscious and evade conscious recognition. This task may feel like getting lost in a labyrinth, and it may seem endless when you try to tackle it from the mental, linear, logical level. Instead, through meditation, prayer, and simple openness and gentleness with yourself, you can move your awareness to the quantum, integrated level of consciousness (the "One") in which the distortions cease. Experiencing that true One consciousness that you are, even for 1 second, is a beautiful start. It only grows from there. When one sees their own distortions without judgment, compassion for others blossoms and thereby conflict lessens. This is why it is a key not only for your world, but for yourself as a human being. It is the key that opens the door to your journey Home.
Card #53 | Earth (Present) | Belief Systems
Let us revisit a lesson that we've given many times in many ways -- that of the original fragmentation of consciousness. From its original state of wholeness, the One consciousness wished to have the experience of separation and to learn what it is like not to remember its true nature. Thus began the long journey of holographic fragmentation and integration on the way back to total remembrance and back to the One. This fragmentation made it possible for you to have singular lives here on Earth as seemingly separate beings and to forget the holographic nature of the One you that you are. Now imagine that this fragmentation of consciousness is like walking into one of those fun-house mirror rooms, where every reflection of you in hundreds of mirrors is distorted. To complicate matters, the disorientation is so great, that you eventually forget that you are in that fun house, and you begin to identify with the distorted reflections of yourself instead of the One true you that wished to have this separated experience in the first place!
In that place of disorientation, the force that you call "ego" has to be created in order to anchor you into one experience so that you can orient yourself in this realm of amnesia. This means that ego must choose one of the distorted mirrors with which to identify. Once it does, it builds its human life according to the distortions of this particular mirror, all the while convincing itself that it, alone, has the truer point of view. This delusion gets deeper until the suffering that is generated from such a distorted identification reaches such pain that the individual begins to awaken from the distortion, perhaps even remembering the One consciousness that is its source.
What we've just described is the role of belief systems, which are the distorted mirror reflections. The cause of particular belief systems is unimportant; they can be passed to you from society or parents, or even formed from painful childhood or past life experiences. What is more important to understand about belief systems is their nature -- that they are a direct result of the distortion created from the original fragmentation. Lifetime after lifetime they are reinforced until the person eventually remembers that they are standing in that hall of mirrors and only seeing their own distorted reflection. This awareness is the first step of the awakening process. As this awareness dawns, there may be a sense of shame or self-judgment when one sees that they have been basically defending this distortion through their rigid attachment to their point of view and sense of self. That, too, is one of the first steps of awakening. Of course, it is important to not get stuck in that place of self-blame.
This card is expressing the final and most important challenge and test that is left for humanity (individually and collectively) before breaking through to a new level of consciousness. In the deck, the next card numerically (#54, the halfway point through the cards) is "New Consciousness." Awakening oneself to the point of recognizing your own distortions without judgment is the beginning of mastery and eventual enlightenment. It is not an easy task. One cannot see one's distortions from a place of distortion! Thus, one has to learn to rise above distortion, into one's quantum nature, in order to see oneself clearly.
Therefore, the message of this card is a key for humanity's evolution. The single most important spiritual priority is to learn to see and identify your distortions (belief systems) without judgment. Very often, these belief systems reside in the unconscious and evade conscious recognition. This task may feel like getting lost in a labyrinth, and it may seem endless when you try to tackle it from the mental, linear, logical level. Instead, through meditation, prayer, and simple openness and gentleness with yourself, you can move your awareness to the quantum, integrated level of consciousness (the "One") in which the distortions cease. Experiencing that true One consciousness that you are, even for 1 second, is a beautiful start. It only grows from there. When one sees their own distortions without judgment, compassion for others blossoms and thereby conflict lessens. This is why it is a key not only for your world, but for yourself as a human being. It is the key that opens the door to your journey Home.
May 2017
Card #88 | Pleiades (Future) | Balanced Relationships
Once again, the Pleiadian energy is coming up to help humanity. This time, we explore the idea of what "balanced relationships" really means beyond a superficial level. This card represents the healing of an old Pleiadian wound that had to do with some habits and patterns their species had when it was young. One of these old habits was to focus their energy outward and away from themselves. This played out in various ways such as: trying to fix the lives of others, or being helpful to others at the expense of the self, or seeking comfort and an unrealistic utopian reality. All of these patterns came from their core patterns that we have explored in the past of never wanting to see the shadow and focusing on distractions so they never had to feel pain.
Many humans have learned that if these types of patterns are carried into interpersonal relationships, the relationship is usually doomed because one is not operating from an authentic expression. Humans will then end one relationship and begin another, but with the same underlying patterns intact. This continues until the person wakes up to the underlying patterns. Thus, the theme of "balanced relationships" in this card's energy is not referring to the superficial relationship between beings. Instead it refers to the deep core relationship with oneself.
Until a person goes deep within and sees oneself clearly without judgment, these patterns stay in place. But a miraculous energy shift happens when this process of clear seeing becomes the primary focus. At first, lots of old pain arises that is necessary to navigate. Eventually, if the inner work is done, the old pain releases and a picture of the true reality becomes more clearly focused. Usually, one then sees how they have treated themselves. Have they given in to the tyrant within them that is always seeking perfection and control? Have they given all their energy to others until they have nothing left for themselves? Have they befriended their shadow? And most of all, have they embraced their own magnificence from a universal (not egoic) point of view?
Once these aspects of the human self are seen without judgment, the crucial inner relationship begins forming. There are many ways to define this inner relationship. One might see it as the relationship between the human and the spiritual self. Or it can be defined as an integration of the masculine and the feminine. In many ways it is a divine marriage that occurs between previously separated inner parts that are now allowed to come home to wholeness.
This represents a pivotal point in spiritual development, because no longer can a person look to another person in a relationship to fulfill them. It now becomes clear that one has to look to oneself to become whole; from there, relationships of equals naturally develop. However, many people find this can also be a place of loneliness because in not seeking others to fulfill you, you learn to only accept relationships with those on the same path. You see that while you may walk in the world interacting with others, there is no need to tolerate relationships for the sake of pure companionship. You learn that the relationship you have with yourself is mirrored in the relationships you have with others. Thus, one must choose wisely indeed.
As the Pleiadians matured, they learned all of these lessons and eventually mastered the relationship art, both with others and with themselves. Humans have this potential as well, once you learn to disentangle yourself from the false notions of what relationships "should" be and learn to operate from your authentic selves. This card carries the energy of the 3rd era Pleiadians, which means that these relationship masters are assisting you with your awakening process as it relates to how you connect to others and yourself. There is still much work to do within yourselves before you see the full transformation in the outer reality. Be bold, have faith, and know that this path has been walked by others before you. They now guide you and help you to come home to yourselves.
Card #88 | Pleiades (Future) | Balanced Relationships
Once again, the Pleiadian energy is coming up to help humanity. This time, we explore the idea of what "balanced relationships" really means beyond a superficial level. This card represents the healing of an old Pleiadian wound that had to do with some habits and patterns their species had when it was young. One of these old habits was to focus their energy outward and away from themselves. This played out in various ways such as: trying to fix the lives of others, or being helpful to others at the expense of the self, or seeking comfort and an unrealistic utopian reality. All of these patterns came from their core patterns that we have explored in the past of never wanting to see the shadow and focusing on distractions so they never had to feel pain.
Many humans have learned that if these types of patterns are carried into interpersonal relationships, the relationship is usually doomed because one is not operating from an authentic expression. Humans will then end one relationship and begin another, but with the same underlying patterns intact. This continues until the person wakes up to the underlying patterns. Thus, the theme of "balanced relationships" in this card's energy is not referring to the superficial relationship between beings. Instead it refers to the deep core relationship with oneself.
Until a person goes deep within and sees oneself clearly without judgment, these patterns stay in place. But a miraculous energy shift happens when this process of clear seeing becomes the primary focus. At first, lots of old pain arises that is necessary to navigate. Eventually, if the inner work is done, the old pain releases and a picture of the true reality becomes more clearly focused. Usually, one then sees how they have treated themselves. Have they given in to the tyrant within them that is always seeking perfection and control? Have they given all their energy to others until they have nothing left for themselves? Have they befriended their shadow? And most of all, have they embraced their own magnificence from a universal (not egoic) point of view?
Once these aspects of the human self are seen without judgment, the crucial inner relationship begins forming. There are many ways to define this inner relationship. One might see it as the relationship between the human and the spiritual self. Or it can be defined as an integration of the masculine and the feminine. In many ways it is a divine marriage that occurs between previously separated inner parts that are now allowed to come home to wholeness.
This represents a pivotal point in spiritual development, because no longer can a person look to another person in a relationship to fulfill them. It now becomes clear that one has to look to oneself to become whole; from there, relationships of equals naturally develop. However, many people find this can also be a place of loneliness because in not seeking others to fulfill you, you learn to only accept relationships with those on the same path. You see that while you may walk in the world interacting with others, there is no need to tolerate relationships for the sake of pure companionship. You learn that the relationship you have with yourself is mirrored in the relationships you have with others. Thus, one must choose wisely indeed.
As the Pleiadians matured, they learned all of these lessons and eventually mastered the relationship art, both with others and with themselves. Humans have this potential as well, once you learn to disentangle yourself from the false notions of what relationships "should" be and learn to operate from your authentic selves. This card carries the energy of the 3rd era Pleiadians, which means that these relationship masters are assisting you with your awakening process as it relates to how you connect to others and yourself. There is still much work to do within yourselves before you see the full transformation in the outer reality. Be bold, have faith, and know that this path has been walked by others before you. They now guide you and help you to come home to yourselves.
April 2017
Card #41 | Pleiades (Past) | Guilt
This card, in the galactic sense, refers to one of the deepest wounds of the Pleiadian species. This wound kept them stuck for thousands of years. But at the same time, the wound became one of the vehicles through which awakening happened. The same is true for humans; there are many wounds of the human species but they will also be the keys to your awakening.
We have spoken many times about the necessity of integrating the emotional and mental bodies as you move through this crucial time in your species' evolution. Part of this healing process has to do with becoming aware of emotional patterns that either keep you stuck, or serve as a distraction away from what really needs to be processed. The emotion of guilt is one of those emotions that often serves as a distraction, protecting you from what the ego fears is an even more intense emotion.
In the past we have also spoken about the concept of karma and how it has been misunderstood. It is not based on action, but based on intent. Thus, if you hurt another from a place of innocence, there really isn't any karma generated. The karma comes from how you feel about your actions. Do you punish yourself? Do you blame others? Do you close yourself off from love? All of these are responses to an innocent action, but they generate energy that can then become karma. Over time, the reinforcement of this unconscious pattern gets stronger and stronger. It builds layers of itself so that you cannot ever really see the original cause.
Guilt is similar. We would consider it to be one of those "protective emotions" that, in essence, serves no positive purpose until it is used for awakening. Let's give you a dramatic example to illustrate. Imagine that you accidentally kill another person through innocent actions. There are many layers of emotion that you can feel from this accident. Guilt is the first layer. If you become stuck there, you never complete the process of healing. The ego often keeps guilt in place so that you do not ever feel the deeper emotions such as grief or anger toward the universe. If you do not feel the deeper emotions fully, you will never heal. Everything stays stuck as the ego protects you from deeper pain. This is even true with those people who were victims of abuse. They often feel tremendous guilt, even though they were the victims. The guilt keeps them from feeling the deeper pain.
But what about those people who feel guilt for no reason at all? We've spoken with people who feel guilt just from existing -- and some of that guilt was modeled from parents and perpetuated through the generations. These people walk around with the guilt on their shoulders, draining their energy and weakening their spirit. After a while, they don't even realize they feel it. The same mechanism is at play -- the ego keeps the guilt in place so that deeper emotions don't have to be felt. As you can imagine, that is no way to exist.
This card is coming up now to communicate that it is time to go deep within and begin unraveling the layers of emotion that keep you stuck. As you do this work, you will probably encounter an illogical guilt at the surface. If you do, please consider it a "guardian" (so to speak) of deeper emotions that need to be felt and then embraced. As you look at your guilt, do so with nonjudgmental eyes. It isn't you. It is simply an automatic (or learned) protection mechanism to stop you from going deeper. With conscious awareness, patience and love, it can be neutralized.
After millennia the Pleiadians finally saw the root of their guilt. Though they had understood it stemmed from an action they had taken in the past, they saw it had a deeper layer. As a species matures, it becomes capable of seeing these deeper layers. That is where you are now as a species. You have just begun learning the importance of no longer carrying around unrecognized and unprocessed emotion. It will take awhile for this emotional maturity to blossom, but you have taken the first steps. Keep going. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
Card #41 | Pleiades (Past) | Guilt
This card, in the galactic sense, refers to one of the deepest wounds of the Pleiadian species. This wound kept them stuck for thousands of years. But at the same time, the wound became one of the vehicles through which awakening happened. The same is true for humans; there are many wounds of the human species but they will also be the keys to your awakening.
We have spoken many times about the necessity of integrating the emotional and mental bodies as you move through this crucial time in your species' evolution. Part of this healing process has to do with becoming aware of emotional patterns that either keep you stuck, or serve as a distraction away from what really needs to be processed. The emotion of guilt is one of those emotions that often serves as a distraction, protecting you from what the ego fears is an even more intense emotion.
In the past we have also spoken about the concept of karma and how it has been misunderstood. It is not based on action, but based on intent. Thus, if you hurt another from a place of innocence, there really isn't any karma generated. The karma comes from how you feel about your actions. Do you punish yourself? Do you blame others? Do you close yourself off from love? All of these are responses to an innocent action, but they generate energy that can then become karma. Over time, the reinforcement of this unconscious pattern gets stronger and stronger. It builds layers of itself so that you cannot ever really see the original cause.
Guilt is similar. We would consider it to be one of those "protective emotions" that, in essence, serves no positive purpose until it is used for awakening. Let's give you a dramatic example to illustrate. Imagine that you accidentally kill another person through innocent actions. There are many layers of emotion that you can feel from this accident. Guilt is the first layer. If you become stuck there, you never complete the process of healing. The ego often keeps guilt in place so that you do not ever feel the deeper emotions such as grief or anger toward the universe. If you do not feel the deeper emotions fully, you will never heal. Everything stays stuck as the ego protects you from deeper pain. This is even true with those people who were victims of abuse. They often feel tremendous guilt, even though they were the victims. The guilt keeps them from feeling the deeper pain.
But what about those people who feel guilt for no reason at all? We've spoken with people who feel guilt just from existing -- and some of that guilt was modeled from parents and perpetuated through the generations. These people walk around with the guilt on their shoulders, draining their energy and weakening their spirit. After a while, they don't even realize they feel it. The same mechanism is at play -- the ego keeps the guilt in place so that deeper emotions don't have to be felt. As you can imagine, that is no way to exist.
This card is coming up now to communicate that it is time to go deep within and begin unraveling the layers of emotion that keep you stuck. As you do this work, you will probably encounter an illogical guilt at the surface. If you do, please consider it a "guardian" (so to speak) of deeper emotions that need to be felt and then embraced. As you look at your guilt, do so with nonjudgmental eyes. It isn't you. It is simply an automatic (or learned) protection mechanism to stop you from going deeper. With conscious awareness, patience and love, it can be neutralized.
After millennia the Pleiadians finally saw the root of their guilt. Though they had understood it stemmed from an action they had taken in the past, they saw it had a deeper layer. As a species matures, it becomes capable of seeing these deeper layers. That is where you are now as a species. You have just begun learning the importance of no longer carrying around unrecognized and unprocessed emotion. It will take awhile for this emotional maturity to blossom, but you have taken the first steps. Keep going. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
March 2017
Card #102 | Essassani (Parallel) | Alchemy
As most of you know, the Essassani species is a hybrid mix of human and Zeta. But this hybrid species is much more than a combination of genetics. It represents an alchemical transmutation of the characteristics of two species who, alone, had difficulties with their transformations. Through the interaction between humans and Zetas and most especially through their willingness to go through the gate of fear together, a new species was born. This new species represents the alchemical transmutation of the deepest issues of separation, resistance, and fear that usually keep individuals and planetary societies stuck. It took great courage for these two species to make this leap and the result was the creation of a hybrid species that now guides humanity through its own turbulent evolution.
This is the nature of alchemy -- to take two seemingly conflicting or opposite ideas and somehow bring them together through willing acceptance, even amidst the deepest fear. The result of this kind of "magic" is total transformation. Alchemy can happen on the species level, and it can also happen within your consciousness. For the sake of this text, we will explore the process of the alchemy of consciousness and its importance at this point in human evolution.
As you've seen on your world (and as we have pointed out many times), your world is seemingly becoming more polarized. You see this especially within your political and religious structures. The lines are drawn and it seems as if everyone has to choose their side. Side A makes accusations at Side B and Side B makes accusations at Side A. What they don't see is that each side is joined in energy because they are having the exact same experience. There is an old example of this using the numbers "6" and "9". They are the same neutral symbol, but the definition depends upon the viewer's perspective (upside-down or downside-up). People can argue whether they are seeing a 6 or a 9 forever until they realize that everything is based on perspective and the "other side" experiences the exact same limitations of perspective and attachments to its own point of view. No one side is ever right. This can go on forever until the realization dawns that both are the same and that perspective is the key. At that point, one moves from subjective to objective perception. Once one moves into objective perspective (some call it being the Observer or the Watcher), the whole ball game shifts. The actual energy of a situation changes. This is the beginning point of alchemy -- when the previously polarized points begin approaching each other and even begin a melding process.
As consciousness evolves, it experiences the same thing. In fact, for evolution to happen, this process of alchemy must happen. Within every person, there are several "splits" where a destructive force and a creative/integrative force seem to vie for control. This is the classic conflict between good and evil or dark and light, and mastering the navigation of this terrain is one of the reasons why you've come into physical reality as human beings. When you become attached to one side or the other, you keep the polarity in place and never open the door for alchemy. But when one becomes the Observer, embracing both sides and welcoming the lessons from each side, the alchemical process begins, followed by deep transformation.
This process of alchemy is happening within you now. You may be resisting it or welcoming it, but you will always be led there since it is part of natural evolution. It is also happening in your world. Even though many of you are seeing the deep polarity, even those polarized sides are now becoming unpredictable. Using politics as an example, you will most likely see that while the "red side" has a predictable set of behaviors opposite to the "blue side," those roles will start becoming unpredictable. You will see reds doing blue things, and blues doing red things, and suddenly chaos happens because the rigid roles are becoming confused. Chaos ensues when actions become unpredictable, but this unpredictability is a sign that alchemy is happening. During alchemical transformation, the navigational map is usually unreadable and it is easy to feel frightened and vulnerable at those times. So what to do? The only thing you can do is become still. Move slowly and deliberately, not with a mental strategy but in alignment with the guidance from the deepest parts of your being. That guidance ignites the alchemical process even further if you let go and stop trying to control.
Thus, as the navigational map of polarity becomes incomprehensible inside of you and in the outside world, be still. In that stillness, integration happens. In that stillness, the alchemy of your being is revealed.
Card #102 | Essassani (Parallel) | Alchemy
As most of you know, the Essassani species is a hybrid mix of human and Zeta. But this hybrid species is much more than a combination of genetics. It represents an alchemical transmutation of the characteristics of two species who, alone, had difficulties with their transformations. Through the interaction between humans and Zetas and most especially through their willingness to go through the gate of fear together, a new species was born. This new species represents the alchemical transmutation of the deepest issues of separation, resistance, and fear that usually keep individuals and planetary societies stuck. It took great courage for these two species to make this leap and the result was the creation of a hybrid species that now guides humanity through its own turbulent evolution.
This is the nature of alchemy -- to take two seemingly conflicting or opposite ideas and somehow bring them together through willing acceptance, even amidst the deepest fear. The result of this kind of "magic" is total transformation. Alchemy can happen on the species level, and it can also happen within your consciousness. For the sake of this text, we will explore the process of the alchemy of consciousness and its importance at this point in human evolution.
As you've seen on your world (and as we have pointed out many times), your world is seemingly becoming more polarized. You see this especially within your political and religious structures. The lines are drawn and it seems as if everyone has to choose their side. Side A makes accusations at Side B and Side B makes accusations at Side A. What they don't see is that each side is joined in energy because they are having the exact same experience. There is an old example of this using the numbers "6" and "9". They are the same neutral symbol, but the definition depends upon the viewer's perspective (upside-down or downside-up). People can argue whether they are seeing a 6 or a 9 forever until they realize that everything is based on perspective and the "other side" experiences the exact same limitations of perspective and attachments to its own point of view. No one side is ever right. This can go on forever until the realization dawns that both are the same and that perspective is the key. At that point, one moves from subjective to objective perception. Once one moves into objective perspective (some call it being the Observer or the Watcher), the whole ball game shifts. The actual energy of a situation changes. This is the beginning point of alchemy -- when the previously polarized points begin approaching each other and even begin a melding process.
As consciousness evolves, it experiences the same thing. In fact, for evolution to happen, this process of alchemy must happen. Within every person, there are several "splits" where a destructive force and a creative/integrative force seem to vie for control. This is the classic conflict between good and evil or dark and light, and mastering the navigation of this terrain is one of the reasons why you've come into physical reality as human beings. When you become attached to one side or the other, you keep the polarity in place and never open the door for alchemy. But when one becomes the Observer, embracing both sides and welcoming the lessons from each side, the alchemical process begins, followed by deep transformation.
This process of alchemy is happening within you now. You may be resisting it or welcoming it, but you will always be led there since it is part of natural evolution. It is also happening in your world. Even though many of you are seeing the deep polarity, even those polarized sides are now becoming unpredictable. Using politics as an example, you will most likely see that while the "red side" has a predictable set of behaviors opposite to the "blue side," those roles will start becoming unpredictable. You will see reds doing blue things, and blues doing red things, and suddenly chaos happens because the rigid roles are becoming confused. Chaos ensues when actions become unpredictable, but this unpredictability is a sign that alchemy is happening. During alchemical transformation, the navigational map is usually unreadable and it is easy to feel frightened and vulnerable at those times. So what to do? The only thing you can do is become still. Move slowly and deliberately, not with a mental strategy but in alignment with the guidance from the deepest parts of your being. That guidance ignites the alchemical process even further if you let go and stop trying to control.
Thus, as the navigational map of polarity becomes incomprehensible inside of you and in the outside world, be still. In that stillness, integration happens. In that stillness, the alchemy of your being is revealed.
February 2017
Card #15 | Lyra (Present) | Courageousness
At first glance, the theme of this card may seem simple and thus the content of this text would be expected. However, as many of you who are familiar with our communications know, we like to go deep below the surface of a topic in order to present a deeper point of view.
Since the card is sourced from Lyra, we can say that the surface level of this card is referring to one of the core characteristics of the Lyran species. In their beginnings, there was a very long period of time when they did not have mentors in the physical realms. They were committed to exploration and expansion of their colonies and empire, but they had no role models. They had to forge their path alone. This required a tremendous amount of courage and fortitude, but at times those characteristics turned into arrogance, pushiness, and a separation from their spiritual selves. Courageousness in the physical realms served them well, but only to a point.
As with any maturing species, there comes a time when it has to grow up. The old way of doing things no longer works, and a growing dissatisfaction cannot be ignored. These are signs that a species (or an individual) is not only ready to make a shift, but the universe is demanding it.
On your world now, as the human species is entering a tenuous phase of its own evolution, you are, in a sense, retracing the steps walked by your ancient forefathers. The pressure is building for not only evolution but REvolution -- a total shift in the foundation of your thoughts and emotions, and how they are channeled into your physical reality. While there are similarities in the evolutionary paths of you and your forefathers, each civilization does have its own traits and style of transformation. However, there is one characteristic that is universally necessary for a true shift in consciousness -- courageousness.
What do we mean by "courageousness?" Are we saying it requires putting your head down and pushing your way through an obstacle despite the fear? No! We are speaking of a much more profound manifestation of courageousness that has very little to do with mental fortitude or "mind over matter." The kind of courageousness we refer to is more primitive, intuitive, and profound. It has to do with willingly (and in some cases even joyfully) going into the realms inside of yourself where you really don't want to go and not only embracing but feeling the things you don't want to experience. Everyone has those dark caves within that are defined by fear. This is a journey into the unconscious, and it is often confusing. The ego will do anything it can to stop you from going there. But go there you must, if you truly wish to evolve. Thus the type of courageousness to which we refer is not really an action -- such as pushing yourself to face an issue. It has more to do with allowing your True Self to steer you in the direction that is best for your growth and opening yourself to fully experience reality without stories, judgment or avoidance. It has to do with willingly journeying into your own metaphorical underworld -- not to conquer the demons but to love them. Yes, to love them, because they are a part of you. This is the true process of integration.
This current time on your world will test everyone, but it is an essential growth opportunity for a species and individuals alike. You are being tasked with not succumbing to the distraction of external drama and to instead recognize that the drama of the external world is merely the drama of your own unloved and unhealed personal underworld. You have no ability to transform the external world, but you have every ability to transform the inner one through your courage and commitment. This was the key to the eventual awakening of your forefathers the Lyrans and it will be the key to your awakening as well. See yourselves truthfully and clearly without judgment as you willingly journey through your personal underworld. At first you may encounter the metaphorical demons, cobwebs, and labyrinths. But in the end, you will find the light, and you will remember it has been there all along.
Card #15 | Lyra (Present) | Courageousness
At first glance, the theme of this card may seem simple and thus the content of this text would be expected. However, as many of you who are familiar with our communications know, we like to go deep below the surface of a topic in order to present a deeper point of view.
Since the card is sourced from Lyra, we can say that the surface level of this card is referring to one of the core characteristics of the Lyran species. In their beginnings, there was a very long period of time when they did not have mentors in the physical realms. They were committed to exploration and expansion of their colonies and empire, but they had no role models. They had to forge their path alone. This required a tremendous amount of courage and fortitude, but at times those characteristics turned into arrogance, pushiness, and a separation from their spiritual selves. Courageousness in the physical realms served them well, but only to a point.
As with any maturing species, there comes a time when it has to grow up. The old way of doing things no longer works, and a growing dissatisfaction cannot be ignored. These are signs that a species (or an individual) is not only ready to make a shift, but the universe is demanding it.
On your world now, as the human species is entering a tenuous phase of its own evolution, you are, in a sense, retracing the steps walked by your ancient forefathers. The pressure is building for not only evolution but REvolution -- a total shift in the foundation of your thoughts and emotions, and how they are channeled into your physical reality. While there are similarities in the evolutionary paths of you and your forefathers, each civilization does have its own traits and style of transformation. However, there is one characteristic that is universally necessary for a true shift in consciousness -- courageousness.
What do we mean by "courageousness?" Are we saying it requires putting your head down and pushing your way through an obstacle despite the fear? No! We are speaking of a much more profound manifestation of courageousness that has very little to do with mental fortitude or "mind over matter." The kind of courageousness we refer to is more primitive, intuitive, and profound. It has to do with willingly (and in some cases even joyfully) going into the realms inside of yourself where you really don't want to go and not only embracing but feeling the things you don't want to experience. Everyone has those dark caves within that are defined by fear. This is a journey into the unconscious, and it is often confusing. The ego will do anything it can to stop you from going there. But go there you must, if you truly wish to evolve. Thus the type of courageousness to which we refer is not really an action -- such as pushing yourself to face an issue. It has more to do with allowing your True Self to steer you in the direction that is best for your growth and opening yourself to fully experience reality without stories, judgment or avoidance. It has to do with willingly journeying into your own metaphorical underworld -- not to conquer the demons but to love them. Yes, to love them, because they are a part of you. This is the true process of integration.
This current time on your world will test everyone, but it is an essential growth opportunity for a species and individuals alike. You are being tasked with not succumbing to the distraction of external drama and to instead recognize that the drama of the external world is merely the drama of your own unloved and unhealed personal underworld. You have no ability to transform the external world, but you have every ability to transform the inner one through your courage and commitment. This was the key to the eventual awakening of your forefathers the Lyrans and it will be the key to your awakening as well. See yourselves truthfully and clearly without judgment as you willingly journey through your personal underworld. At first you may encounter the metaphorical demons, cobwebs, and labyrinths. But in the end, you will find the light, and you will remember it has been there all along.
January 2017
Card #64 | Pleiades (Present) | Devotion to Service
For this new year, we continue the Pleiadian energy flow that began last month. It is easy to give a simplistic text for this card, about how important and valuable it is to be in service to others and to the universe. However, we wish to go much deeper. As we have discussed in many other texts, we have to look at this card's theme from the perspective of the One (a nondual state) rather than only from the human perspective.
Religious and spiritual groups sometimes stress the importance of working in service but don't really explain why it can be such a powerful practice. It isn't only for the good of the person receiving the service, but it can also be a means by which a spiritual seeker refines his or her consciousness. Let us explain. We will give you two examples of working in service and the possible outcomes of such intense devotion.
Imagine a person who has low self-esteem or self-hatred. The person (consciously or unconsciously) feels they are not worthy of a life filled with joy, so they instead sacrifice their lives to be in service to others -- not realizing that the choice is an escape. On the surface, this seems like a noble action. However, a commitment to service in this case is not really born from the desire for true service. Instead, it is a way to cater to the ego's demands for worthiness, or to escape the pain within. The person may go years volunteering their services while the inner self becomes angrier and the pain builds until it eventually comes out emotionally or physically. The person may become an activist, highly opinionated, or embrace the role of martyr. Entering a life of service from this split in the psyche does not foster integration but can actually enhance the process of separation. Why? Because when one chooses to truly be of service, the being who performs the act of service also fits into the equation. They too must be a recipient of the service for it to be an integrated act. They, too, must experience healing from their service. In some cases, those in service refuse to receive (because of reasons stated above, or others). They choose only to give and not look at themselves. Even though they may feel that they receive a lot from their service, it is only superficial if the pain within them remains and the act of service is not consciously used as a way to heal and/or refine themselves.
Let us look at a second example in which service actually leads to integration and awakening. The idea of performing service as a path to enlightenment comes by consciously working with one's ego while being in service. Originally, monasteries required years of service before they would fully accept someone as a monk. The service was intended to give the person time to perform "meaningless" tasks such as washing the floor, over and over again, as a way to "wash" the ego. Most newcomers to monasteries got impatient, wondering when they would be able to learn the "real" teachings instead of washing the floor all the time. They didn't realize that washing the floor was the real teaching! For those who stayed with the practice, they learned to surrender to the task at hand and realized that no matter what the universe asked them to do, true service meant being fully present with all tasks and watching the games and protests of the ego. It meant also watching the desire for recognition. These awakening monks learned that they didn't have to be noticed for their service. They watched the ego get "washed," until they were content with any service, whether it be washing the floor or feeding the poor. All is equal in the eyes of the universe. Through this practice, they also learned to "wash" their own pain, trace it back to its roots, see clearly, and remember the One Consciousness from which they came, which is the ultimate form of healing. With this kind of service, both the person giving the service and the recipient of the service are nurtured. There is no split. This is a path of integration that has very little to do with seeking recognition, fixing the perceived flaws in reality, or hiding from pain. It has everything to do with the refining of consciousness.
In this intensely contentious time on your world, we recommend that you remember that true service can be in many simple forms. You don't have to join a monastery. You don't have to lead workshops. Just be your perfectly imperfect, beautiful self. At the same time, always watch the ego. Understand the inner landscape of your psyche and engage fear and pain rather than avoid them, in order to deepen your connection to the greater you. Seek to root yourself in the moment with any task, with no agenda. Trust that when you do, you are in service to the universe in ways that the human you might find unimaginable. This true devotion to service ripples through time and space back to the One, and helps to guide you home again.
Card #64 | Pleiades (Present) | Devotion to Service
For this new year, we continue the Pleiadian energy flow that began last month. It is easy to give a simplistic text for this card, about how important and valuable it is to be in service to others and to the universe. However, we wish to go much deeper. As we have discussed in many other texts, we have to look at this card's theme from the perspective of the One (a nondual state) rather than only from the human perspective.
Religious and spiritual groups sometimes stress the importance of working in service but don't really explain why it can be such a powerful practice. It isn't only for the good of the person receiving the service, but it can also be a means by which a spiritual seeker refines his or her consciousness. Let us explain. We will give you two examples of working in service and the possible outcomes of such intense devotion.
Imagine a person who has low self-esteem or self-hatred. The person (consciously or unconsciously) feels they are not worthy of a life filled with joy, so they instead sacrifice their lives to be in service to others -- not realizing that the choice is an escape. On the surface, this seems like a noble action. However, a commitment to service in this case is not really born from the desire for true service. Instead, it is a way to cater to the ego's demands for worthiness, or to escape the pain within. The person may go years volunteering their services while the inner self becomes angrier and the pain builds until it eventually comes out emotionally or physically. The person may become an activist, highly opinionated, or embrace the role of martyr. Entering a life of service from this split in the psyche does not foster integration but can actually enhance the process of separation. Why? Because when one chooses to truly be of service, the being who performs the act of service also fits into the equation. They too must be a recipient of the service for it to be an integrated act. They, too, must experience healing from their service. In some cases, those in service refuse to receive (because of reasons stated above, or others). They choose only to give and not look at themselves. Even though they may feel that they receive a lot from their service, it is only superficial if the pain within them remains and the act of service is not consciously used as a way to heal and/or refine themselves.
Let us look at a second example in which service actually leads to integration and awakening. The idea of performing service as a path to enlightenment comes by consciously working with one's ego while being in service. Originally, monasteries required years of service before they would fully accept someone as a monk. The service was intended to give the person time to perform "meaningless" tasks such as washing the floor, over and over again, as a way to "wash" the ego. Most newcomers to monasteries got impatient, wondering when they would be able to learn the "real" teachings instead of washing the floor all the time. They didn't realize that washing the floor was the real teaching! For those who stayed with the practice, they learned to surrender to the task at hand and realized that no matter what the universe asked them to do, true service meant being fully present with all tasks and watching the games and protests of the ego. It meant also watching the desire for recognition. These awakening monks learned that they didn't have to be noticed for their service. They watched the ego get "washed," until they were content with any service, whether it be washing the floor or feeding the poor. All is equal in the eyes of the universe. Through this practice, they also learned to "wash" their own pain, trace it back to its roots, see clearly, and remember the One Consciousness from which they came, which is the ultimate form of healing. With this kind of service, both the person giving the service and the recipient of the service are nurtured. There is no split. This is a path of integration that has very little to do with seeking recognition, fixing the perceived flaws in reality, or hiding from pain. It has everything to do with the refining of consciousness.
In this intensely contentious time on your world, we recommend that you remember that true service can be in many simple forms. You don't have to join a monastery. You don't have to lead workshops. Just be your perfectly imperfect, beautiful self. At the same time, always watch the ego. Understand the inner landscape of your psyche and engage fear and pain rather than avoid them, in order to deepen your connection to the greater you. Seek to root yourself in the moment with any task, with no agenda. Trust that when you do, you are in service to the universe in ways that the human you might find unimaginable. This true devotion to service ripples through time and space back to the One, and helps to guide you home again.
December 2016
Card #63 | Pleiades (Present) | Seeking Karmic Balance
In much of the card text we have given you in 2016, the theme of polarity has been discussed. This card also brings up that issue, but has a very encouraging overtone to it. No matter how polarized a person or a civilization becomes, there is always an underlying, irresistible movement toward integration. This is how the universe stays balanced. It is only on the physical level that humans see polarity and imbalance. On the level of the One (your integrated consciousness), all the occurrences in physical reality sort themselves out and eventually move all consciousness back to One. This card is referring to that truth.
The concept of karma is one created by humans in order to understand this universal and automatic balancing system. But the human mind has created rules and structure to describe a function of the universe that is, in its essence, without structure. So what, exactly, is karma?
The idea of karma has very little to do with action, which has been a big misunderstanding. You have sayings like, "An eye for an eye," to describe karma. You also have erroneous concepts such as performing service to earn merit points so you can have an easier life next time. None of that is accurate, but it has been a useful tool to communicate an idea when you were a young species. Now that you are maturing, let us share a more accurate explanation of karma.
Karma describes the characteristics of energy flow. How do humans experience the flow of energy in this reality? As emotion. Your reaction to emotion creates either flow or blockage. From there, karma arises. For instance, let us use an example we've used in workshops many times. Imagine that there is a woman named Susan, who is hanging out with her beloved sister Kate. There is so much love between them. Susan is chopping vegetables, holding a knife. While walking, she accidentally falls and stabs Kate to death. Does that mean Susan has incurred karma and must be killed in another life to balance it? No! There is no karma inherent in a neutral accident. So what role does karma play? After the accident, Susan begins to blame and hate herself in a self-punishing cycle that is even stronger than her grief. She thus stops the flow of natural energy (which is nonjudgmental emotion, such as pure grief). In doing so, the energy blockage of her self-rage and guilt build over time has a strong energy charge that has to be eventually dissipated. If she does not forgive herself and view the situation from the perspective of the One, then this energy charge carries over to another life and continues to perpetuate until self-healing and realization begin. Thus, karma is entirely self-imposed until it is replaced by wisdom, self-love, and self-forgiveness. This is but one example. Humans create layer upon layer of stories that reinforce their self-hated until the root cause is obscured. The root cause doesn't ultimately matter. What does matter is forgiveness, compassion, and love toward oneself. You might be tempted to think that only self-aware people have this circuit. Even those you would consider bragging narcissists, or those who appear to have their lives together all have this circuit. Humans just become adept at hiding it in their own creative ways. This is part of the reason you are experiencing physical lives -- to unravel this circuit, see yourselves from the perspective of the One, and heal yourselves.
This brings us to the theme of this card. As you look around your world, you see a tremendous amount of pain that is being experienced in a myriad of creative ways. Everyone has their own pain and no one is immune, no matter how much they might present a facade otherwise. But underlying this pain is the natural flow of the universe that we mentioned earlier -- the underlying, irresistible movement toward integration. This movement happens with or without your cooperation or awareness. It is why events happen in your lives, whether those events are desired or not. They are a result of this movement toward integration. Thus, the card's theme, Seeking Karmic Balance, is referring to this underlying current that moves all energy in physical reality.
So as you look around your world today and in your personal life, it will help to remember that everything that you experience is moving you toward this balance even if you cannot see the overall picture. Even the world's events (as exasperating as they are sometimes), are part of the grand dance of moving you toward balance. As you let go and learn to ride the waves of these currents, your navigation of this challenging reality becomes easier and the sense of joy you feel increases. You don't have to manage anything. You are not here to manage anything. You are here to experience. As you dive deeply into the experience of experiencing, without judgment, balance happens naturally. Consciousness then moves to its next phase of evolution. You are now on the brink of this shift, which is a crucial phase for all transitioning species. As you experience the experience, don't forget to enjoy it!
Card #63 | Pleiades (Present) | Seeking Karmic Balance
In much of the card text we have given you in 2016, the theme of polarity has been discussed. This card also brings up that issue, but has a very encouraging overtone to it. No matter how polarized a person or a civilization becomes, there is always an underlying, irresistible movement toward integration. This is how the universe stays balanced. It is only on the physical level that humans see polarity and imbalance. On the level of the One (your integrated consciousness), all the occurrences in physical reality sort themselves out and eventually move all consciousness back to One. This card is referring to that truth.
The concept of karma is one created by humans in order to understand this universal and automatic balancing system. But the human mind has created rules and structure to describe a function of the universe that is, in its essence, without structure. So what, exactly, is karma?
The idea of karma has very little to do with action, which has been a big misunderstanding. You have sayings like, "An eye for an eye," to describe karma. You also have erroneous concepts such as performing service to earn merit points so you can have an easier life next time. None of that is accurate, but it has been a useful tool to communicate an idea when you were a young species. Now that you are maturing, let us share a more accurate explanation of karma.
Karma describes the characteristics of energy flow. How do humans experience the flow of energy in this reality? As emotion. Your reaction to emotion creates either flow or blockage. From there, karma arises. For instance, let us use an example we've used in workshops many times. Imagine that there is a woman named Susan, who is hanging out with her beloved sister Kate. There is so much love between them. Susan is chopping vegetables, holding a knife. While walking, she accidentally falls and stabs Kate to death. Does that mean Susan has incurred karma and must be killed in another life to balance it? No! There is no karma inherent in a neutral accident. So what role does karma play? After the accident, Susan begins to blame and hate herself in a self-punishing cycle that is even stronger than her grief. She thus stops the flow of natural energy (which is nonjudgmental emotion, such as pure grief). In doing so, the energy blockage of her self-rage and guilt build over time has a strong energy charge that has to be eventually dissipated. If she does not forgive herself and view the situation from the perspective of the One, then this energy charge carries over to another life and continues to perpetuate until self-healing and realization begin. Thus, karma is entirely self-imposed until it is replaced by wisdom, self-love, and self-forgiveness. This is but one example. Humans create layer upon layer of stories that reinforce their self-hated until the root cause is obscured. The root cause doesn't ultimately matter. What does matter is forgiveness, compassion, and love toward oneself. You might be tempted to think that only self-aware people have this circuit. Even those you would consider bragging narcissists, or those who appear to have their lives together all have this circuit. Humans just become adept at hiding it in their own creative ways. This is part of the reason you are experiencing physical lives -- to unravel this circuit, see yourselves from the perspective of the One, and heal yourselves.
This brings us to the theme of this card. As you look around your world, you see a tremendous amount of pain that is being experienced in a myriad of creative ways. Everyone has their own pain and no one is immune, no matter how much they might present a facade otherwise. But underlying this pain is the natural flow of the universe that we mentioned earlier -- the underlying, irresistible movement toward integration. This movement happens with or without your cooperation or awareness. It is why events happen in your lives, whether those events are desired or not. They are a result of this movement toward integration. Thus, the card's theme, Seeking Karmic Balance, is referring to this underlying current that moves all energy in physical reality.
So as you look around your world today and in your personal life, it will help to remember that everything that you experience is moving you toward this balance even if you cannot see the overall picture. Even the world's events (as exasperating as they are sometimes), are part of the grand dance of moving you toward balance. As you let go and learn to ride the waves of these currents, your navigation of this challenging reality becomes easier and the sense of joy you feel increases. You don't have to manage anything. You are not here to manage anything. You are here to experience. As you dive deeply into the experience of experiencing, without judgment, balance happens naturally. Consciousness then moves to its next phase of evolution. You are now on the brink of this shift, which is a crucial phase for all transitioning species. As you experience the experience, don't forget to enjoy it!
November 2016
Card #37 | Orion (Past) | Single-Minded Focus
Once again, an Orion card has been chosen for a message during this tumultuous time on Earth. The message of this card, in this time on Earth, is a very important one. We have spoken much about polarity, and how the journey of the One consciousness wished to explore the experience of separation. This means that the human you, with a human mind (even while intellectually understanding the concept of the One or the nondual state), is susceptible to distortions in perception. While there are many directions we could take with this card's interpretation, there is one direction we wish to explore for the text at this time.
This card is sourced in Orion energy because of Orion's history. For millennia, the old Orion civilization was locked in what felt like an inescapable paradigm of "us vs. them." The belief in this mindset was so complete, that it kept the polarized dynamics in place. Earth has a potential to repeat this cycle once again.
When civilizations are mired in polarity and about to make a transition to a more holistic, integrated state (as your civilization is in the process of doing), a paradox often occurs. The paradox is that reality appears to become more polarized than ever before instead of outwardly showing signs of integration. This happens because of resistance to change, which is a natural evolutionary process. However, it causes the mindset and perspectives of people to become so distorted that they begin to polarize their thought processes. In an effort to protect the ego from experiencing change (and a necessary encounter with undesirable emotions that must come as part of the change), an elaborate belief system gets created to sustain the state of polarized thought. This polarized thought may be positive (but full of denial), or it may be destructive, exclusionary, and self-sabotaging. Both states of polarization (positive or negative) further the state of fragmentation. Most of the time, people have little ability to perceive their own polarization, so it just perpetuates in the psyche and in the collective.
The card's theme, Single-Minded Focus, refers to this perilous time of internal polarization. It also suggests a way to heal the fragmentation and move forward. Let us first explore what we mean by this state of internal polarization. It is a single-minded focus on one perspective of reality. The individual or collective ego needs to see reality play out in a certain way, even though the intellect or the person may deny it. Thus, all personal and planetary events get molded to fit the view the ego needs to see in order to support its view of reality. This keeps everything in place. Growth is halted. Even when faced with the fallacy of its belief systems, the ego simply creates another story to validate its perspective. It becomes a closed system, with very little room for growth. At present, a great deal of humanity is mired in this dynamic, which is exacerbated by the media and the internet. Truly, this is a test for humanity as it begins the birth process into a new paradigm.
So how does one move forward and transmute this internal polarization and suffocating structure? In order to do this, one must first commit to a process of nonjudgmental self-observation in which self-honesty becomes a key to seeing one's own structures. This is not an easy road, but it is a liberating one. As the person becomes more aware of how they polarize their perceptions, the next step is to consciously change the focus -- or the lens -- through which one sees reality. Instead of seeking ways to validate one's beliefs, begin instead to focus on the One itself and the perception of consciousness from that state of being.
The One consciousness that contains all beings is inclusive. It accepts all of its parts, knowing that nothing is really separate anyway. It trusts the manifestations of physical reality because the One is always completely in balance and it knows that the happenings in physicality still support that balance even if that truth isn't seen by the human ego. It has no need to make stories to support separation (such as the idea that "dark forces" control reality). It simply abides, embracing all -- including the polarities it sees playing out in the physical realms. It knows the nature of its essence and naturally broadcasts that frequency to the separate parts of itself who are ready to move beyond polarity.
If you feel ready, keep your single-minded focus on that One consciousness that you are, which exists beyond polarity. You can think of it like a candle flame deep within your being. It always burns, ever bright. As the flame grows (through focus), it begins to burn away the illusion of polarity and the ensuing dramas that surround it. Call all of your parts into that flame and watch how the flame embraces them all, creating an alchemy of transformation that spreads throughout your being and your planet. And above all, be vigilant in watching yourselves. If you catch yourself reverting to old polarized thought, there is no need to punish yourself. Old pain and wounds may return on their way to healing. Note them, accept them, and return your single-minded focus to the flame of the One.
Through this single-minded focus on the One, the reality of holistic consciousness gets reinforced and the illusion of separation begins weakening like a weed without water. With time, patience, and practice, one begins to see the true reality that lies behind the stories and drama of physical reality and the dance of polarity loses its attractiveness. It is up to you to begin the process, even amidst all the temptations to revert to old habits. Every journey begins with the first step. If you wish to take that step, then that time is now.
Card #37 | Orion (Past) | Single-Minded Focus
Once again, an Orion card has been chosen for a message during this tumultuous time on Earth. The message of this card, in this time on Earth, is a very important one. We have spoken much about polarity, and how the journey of the One consciousness wished to explore the experience of separation. This means that the human you, with a human mind (even while intellectually understanding the concept of the One or the nondual state), is susceptible to distortions in perception. While there are many directions we could take with this card's interpretation, there is one direction we wish to explore for the text at this time.
This card is sourced in Orion energy because of Orion's history. For millennia, the old Orion civilization was locked in what felt like an inescapable paradigm of "us vs. them." The belief in this mindset was so complete, that it kept the polarized dynamics in place. Earth has a potential to repeat this cycle once again.
When civilizations are mired in polarity and about to make a transition to a more holistic, integrated state (as your civilization is in the process of doing), a paradox often occurs. The paradox is that reality appears to become more polarized than ever before instead of outwardly showing signs of integration. This happens because of resistance to change, which is a natural evolutionary process. However, it causes the mindset and perspectives of people to become so distorted that they begin to polarize their thought processes. In an effort to protect the ego from experiencing change (and a necessary encounter with undesirable emotions that must come as part of the change), an elaborate belief system gets created to sustain the state of polarized thought. This polarized thought may be positive (but full of denial), or it may be destructive, exclusionary, and self-sabotaging. Both states of polarization (positive or negative) further the state of fragmentation. Most of the time, people have little ability to perceive their own polarization, so it just perpetuates in the psyche and in the collective.
The card's theme, Single-Minded Focus, refers to this perilous time of internal polarization. It also suggests a way to heal the fragmentation and move forward. Let us first explore what we mean by this state of internal polarization. It is a single-minded focus on one perspective of reality. The individual or collective ego needs to see reality play out in a certain way, even though the intellect or the person may deny it. Thus, all personal and planetary events get molded to fit the view the ego needs to see in order to support its view of reality. This keeps everything in place. Growth is halted. Even when faced with the fallacy of its belief systems, the ego simply creates another story to validate its perspective. It becomes a closed system, with very little room for growth. At present, a great deal of humanity is mired in this dynamic, which is exacerbated by the media and the internet. Truly, this is a test for humanity as it begins the birth process into a new paradigm.
So how does one move forward and transmute this internal polarization and suffocating structure? In order to do this, one must first commit to a process of nonjudgmental self-observation in which self-honesty becomes a key to seeing one's own structures. This is not an easy road, but it is a liberating one. As the person becomes more aware of how they polarize their perceptions, the next step is to consciously change the focus -- or the lens -- through which one sees reality. Instead of seeking ways to validate one's beliefs, begin instead to focus on the One itself and the perception of consciousness from that state of being.
The One consciousness that contains all beings is inclusive. It accepts all of its parts, knowing that nothing is really separate anyway. It trusts the manifestations of physical reality because the One is always completely in balance and it knows that the happenings in physicality still support that balance even if that truth isn't seen by the human ego. It has no need to make stories to support separation (such as the idea that "dark forces" control reality). It simply abides, embracing all -- including the polarities it sees playing out in the physical realms. It knows the nature of its essence and naturally broadcasts that frequency to the separate parts of itself who are ready to move beyond polarity.
If you feel ready, keep your single-minded focus on that One consciousness that you are, which exists beyond polarity. You can think of it like a candle flame deep within your being. It always burns, ever bright. As the flame grows (through focus), it begins to burn away the illusion of polarity and the ensuing dramas that surround it. Call all of your parts into that flame and watch how the flame embraces them all, creating an alchemy of transformation that spreads throughout your being and your planet. And above all, be vigilant in watching yourselves. If you catch yourself reverting to old polarized thought, there is no need to punish yourself. Old pain and wounds may return on their way to healing. Note them, accept them, and return your single-minded focus to the flame of the One.
Through this single-minded focus on the One, the reality of holistic consciousness gets reinforced and the illusion of separation begins weakening like a weed without water. With time, patience, and practice, one begins to see the true reality that lies behind the stories and drama of physical reality and the dance of polarity loses its attractiveness. It is up to you to begin the process, even amidst all the temptations to revert to old habits. Every journey begins with the first step. If you wish to take that step, then that time is now.
October 2016
Card #51 | Earth (Present) | Conservative Attachments
The last few months, the themes of card of the month have flowed perfectly together, and this card is no exception. Last month, the Orion card Leap of Faith pointed out the need for humans to begin letting go of control and moving into a new relationship with the universe based on trust. This card represents the resistance to that idea.
The image on the card shows an unhappy person clutching an old, worn-out stuffed bear. The obvious representation is that humans cling to old, worn-out beliefs and structures even when they no longer serve them any longer. As energy accelerates in this new time on Earth, it is natural to cling to the familiar in times of uncertainty. However, you will begin to notice that in doing so, inner disharmony grows rather than lessens. While clinging to the familiar might initially feel safe, something inside screams for a new direction and a new way of being.
One of the challenging polarities within the human psyche has to do with the desire for the new and the clinging to the old. So yet again, this card's foundational message has to do with polarity -- especially the exploration of the seduction of the old, and the nature of fear.
Simply put, the part of the ego that desperately clings to the safe and familiar will do anything to stop you from growing and taking a leap of faith into the unknown. The biggest weapon of the ego is fear, and it knows how to manipulate you. Thus, each time you are inspired to move in a new direction, the little voice says, "But what if ..." That "what if" voice will present to you a myriad of stories based on fear. What if terrorists attack? What if I lose my job? What if a meteor hits the planet? And on the stories go until the choices you make are based on fear and separation rather than expansion, and it feels like you have no life at all except to protect the ego from its fears.
At this time on Earth and in your personal lives, this card is suggesting that you begin a very honest inventory of your beliefs and attachments. Learn to recognize the ones based on fear and separation and know that they will never lead to the integration, harmony, and inner peace that you seek. To make that shift, you will need to go into the dark places within you and welcome these painful parts into the light of your awareness so they may transmute themselves into gifts that can propel you forward on your journey. The new reality (whether within you or on the Earth) is based on inclusion, which leads to integration. It will never come from pushing the undesirable away, which is always an act of fear.
We certainly don't mean to depress you with these words! We do have good news. As we have said many times in the past, the reason why you are seeing such a fight between ideologies on Earth now is a reflection of the inner battle within you as you are moving toward awakening. The old belief structures are purging, and this paradoxically causes many to cling even more to the old. This is a good sign. Transformation is happening. It may be a bumpy ride for a while, but the dawn is breaking on the horizon. All the inner work you are doing to facilitate this new dawn is essential to help others as they, too, let go of their old attachments and embrace the unknown with a sense of joy and adventure. If you could see yourselves as we see you, you would be astounded at the intensity and rapidity of your transformation, which is so very hard to see when you are in the midst of a hurricane, so to speak. Continue your inner work and allow your radiance to shine, for only the light of integration will transmute (and thus vanquish) the fear to which the ego perpetually clings. As fear melts like the wax of a candle, the way forward becomes clearer -- no longer clouded by the illusionary stories of the ego. It is here that you become free.
Card #51 | Earth (Present) | Conservative Attachments
The last few months, the themes of card of the month have flowed perfectly together, and this card is no exception. Last month, the Orion card Leap of Faith pointed out the need for humans to begin letting go of control and moving into a new relationship with the universe based on trust. This card represents the resistance to that idea.
The image on the card shows an unhappy person clutching an old, worn-out stuffed bear. The obvious representation is that humans cling to old, worn-out beliefs and structures even when they no longer serve them any longer. As energy accelerates in this new time on Earth, it is natural to cling to the familiar in times of uncertainty. However, you will begin to notice that in doing so, inner disharmony grows rather than lessens. While clinging to the familiar might initially feel safe, something inside screams for a new direction and a new way of being.
One of the challenging polarities within the human psyche has to do with the desire for the new and the clinging to the old. So yet again, this card's foundational message has to do with polarity -- especially the exploration of the seduction of the old, and the nature of fear.
Simply put, the part of the ego that desperately clings to the safe and familiar will do anything to stop you from growing and taking a leap of faith into the unknown. The biggest weapon of the ego is fear, and it knows how to manipulate you. Thus, each time you are inspired to move in a new direction, the little voice says, "But what if ..." That "what if" voice will present to you a myriad of stories based on fear. What if terrorists attack? What if I lose my job? What if a meteor hits the planet? And on the stories go until the choices you make are based on fear and separation rather than expansion, and it feels like you have no life at all except to protect the ego from its fears.
At this time on Earth and in your personal lives, this card is suggesting that you begin a very honest inventory of your beliefs and attachments. Learn to recognize the ones based on fear and separation and know that they will never lead to the integration, harmony, and inner peace that you seek. To make that shift, you will need to go into the dark places within you and welcome these painful parts into the light of your awareness so they may transmute themselves into gifts that can propel you forward on your journey. The new reality (whether within you or on the Earth) is based on inclusion, which leads to integration. It will never come from pushing the undesirable away, which is always an act of fear.
We certainly don't mean to depress you with these words! We do have good news. As we have said many times in the past, the reason why you are seeing such a fight between ideologies on Earth now is a reflection of the inner battle within you as you are moving toward awakening. The old belief structures are purging, and this paradoxically causes many to cling even more to the old. This is a good sign. Transformation is happening. It may be a bumpy ride for a while, but the dawn is breaking on the horizon. All the inner work you are doing to facilitate this new dawn is essential to help others as they, too, let go of their old attachments and embrace the unknown with a sense of joy and adventure. If you could see yourselves as we see you, you would be astounded at the intensity and rapidity of your transformation, which is so very hard to see when you are in the midst of a hurricane, so to speak. Continue your inner work and allow your radiance to shine, for only the light of integration will transmute (and thus vanquish) the fear to which the ego perpetually clings. As fear melts like the wax of a candle, the way forward becomes clearer -- no longer clouded by the illusionary stories of the ego. It is here that you become free.
September 2016
Card #57 | Orion (2nd Era, Present) | Leap of Faith
For the third month in a row, a card that is sourced from Orion energy has presented itself as card of the month. This is because of the very significant -- yet volatile -- time in Earth's evolutionary process that is happening now. As we have shared in the previous months, the temptation during a time such as this is to move into deep polarity by clinging to one viewpoint and demonizing it's opposite. You see this on your planet playing out in a myriad of ways such as in politics, religion, human rights, and even in personal relationships. As long as humans continue to cling to the belief that their position is the only "right" one, the more firmly entrenched in the grip of polarity they become. Taken to the extreme, this cycle can bring humans to do anything to insure their point of view is adopted and validated, offering an illusionary sense of security.
So how do you release yourself from the seduction of polarized viewpoints and choices? We use the term "seduction" because the incessant need to cling to polarized beliefs is a black hole that continually sucks you into its magnetic pull. The only way to release yourself actually feels counter-intuitive. Releasing yourself means stepping back, and letting go of the need to control outcomes. We say this is counter-intuitive because it feels like the exact opposite of what you should do. The ego craves more control and grips harder in times of deep polarity. Yet the increased grip only mires you more deeply in polarity. What eventually happens? Eventually, you become so exhausted by continuing to try to control the situation (or the beliefs of others), that you collapse. That collapse can be mental, emotional, physical, or it can be a collapse on a greater planetary scale. During the collapse you regroup, regain your energy, and then begin gripping polarity again until the next collapse. It is a cycle that never ends until you consciously make new choices.
This card speaks to the need to let go and trust that the universe knows exactly what it is doing. This universe managed to create itself from the sub-atomic and molecular to the galactic levels - it surely is intelligently guided! Yet humans insist that they know better, and try to manage the details as if, without them, the universe would cease to exist. But the truth is that it is the ego doing the illusionary controlling, which is demonstrating a complete lack of trust in the wisdom of the universe. For all the attempts to control by the ego, the universe will do what it does regardless. The tiny ego cannot change the organic workings of the universe. All the ego does is create more pain for itself when it refuses to let go.
Earth is at a crucial time in its evolution now. In order to make the leap into a new era of spiritual awareness, it must take a leap of faith and finally let go of the need to control. This is the message of this card. But what does a "leap of faith" really mean?
Because the human mind tends to define things in polarized ways, the assumption is that "letting go" or taking a "leap of faith" is the opposite of control or action. The mind/ego fears that it means a complete lack of control and apathy, or a state of supreme disempowerment. This is why the ego fights this idea so much. But we are talking about nonpolarized states of consciousness, not polarized ones. A true leap of faith means that you become ever-vigilant for the universe to move through you. As the universe moves through you, you learn when to act (without ego) and when to remain still. You learn what it feels like to act without a conscious or unconscious agenda, and that sometimes what is called for is simple observation and stillness rather than action. You learn the subtleties of what is being asked of you and you honor the true non-egoic states of movement and rest that represent the core Taoist principles of creation. From this place, you become one with the fundamental energy of creation and can rise above the limited egoic motivations that keep you polarized.
This is how the Orion civilization eventually transformed itself, but not without a lot of pain before the realization dawned. You can facilitate this transformation more easily by learning to let go now. Begin to accept that you cannot control outcomes or the beliefs of others, no matter how much the ego tries to fool you that it can (in order to keep itself feeling secure). This state of awareness is not disempowerment, but profound freedom from the tyranny of the ego. Let go. Have faith in the wisdom and workings of the universe, and yet be available at all times for the universe to work through you. The result may not be a manifestation the ego wants to see, but it will always be what the universe, and you, needs to experience.
Card #57 | Orion (2nd Era, Present) | Leap of Faith
For the third month in a row, a card that is sourced from Orion energy has presented itself as card of the month. This is because of the very significant -- yet volatile -- time in Earth's evolutionary process that is happening now. As we have shared in the previous months, the temptation during a time such as this is to move into deep polarity by clinging to one viewpoint and demonizing it's opposite. You see this on your planet playing out in a myriad of ways such as in politics, religion, human rights, and even in personal relationships. As long as humans continue to cling to the belief that their position is the only "right" one, the more firmly entrenched in the grip of polarity they become. Taken to the extreme, this cycle can bring humans to do anything to insure their point of view is adopted and validated, offering an illusionary sense of security.
So how do you release yourself from the seduction of polarized viewpoints and choices? We use the term "seduction" because the incessant need to cling to polarized beliefs is a black hole that continually sucks you into its magnetic pull. The only way to release yourself actually feels counter-intuitive. Releasing yourself means stepping back, and letting go of the need to control outcomes. We say this is counter-intuitive because it feels like the exact opposite of what you should do. The ego craves more control and grips harder in times of deep polarity. Yet the increased grip only mires you more deeply in polarity. What eventually happens? Eventually, you become so exhausted by continuing to try to control the situation (or the beliefs of others), that you collapse. That collapse can be mental, emotional, physical, or it can be a collapse on a greater planetary scale. During the collapse you regroup, regain your energy, and then begin gripping polarity again until the next collapse. It is a cycle that never ends until you consciously make new choices.
This card speaks to the need to let go and trust that the universe knows exactly what it is doing. This universe managed to create itself from the sub-atomic and molecular to the galactic levels - it surely is intelligently guided! Yet humans insist that they know better, and try to manage the details as if, without them, the universe would cease to exist. But the truth is that it is the ego doing the illusionary controlling, which is demonstrating a complete lack of trust in the wisdom of the universe. For all the attempts to control by the ego, the universe will do what it does regardless. The tiny ego cannot change the organic workings of the universe. All the ego does is create more pain for itself when it refuses to let go.
Earth is at a crucial time in its evolution now. In order to make the leap into a new era of spiritual awareness, it must take a leap of faith and finally let go of the need to control. This is the message of this card. But what does a "leap of faith" really mean?
Because the human mind tends to define things in polarized ways, the assumption is that "letting go" or taking a "leap of faith" is the opposite of control or action. The mind/ego fears that it means a complete lack of control and apathy, or a state of supreme disempowerment. This is why the ego fights this idea so much. But we are talking about nonpolarized states of consciousness, not polarized ones. A true leap of faith means that you become ever-vigilant for the universe to move through you. As the universe moves through you, you learn when to act (without ego) and when to remain still. You learn what it feels like to act without a conscious or unconscious agenda, and that sometimes what is called for is simple observation and stillness rather than action. You learn the subtleties of what is being asked of you and you honor the true non-egoic states of movement and rest that represent the core Taoist principles of creation. From this place, you become one with the fundamental energy of creation and can rise above the limited egoic motivations that keep you polarized.
This is how the Orion civilization eventually transformed itself, but not without a lot of pain before the realization dawned. You can facilitate this transformation more easily by learning to let go now. Begin to accept that you cannot control outcomes or the beliefs of others, no matter how much the ego tries to fool you that it can (in order to keep itself feeling secure). This state of awareness is not disempowerment, but profound freedom from the tyranny of the ego. Let go. Have faith in the wisdom and workings of the universe, and yet be available at all times for the universe to work through you. The result may not be a manifestation the ego wants to see, but it will always be what the universe, and you, needs to experience.
August 2016
Card #35 | Orion (1st Era, Past) | Deep Polarity
In the last few months we have been exploring the idea of polarity from the point of view of the One. (Please see the text for June and July, 2016). Now let us dive deeply into polarity from the point of view of the separated state of consciousness.
Metaphorically, humans have two eyes, two sides of the brain, masculine and feminine energy, mental and emotional bodies, and on it goes. Everywhere you look in physical reality, you are presented with yet another opportunity to take sides. Somehow, it is considered honorable to be firmly rooted in one side of an issue or experience. Without knowing it, humans root themselves in polarity more and more deeply with every conviction to which they cling.
Take a AA battery as an example. One side is "+" and one side is "-". Those labels simply refer to the kind of energy charge held by that side of the battery. It doesn't mean one is good and one is bad. Actually, you need both sides of that battery to generate an electrical charge. If you judge one side and resist using the energy from that side of the battery, what happens? You will not be able to access the energy you need to navigate. There is no electrical charge. Your devices remain still.
This is a wonderful metaphor for the nature of reality. In the One state that is your true nature (as explored in the text from the previous two months), there is not even a battery with two sides. Energy is completely at rest with no contrast or duality. But as soon as the state of polarity arises, the two opposing charges become active as a way to move energy -- that is simply the nature of polarity.
Now imagine that you insert a consciousness that is witness to this process, but this consciousness sees through a lens of polarity. Soon you have preference, judgment, avoidance, and a tremendous amount of fear about experiencing the 'side' you don't want to see. As a way to manage this fear, illusionary stories get created to make sense of your experience. Then, you believe those stories. Suddenly, this natural process of separation as a way to experience polarity becomes fraught with emotional content. The witnessing consciousness (you) loses the ability to see clearly and instead sees its own projections, fears, and belief systems and believes they are the ultimate truth. You then become lost the fun house mirrors, never able to see what the true reality looks like. And who is the caretaker of this distorted reality? The mechanism you call the human ego, who takes his job very seriously.
Every civilization that experiences physicality goes through this aspect of evolution. And every civilization has its darkest time, when it is so mired in polarity that it cannot see beyond it. This card represents the deepest, darkest, most separated time of your forefathers' history within the Orion civilization. Though the Orions eventually healed this polarity and awakened themselves, humans carry the residual energy of the galactic family's polarity in order that it can be healed once and for all.
This card is coming up now because both humanity as a whole and humans as individuals are coming to a precipice whereby they must take steps to exit the fun house and begin to see reality from a less polarized perspective without distortion. It isn't easy, because judging, labeling, and projecting (even while telling yourself that you don't do it) are habits that are very hard to release. For the purpose of this text, let us simply focus on the personal level.
The intense energy affecting humans now is forcing everyone to take a truthful look at themselves to see just where and how they have polarized their experience of reality. Once it is seen, the hardest task begins -- can you resist the temptation to fall into the old habit of polarized thoughts and emotions, and then not judge yourself if you do so? Once you start this process with conviction, the journey takes a life of its own and shows you what you need to see, if you are willing to see it. It is also a wonderful opportunity to watch how the ego will try to convince you that you are not polarized. Humor is a key here! Simply know that this challenge with polarity is part of why you are here and ultimately the One you, your true nature, is watching the show with great enjoyment and fulfillment. Let yourself lighten up, smile at the ego's antics, and move on. Being willing to see beyond the illusion of polarity with a lightness in your heart will help the whole process move more smoothly. Many of your forefathers have walked this road and left the room of fun house mirrors, so you have much assistance in this regard. Ask for help with clear seeing when you need it, and embrace the adventure!
Card #35 | Orion (1st Era, Past) | Deep Polarity
In the last few months we have been exploring the idea of polarity from the point of view of the One. (Please see the text for June and July, 2016). Now let us dive deeply into polarity from the point of view of the separated state of consciousness.
Metaphorically, humans have two eyes, two sides of the brain, masculine and feminine energy, mental and emotional bodies, and on it goes. Everywhere you look in physical reality, you are presented with yet another opportunity to take sides. Somehow, it is considered honorable to be firmly rooted in one side of an issue or experience. Without knowing it, humans root themselves in polarity more and more deeply with every conviction to which they cling.
Take a AA battery as an example. One side is "+" and one side is "-". Those labels simply refer to the kind of energy charge held by that side of the battery. It doesn't mean one is good and one is bad. Actually, you need both sides of that battery to generate an electrical charge. If you judge one side and resist using the energy from that side of the battery, what happens? You will not be able to access the energy you need to navigate. There is no electrical charge. Your devices remain still.
This is a wonderful metaphor for the nature of reality. In the One state that is your true nature (as explored in the text from the previous two months), there is not even a battery with two sides. Energy is completely at rest with no contrast or duality. But as soon as the state of polarity arises, the two opposing charges become active as a way to move energy -- that is simply the nature of polarity.
Now imagine that you insert a consciousness that is witness to this process, but this consciousness sees through a lens of polarity. Soon you have preference, judgment, avoidance, and a tremendous amount of fear about experiencing the 'side' you don't want to see. As a way to manage this fear, illusionary stories get created to make sense of your experience. Then, you believe those stories. Suddenly, this natural process of separation as a way to experience polarity becomes fraught with emotional content. The witnessing consciousness (you) loses the ability to see clearly and instead sees its own projections, fears, and belief systems and believes they are the ultimate truth. You then become lost the fun house mirrors, never able to see what the true reality looks like. And who is the caretaker of this distorted reality? The mechanism you call the human ego, who takes his job very seriously.
Every civilization that experiences physicality goes through this aspect of evolution. And every civilization has its darkest time, when it is so mired in polarity that it cannot see beyond it. This card represents the deepest, darkest, most separated time of your forefathers' history within the Orion civilization. Though the Orions eventually healed this polarity and awakened themselves, humans carry the residual energy of the galactic family's polarity in order that it can be healed once and for all.
This card is coming up now because both humanity as a whole and humans as individuals are coming to a precipice whereby they must take steps to exit the fun house and begin to see reality from a less polarized perspective without distortion. It isn't easy, because judging, labeling, and projecting (even while telling yourself that you don't do it) are habits that are very hard to release. For the purpose of this text, let us simply focus on the personal level.
The intense energy affecting humans now is forcing everyone to take a truthful look at themselves to see just where and how they have polarized their experience of reality. Once it is seen, the hardest task begins -- can you resist the temptation to fall into the old habit of polarized thoughts and emotions, and then not judge yourself if you do so? Once you start this process with conviction, the journey takes a life of its own and shows you what you need to see, if you are willing to see it. It is also a wonderful opportunity to watch how the ego will try to convince you that you are not polarized. Humor is a key here! Simply know that this challenge with polarity is part of why you are here and ultimately the One you, your true nature, is watching the show with great enjoyment and fulfillment. Let yourself lighten up, smile at the ego's antics, and move on. Being willing to see beyond the illusion of polarity with a lightness in your heart will help the whole process move more smoothly. Many of your forefathers have walked this road and left the room of fun house mirrors, so you have much assistance in this regard. Ask for help with clear seeing when you need it, and embrace the adventure!
July 2016
Card #108 | Orion Light (Future) | Emptiness
Once again, the energy of this card flows nicely from last month's card of the month (see #78, Seeing the One, June 2016). In last month's text we discussed a model that we use in workshops quite often -- an outer circle representing the One consciousness of the True Self, and an inner circle representing the realm in which humans are exploring the illusion of separation. As you go through your process of awakening (which is really a process of integrating the illusionary separate self back into the whole of the One), it can be as if the inner circle in the model slowly dissolves and becomes One again. In that nondual state of Oneness, paradox arises. The particular paradox we refer to here is the state of fullness (whereby all seemingly separate aspects have been integrated) and the state of emptiness, which is the absence of separation or polarity.
This card is the last card of the deck, representing the culmination of your journey from wholeness to separation, and integration to reunification. The species depicted, the Orion Light (the evolution of the physical Orion species), experienced this awakening through some intense inner work that helped to integrate the polarity within their society but most importantly, within themselves.
Metaphorically, Earth humans are the spiritual children of Orion. The unresolved seeds of polarity have been carried here for healing on the final frontier. As you look around your world, especially lately, you see what appears to be even further polarization. Good/evil, right/wrong -- these are simply labels that define unhealed and unintegrated energies that stubbornly refuse to open themselves to the natural process of integration. The addictive temptation is to cling to one side but it is time now to release that old pattern and rise above the need to empower one side and deny the other.
The human ego, being a microcosm of the macrocosmic struggle you see in the world, is also experiencing its own last attempt to resist integration. We must remind you here that the ego is neither positive nor negative; it simply serves the function of an anchor to keep a portion of your consciousness grounded here to experience separation. But over time, the ego becomes attached to its role and believes itself to be the king of its kingdom -- the physical realm. As the call to evolve gets louder, it resists even stronger. Thus, many of you are experiencing strange and intense things such as old emotional pain returning, anxiety, depression, illnesses with no cause, or just a general sense of something being "wrong." This is because the call to evolve and integrate is getting louder. As the ego resists and keeps the door of the kingdom tightly closed, the pressure builds until you feel the results in your physical reality. There is a fear to let go of control and relax into the unknown (symbolized by the concept of emptiness), so the ego holds on even tighter.
There will come a time when you cannot hold on any more. You will have to let go of trying to control and manage reality, for that behavior only reinforces the illusionary reality of separation in a vicious circle. You can do this willingly, or you will be forced to let go through intense experiences. It is your choice. We recommend that you begin letting go of control slowly and willingly, at your own pace, but with the surety that it is the essential next step in your evolution.
What happens when you let go of control? The process is quite miraculous, actually. The voice of your greater consciousness, the One, becomes much louder. The experience of being adrift in the cosmic waters of creation is enhanced -- but from a place of trust rather than panic. And returning to the diagram we mentioned above, the experience of the illusionary reality of separation begins dissolving. You begin to learn to navigate two worlds -- being in the physical but not of it. The perception of separation, stubbornly clung to by the ego, begins to fade away. At that point, you experience the paradox -- the fullness of the One and the emptiness (or lack) of separation. Perhaps that perception will be fleeting at the beginning and then be able to be experienced for longer and longer periods of time. You are not going anywhere. You are becoming your true nature. To evolve as a human, let yourself embrace the paradox, for as we have said many times ... the experience of paradox means that you are closest to the truth. Embracing the paradox and resting in the state of nonduality brings you to the state of emptiness that is the true nature of all consciousness as the One.
Card #108 | Orion Light (Future) | Emptiness
Once again, the energy of this card flows nicely from last month's card of the month (see #78, Seeing the One, June 2016). In last month's text we discussed a model that we use in workshops quite often -- an outer circle representing the One consciousness of the True Self, and an inner circle representing the realm in which humans are exploring the illusion of separation. As you go through your process of awakening (which is really a process of integrating the illusionary separate self back into the whole of the One), it can be as if the inner circle in the model slowly dissolves and becomes One again. In that nondual state of Oneness, paradox arises. The particular paradox we refer to here is the state of fullness (whereby all seemingly separate aspects have been integrated) and the state of emptiness, which is the absence of separation or polarity.
This card is the last card of the deck, representing the culmination of your journey from wholeness to separation, and integration to reunification. The species depicted, the Orion Light (the evolution of the physical Orion species), experienced this awakening through some intense inner work that helped to integrate the polarity within their society but most importantly, within themselves.
Metaphorically, Earth humans are the spiritual children of Orion. The unresolved seeds of polarity have been carried here for healing on the final frontier. As you look around your world, especially lately, you see what appears to be even further polarization. Good/evil, right/wrong -- these are simply labels that define unhealed and unintegrated energies that stubbornly refuse to open themselves to the natural process of integration. The addictive temptation is to cling to one side but it is time now to release that old pattern and rise above the need to empower one side and deny the other.
The human ego, being a microcosm of the macrocosmic struggle you see in the world, is also experiencing its own last attempt to resist integration. We must remind you here that the ego is neither positive nor negative; it simply serves the function of an anchor to keep a portion of your consciousness grounded here to experience separation. But over time, the ego becomes attached to its role and believes itself to be the king of its kingdom -- the physical realm. As the call to evolve gets louder, it resists even stronger. Thus, many of you are experiencing strange and intense things such as old emotional pain returning, anxiety, depression, illnesses with no cause, or just a general sense of something being "wrong." This is because the call to evolve and integrate is getting louder. As the ego resists and keeps the door of the kingdom tightly closed, the pressure builds until you feel the results in your physical reality. There is a fear to let go of control and relax into the unknown (symbolized by the concept of emptiness), so the ego holds on even tighter.
There will come a time when you cannot hold on any more. You will have to let go of trying to control and manage reality, for that behavior only reinforces the illusionary reality of separation in a vicious circle. You can do this willingly, or you will be forced to let go through intense experiences. It is your choice. We recommend that you begin letting go of control slowly and willingly, at your own pace, but with the surety that it is the essential next step in your evolution.
What happens when you let go of control? The process is quite miraculous, actually. The voice of your greater consciousness, the One, becomes much louder. The experience of being adrift in the cosmic waters of creation is enhanced -- but from a place of trust rather than panic. And returning to the diagram we mentioned above, the experience of the illusionary reality of separation begins dissolving. You begin to learn to navigate two worlds -- being in the physical but not of it. The perception of separation, stubbornly clung to by the ego, begins to fade away. At that point, you experience the paradox -- the fullness of the One and the emptiness (or lack) of separation. Perhaps that perception will be fleeting at the beginning and then be able to be experienced for longer and longer periods of time. You are not going anywhere. You are becoming your true nature. To evolve as a human, let yourself embrace the paradox, for as we have said many times ... the experience of paradox means that you are closest to the truth. Embracing the paradox and resting in the state of nonduality brings you to the state of emptiness that is the true nature of all consciousness as the One.
June 2016
Card #78 | Earth (Future) | Seeing the One
The energy of this card flows nicely from last month's card of the month (#101, Integrity, May 2016). This is because when one begins integrating all of their previously separate parts, a new wholeness blossoms. For this text, let us explore what the idea of "Oneness" really means - on the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels.
Firstly, as many of you have heard in our workshops, we often talk about a metaphor to show you a model of what the evolution of consciousness looks like. Let us use that model here. Imagine a circle as being a representation of the One consciousness of which all beings are a part. Within this circle, duality is nonexistent. Consciousness is at rest and at peace in a nondual way. Hypothetically, let's say that this One consciousness asked itself, "I wonder what it would be like not to know myself." That inquiry began to create duality. Now you have a circle within a circle. The outer circle is the One consciousness (which encompasses all), and the inner circle is the separated part that is exploring the idea of not-knowing. The physical universe is born within this inner circle of separation, and it plays out duality that moves into polarity and deep separation. Through its experiences, it seeks to return to the source of its true nature - One consciousness. This is the journey of evolution on the macrocosmic level for all consciousness. But it is also the journey of awakening on the microcosmic level - within the consciousness of each and every person who experiences lifetimes in this illusory reality of separation.
You have all heard that this is a time of "ascension" or "awakening" but what does that really mean? It means that the alarm clock is ringing. You have gathered enough momentum through your experiences of polarity and separation that you are now being propelled back toward your true nature - that of the One consciousness. But through these eons, ego structures have become strong and have come to believe that they are running the show. They are fiercely fighting this reintegration back into wholeness. Thus, when you look around you on the planet you see signs of deeper polarization. This is not a sign of failure or hopelessness. It is actually a sign of the progress that you have made back toward wholeness, and how the last vestiges of resistance are rising and trying to stop the inevitable shift of consciousness.
How can you help this shift? What can you do as a seemingly singular being? Firstly, we recommend shifting your focus from trying to affect change in the outer world to really looking within to the places where your own polarity resides. The image on this card shows a single eye. This is a metaphor for the One consciousness. But most humans still navigate through reality based on their two eyes - the eyes of polarity. Notice where "rightness" and "wrongness" (which are really arbitrary value judgments not based on the neutral energy of the One consciousness) dominate your thoughts and actions. Can you get to a place where you can see through the single eye instead of the polarized vision of humanity? Yes, you can. But it first requires you to see yourself clearly without self-judgment (which anchors you back into polarization). Your views of the world are merely a reflection of your separated self in the mirror of reality that is projected outward. Look within to the source of your pain, beliefs, judgments, and control dramas. See their roots and you will know yourself. Go back beyond those roots and you eventually see your true nature, which is nothing but the One consciousness. This One has been reflected through the lens of separation to have a human experience. This One consciousness cares nothing for the drama of this world. It merely watches the polarized dance with curiosity, for that was the initial reason for the creation of the separated reality in the first place -- to understand what it is like to not know the One self.
This journey into separation had a purpose, but it isn't the nature of the greater reality. When you stop feeding the drama of polarity and stories in the physical world and focus instead on your inner integration back to the One, the view of the world and your ability to live in peace here dramatically changes. (We are not talking about denial in any way! There is a subtle difference between denial and simply not feeding the beast, so to speak). Polarity is seductive when you stay asleep. But the alarm clock is ringing and beckoning you to remember the One and move beyond the drama. One-by-one you are beginning to hear this alarm ringing. You are rubbing the sleep from your eyes and shifting your attention in a new direction. This is necessary for the awakening of every species and the time is now for humanity. In whatever way you can, begin to see through the single eye (the perspective of the One) and let go of the loop of polarized vision that only results in reinforcing the reality of separation. Even if you have had a positive intention, it is still polarization. As you let go, peace blossoms within and it can be spread to others in an organic way until the harmony and peace becomes the norm - moving you back into the light of the One.
Card #78 | Earth (Future) | Seeing the One
The energy of this card flows nicely from last month's card of the month (#101, Integrity, May 2016). This is because when one begins integrating all of their previously separate parts, a new wholeness blossoms. For this text, let us explore what the idea of "Oneness" really means - on the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels.
Firstly, as many of you have heard in our workshops, we often talk about a metaphor to show you a model of what the evolution of consciousness looks like. Let us use that model here. Imagine a circle as being a representation of the One consciousness of which all beings are a part. Within this circle, duality is nonexistent. Consciousness is at rest and at peace in a nondual way. Hypothetically, let's say that this One consciousness asked itself, "I wonder what it would be like not to know myself." That inquiry began to create duality. Now you have a circle within a circle. The outer circle is the One consciousness (which encompasses all), and the inner circle is the separated part that is exploring the idea of not-knowing. The physical universe is born within this inner circle of separation, and it plays out duality that moves into polarity and deep separation. Through its experiences, it seeks to return to the source of its true nature - One consciousness. This is the journey of evolution on the macrocosmic level for all consciousness. But it is also the journey of awakening on the microcosmic level - within the consciousness of each and every person who experiences lifetimes in this illusory reality of separation.
You have all heard that this is a time of "ascension" or "awakening" but what does that really mean? It means that the alarm clock is ringing. You have gathered enough momentum through your experiences of polarity and separation that you are now being propelled back toward your true nature - that of the One consciousness. But through these eons, ego structures have become strong and have come to believe that they are running the show. They are fiercely fighting this reintegration back into wholeness. Thus, when you look around you on the planet you see signs of deeper polarization. This is not a sign of failure or hopelessness. It is actually a sign of the progress that you have made back toward wholeness, and how the last vestiges of resistance are rising and trying to stop the inevitable shift of consciousness.
How can you help this shift? What can you do as a seemingly singular being? Firstly, we recommend shifting your focus from trying to affect change in the outer world to really looking within to the places where your own polarity resides. The image on this card shows a single eye. This is a metaphor for the One consciousness. But most humans still navigate through reality based on their two eyes - the eyes of polarity. Notice where "rightness" and "wrongness" (which are really arbitrary value judgments not based on the neutral energy of the One consciousness) dominate your thoughts and actions. Can you get to a place where you can see through the single eye instead of the polarized vision of humanity? Yes, you can. But it first requires you to see yourself clearly without self-judgment (which anchors you back into polarization). Your views of the world are merely a reflection of your separated self in the mirror of reality that is projected outward. Look within to the source of your pain, beliefs, judgments, and control dramas. See their roots and you will know yourself. Go back beyond those roots and you eventually see your true nature, which is nothing but the One consciousness. This One has been reflected through the lens of separation to have a human experience. This One consciousness cares nothing for the drama of this world. It merely watches the polarized dance with curiosity, for that was the initial reason for the creation of the separated reality in the first place -- to understand what it is like to not know the One self.
This journey into separation had a purpose, but it isn't the nature of the greater reality. When you stop feeding the drama of polarity and stories in the physical world and focus instead on your inner integration back to the One, the view of the world and your ability to live in peace here dramatically changes. (We are not talking about denial in any way! There is a subtle difference between denial and simply not feeding the beast, so to speak). Polarity is seductive when you stay asleep. But the alarm clock is ringing and beckoning you to remember the One and move beyond the drama. One-by-one you are beginning to hear this alarm ringing. You are rubbing the sleep from your eyes and shifting your attention in a new direction. This is necessary for the awakening of every species and the time is now for humanity. In whatever way you can, begin to see through the single eye (the perspective of the One) and let go of the loop of polarized vision that only results in reinforcing the reality of separation. Even if you have had a positive intention, it is still polarization. As you let go, peace blossoms within and it can be spread to others in an organic way until the harmony and peace becomes the norm - moving you back into the light of the One.
May 2016
Card #101 | Essassani (Parallel) | Integrity
For those of you who are not familiar with the cosmology we have presented through books such as The Prism of Lyra, we can simply say that the Essassani represent a hybrid race that brings together two species - Human and Zeta - through a deep process of healing that occurred for both. In this healing process, both species had to confront their deepest of fears and in doing so, an alchemy happened that made the creation of a new species possible. The Essassani represent a model of integration and evolution that can be a probable future timeline for Earth - into an era of peace, wholeness, and galactic community.
The origin of the word integrity means wholeness. Thus, the concept of integrity is a coming together of seemingly separate parts into a complete and harmonious system in which thought, emotion, belief, and action are all in alignment. This is the process of consciousness evolution in which all evolving species must pass. Your Earth species is now entering a time of tremendous tests that most evolving species experience. Can you strip away the illusion, the distraction, the fear, the rigid beliefs, and return to your core as a spiritual being expressing itself in a physical reality? For only in doing so can you return to wholeness and make a leap as a species into a new era of expression.
For the purposes of this text, let us look at the concept of integrity on a personal level. If you look around your world, you see many dichotomies: Insecure egos wearing costumes of pompousness; Frightened egos seeing others as the source of their problems and lashing out; Confused egos seeking peace by forcing others to believe as they do; Wounded egos seeking healing by hurting others; and on it goes. These are all examples of unintegrated consciousness structures - where one's core wounds remain tightly hidden away while a costumed stage play that does everything to avoid pain goes on in the person's life. This is not wholeness. Wholeness comes from being authentic. Living as an authentic being creates integrity.
This card speaks to this issue. At this time now, in planetary and personal evolution, it is critical that authenticity be embraced. This is a big fear for most people because they are afraid to show others their pain. But what happens when you remove the layers of facade and show your true self, warts and all? It touches the hearts of other people. It instills compassion. It ignites love. It makes others feel safe with you. Facades cannot give or receive love, which is why many feel this is a loveless world. Drop the facade, and love returns. And do not forget that humans also create facades within themselves to fool themselves as well. Drop that facade, be authentic and naked with yourself, and self-love can return as well.
Doing this sacred inner work is not easy and probably not very attractive. What is the pay off (if you need one for motivation)? In addition to creating fertile ground for species transformation, you exponentially increase your capacity for genuine love. In order to truly love and be loved, authenticity with yourself and others is the key. While you may see a cast of inauthentic characters parading around your world, the heart knows authenticity. It feels it. Authenticity is not weakness, but infinite strength - it is unshakeable, and has no interest in "winning". Authenticity and integrity is the language of the heart.
The Essassani are a result of the Human and Zeta paths of emotional healing. In the galactic hologram, this healing has already transpired. Now it is up to you to walk the path, supported by your galactic family. Ask for help when needed, for there is no shame in that. Be fragile, without self-judgment. As you allow this breakdown of the facade, a new you emerges into the light - whole, complete, and brimming with love.
Card #101 | Essassani (Parallel) | Integrity
For those of you who are not familiar with the cosmology we have presented through books such as The Prism of Lyra, we can simply say that the Essassani represent a hybrid race that brings together two species - Human and Zeta - through a deep process of healing that occurred for both. In this healing process, both species had to confront their deepest of fears and in doing so, an alchemy happened that made the creation of a new species possible. The Essassani represent a model of integration and evolution that can be a probable future timeline for Earth - into an era of peace, wholeness, and galactic community.
The origin of the word integrity means wholeness. Thus, the concept of integrity is a coming together of seemingly separate parts into a complete and harmonious system in which thought, emotion, belief, and action are all in alignment. This is the process of consciousness evolution in which all evolving species must pass. Your Earth species is now entering a time of tremendous tests that most evolving species experience. Can you strip away the illusion, the distraction, the fear, the rigid beliefs, and return to your core as a spiritual being expressing itself in a physical reality? For only in doing so can you return to wholeness and make a leap as a species into a new era of expression.
For the purposes of this text, let us look at the concept of integrity on a personal level. If you look around your world, you see many dichotomies: Insecure egos wearing costumes of pompousness; Frightened egos seeing others as the source of their problems and lashing out; Confused egos seeking peace by forcing others to believe as they do; Wounded egos seeking healing by hurting others; and on it goes. These are all examples of unintegrated consciousness structures - where one's core wounds remain tightly hidden away while a costumed stage play that does everything to avoid pain goes on in the person's life. This is not wholeness. Wholeness comes from being authentic. Living as an authentic being creates integrity.
This card speaks to this issue. At this time now, in planetary and personal evolution, it is critical that authenticity be embraced. This is a big fear for most people because they are afraid to show others their pain. But what happens when you remove the layers of facade and show your true self, warts and all? It touches the hearts of other people. It instills compassion. It ignites love. It makes others feel safe with you. Facades cannot give or receive love, which is why many feel this is a loveless world. Drop the facade, and love returns. And do not forget that humans also create facades within themselves to fool themselves as well. Drop that facade, be authentic and naked with yourself, and self-love can return as well.
Doing this sacred inner work is not easy and probably not very attractive. What is the pay off (if you need one for motivation)? In addition to creating fertile ground for species transformation, you exponentially increase your capacity for genuine love. In order to truly love and be loved, authenticity with yourself and others is the key. While you may see a cast of inauthentic characters parading around your world, the heart knows authenticity. It feels it. Authenticity is not weakness, but infinite strength - it is unshakeable, and has no interest in "winning". Authenticity and integrity is the language of the heart.
The Essassani are a result of the Human and Zeta paths of emotional healing. In the galactic hologram, this healing has already transpired. Now it is up to you to walk the path, supported by your galactic family. Ask for help when needed, for there is no shame in that. Be fragile, without self-judgment. As you allow this breakdown of the facade, a new you emerges into the light - whole, complete, and brimming with love.
April 2016
Card #48 | Earth (Past) | Atlantean Era
We have spoken in the past about the nature of galactic energy and how there are two 13,000-year cycles of evolution that are based on how your solar system moves, relative to the galactic core. One cycle has the quality of the masculine. It is focused on the external, expresses the energy of will and ego (control), reinforces separation, and accentuates the sleep state of forgetting who you are. The other 13,000-year cycle expresses the feminine and the energy of healing, integration, intuition, moving inward, spiritual awakening, and the remembrance of your true nature. The significant date of December 21, 2012 represented the time of passage from one era (the masculine) into a new era of the feminine. In terms of galactic evolution, that passage is quite significant.
We have named the last 13,000 years on Earth the Atlantean era after the most predominant culture that existed during this time. (Your Earth culture is in the process of finalizing this era, for you have still been playing out the energy from the Atlantean era, almost like an echo after the destruction happened). Now that you are entering the new era, you are having to let go of all the wounds of the past 13,000-year cycle and begin anew. This means that significant rebuilding is taking place. And with rebuilding, it is often preceded by destruction. You are seeing this on your world now, as the structures that have been the engine on your world (religion, politics, economic, etc.,) are going through massive changes and yet intense resistance to those changes. On the surface, it looks like chaos. But underlying the chaos is an organized disassembling process that all planetary cultures experience. We won't explore that in detail here, because this text is for the purpose of assisting your own inner transformation.
Being that the universe is fractal in nature, you are going to see the same processes playing out on macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. The same process of disassembling the structures of the Atlantean era is being played out within your consciousness as well. (Hence, old patterns and wounds from the last 13,000 years are coming up for healing). As you move further into the new cycle, it becomes impossible to navigate reality with the same old compartmentalized structures within your consciousness that you've used for millennia. Many of you are finding that your relationship to time and space is changing. Many of you are also finding that your ability to work with your mental and emotional bodies is changing as well. Reflecting those inner changes, the body is changing also. The same coping mechanisms don't work any longer. Things are coming to the surface that, in the compartmentalized framework of the Atlantean era, could previously be isolated. But no longer. Thus, you are quite literally needing to rewrite the script for a new era, governed by a new map. We know this leaves many of you feeling as if you are in a deep jungle without a machete.
Because the dominant energy of this new emerging era is one of integration, it requires you to navigate reality in a very different way. You can no longer solely use the energy of the solar plexus (pushing and the will), or the mind (thinking), to live as a physical being. There must now be a movement to the heart, which naturally facilitates integration on all levels. The incessant need of the ego to control must be relinquished. You begin to have to learn how to work in concert with the universe rather than through the demands of the mind or ego. This means inner healing is required.
The bottom line? The time is now. You can no longer avoid the separated, unhealed parts of yourself that are crying for compassion and love. They want to come home within you. This means going straight into the jungle naked and trusting that a greater part of you will always guide you to excavate that which needs to be seen and released. The passage through this gate - through your fears, demons, and illusions - is a sacred rite of passage for all species. To get to the next level of your evolution as humans and as a collective consciousness, this step must not only be taken, but embraced. When you arrive at the other side, you will see that your galactic family is waiting to embrace you. They have all been through this sacred gate of awakening. You will join them there, waiting for the next species journeying through the gate. And the lineage continues.
Card #48 | Earth (Past) | Atlantean Era
We have spoken in the past about the nature of galactic energy and how there are two 13,000-year cycles of evolution that are based on how your solar system moves, relative to the galactic core. One cycle has the quality of the masculine. It is focused on the external, expresses the energy of will and ego (control), reinforces separation, and accentuates the sleep state of forgetting who you are. The other 13,000-year cycle expresses the feminine and the energy of healing, integration, intuition, moving inward, spiritual awakening, and the remembrance of your true nature. The significant date of December 21, 2012 represented the time of passage from one era (the masculine) into a new era of the feminine. In terms of galactic evolution, that passage is quite significant.
We have named the last 13,000 years on Earth the Atlantean era after the most predominant culture that existed during this time. (Your Earth culture is in the process of finalizing this era, for you have still been playing out the energy from the Atlantean era, almost like an echo after the destruction happened). Now that you are entering the new era, you are having to let go of all the wounds of the past 13,000-year cycle and begin anew. This means that significant rebuilding is taking place. And with rebuilding, it is often preceded by destruction. You are seeing this on your world now, as the structures that have been the engine on your world (religion, politics, economic, etc.,) are going through massive changes and yet intense resistance to those changes. On the surface, it looks like chaos. But underlying the chaos is an organized disassembling process that all planetary cultures experience. We won't explore that in detail here, because this text is for the purpose of assisting your own inner transformation.
Being that the universe is fractal in nature, you are going to see the same processes playing out on macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. The same process of disassembling the structures of the Atlantean era is being played out within your consciousness as well. (Hence, old patterns and wounds from the last 13,000 years are coming up for healing). As you move further into the new cycle, it becomes impossible to navigate reality with the same old compartmentalized structures within your consciousness that you've used for millennia. Many of you are finding that your relationship to time and space is changing. Many of you are also finding that your ability to work with your mental and emotional bodies is changing as well. Reflecting those inner changes, the body is changing also. The same coping mechanisms don't work any longer. Things are coming to the surface that, in the compartmentalized framework of the Atlantean era, could previously be isolated. But no longer. Thus, you are quite literally needing to rewrite the script for a new era, governed by a new map. We know this leaves many of you feeling as if you are in a deep jungle without a machete.
Because the dominant energy of this new emerging era is one of integration, it requires you to navigate reality in a very different way. You can no longer solely use the energy of the solar plexus (pushing and the will), or the mind (thinking), to live as a physical being. There must now be a movement to the heart, which naturally facilitates integration on all levels. The incessant need of the ego to control must be relinquished. You begin to have to learn how to work in concert with the universe rather than through the demands of the mind or ego. This means inner healing is required.
The bottom line? The time is now. You can no longer avoid the separated, unhealed parts of yourself that are crying for compassion and love. They want to come home within you. This means going straight into the jungle naked and trusting that a greater part of you will always guide you to excavate that which needs to be seen and released. The passage through this gate - through your fears, demons, and illusions - is a sacred rite of passage for all species. To get to the next level of your evolution as humans and as a collective consciousness, this step must not only be taken, but embraced. When you arrive at the other side, you will see that your galactic family is waiting to embrace you. They have all been through this sacred gate of awakening. You will join them there, waiting for the next species journeying through the gate. And the lineage continues.
March 2016
Card #95 | Sirius (Future) | Way Showing
Sirius consciousness is one of the most devoted helpers that assists humanity, especially in this time of great change and seeming chaos. Therefore, this card is quite appropriate in its message at this time. However to fully understand the deeper wisdom available through this card's message, we need to look at it from two perspectives.
The first perspective has to do with, as stated above, the consciousness that has been helping your planet evolve for thousands of years. The Sirian civilizations, in their many forms, have already experienced their evolution and awakening process and thus can serve as role models and wise guides for you along your journey. As many of you know who have heard our communications during the last several years, the Sirius energy coming to you to give direct assistance has been accelerated to match your evolution on Earth. Thus, many of you are feeling their presence in energy, through downloads, or direct communication. If this is the case for you, we strongly encourage you to step back a bit more, get out of your own way, and allow this wise guidance to be heard. If you have been resisting the channeling process but know it is something that you need to explore, now would be a perfect time to begin your channeling journey.
But the deeper meanings of this card are even more significant. We have spoken in the past about the innate duality that keeps your reality of separation in existence. First, you have the One Consciousness of which you are all a part. In its fullness, it choose to create (within itself) a realm of separation in order to explore not only the experience of separation but the joy of reunification and remembrance. This realm of separation is within the whole and thus the separate part is never truly separate - just living the illusion of separateness. However, in any species' process of awakening, there comes a time when the facade of separation begins to dissolve and you get glimmers of the greater reality of the One Consciousness. For those of you with a spiritual nature, this is of comfort to you. But to the vast sea of humanity on Earth, who put their faith in religion or something outside of themselves, seeing the illusion of the separated reality crumbling around them begins to create an intense amount of fear. Seeing that their Gods are mere illusions, they feel tremendously alone.
As reality seems to crumble around you, the light of the One Consciousness shines through the cracks in the metaphorical wall that was built around the illusion that separates you from wholeness. This light is no one but you - the greater, One Consciousness of your true self peeking through. It is not separate from you, but another manifestation of you that is not sourced from ego identity. This light always shows you the way if you listen carefully, move slowly, and learn to differentiate the wisdom of this true self from the fearful lies of the ego. Some of those ego lies may even be disguised as spiritual truths that simply further separation. This is part of your inner test. Can you differentiate the pseudo-spiritual lies of the ego (that seem so real!) from the greater Truth of your One Consciousness?
This card encourages you to explore that inner terrain where the voices of the ego and True Self both beckon to you. (This is the classic "battle between good and evil" by the way!) Learn to differentiate them clearly and know there are times when you may be fooled. That is ok. Once you see it, just let it go and move on. As you learn to see the subtle lies of the ego clearly, your movement toward the light of your One Consciousness accelerates until it becomes the dominant voice. You will have cleared your way through the ego jungle and can now allow the piercing light of your One Consciousness to show you the way. And of course, your Sirian (and other) friends will be right there, cheering you on - for they, too, have walked the same road.
Card #95 | Sirius (Future) | Way Showing
Sirius consciousness is one of the most devoted helpers that assists humanity, especially in this time of great change and seeming chaos. Therefore, this card is quite appropriate in its message at this time. However to fully understand the deeper wisdom available through this card's message, we need to look at it from two perspectives.
The first perspective has to do with, as stated above, the consciousness that has been helping your planet evolve for thousands of years. The Sirian civilizations, in their many forms, have already experienced their evolution and awakening process and thus can serve as role models and wise guides for you along your journey. As many of you know who have heard our communications during the last several years, the Sirius energy coming to you to give direct assistance has been accelerated to match your evolution on Earth. Thus, many of you are feeling their presence in energy, through downloads, or direct communication. If this is the case for you, we strongly encourage you to step back a bit more, get out of your own way, and allow this wise guidance to be heard. If you have been resisting the channeling process but know it is something that you need to explore, now would be a perfect time to begin your channeling journey.
But the deeper meanings of this card are even more significant. We have spoken in the past about the innate duality that keeps your reality of separation in existence. First, you have the One Consciousness of which you are all a part. In its fullness, it choose to create (within itself) a realm of separation in order to explore not only the experience of separation but the joy of reunification and remembrance. This realm of separation is within the whole and thus the separate part is never truly separate - just living the illusion of separateness. However, in any species' process of awakening, there comes a time when the facade of separation begins to dissolve and you get glimmers of the greater reality of the One Consciousness. For those of you with a spiritual nature, this is of comfort to you. But to the vast sea of humanity on Earth, who put their faith in religion or something outside of themselves, seeing the illusion of the separated reality crumbling around them begins to create an intense amount of fear. Seeing that their Gods are mere illusions, they feel tremendously alone.
As reality seems to crumble around you, the light of the One Consciousness shines through the cracks in the metaphorical wall that was built around the illusion that separates you from wholeness. This light is no one but you - the greater, One Consciousness of your true self peeking through. It is not separate from you, but another manifestation of you that is not sourced from ego identity. This light always shows you the way if you listen carefully, move slowly, and learn to differentiate the wisdom of this true self from the fearful lies of the ego. Some of those ego lies may even be disguised as spiritual truths that simply further separation. This is part of your inner test. Can you differentiate the pseudo-spiritual lies of the ego (that seem so real!) from the greater Truth of your One Consciousness?
This card encourages you to explore that inner terrain where the voices of the ego and True Self both beckon to you. (This is the classic "battle between good and evil" by the way!) Learn to differentiate them clearly and know there are times when you may be fooled. That is ok. Once you see it, just let it go and move on. As you learn to see the subtle lies of the ego clearly, your movement toward the light of your One Consciousness accelerates until it becomes the dominant voice. You will have cleared your way through the ego jungle and can now allow the piercing light of your One Consciousness to show you the way. And of course, your Sirian (and other) friends will be right there, cheering you on - for they, too, have walked the same road.
February 2016
Card #56 | Orion (Present) | Healing Crisis & Purging
This card is one of the most significant in the deck as it relates to the process of awakening that humans are experiencing in the shift from 3rd to 4th density. Even though, when you initially read the card's theme, you probably had a feeling of resistance or displeasure, the card's deeper meaning can actually be a very powerful signpost that you are heading in the right direction - both personally and on a planetary level. Why?
As a species awakens, one of its first steps is to clear out the old, stuck energy that no longer serves it. Initially, this old stuck energy usually takes the form of emotion because emotion is simply energy expressed through human form and shaped by belief patterns, past pain, and deep fear. When emotion is denied, that energy buries deeper and then later erupts on the densest level - the physical one. On a human level that means disease, imbalance, and physical discomfort. On the planetary level that can mean earth changes such as earthquakes, massive storms, strange weather patterns, confusing migration patterns of animals, and much more. You are seeing all of this happening on Earth now. It is a sign of a deeper process that has been initiated. On one hand, it can be a cleansing that makes way for positive growth if the deeper lessons are learned and behavior changes. On the other hand, if seen negatively, it can be a way to temporarily release pressure and then return to the old way of being as if there were no connection - thus creating more and more internal pressure.
The Orion civilization had the most dramatic shift of consciousness within your entire galactic family. For eons they resisted change, buried negativity, continued their control cycles, and denied what was right in front of their eyes. You on Earth have taken on some of the traits of your Orion forefathers - but luckily your experience is not as rigid or intense as what your forefathers experienced. You are softer; you allow change more easily than they did. But this makes you feel erratic in that you swing wildly from denial and control to humility and allowance. Up until now, denial and control have won. But on a mass level there is a realization that the clock is ticking and that methodology won't work too much longer. You are learning this lesson more easily than your Orion forefathers did.
What does this mean for you personally as human beings? In some ways, you are your own worst enemies. You resist change and growth vehemently ... until you are in pain. When you are in physical or emotional pain, then you are willing to do anything. You agree to change, to bargain, to give up old habits, to grow. When the pain passes, it is very easy to return to the old ways and many of you make that choice. This is the lesson of this card.
Pain is a powerful doorway for humans. It can provide a lasting, permanent opportunity for change if you use the pain to dig deep into your emotions, see what you refuse to see, and accept and love who you are exactly as you are. This leads to a huge purging process in which you can let go of old pain and literally reshape the template of your human self, healing yourself in present time. If you let yourself go through this process when the universe provides the opportunity, the purging process becomes less and less intense over time and the human you becomes more and more balanced. With the load lightened by the old baggage that was released, the transformation of your consciousness becomes a natural process that you can see unfolding right before your eyes.
As your species moves further and further into 4th density, things may get a bit intense. We know many of you have noticed that already! The universe may present you with painful opportunities more frequently until you learn how to work with them for your own awakening. This card encourages you to remember that these painful opportunities are not meant to reinforce your feelings of being a victim - you never are! They are powerful opportunities that can help you free yourself from the old self-created anchors that kept you feeling powerless. The universe takes every opportunity to remind you of the true, limitless nature of your consciousness. Pay attention. Be fearless. Remember that the universe is a mirror through which you can see yourself. With this commitment, your healing, and the healing of humanity, is clearly on the horizon.
Card #56 | Orion (Present) | Healing Crisis & Purging
This card is one of the most significant in the deck as it relates to the process of awakening that humans are experiencing in the shift from 3rd to 4th density. Even though, when you initially read the card's theme, you probably had a feeling of resistance or displeasure, the card's deeper meaning can actually be a very powerful signpost that you are heading in the right direction - both personally and on a planetary level. Why?
As a species awakens, one of its first steps is to clear out the old, stuck energy that no longer serves it. Initially, this old stuck energy usually takes the form of emotion because emotion is simply energy expressed through human form and shaped by belief patterns, past pain, and deep fear. When emotion is denied, that energy buries deeper and then later erupts on the densest level - the physical one. On a human level that means disease, imbalance, and physical discomfort. On the planetary level that can mean earth changes such as earthquakes, massive storms, strange weather patterns, confusing migration patterns of animals, and much more. You are seeing all of this happening on Earth now. It is a sign of a deeper process that has been initiated. On one hand, it can be a cleansing that makes way for positive growth if the deeper lessons are learned and behavior changes. On the other hand, if seen negatively, it can be a way to temporarily release pressure and then return to the old way of being as if there were no connection - thus creating more and more internal pressure.
The Orion civilization had the most dramatic shift of consciousness within your entire galactic family. For eons they resisted change, buried negativity, continued their control cycles, and denied what was right in front of their eyes. You on Earth have taken on some of the traits of your Orion forefathers - but luckily your experience is not as rigid or intense as what your forefathers experienced. You are softer; you allow change more easily than they did. But this makes you feel erratic in that you swing wildly from denial and control to humility and allowance. Up until now, denial and control have won. But on a mass level there is a realization that the clock is ticking and that methodology won't work too much longer. You are learning this lesson more easily than your Orion forefathers did.
What does this mean for you personally as human beings? In some ways, you are your own worst enemies. You resist change and growth vehemently ... until you are in pain. When you are in physical or emotional pain, then you are willing to do anything. You agree to change, to bargain, to give up old habits, to grow. When the pain passes, it is very easy to return to the old ways and many of you make that choice. This is the lesson of this card.
Pain is a powerful doorway for humans. It can provide a lasting, permanent opportunity for change if you use the pain to dig deep into your emotions, see what you refuse to see, and accept and love who you are exactly as you are. This leads to a huge purging process in which you can let go of old pain and literally reshape the template of your human self, healing yourself in present time. If you let yourself go through this process when the universe provides the opportunity, the purging process becomes less and less intense over time and the human you becomes more and more balanced. With the load lightened by the old baggage that was released, the transformation of your consciousness becomes a natural process that you can see unfolding right before your eyes.
As your species moves further and further into 4th density, things may get a bit intense. We know many of you have noticed that already! The universe may present you with painful opportunities more frequently until you learn how to work with them for your own awakening. This card encourages you to remember that these painful opportunities are not meant to reinforce your feelings of being a victim - you never are! They are powerful opportunities that can help you free yourself from the old self-created anchors that kept you feeling powerless. The universe takes every opportunity to remind you of the true, limitless nature of your consciousness. Pay attention. Be fearless. Remember that the universe is a mirror through which you can see yourself. With this commitment, your healing, and the healing of humanity, is clearly on the horizon.
January 2016
Card #45 | Sirius (Past) | Long Term Goals
This card's theme seems very fitting for a new year, which is when this text will be released. It is common for people to make goals for the coming year, then feel worse as those expectations are not met. This has been a linear way of navigating in reality for millennia. Your Sirian forefathers also got caught in this challenge when they were a younger species. They set lofty goals for themselves (many of them connected to helping Earth in its evolution), and they felt a profound sense of failure when the goals couldn't be met. Now that the human consciousness is changing, you are required to change the way you navigate reality much like your Sirian forefathers did.
This brings us to an exercise that Sasha (channeled through Lyssa) often does with groups in workshops. She asks the group to stand on one side of the room, pick a point on the other side, and then walk to the destination. This is a great example of how humans have navigated up until now - through a very mental and linear process. Then, Sasha asks the group to pick a point on the other side of the room and to close their eyes and feel that point. From the sense of connectedness to the destination, she asks them to walk slowly forward, feeling the connection to the point the whole time. She says this is a rudimentary lesson one needs to learn inwardly as you begin traveling through the stars.
Now that your civilization is moving from what we call third density to fourth, it means that the way you navigate reality must change as well. No longer can you navigate from the will or the ego, which is ruled by the solar plexus chakra. Those actions won't work in the same way any longer. We know many of you are already seeing this! As you try to push, your goal moves further beyond your grasp. The energy is now moving upward to the heart, which means that in order to achieve a goal, you must first feel deeply and intimately connected to the essence of it (but not attached to the way in which it is experienced). If fear, doubt, and judgment become obstacles to this movement, you will find yourself unable to move forward. Thus, this is why we have been so strongly advocating how important your inner work is during these times of transition, for the things you don't want to embrace become the things that stop your ability to move.
So our recommendation now is that when working with goals in this time of transition, we ask you to feel the essence of them clearly, but, as best as you can, to let go of the need for the result to show up in the tangible way you envision it. Instead, focus on the energy connection (namely, joy) to the thing you are moving toward - just like Sasha's exercise from above. This is a key element. Why? Because ultimately, the setting of goals in a mental way is purely an egoic exercise. As you move out of the solar plexus and into the heart (and out of 3rd density into 4th), your relationship to the setting of goals becomes less egoic and more of a recognition of the flow of energy that is already present. You start to awaken to the fact that the ego does not create your reality and it never did. As this realization dawns, you begin to have a much stronger and deeper connection to the ebb and flow of universal energy. The idea of a "goal" changes from one of an egoic expression to one of a simple recognition of the flow of the universe and you begin to work in concert with it. You become not the doer, but the experiencer, at one with the Universe in all of its expressions. Welcome to 4th density!
Card #45 | Sirius (Past) | Long Term Goals
This card's theme seems very fitting for a new year, which is when this text will be released. It is common for people to make goals for the coming year, then feel worse as those expectations are not met. This has been a linear way of navigating in reality for millennia. Your Sirian forefathers also got caught in this challenge when they were a younger species. They set lofty goals for themselves (many of them connected to helping Earth in its evolution), and they felt a profound sense of failure when the goals couldn't be met. Now that the human consciousness is changing, you are required to change the way you navigate reality much like your Sirian forefathers did.
This brings us to an exercise that Sasha (channeled through Lyssa) often does with groups in workshops. She asks the group to stand on one side of the room, pick a point on the other side, and then walk to the destination. This is a great example of how humans have navigated up until now - through a very mental and linear process. Then, Sasha asks the group to pick a point on the other side of the room and to close their eyes and feel that point. From the sense of connectedness to the destination, she asks them to walk slowly forward, feeling the connection to the point the whole time. She says this is a rudimentary lesson one needs to learn inwardly as you begin traveling through the stars.
Now that your civilization is moving from what we call third density to fourth, it means that the way you navigate reality must change as well. No longer can you navigate from the will or the ego, which is ruled by the solar plexus chakra. Those actions won't work in the same way any longer. We know many of you are already seeing this! As you try to push, your goal moves further beyond your grasp. The energy is now moving upward to the heart, which means that in order to achieve a goal, you must first feel deeply and intimately connected to the essence of it (but not attached to the way in which it is experienced). If fear, doubt, and judgment become obstacles to this movement, you will find yourself unable to move forward. Thus, this is why we have been so strongly advocating how important your inner work is during these times of transition, for the things you don't want to embrace become the things that stop your ability to move.
So our recommendation now is that when working with goals in this time of transition, we ask you to feel the essence of them clearly, but, as best as you can, to let go of the need for the result to show up in the tangible way you envision it. Instead, focus on the energy connection (namely, joy) to the thing you are moving toward - just like Sasha's exercise from above. This is a key element. Why? Because ultimately, the setting of goals in a mental way is purely an egoic exercise. As you move out of the solar plexus and into the heart (and out of 3rd density into 4th), your relationship to the setting of goals becomes less egoic and more of a recognition of the flow of energy that is already present. You start to awaken to the fact that the ego does not create your reality and it never did. As this realization dawns, you begin to have a much stronger and deeper connection to the ebb and flow of universal energy. The idea of a "goal" changes from one of an egoic expression to one of a simple recognition of the flow of the universe and you begin to work in concert with it. You become not the doer, but the experiencer, at one with the Universe in all of its expressions. Welcome to 4th density!
December 2015
Card #16 | Lyra (Past) | Protectiveness
This card's theme comes from the ancient Lyran characteristic of being willing to champion a cause, or act as a protector for others. This may seem like a valiant thing, but it often meant that they got involved in things that were none of their business - even going so far as to protect another from experiencing the pain of necessary growth. This is one of the patterns that humanity has taken on from its Lyran forefathers and it is one that is now coming up for change. Let us look at how this plays out at this time on Earth.
First, you see this pattern happening externally in the world and the people around you. Very often when someone has a wound, they champion a cause. While there may be sincere desire to assist, the motivation often comes from a deep inner wound that seeks to be healed. If all of the attention is put "out there" on protecting the oppressed (as an example), there is no energy left to look at the wound within. It is only from within can these types of wounds be healed. So if you have generations of people rescuing others (instead of teaching them self-reliance, self-respect, and self-empowerment), the wounded cycle just continues. Again, there is nothing wrong with being of service, but we are asking you to look at the bigger picture.
In the bigger picture, your relationship with others is one of the catalysts for your evolution. In personal relationships, if you constantly protect others from experiencing their own pain, or take away their challenges through the role of being a rescuer, a cycle of energy is created that drains you and keeps you tethered to the challenges of others instead of looking within at your own. Thus at this point in human evolution, you are being asked to clearly see the difference between when your compassionate help is required, and when it is habitual because you are avoiding the experience of pain (within another or yourself).
Now let us look even deeper - not just in human relationships but in the relationship with yourself. The ego (whose role is ultimately neutral and serves as a way to keep you anchored in this physical experience) has a job to do. Among many roles, it serves as your protector. It keeps you safely anchored in physical reality so you can get on with the job of evolution. Sometimes, the ego can get quite aggressive in its protective role. If unchecked, it can actually begin to protect you from the full experience of being human. Through its reinforcement of habits and patterns, it protects you from painful emotions. All of the distractions of your reality such as drugs, chaotic emotions and/or drama, technology, relationships (and many more), can also be used to keep you numb - to protect you from really feeling, which is why you are here in the first place! The ego can also create elaborate delusion, steering you away from facts, to keep its delusional view of reality intact. You are now experiencing major transformation as a species as you well know. This will continue for some time, and it requires you to really go deeply within yourselves. One of your most important jobs now is to begin noticing these protection mechanisms of the ego. Watch how they play out in your psyche. Do they stop you from feeling uncomfortable things? Do they stop you from evolving your understanding of the paradigm of reality? There is no need to judge yourself of course.
This Lyran energy is coming up now to assist you with unraveling these protection mechanisms so you can not only see reality as it is, but begin to relax with whatever shows up. Many of you are now grudgingly learning that the universe cannot be controlled. Willingly or not, your eyes will eventually fully open and you will begin to experience (and cherish) the beautiful and unexpected flow of creation, instead of trying to build dams and channel the river in the direction only the ego wants it to go. Relax. Let go of the habitual need to protect yourself from the universe. Your dear Lyran forefathers learned this tremendous lesson on their road to awakening, and their wise and loving energy is available to you now as you walk this same road of species evolution.
Card #16 | Lyra (Past) | Protectiveness
This card's theme comes from the ancient Lyran characteristic of being willing to champion a cause, or act as a protector for others. This may seem like a valiant thing, but it often meant that they got involved in things that were none of their business - even going so far as to protect another from experiencing the pain of necessary growth. This is one of the patterns that humanity has taken on from its Lyran forefathers and it is one that is now coming up for change. Let us look at how this plays out at this time on Earth.
First, you see this pattern happening externally in the world and the people around you. Very often when someone has a wound, they champion a cause. While there may be sincere desire to assist, the motivation often comes from a deep inner wound that seeks to be healed. If all of the attention is put "out there" on protecting the oppressed (as an example), there is no energy left to look at the wound within. It is only from within can these types of wounds be healed. So if you have generations of people rescuing others (instead of teaching them self-reliance, self-respect, and self-empowerment), the wounded cycle just continues. Again, there is nothing wrong with being of service, but we are asking you to look at the bigger picture.
In the bigger picture, your relationship with others is one of the catalysts for your evolution. In personal relationships, if you constantly protect others from experiencing their own pain, or take away their challenges through the role of being a rescuer, a cycle of energy is created that drains you and keeps you tethered to the challenges of others instead of looking within at your own. Thus at this point in human evolution, you are being asked to clearly see the difference between when your compassionate help is required, and when it is habitual because you are avoiding the experience of pain (within another or yourself).
Now let us look even deeper - not just in human relationships but in the relationship with yourself. The ego (whose role is ultimately neutral and serves as a way to keep you anchored in this physical experience) has a job to do. Among many roles, it serves as your protector. It keeps you safely anchored in physical reality so you can get on with the job of evolution. Sometimes, the ego can get quite aggressive in its protective role. If unchecked, it can actually begin to protect you from the full experience of being human. Through its reinforcement of habits and patterns, it protects you from painful emotions. All of the distractions of your reality such as drugs, chaotic emotions and/or drama, technology, relationships (and many more), can also be used to keep you numb - to protect you from really feeling, which is why you are here in the first place! The ego can also create elaborate delusion, steering you away from facts, to keep its delusional view of reality intact. You are now experiencing major transformation as a species as you well know. This will continue for some time, and it requires you to really go deeply within yourselves. One of your most important jobs now is to begin noticing these protection mechanisms of the ego. Watch how they play out in your psyche. Do they stop you from feeling uncomfortable things? Do they stop you from evolving your understanding of the paradigm of reality? There is no need to judge yourself of course.
This Lyran energy is coming up now to assist you with unraveling these protection mechanisms so you can not only see reality as it is, but begin to relax with whatever shows up. Many of you are now grudgingly learning that the universe cannot be controlled. Willingly or not, your eyes will eventually fully open and you will begin to experience (and cherish) the beautiful and unexpected flow of creation, instead of trying to build dams and channel the river in the direction only the ego wants it to go. Relax. Let go of the habitual need to protect yourself from the universe. Your dear Lyran forefathers learned this tremendous lesson on their road to awakening, and their wise and loving energy is available to you now as you walk this same road of species evolution.
November 2015
Card #4 | Andromeda (Parallel) | Confusion
It is very interesting that this card has revealed itself to be the card for November 2015 because we have just recently channeled the YouTube video about this card - so obviously this theme is coming up for many humans at this time of your transformation!
Confusion is usually experienced when a change is in progress. If you think of the human unconscious like a map, it contains familiar landscapes with which the ego has become comfortable. (These landscapes represent belief systems, habits, and emotional patterns). It doesn't matter if the map is an uncomfortable place to be - if the ego is familiar with it, it feels safer than the unknown. This is why the ego builds its inner map so meticulously! The ego builds a convoluted series of roads and detours to stop you from going into scary places within you. It feels this is one of its main jobs, so it clings to what it sees as its sacred purpose -- protection.
Now imagine that the human consciousness is changing from one of polarity to one that is more integrated and fluid. This is a natural evolution for all species and your species has already initiated this process. It also means that you are building a new inner navigational map that will require you to dismantle old belief systems, shine light into the dark corners, embrace your shadows, and begin living from a place of holistic authenticity.
The ego can be like a cat - it does not like unfamiliar places and will do whatever it can to avoid being thrust into an unfamiliar environment. The creation of this new, evolved landscape within your consciousness is unavoidable because it is part of the next step of your evolution and it is directed by the universal awareness of which you are a part. This means that change is already taking root within the human you. Some of you have already seen this clearly. Some of you who haven't seen this clearly yet may just feel that something is "off." Things don't feel familiar and they are less controllable. There is a growing sense of confusion. As many people joke, it may feel like the first time as a human on Earth.
If you are experiencing this confusion, congratulations! It means that change is happening deep within you. We strongly recommend that you embrace the unfamiliar with all of your heart, despite the insecurity you may feel. Why is this important? Because it is like moving your home. When you move into a new house you have an opportunity to start fresh OR you can arrange the furniture and your belongings exactly as you did in the old house. In that way, nothing has really changed. What we are hinting at here is that it is now very important to pay attention so that you do not recreate your old landscape map of limiting beliefs and patterns in the new space into which you are now expanding. Change doesn't happen automatically. It requires a mindful awareness that embraces the change and resists going back to sleep and recreating old patterns. Old patterns are seductive and lure you back to sleep. Stay awake, embrace the swirling energy of confusion and in that space of no attachment to old patterns you can then consciously create the new.
And of course, your Andromedan family, who epitomize the concepts of change, fluidity, and creation of the new, are there to support you as you open yourself to their enthusiastic encouragement. Have no fear, and go forth into the unfamiliar landscape, knowing there is support always by your side.
**For more information from Germane on YouTube about deeper meanings of the Andromeda cards,
go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls4W5kctHMY
Card #4 | Andromeda (Parallel) | Confusion
It is very interesting that this card has revealed itself to be the card for November 2015 because we have just recently channeled the YouTube video about this card - so obviously this theme is coming up for many humans at this time of your transformation!
Confusion is usually experienced when a change is in progress. If you think of the human unconscious like a map, it contains familiar landscapes with which the ego has become comfortable. (These landscapes represent belief systems, habits, and emotional patterns). It doesn't matter if the map is an uncomfortable place to be - if the ego is familiar with it, it feels safer than the unknown. This is why the ego builds its inner map so meticulously! The ego builds a convoluted series of roads and detours to stop you from going into scary places within you. It feels this is one of its main jobs, so it clings to what it sees as its sacred purpose -- protection.
Now imagine that the human consciousness is changing from one of polarity to one that is more integrated and fluid. This is a natural evolution for all species and your species has already initiated this process. It also means that you are building a new inner navigational map that will require you to dismantle old belief systems, shine light into the dark corners, embrace your shadows, and begin living from a place of holistic authenticity.
The ego can be like a cat - it does not like unfamiliar places and will do whatever it can to avoid being thrust into an unfamiliar environment. The creation of this new, evolved landscape within your consciousness is unavoidable because it is part of the next step of your evolution and it is directed by the universal awareness of which you are a part. This means that change is already taking root within the human you. Some of you have already seen this clearly. Some of you who haven't seen this clearly yet may just feel that something is "off." Things don't feel familiar and they are less controllable. There is a growing sense of confusion. As many people joke, it may feel like the first time as a human on Earth.
If you are experiencing this confusion, congratulations! It means that change is happening deep within you. We strongly recommend that you embrace the unfamiliar with all of your heart, despite the insecurity you may feel. Why is this important? Because it is like moving your home. When you move into a new house you have an opportunity to start fresh OR you can arrange the furniture and your belongings exactly as you did in the old house. In that way, nothing has really changed. What we are hinting at here is that it is now very important to pay attention so that you do not recreate your old landscape map of limiting beliefs and patterns in the new space into which you are now expanding. Change doesn't happen automatically. It requires a mindful awareness that embraces the change and resists going back to sleep and recreating old patterns. Old patterns are seductive and lure you back to sleep. Stay awake, embrace the swirling energy of confusion and in that space of no attachment to old patterns you can then consciously create the new.
And of course, your Andromedan family, who epitomize the concepts of change, fluidity, and creation of the new, are there to support you as you open yourself to their enthusiastic encouragement. Have no fear, and go forth into the unfamiliar landscape, knowing there is support always by your side.
**For more information from Germane on YouTube about deeper meanings of the Andromeda cards,
go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls4W5kctHMY
October 2015
Card #7 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Unconditional Love
One of the most important cards in the deck, this card's theme reveals the key to human and species transformation. The artist's depiction shows two figures positioned in a yin-yang form. It depicts the dual nature of consciousness at the human level and how learning to find the delicate balance between the light and the shadow, with both aspects being embraced, leads to the opening of the heart.
When humans think of the term "unconditional love" they often think of an impractical, new-age type of love that leaves one floating in a false state of bliss. But let's examine what it really means. The conditions of reality arise around you, always in a perfect state of balance from the point of view of the bigger picture, even if it cannot be seen by the mind. Though you may delude yourself into thinking reality is within your control, nothing is truly within the ego's control. Thus, when things arise that cause pain, often the immediate response is to feel frustrated and punish yourself for not being "good" or "spiritual" enough to create something more joyous. This cycle of self-punishment continues and you then move yourself further and further away from any feelings of love, for self or other.
Unconditional love must first take root within YOU and be directed toward YOU. No matter what arises in your reality - be it pain or joy - can you rise above the habitual patterns of resistance, self-judgment or shame? We realize that one cannot simply force themselves to love themselves. But you can learn unconditional love through the window of self-compassion. Give yourselves a break! Learn to see the little human self from the bigger picture - someone who is here on Earth in a turbulent time, who is trying their best, but yet who is in pain. If you saw that in another human, you would have compassion for that person. But when you see it in yourself, you criticize and shun yourself!
Thus, to start unfolding unconditional love within you, begin with yourself. Do whatever you can to have compassion for yourself - but not just intellectually. Sit with the you who is in pain and open your heart to him/her. When you can feel that compassion, you will feel a shift in energy. Let that shift take you through the window into your heart. From there, you will experience all the other "yous" in a human body on Earth who are also in pain, and your compassion will grow. Compassion turns into love.
This is not an intellectual experience and thus it is not one that can be controlled. You have to let go rather than do. Just stay with the process and let it unfold. If you need help, call upon your Arcturus helpers. Their energy is so balanced and unconditionally loving that they can wrap you in their profound embrace and give you the opportunity to open and receive even further.
If humanity can master the hurdle of unconditional self-love, your entire planet will change. The road is paved for you to become a master species whose love is so profound that it will be felt by other species who are challenged by the same wounds you have been. Your triumphant self-healing as a species is already written in the stars. Now it is time to bring your destiny home, within yourselves. Your own heart is the root of unconditional love. Be sure to nurture that root and let the seeds sprout. In doing so, growth is assured, and the flowering is limitless.
Card #7 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Unconditional Love
One of the most important cards in the deck, this card's theme reveals the key to human and species transformation. The artist's depiction shows two figures positioned in a yin-yang form. It depicts the dual nature of consciousness at the human level and how learning to find the delicate balance between the light and the shadow, with both aspects being embraced, leads to the opening of the heart.
When humans think of the term "unconditional love" they often think of an impractical, new-age type of love that leaves one floating in a false state of bliss. But let's examine what it really means. The conditions of reality arise around you, always in a perfect state of balance from the point of view of the bigger picture, even if it cannot be seen by the mind. Though you may delude yourself into thinking reality is within your control, nothing is truly within the ego's control. Thus, when things arise that cause pain, often the immediate response is to feel frustrated and punish yourself for not being "good" or "spiritual" enough to create something more joyous. This cycle of self-punishment continues and you then move yourself further and further away from any feelings of love, for self or other.
Unconditional love must first take root within YOU and be directed toward YOU. No matter what arises in your reality - be it pain or joy - can you rise above the habitual patterns of resistance, self-judgment or shame? We realize that one cannot simply force themselves to love themselves. But you can learn unconditional love through the window of self-compassion. Give yourselves a break! Learn to see the little human self from the bigger picture - someone who is here on Earth in a turbulent time, who is trying their best, but yet who is in pain. If you saw that in another human, you would have compassion for that person. But when you see it in yourself, you criticize and shun yourself!
Thus, to start unfolding unconditional love within you, begin with yourself. Do whatever you can to have compassion for yourself - but not just intellectually. Sit with the you who is in pain and open your heart to him/her. When you can feel that compassion, you will feel a shift in energy. Let that shift take you through the window into your heart. From there, you will experience all the other "yous" in a human body on Earth who are also in pain, and your compassion will grow. Compassion turns into love.
This is not an intellectual experience and thus it is not one that can be controlled. You have to let go rather than do. Just stay with the process and let it unfold. If you need help, call upon your Arcturus helpers. Their energy is so balanced and unconditionally loving that they can wrap you in their profound embrace and give you the opportunity to open and receive even further.
If humanity can master the hurdle of unconditional self-love, your entire planet will change. The road is paved for you to become a master species whose love is so profound that it will be felt by other species who are challenged by the same wounds you have been. Your triumphant self-healing as a species is already written in the stars. Now it is time to bring your destiny home, within yourselves. Your own heart is the root of unconditional love. Be sure to nurture that root and let the seeds sprout. In doing so, growth is assured, and the flowering is limitless.
September 2015
Card #40 | Pleiades (Past) | Stubbornness
Whenever you are moving through life and feel stuck, it is often because the ego is refusing to change, or refusing to accept what reality is presenting to you. When the ego refuses to change or to acknowledge what is, it digs in its heels and refuses to move - often creating pain, confusion, and drama not just for you, but perhaps for those around you as well. This card, coming up at this time, is offering wisdom for both the personal and planetary levels.
Historically, this card is referring to a time period in Pleiadian history when their species was young. Like many teenagers, they often believed they knew best and refused to expand their point of view or listen to those who may have more experience and wisdom. This stubbornness caused untold trauma and heartache within the Pleiadian civilization. Yet, these kinds of heartaches can also be growing pains that propel a species to the next stage of their growth - if and when they are finally willing to listen and let go of trying to control reality according to the ego's wishes.
On the planetary level, this time period may be volatile, because dramatic change is on the horizon and yet the collective ego of the mass consciousness fears the change necessary to enter adulthood. Though it has been clear to many for a while, the power structures on your planet refuse to give up the ways of ego-gratification. They resist surrendering to the obvious truths that support Earth and her people in a more holistic, selfless, and nurturing way. The collective ego has begun its death process - but it will fight to its last breath to maintain control. This is the root of stubbornness - the refusal to accept the inevitable, the fear of loss of control, and the terror of the uncontrollable, wild unknown. This is a gateway through which all species must pass on their way to adulthood.
Bringing this down to the personal level, the same dynamics are happening internally within all of you. As many of you continue to do your inner work, you are also experiencing the death of portions of the ego and in turn, this creates tremendous fear about what lies on the other side of this process. The ego's reaction of stubbornness is a way to halt the movement toward transformation. It is easy for humans to get stuck there and to believe the tricky voices of the ego that try to convince you to stay stuck. Some people live lifetime after lifetime in this perpetual state of delusion. It is now becoming harder to do this. Most of the time, the pain you experience in life has much to do with a refusal to accept the truth of your reality as it is in the moment. Many become obsessed with changing this or that, manifesting abundance, creating their reality, when they do not realize that the essential first step is an unequivocal embracing of the truth of what is in every moment - even that which is painful to see. Only from there can you unfold your reality in a non-egoic way. Otherwise, all the reality-creating you attempt to do is really just stubbornness in disguise. We realize this is not a very popular statement, but it is the truth.
So our suggestion for this month is to become keenly aware (without self-judgment) of when your ego's stubbornness arises and simply observe it. What does that stubborn resistance feel like? What can it teach you? What is it revealing about your fears? Befriend it as one of the wisest of your teachers. Watch how the stubbornness entices you to reach for the future or the past, rather than helping you to embrace the present. As your awareness expands on this issue, many revelations will unfold and you'll begin to have a glimpse of how the stubbornness can melt away in a new atmosphere of love and acceptance - not only love for what is showing up in the here and now, but love and acceptance for your human self as well.
And of course, as you do this inner work, it affects the mass consciousness as a whole. This is some of the most powerful inner work you can do that can shift the direction of a planet's evolution. As we have said many times, it all starts within you. Go boldly into the wild unknown within yourself, and be ready for the joyous surprises that await you!
Card #40 | Pleiades (Past) | Stubbornness
Whenever you are moving through life and feel stuck, it is often because the ego is refusing to change, or refusing to accept what reality is presenting to you. When the ego refuses to change or to acknowledge what is, it digs in its heels and refuses to move - often creating pain, confusion, and drama not just for you, but perhaps for those around you as well. This card, coming up at this time, is offering wisdom for both the personal and planetary levels.
Historically, this card is referring to a time period in Pleiadian history when their species was young. Like many teenagers, they often believed they knew best and refused to expand their point of view or listen to those who may have more experience and wisdom. This stubbornness caused untold trauma and heartache within the Pleiadian civilization. Yet, these kinds of heartaches can also be growing pains that propel a species to the next stage of their growth - if and when they are finally willing to listen and let go of trying to control reality according to the ego's wishes.
On the planetary level, this time period may be volatile, because dramatic change is on the horizon and yet the collective ego of the mass consciousness fears the change necessary to enter adulthood. Though it has been clear to many for a while, the power structures on your planet refuse to give up the ways of ego-gratification. They resist surrendering to the obvious truths that support Earth and her people in a more holistic, selfless, and nurturing way. The collective ego has begun its death process - but it will fight to its last breath to maintain control. This is the root of stubbornness - the refusal to accept the inevitable, the fear of loss of control, and the terror of the uncontrollable, wild unknown. This is a gateway through which all species must pass on their way to adulthood.
Bringing this down to the personal level, the same dynamics are happening internally within all of you. As many of you continue to do your inner work, you are also experiencing the death of portions of the ego and in turn, this creates tremendous fear about what lies on the other side of this process. The ego's reaction of stubbornness is a way to halt the movement toward transformation. It is easy for humans to get stuck there and to believe the tricky voices of the ego that try to convince you to stay stuck. Some people live lifetime after lifetime in this perpetual state of delusion. It is now becoming harder to do this. Most of the time, the pain you experience in life has much to do with a refusal to accept the truth of your reality as it is in the moment. Many become obsessed with changing this or that, manifesting abundance, creating their reality, when they do not realize that the essential first step is an unequivocal embracing of the truth of what is in every moment - even that which is painful to see. Only from there can you unfold your reality in a non-egoic way. Otherwise, all the reality-creating you attempt to do is really just stubbornness in disguise. We realize this is not a very popular statement, but it is the truth.
So our suggestion for this month is to become keenly aware (without self-judgment) of when your ego's stubbornness arises and simply observe it. What does that stubborn resistance feel like? What can it teach you? What is it revealing about your fears? Befriend it as one of the wisest of your teachers. Watch how the stubbornness entices you to reach for the future or the past, rather than helping you to embrace the present. As your awareness expands on this issue, many revelations will unfold and you'll begin to have a glimpse of how the stubbornness can melt away in a new atmosphere of love and acceptance - not only love for what is showing up in the here and now, but love and acceptance for your human self as well.
And of course, as you do this inner work, it affects the mass consciousness as a whole. This is some of the most powerful inner work you can do that can shift the direction of a planet's evolution. As we have said many times, it all starts within you. Go boldly into the wild unknown within yourself, and be ready for the joyous surprises that await you!
August 2015
Card #73 | Vega (Future) | Freedom
The word freedom has many interpretations, and often those interpretations have to do with the ego's filtering and it's view of reality. "Freedom" often feels like it has to do with being liberated from an outside force that is limiting you. This is a definition that makes sense only in a polarized reality. In the true reality, there is nothing outside of yourself. So what, then, would be the true definition of freedom? It has to do with freeing yourself from the self-created limitations, habits, patterns, and belief systems that have kept you feeling like a prisoner in your own consciousness.
In the cards of the previous months, we have explored the issue of humans' unwillingness and fear about diving deeply into their own emotions. Humans have created elaborate systems (whether they be religions, or other thought structures) to keep the emotional body under control. Yet, your galactic forefathers have already walked this road and have learned that it doesn't work. Emotions are not the obstacles on your path of awakening, they are actually a doorway through which you awaken yourselves! Only with an unfettered, free-flowing emotional body can you learn to see what is real and what is illusion. This statement may not make sense to you now (because when you are lost in the jungle of emotion it seems as if there is nothing but chaos). However, as you begin to get glimpses of true emotions that are rooted in the present moment (rather than attached to wounds of the past), you begin to taste true freedom and understand the magnificent and illuminated path that lies before you along the journey of your awakening.
For the month of August 2015 (or whenever you are reading these words because that will be your timing), this card is pointing to one of two messages for you. As you go within, you will know which message is right for you. Perhaps there is something helpful in both messages for you.
1) After much deep inner work, you've passed through a major gateway that has changed your trajectory in this life. You have begun building a strong foundation to extricate yourself from the previous belief systems and inner voices that have kept you trapped for a great portion of this and possibly other lifetimes. This is no small feat! Even though the inner work is never done, it is time for celebration now and to recognize that even when you felt the most lost, the deep work you have done has rooted itself within your consciousness and is now bearing fruit. Acknowledge this but keep going. As we sense the energy of the mass consciousness at this time, there is a major thread that is unraveling old, limiting belief systems for those who have done the inner work. This unraveling will continue to ripple throughout the mass consciousness and positively affect those who are still struggling. This is one way that someone's personal work is so important for the whole. At this time, you may also see old societal/cultural belief systems crumbling. This can be painful, but so very needed.
And ... Or ...
2) If you are still feeling stuck and still in pain, we ask you to look deep within yourself to explore what the concept of freedom means to you. Dig deep, and look to see if there are any lingering belief systems that someone or something "out there" is the source of your suffering. If you find that is true, keep asking yourself why. It will always come back to you and the distortions of your view of reality. (This is natural, so there is no need to punish yourself for it). This kind of exploration is powerful because it brings together the inner dualities and facilitates an important integration process that is necessary before you can take the next step. Work with this and be open to whatever discoveries arise!
This time on Earth is a challenging one, but you have all the tools available to you to help you navigate it. Remember that your galactic forefathers have walked this road before you and have successfully transcended the challenges of physicality. You are never alone.
Card #73 | Vega (Future) | Freedom
The word freedom has many interpretations, and often those interpretations have to do with the ego's filtering and it's view of reality. "Freedom" often feels like it has to do with being liberated from an outside force that is limiting you. This is a definition that makes sense only in a polarized reality. In the true reality, there is nothing outside of yourself. So what, then, would be the true definition of freedom? It has to do with freeing yourself from the self-created limitations, habits, patterns, and belief systems that have kept you feeling like a prisoner in your own consciousness.
In the cards of the previous months, we have explored the issue of humans' unwillingness and fear about diving deeply into their own emotions. Humans have created elaborate systems (whether they be religions, or other thought structures) to keep the emotional body under control. Yet, your galactic forefathers have already walked this road and have learned that it doesn't work. Emotions are not the obstacles on your path of awakening, they are actually a doorway through which you awaken yourselves! Only with an unfettered, free-flowing emotional body can you learn to see what is real and what is illusion. This statement may not make sense to you now (because when you are lost in the jungle of emotion it seems as if there is nothing but chaos). However, as you begin to get glimpses of true emotions that are rooted in the present moment (rather than attached to wounds of the past), you begin to taste true freedom and understand the magnificent and illuminated path that lies before you along the journey of your awakening.
For the month of August 2015 (or whenever you are reading these words because that will be your timing), this card is pointing to one of two messages for you. As you go within, you will know which message is right for you. Perhaps there is something helpful in both messages for you.
1) After much deep inner work, you've passed through a major gateway that has changed your trajectory in this life. You have begun building a strong foundation to extricate yourself from the previous belief systems and inner voices that have kept you trapped for a great portion of this and possibly other lifetimes. This is no small feat! Even though the inner work is never done, it is time for celebration now and to recognize that even when you felt the most lost, the deep work you have done has rooted itself within your consciousness and is now bearing fruit. Acknowledge this but keep going. As we sense the energy of the mass consciousness at this time, there is a major thread that is unraveling old, limiting belief systems for those who have done the inner work. This unraveling will continue to ripple throughout the mass consciousness and positively affect those who are still struggling. This is one way that someone's personal work is so important for the whole. At this time, you may also see old societal/cultural belief systems crumbling. This can be painful, but so very needed.
And ... Or ...
2) If you are still feeling stuck and still in pain, we ask you to look deep within yourself to explore what the concept of freedom means to you. Dig deep, and look to see if there are any lingering belief systems that someone or something "out there" is the source of your suffering. If you find that is true, keep asking yourself why. It will always come back to you and the distortions of your view of reality. (This is natural, so there is no need to punish yourself for it). This kind of exploration is powerful because it brings together the inner dualities and facilitates an important integration process that is necessary before you can take the next step. Work with this and be open to whatever discoveries arise!
This time on Earth is a challenging one, but you have all the tools available to you to help you navigate it. Remember that your galactic forefathers have walked this road before you and have successfully transcended the challenges of physicality. You are never alone.
July 2015
Card #84 |Cetacean-Dolphin (Parallel) | Forgiveness and Gratitude
It is easy to see how the belief that one cannot show any weakness is a virtue and is essential to survival. As a new species trying to survive, any weakness on the part of one person could sometimes mean the eradication of a whole family or tribe. Over thousands of years of evolution, you have learned to create massively reinforced systems to insure your survival. As you evolved, and the threats of the outside world diminished (such as being eaten by a lion), you then moved these protection mechanisms to your inner world. The realm of the emotions became the wild unknown from which you needed to protect yourselves from any crack in the armor, so to speak.
Maintaining this level of inner alert, with constant reinforcement of the walls of the ego's safe kingdom, requires a huge amount of energy. The drive has remained to never show weakness, to push through all obstacles, and to relentlessly rebuild a facade of strength even in insurmountable circumstances. As life goes on and humans are challenged more and more in modern life, there comes a tipping point. You no longer have the energy to keep the walls intact, and everything seems to come crashing down - whether it is through a crisis involving health, relationships, or something more existential.
What is usually the first thing humans do when they have this experience? They punish themselves. They might say to themselves, "If I was a stronger person, this would not have happened." Then the walls come up again - as if self-built walls can protect you from the flow of life's natural challenges. So there you sit, huddled in a corner with the walls firmly surrounding you, wondering why there seems to be no help, no love that comes to you from the universe. You feel alone, rejected, weak (but pretending to be strong), unlovable, and confused. The self-built walls become an impenetrable barrier through which even the love of the universe cannot pass.
This card offers a way to transform this cycle - but it first starts with you. It requires you to go beyond the millennia of programming about the definition of weakness and strength. It requires you to find a way to begin disassembling the walls and begin embracing your vulnerability -- which is really your natural ability to be open to the energy of the universe. Furthermore, exploring this path can then take you on a deep inner journey to excavate the belief systems ingrained from parents and society that tell you that weakness is bad. It will lead you to see how you have punished yourself for not being strong enough over and over again. And finally, if you keep going with the excavation, a profound opportunity will arise for you to forgive yourself.
The commentary we are choosing to transmit for this month's card is centered more around forgiving yourself for the myriad "crimes" you may have committed against yourself, such not being the "perfect" strong you, or punishing yourself too much, or hating yourself, and the like. Learn to see each opportunity for self-discovery (often coming in the form of a crisis) as an interdimensional window through which you can facilitate your own healing. Be grateful for the crises that may arise that exist to help wake you from your sleep. Through this profound gratitude, and from the perspective of a broader vision, you begin the process of self-forgiveness. This is an essential step on the path of your awakening.
Card #84 |Cetacean-Dolphin (Parallel) | Forgiveness and Gratitude
It is easy to see how the belief that one cannot show any weakness is a virtue and is essential to survival. As a new species trying to survive, any weakness on the part of one person could sometimes mean the eradication of a whole family or tribe. Over thousands of years of evolution, you have learned to create massively reinforced systems to insure your survival. As you evolved, and the threats of the outside world diminished (such as being eaten by a lion), you then moved these protection mechanisms to your inner world. The realm of the emotions became the wild unknown from which you needed to protect yourselves from any crack in the armor, so to speak.
Maintaining this level of inner alert, with constant reinforcement of the walls of the ego's safe kingdom, requires a huge amount of energy. The drive has remained to never show weakness, to push through all obstacles, and to relentlessly rebuild a facade of strength even in insurmountable circumstances. As life goes on and humans are challenged more and more in modern life, there comes a tipping point. You no longer have the energy to keep the walls intact, and everything seems to come crashing down - whether it is through a crisis involving health, relationships, or something more existential.
What is usually the first thing humans do when they have this experience? They punish themselves. They might say to themselves, "If I was a stronger person, this would not have happened." Then the walls come up again - as if self-built walls can protect you from the flow of life's natural challenges. So there you sit, huddled in a corner with the walls firmly surrounding you, wondering why there seems to be no help, no love that comes to you from the universe. You feel alone, rejected, weak (but pretending to be strong), unlovable, and confused. The self-built walls become an impenetrable barrier through which even the love of the universe cannot pass.
This card offers a way to transform this cycle - but it first starts with you. It requires you to go beyond the millennia of programming about the definition of weakness and strength. It requires you to find a way to begin disassembling the walls and begin embracing your vulnerability -- which is really your natural ability to be open to the energy of the universe. Furthermore, exploring this path can then take you on a deep inner journey to excavate the belief systems ingrained from parents and society that tell you that weakness is bad. It will lead you to see how you have punished yourself for not being strong enough over and over again. And finally, if you keep going with the excavation, a profound opportunity will arise for you to forgive yourself.
The commentary we are choosing to transmit for this month's card is centered more around forgiving yourself for the myriad "crimes" you may have committed against yourself, such not being the "perfect" strong you, or punishing yourself too much, or hating yourself, and the like. Learn to see each opportunity for self-discovery (often coming in the form of a crisis) as an interdimensional window through which you can facilitate your own healing. Be grateful for the crises that may arise that exist to help wake you from your sleep. Through this profound gratitude, and from the perspective of a broader vision, you begin the process of self-forgiveness. This is an essential step on the path of your awakening.
June 2015
Card #31 |Zeta Reticuli (Past) | Rejecting Emotion
The human tendency is always to reject pain. After all, who wants to embrace something so uncomfortable? But the truth remains that pain is part of the human experience and to reject a part of the human experience will ignite a chain reaction like the growth of a virus. The habit of emotional rejection spreads and begins to include even the positive experiences until a form of numbness takes over your human life.
In its natural state, emotion is an inherently neutral response to stimuli. When it is unblocked or allowed to flow, its essence is like a river. It comes and goes and cleanses you along the way. In that healthy state, free-flowing emotion connects you with the present moment and never attaches you to the past. This is the natural expression of an integrated being. At the current state of human development, you still rely a lot on those who have raised you (parents and society) to model emotional behavior. If your models create shame or punishment around the emotional experience, reject their emotions, glorify the drama of emotions, or any other unbalanced emotional expression, the child learns that pattern of emotional expression or nonexpression and carries it into his or her life.
This unexpressed emotion has to go somewhere, for it is pure energy. If not expressed, it buries deep within the body - into the organs, the joints, the muscles, and deep into the cells. The energy imprints of the rejected emotion bury themselves into your psyche and become ripples. When you are younger, these ripples may be easier to control. As you get older, it takes more and more energy to stop those ripples from becoming a tidal wave. The result of this suppression includes health issues, depression, anxiety, migraines, volatile explosive anger, and more. When those issues come up, the last thing people want to do is address their emotions. So the cycle perpetuates. A state of being emerges in which humans can no longer even connect with their positive emotions, let alone the negative ones.
Within your galactic family, whole species have nearly become extinct because of their refusal to address emotional energy. (The Zeta Reticuli and the Pleiadians are two examples). Elaborate philosophical and "spiritual" systems have been created to encourage repression, deluding people into believing that those practices represent a higher spiritual evolution. Humankind is beginning to balance dangerously on the precipice of denial and avoidance. The reversal and healing must now come through each of you personally, affecting the collective as a whole.
More than any other responsibility, humans must learn to reframe their relationship to emotion starting at the personal level. The solution is so simple that it seems downright silly. (But simple doesn't mean easy!) Simply BE PRESENT. Begin to notice what physical symptoms repeatedly arise for you and think of them as trapped emotional energy. Sit with them regularly. Breathe. Really feel them beyond the physical level. Allow a quantum doorway to open in that moment as you become present with the breath and the energy of the physical symptom. Allow all that arises, even the painful experiences. Let emotion flow with the breath. At all costs, do not stray from this practice. Repeat this over and over until it becomes a habit and you tangibly feel the results. Think of your awakening emotional bodies like an arm that has fallen asleep when you lean on it. As the arm awakens, the tingling and pain are almost unbearable. This discomfort precedes the joy of full awakening. Let it be - walk through the process with meticulous focus.
What waits for you on the other side of this emotional awakening is a state of being so rooted in the moment, so balanced, and so joyful that it cannot be controlled or understood by the mind. This is the domain of the heart. Your heart is calling you. It is time to listen to that call.
Card #31 |Zeta Reticuli (Past) | Rejecting Emotion
The human tendency is always to reject pain. After all, who wants to embrace something so uncomfortable? But the truth remains that pain is part of the human experience and to reject a part of the human experience will ignite a chain reaction like the growth of a virus. The habit of emotional rejection spreads and begins to include even the positive experiences until a form of numbness takes over your human life.
In its natural state, emotion is an inherently neutral response to stimuli. When it is unblocked or allowed to flow, its essence is like a river. It comes and goes and cleanses you along the way. In that healthy state, free-flowing emotion connects you with the present moment and never attaches you to the past. This is the natural expression of an integrated being. At the current state of human development, you still rely a lot on those who have raised you (parents and society) to model emotional behavior. If your models create shame or punishment around the emotional experience, reject their emotions, glorify the drama of emotions, or any other unbalanced emotional expression, the child learns that pattern of emotional expression or nonexpression and carries it into his or her life.
This unexpressed emotion has to go somewhere, for it is pure energy. If not expressed, it buries deep within the body - into the organs, the joints, the muscles, and deep into the cells. The energy imprints of the rejected emotion bury themselves into your psyche and become ripples. When you are younger, these ripples may be easier to control. As you get older, it takes more and more energy to stop those ripples from becoming a tidal wave. The result of this suppression includes health issues, depression, anxiety, migraines, volatile explosive anger, and more. When those issues come up, the last thing people want to do is address their emotions. So the cycle perpetuates. A state of being emerges in which humans can no longer even connect with their positive emotions, let alone the negative ones.
Within your galactic family, whole species have nearly become extinct because of their refusal to address emotional energy. (The Zeta Reticuli and the Pleiadians are two examples). Elaborate philosophical and "spiritual" systems have been created to encourage repression, deluding people into believing that those practices represent a higher spiritual evolution. Humankind is beginning to balance dangerously on the precipice of denial and avoidance. The reversal and healing must now come through each of you personally, affecting the collective as a whole.
More than any other responsibility, humans must learn to reframe their relationship to emotion starting at the personal level. The solution is so simple that it seems downright silly. (But simple doesn't mean easy!) Simply BE PRESENT. Begin to notice what physical symptoms repeatedly arise for you and think of them as trapped emotional energy. Sit with them regularly. Breathe. Really feel them beyond the physical level. Allow a quantum doorway to open in that moment as you become present with the breath and the energy of the physical symptom. Allow all that arises, even the painful experiences. Let emotion flow with the breath. At all costs, do not stray from this practice. Repeat this over and over until it becomes a habit and you tangibly feel the results. Think of your awakening emotional bodies like an arm that has fallen asleep when you lean on it. As the arm awakens, the tingling and pain are almost unbearable. This discomfort precedes the joy of full awakening. Let it be - walk through the process with meticulous focus.
What waits for you on the other side of this emotional awakening is a state of being so rooted in the moment, so balanced, and so joyful that it cannot be controlled or understood by the mind. This is the domain of the heart. Your heart is calling you. It is time to listen to that call.
May 2015
Card #62 | Sirius (Present) | Embracing Transition
The importance of embracing transition is an obvious one. Change is the only constant in physical reality and if humans do not embrace that truth, then their resistance causes much suffering. But what, specifically, does this card mean for those consciously walking a spiritual path?
Just like there are seasons on the Earth, there are seasons, or cycles, within consciousness. There are times of great fruitfulness, where your life is rich with ideas, enthusiasm, and creativity. There are also cycles that are like winter -- when you wish to nestle inward and pull away for a while. These cycles are natural and important and must always be honored. The cycles cannot be controlled, but in this busy reality, humans incessantly try to control them anyway. If they feel the cycle moving inward, they instead force themselves to be active in the physical world - busying themselves with tasks or distractions. Repeatedly ignoring the signals to pay attention to these natural cycles reinforces an inability to feel them at all. When that happens, people feel out of balance and disconnected and don't know how to reconnect to themselves. Life becomes chaotic.
This card is suggesting a two-part process to navigate these cycles. First, learn to regularly and consistently connect with your inner self and really feel where you are in your consciousness cycle. Secondly, once you have learned to recognize these inner cycles, learn when is the most fruitful time for action, and when is the time for stillness. If your energy is moving outward, honor it and move with the flow. If your energy is moving inward, know that it is time for even longer periods of quiet inner work and nurture self by doing it.
In these quiet times of inner work, it becomes possible to observe the aspects of you that are in transition. Just like your skin cells continually die and renew themselves, aspects of your consciousness do the same. This means that you have a multitude of opportunities for renewal at all times. However, when unhealed belief systems, pains, or fears keep you stuck, then you simply rebuild the new you from the old foundation over and over again. The result? There is no new you at all - just a refreshed copy of the old you.
Much like a surfer catching a wave, when you do a lot of deep and honest inner work, you can learn how to find these "transition windows" in which even the slightest change can have a huge impact. And just like surfing, it isn't a mental process but an organic, intuitive one that you may not understand intellectually but yet feel compelled to follow. It can be painful, because it requires you to see what you innately don't want to see. In that case, pain is a valuable marker to show you a possible transition window. Don't let it pass you by.
So for this month, embracing transition means to pay attention to the cycles of your consciousness, honor those cycles and do what you need to do care for yourself. And finally, be vigilant for the markers that precede transition - pain, discomfort, fear, and resistance - for they represent transition windows through which you can literally rebuild your inner foundation. Recognize those markers, let them guide you to 'catch the wave' of your inner transformative energy and move with that flow. In doing so, your transition is embraced wholeheartedly and a new foundation is born.
Card #62 | Sirius (Present) | Embracing Transition
The importance of embracing transition is an obvious one. Change is the only constant in physical reality and if humans do not embrace that truth, then their resistance causes much suffering. But what, specifically, does this card mean for those consciously walking a spiritual path?
Just like there are seasons on the Earth, there are seasons, or cycles, within consciousness. There are times of great fruitfulness, where your life is rich with ideas, enthusiasm, and creativity. There are also cycles that are like winter -- when you wish to nestle inward and pull away for a while. These cycles are natural and important and must always be honored. The cycles cannot be controlled, but in this busy reality, humans incessantly try to control them anyway. If they feel the cycle moving inward, they instead force themselves to be active in the physical world - busying themselves with tasks or distractions. Repeatedly ignoring the signals to pay attention to these natural cycles reinforces an inability to feel them at all. When that happens, people feel out of balance and disconnected and don't know how to reconnect to themselves. Life becomes chaotic.
This card is suggesting a two-part process to navigate these cycles. First, learn to regularly and consistently connect with your inner self and really feel where you are in your consciousness cycle. Secondly, once you have learned to recognize these inner cycles, learn when is the most fruitful time for action, and when is the time for stillness. If your energy is moving outward, honor it and move with the flow. If your energy is moving inward, know that it is time for even longer periods of quiet inner work and nurture self by doing it.
In these quiet times of inner work, it becomes possible to observe the aspects of you that are in transition. Just like your skin cells continually die and renew themselves, aspects of your consciousness do the same. This means that you have a multitude of opportunities for renewal at all times. However, when unhealed belief systems, pains, or fears keep you stuck, then you simply rebuild the new you from the old foundation over and over again. The result? There is no new you at all - just a refreshed copy of the old you.
Much like a surfer catching a wave, when you do a lot of deep and honest inner work, you can learn how to find these "transition windows" in which even the slightest change can have a huge impact. And just like surfing, it isn't a mental process but an organic, intuitive one that you may not understand intellectually but yet feel compelled to follow. It can be painful, because it requires you to see what you innately don't want to see. In that case, pain is a valuable marker to show you a possible transition window. Don't let it pass you by.
So for this month, embracing transition means to pay attention to the cycles of your consciousness, honor those cycles and do what you need to do care for yourself. And finally, be vigilant for the markers that precede transition - pain, discomfort, fear, and resistance - for they represent transition windows through which you can literally rebuild your inner foundation. Recognize those markers, let them guide you to 'catch the wave' of your inner transformative energy and move with that flow. In doing so, your transition is embraced wholeheartedly and a new foundation is born.
April 2015
Card #96 | Association of Worlds (Parallel) | Community
While the Association of Worlds is referring to a group of intergalactic species who work in community with each other, the energy of this card refers to much more than that simple extraterrestrial interpretation. For this month's card message, the theme is referring to the movement away from hierarchy and toward integration.
Humankind has gotten used to operating in a hierarchical structure. This is a natural template that arises in a realm of separation. Even though humans dislike it and wish to move away from it, they automatically recreate it again and again. Hierarchical structures can never survive, since the higher levels need energy from the lower ones in order to survive. The system is a house of cards that will eventually fall.
The human psyche has the same template - as above, so below. The "king" of the human realm, the ego, must insure its own survival by feeding on the energy of other fragments of itself. This is part of the system that keeps humans focused in this separated, limited reality. Unchecked, the ego will seek to devour all the energy it can until it feels its kingdom is totally dominated - which, of course, it never will be.
The natural state of consciousness is not one of hierarchy, limitation, or separation. Consciousness will always gravitate toward freedom and expansion. Because of this, there is often an inner, one-sided battle that rages between ego and the greater self. (The ego is the one that wages the war because it fears its own demise). Eventually, though it could take lifetimes, the ego loses the war.
What does this have to do with the theme of this card, Community? It refers to the dynamics of polarity integration. (Separation vs. integration). The first step toward the resolution of this inner battle has to do with having gratitude for and embracing all parts, without hierarchy or judgment. This is the next important step in human evolution on a personal and a species scale. It has to do with inner revolution.
This card is asking you to begin (or continue) the process of inner integration. Look truthfully and honestly at your life and your emotional patterns. Where is your ego fighting to survive? Is it clinging to old beliefs and emotions that drain you because it knows no other way? What parts of you feel unloved and unrecognized? Start (or continue) the process of inner excavation - like an archaeological mission, dig deep to find that which doesn't want to be found. Pull those parts into the light, learn from them, embrace them, and welcome them into your inner community of teachers. This profound process breaks down the walls of hierarchy within the psyche and facilitates the kind of inner integration needed to see and experience the Truth of your being.
As this process unfolds within humans, the outer reality will reflect it. Eventually, you will move away from hierarchy and toward inclusion, integration, and become mature as a species. The journey begins with the first step ... and then the next. Onward.
Card #96 | Association of Worlds (Parallel) | Community
While the Association of Worlds is referring to a group of intergalactic species who work in community with each other, the energy of this card refers to much more than that simple extraterrestrial interpretation. For this month's card message, the theme is referring to the movement away from hierarchy and toward integration.
Humankind has gotten used to operating in a hierarchical structure. This is a natural template that arises in a realm of separation. Even though humans dislike it and wish to move away from it, they automatically recreate it again and again. Hierarchical structures can never survive, since the higher levels need energy from the lower ones in order to survive. The system is a house of cards that will eventually fall.
The human psyche has the same template - as above, so below. The "king" of the human realm, the ego, must insure its own survival by feeding on the energy of other fragments of itself. This is part of the system that keeps humans focused in this separated, limited reality. Unchecked, the ego will seek to devour all the energy it can until it feels its kingdom is totally dominated - which, of course, it never will be.
The natural state of consciousness is not one of hierarchy, limitation, or separation. Consciousness will always gravitate toward freedom and expansion. Because of this, there is often an inner, one-sided battle that rages between ego and the greater self. (The ego is the one that wages the war because it fears its own demise). Eventually, though it could take lifetimes, the ego loses the war.
What does this have to do with the theme of this card, Community? It refers to the dynamics of polarity integration. (Separation vs. integration). The first step toward the resolution of this inner battle has to do with having gratitude for and embracing all parts, without hierarchy or judgment. This is the next important step in human evolution on a personal and a species scale. It has to do with inner revolution.
This card is asking you to begin (or continue) the process of inner integration. Look truthfully and honestly at your life and your emotional patterns. Where is your ego fighting to survive? Is it clinging to old beliefs and emotions that drain you because it knows no other way? What parts of you feel unloved and unrecognized? Start (or continue) the process of inner excavation - like an archaeological mission, dig deep to find that which doesn't want to be found. Pull those parts into the light, learn from them, embrace them, and welcome them into your inner community of teachers. This profound process breaks down the walls of hierarchy within the psyche and facilitates the kind of inner integration needed to see and experience the Truth of your being.
As this process unfolds within humans, the outer reality will reflect it. Eventually, you will move away from hierarchy and toward inclusion, integration, and become mature as a species. The journey begins with the first step ... and then the next. Onward.
March 2015
Card #45 |Sirius (Past) | Long Term Goals
Most humans navigate through reality using the mental body - set a goal, move toward it, accomplish it, and move toward the next goal. This incessant goal-oriented navigation eventually becomes unfulfilling and empty. It takes you out of the heart, leaves you feeling disconnected from the energy of the universe, and never feeling at peace.
The card's message for this month is not about the Sirians' or human goals. It has more to do with re-evaluation. It is time to re-evaluate not only what your goals are, but your definition of the word "goal". Are your goals firmly focused in the outer world? Or are they goals that take you deeper within your own consciousness? This becomes a very important question as humanity moves deeper into 4th density, because the old ways of navigating won't work any longer. If you try to navigate reality by using an old paradigm, the result will be pure frustration.
The energy of this card suggests that you look at the goals you've had in your life. Have you moved closer to them? Have you put them off for later, and later doesn't seem to arrive yet? Why do you think this is so? Perhaps it is because the foundation that housed those goals (you) still needs a bit of refinement. Or perhaps those goals were never authentically YOU.
Our suggestion is that you begin rebuilding the foundation of your house (you) from the bottom up. In other words, go deeply within to the core of your consciousness first, before trying to focus your energy on the outer world. Deep within yourself, find out what is true. What is really you? Is your body you? Is your human identity really you? What is at the core of your awareness? Once you find what is really, truly you, then you can start building a new foundation brick-by-brick. By consciously choosing how to build this foundation and what materials to use, your relationship to the goal-oriented human reality begins to change. You may find that what you once valued is no longer important and you gain the strength to let it go. When you do, you create the space for the new to arise.
Conversely, part of this process is finding out what is NOT you. Fear, judgment, anger, self-loathing, self-delusion, ... all of these are merely layers of the human costume you wear until you realize that they aren't really who you are. It is time now to begin shedding these layers.
So now we come full circle in terms of goals. While the human you has had goals since you were born, the REAL you, the infinite one, has only one long term "goal" - to shine itself in its fullest capacity as a conscious, free, awake being. As this becomes the main focus, physical reality shifts to support this focus and your relationship to being a human with goals rebuilds itself dramatically as well. Are you ready, willing, and able to facilitate this shift?
Card #45 |Sirius (Past) | Long Term Goals
Most humans navigate through reality using the mental body - set a goal, move toward it, accomplish it, and move toward the next goal. This incessant goal-oriented navigation eventually becomes unfulfilling and empty. It takes you out of the heart, leaves you feeling disconnected from the energy of the universe, and never feeling at peace.
The card's message for this month is not about the Sirians' or human goals. It has more to do with re-evaluation. It is time to re-evaluate not only what your goals are, but your definition of the word "goal". Are your goals firmly focused in the outer world? Or are they goals that take you deeper within your own consciousness? This becomes a very important question as humanity moves deeper into 4th density, because the old ways of navigating won't work any longer. If you try to navigate reality by using an old paradigm, the result will be pure frustration.
The energy of this card suggests that you look at the goals you've had in your life. Have you moved closer to them? Have you put them off for later, and later doesn't seem to arrive yet? Why do you think this is so? Perhaps it is because the foundation that housed those goals (you) still needs a bit of refinement. Or perhaps those goals were never authentically YOU.
Our suggestion is that you begin rebuilding the foundation of your house (you) from the bottom up. In other words, go deeply within to the core of your consciousness first, before trying to focus your energy on the outer world. Deep within yourself, find out what is true. What is really you? Is your body you? Is your human identity really you? What is at the core of your awareness? Once you find what is really, truly you, then you can start building a new foundation brick-by-brick. By consciously choosing how to build this foundation and what materials to use, your relationship to the goal-oriented human reality begins to change. You may find that what you once valued is no longer important and you gain the strength to let it go. When you do, you create the space for the new to arise.
Conversely, part of this process is finding out what is NOT you. Fear, judgment, anger, self-loathing, self-delusion, ... all of these are merely layers of the human costume you wear until you realize that they aren't really who you are. It is time now to begin shedding these layers.
So now we come full circle in terms of goals. While the human you has had goals since you were born, the REAL you, the infinite one, has only one long term "goal" - to shine itself in its fullest capacity as a conscious, free, awake being. As this becomes the main focus, physical reality shifts to support this focus and your relationship to being a human with goals rebuilds itself dramatically as well. Are you ready, willing, and able to facilitate this shift?
February 2015
Card #87 | Pleiades (Future) | Holographic Healing
Many who are reading these words have been doing a lot of deep inner work of late - perhaps some of the deepest work of your lives, even if you are not aware of it. If you haven't consciously begun this work, this card is a confirmation that not only is the time right, but the universe is supporting this kind of deep excavation, healing, and rebirth. (Some of you, unfortunately, may have been avoiding this necessary work - but the time is now!)
The card Holographic Healing refers to the true nature of consciousness. It is not linear and is not bound by time. It is not limited, nor is it ultimately separate from the One. The experience of being human is purely an illusion - a very intense one, but an illusion nonetheless. As the awareness of your true nature begins to grow, you are beginning to see the false beliefs, limitations, habits, and patterns that you have embraced seem to no longer serve you. You are growing out of them because, metaphorically, your consciousness is too big to be encased in them any longer.
This process of growing beyond your containment is one that can be painful to many, because it means letting go of the attachments to cherished things. Those "things" can be physical, but most likely are perceptions, attitudes, behavior, and self-identity. Who are you really, beyond the human costume you wear in order to navigate in a world of limitation? Ask yourself this question, and like someone walking in a dense jungle with a machete, cut away at the branches in your path that represent the false structure that was build to house the illusion.
Pondering these questions, sorting through what is real truth and what is illusion, helps you begin to see that any sense of confinement in physical reality is entirely self-imposed. At some point, human beings must mature and ponder these questions and release themselves from any prison they may have created for themselves. For some people, that time is now. For others, they may postpone this painful but necessary awakening process - but it cannot be postponed forever. Once this process activates, and you begin disentangling yourself from false beliefs and self-identity, something grows in you even while other parts die away.
This card refers to the all-encompassing, chain-reaction, omnidimensional birth that happens within your consciousness as you engage this process. Many people fear that the process of healing and awakening is too slow, that it will take lifetimes, they don't have the energy to endure it, and/or they fear change. However, the belief systems about the limitations of healing apply to healing in a linear, confined reality. With holographic consciousness, every little healing step ripples beyond time and space and expands exponentially within the system of your consciousness. It takes just one step to activate it, and one step at a time to continue it.
The Holographic Healing card being pulled for this month of February 2015 is a message from the Universe that is meant to encourage all of you who are doing this deep inner work. It is also meant to entice those of you who have been postponing it. The time is now. Step forward. You are supported infinitely in this most noble of quests - more than you will ever know!
Card #87 | Pleiades (Future) | Holographic Healing
Many who are reading these words have been doing a lot of deep inner work of late - perhaps some of the deepest work of your lives, even if you are not aware of it. If you haven't consciously begun this work, this card is a confirmation that not only is the time right, but the universe is supporting this kind of deep excavation, healing, and rebirth. (Some of you, unfortunately, may have been avoiding this necessary work - but the time is now!)
The card Holographic Healing refers to the true nature of consciousness. It is not linear and is not bound by time. It is not limited, nor is it ultimately separate from the One. The experience of being human is purely an illusion - a very intense one, but an illusion nonetheless. As the awareness of your true nature begins to grow, you are beginning to see the false beliefs, limitations, habits, and patterns that you have embraced seem to no longer serve you. You are growing out of them because, metaphorically, your consciousness is too big to be encased in them any longer.
This process of growing beyond your containment is one that can be painful to many, because it means letting go of the attachments to cherished things. Those "things" can be physical, but most likely are perceptions, attitudes, behavior, and self-identity. Who are you really, beyond the human costume you wear in order to navigate in a world of limitation? Ask yourself this question, and like someone walking in a dense jungle with a machete, cut away at the branches in your path that represent the false structure that was build to house the illusion.
Pondering these questions, sorting through what is real truth and what is illusion, helps you begin to see that any sense of confinement in physical reality is entirely self-imposed. At some point, human beings must mature and ponder these questions and release themselves from any prison they may have created for themselves. For some people, that time is now. For others, they may postpone this painful but necessary awakening process - but it cannot be postponed forever. Once this process activates, and you begin disentangling yourself from false beliefs and self-identity, something grows in you even while other parts die away.
This card refers to the all-encompassing, chain-reaction, omnidimensional birth that happens within your consciousness as you engage this process. Many people fear that the process of healing and awakening is too slow, that it will take lifetimes, they don't have the energy to endure it, and/or they fear change. However, the belief systems about the limitations of healing apply to healing in a linear, confined reality. With holographic consciousness, every little healing step ripples beyond time and space and expands exponentially within the system of your consciousness. It takes just one step to activate it, and one step at a time to continue it.
The Holographic Healing card being pulled for this month of February 2015 is a message from the Universe that is meant to encourage all of you who are doing this deep inner work. It is also meant to entice those of you who have been postponing it. The time is now. Step forward. You are supported infinitely in this most noble of quests - more than you will ever know!
January 2015
Card #52 |Earth (Present) | Progressive Desires
Humans have natural cycles of expansion and contraction. January initiates a very powerful cycle of positive expansion for both the individual and the collective that will be the theme for the whole year of 2015.
In these expansive cycles, there is a strong urge (whether consciously or unconsciously) to move forward into the unknown, do new things, break new ground, and break out of the old shell of protection that we carry around us. If we do a lot of inner work and are in touch with our inner selves, we might be aware of this need to take new steps. You may know exactly what it is you need to do. But for others, the urge may seem more vague - a sense of unease, dissatisfaction, or restlessness.
The energy of this card is encouraging you to go deeply within and sense this flow of expansion that is growing within you. Take note of where in your life you need to break free and use this natural energetic support from the universe to give you the courage to move forward. Perhaps your inner guidance is suggesting some steps in the outer reality such as taking a new class, learning a new skill, changing a relationship or job, or doing an activity that you previously feared. Remember however, that all of these changes in the outer world reflect movement in your inner world. What wishes to shift within you?
This inner expansion represents so much more than the steps you may take in the outer world. It represents a breaking away from old patterns, negative self-talk, and familiar but self-sabotaging patterns that no longer serve you. A powerful opportunity is here now to help you break free of the inner dynamics that stop you from becoming who you truly are. Allow yourself to feel that support from the universe and even if there is fear, take one step at a time forward into the unknown and free yourself.
Even though the universal energy may be supporting you and the mass consciousness to make radical, positive changes in both the inner and outer reality, a note of caution is necessary. Do not let this quest be one of the ego, for the ego will create all sorts of fanciful "goals" to accomplish that actually move you further from your personal liberation. Let this inner transformation be one that comes from the deepest part of you. Most likely, it will cause you to confront your fears. Never forget that fears are an illusion that seem insurmountable before you breakthrough. Keep going.
The energy of 2015 has the amazing potential to move humankind forward in its evolution in ways that are unimaginable ... if the mass consciousness does not give in to fear and the parts of itself that hunger for power. Humankind is on a precipice of a massive shift, but it has to be willing to let go of the previous familiar patterns that have kept it stuck for millennia. The same is true for the human being. You have the potential to shift yourself radically in 2015, as long as you don't give in to the self-destructive thought patterns that have kept you stuck in this life and others.
Break new ground. Confront your fears. And most of all, remember who you truly are - the same one consciousness that sees through the eyes of billions of individual beings who believe themselves to be separate. It is time to move forward, and the universe supports you!
Card #52 |Earth (Present) | Progressive Desires
Humans have natural cycles of expansion and contraction. January initiates a very powerful cycle of positive expansion for both the individual and the collective that will be the theme for the whole year of 2015.
In these expansive cycles, there is a strong urge (whether consciously or unconsciously) to move forward into the unknown, do new things, break new ground, and break out of the old shell of protection that we carry around us. If we do a lot of inner work and are in touch with our inner selves, we might be aware of this need to take new steps. You may know exactly what it is you need to do. But for others, the urge may seem more vague - a sense of unease, dissatisfaction, or restlessness.
The energy of this card is encouraging you to go deeply within and sense this flow of expansion that is growing within you. Take note of where in your life you need to break free and use this natural energetic support from the universe to give you the courage to move forward. Perhaps your inner guidance is suggesting some steps in the outer reality such as taking a new class, learning a new skill, changing a relationship or job, or doing an activity that you previously feared. Remember however, that all of these changes in the outer world reflect movement in your inner world. What wishes to shift within you?
This inner expansion represents so much more than the steps you may take in the outer world. It represents a breaking away from old patterns, negative self-talk, and familiar but self-sabotaging patterns that no longer serve you. A powerful opportunity is here now to help you break free of the inner dynamics that stop you from becoming who you truly are. Allow yourself to feel that support from the universe and even if there is fear, take one step at a time forward into the unknown and free yourself.
Even though the universal energy may be supporting you and the mass consciousness to make radical, positive changes in both the inner and outer reality, a note of caution is necessary. Do not let this quest be one of the ego, for the ego will create all sorts of fanciful "goals" to accomplish that actually move you further from your personal liberation. Let this inner transformation be one that comes from the deepest part of you. Most likely, it will cause you to confront your fears. Never forget that fears are an illusion that seem insurmountable before you breakthrough. Keep going.
The energy of 2015 has the amazing potential to move humankind forward in its evolution in ways that are unimaginable ... if the mass consciousness does not give in to fear and the parts of itself that hunger for power. Humankind is on a precipice of a massive shift, but it has to be willing to let go of the previous familiar patterns that have kept it stuck for millennia. The same is true for the human being. You have the potential to shift yourself radically in 2015, as long as you don't give in to the self-destructive thought patterns that have kept you stuck in this life and others.
Break new ground. Confront your fears. And most of all, remember who you truly are - the same one consciousness that sees through the eyes of billions of individual beings who believe themselves to be separate. It is time to move forward, and the universe supports you!
December 2014
Card #12 | Lyra (Past) | Masculine Principle
Physical reality is generally seen as the realm of masculine energy. This is because in order to navigate in a physical reality, we must "do". Action is a masculine principle. But now that the human species is making a leap in its evolution, our relationship to "doing" and to the masculine energy must change, because masculine energy, in its pure sense, is polarized and we are moving more toward a state of integration.
If we look at the human chakra system, the solar plexus (3rd chakra) is the energy center of doing, or manifestation. Thus, a third-density species (as humans have been for the last many thousands of years) operates primarily through this chakra. It is the chakra of will, the chakra through which we channel our spiritual energy into material reality. We express our spiritual energy through this chakra through action, which is a masculine principle.
As we move to a 4th density expression as a civilization, the dominant chakra energy changes too. We will begin to no longer express primarily through the solar plexus chakra, but through the heart chakra. This is a process of evolution that can take many years and generations, but it is an important process because our shift to a heart-centered society will eventually define our species in the galactic family. This process is a common one for all species shifting from a 3rd to 4th density consciousness. It means that we are in the transition from a reality of "doing" to a reality of "being."
The energies of this card are coming up now because it is suggested that humans begin reevaluating their relationship to their own masculine energy. Men and women both have masculine energy, but each person's relationship to their inner masculine and feminine is different, depending upon their upbringing, their parental role models, and past life patterns. It is suggested that you now begin looking at your unique patterns. Are you afraid of your inner male? Do you fear him? Or do you tend to be aggressive and let him out a bit too much?
You can work with these archetypes on your own. Here, we give you two suggestions:
1) In your mind's eye, imagine a mirror in which you can see your inner male and female. Is one more clear than the other? Begin to build a friendship/relationship with these inner archetypes and see what they can teach you. If you fear or resist one, that is usually the one with whom you need to connect. Visit these inner archetypes often in your meditation and listen to their lessons.
2) You can also use the breath. First sit quietly and focus on the solar plexus. Imagine that you are breathing through that 3rd chakra. Note what it feels like. Take some time here. Then begin to shift. Breathe through the heart with full, deep breaths. Don't be afraid. Notice the energy difference between the two experiences. Return to the heart-breath as often as you can. If unexpected emotions arise, just let them flow without needing to change them.
Humanity itself is making this shift. It is one of the reason we see even greater aggression in the world. The mass consciousness is attempting to redefine its relationship to the masculine and feminine energy. Through our inner personal work, we help the mass consciousness evolve as well. As we do this inner work, we can move from a frantic state of "doing" to a peaceful state of "being," which is the future evolutionary path of the human species.
Card #12 | Lyra (Past) | Masculine Principle
Physical reality is generally seen as the realm of masculine energy. This is because in order to navigate in a physical reality, we must "do". Action is a masculine principle. But now that the human species is making a leap in its evolution, our relationship to "doing" and to the masculine energy must change, because masculine energy, in its pure sense, is polarized and we are moving more toward a state of integration.
If we look at the human chakra system, the solar plexus (3rd chakra) is the energy center of doing, or manifestation. Thus, a third-density species (as humans have been for the last many thousands of years) operates primarily through this chakra. It is the chakra of will, the chakra through which we channel our spiritual energy into material reality. We express our spiritual energy through this chakra through action, which is a masculine principle.
As we move to a 4th density expression as a civilization, the dominant chakra energy changes too. We will begin to no longer express primarily through the solar plexus chakra, but through the heart chakra. This is a process of evolution that can take many years and generations, but it is an important process because our shift to a heart-centered society will eventually define our species in the galactic family. This process is a common one for all species shifting from a 3rd to 4th density consciousness. It means that we are in the transition from a reality of "doing" to a reality of "being."
The energies of this card are coming up now because it is suggested that humans begin reevaluating their relationship to their own masculine energy. Men and women both have masculine energy, but each person's relationship to their inner masculine and feminine is different, depending upon their upbringing, their parental role models, and past life patterns. It is suggested that you now begin looking at your unique patterns. Are you afraid of your inner male? Do you fear him? Or do you tend to be aggressive and let him out a bit too much?
You can work with these archetypes on your own. Here, we give you two suggestions:
1) In your mind's eye, imagine a mirror in which you can see your inner male and female. Is one more clear than the other? Begin to build a friendship/relationship with these inner archetypes and see what they can teach you. If you fear or resist one, that is usually the one with whom you need to connect. Visit these inner archetypes often in your meditation and listen to their lessons.
2) You can also use the breath. First sit quietly and focus on the solar plexus. Imagine that you are breathing through that 3rd chakra. Note what it feels like. Take some time here. Then begin to shift. Breathe through the heart with full, deep breaths. Don't be afraid. Notice the energy difference between the two experiences. Return to the heart-breath as often as you can. If unexpected emotions arise, just let them flow without needing to change them.
Humanity itself is making this shift. It is one of the reason we see even greater aggression in the world. The mass consciousness is attempting to redefine its relationship to the masculine and feminine energy. Through our inner personal work, we help the mass consciousness evolve as well. As we do this inner work, we can move from a frantic state of "doing" to a peaceful state of "being," which is the future evolutionary path of the human species.
November 2014
Card #39 | Pleiades (Past) | Imbalance in the Positive Polarity
This card refers to an old energy template from our past Pleiadian heritage, in which the Pleiadian race (when they were a young species) developed a habit of being unwilling or unable to work with their shadow side. Thus, they always tried to focus on "love and light" to the exclusion of the other, more undesirable aspects of themselves. Over time, this imbalance created some very blocked energy that ended up manifesting a plague that nearly wiped out the species. Through deep work with their wise elders, they learned how to balance both the dark and light within them so that they no longer feared the shadow and used both aspects of their nature for their evolution as a species.
This card's message is very relevant for current times, because humans, too, are very afraid of their darker natures and try to push down what they feel is undesirable. Sometimes, even society reinforces the idea that one should only show a positive face to the world. But what is happening inside? Fear, anger, sadness, depression, self-hatred (and much more) really exist within us. They don't go away if we ignore them. We push these parts of ourselves down and refuse to honor them and let them teach us. We see others around us and think they don't feel these things. They do, too.
At this point in the evolution of both the human species and individual people, it is essential that we begin to change our relationship to the shadow side. We can no longer push down the parts of ourselves that we do not like. We must learn to love and appreciate all sides, because they are teachers for us. It is only through the acknowledging and embracing of the shadow that we can truly experience our light. This is now essential to planetary evolution.
So, how to start this process? If you haven't already (like we do in the Channel Training Course), begin a deep evaluation of your fears, resentments, angers, and any emotion that you haven't been willing to see or really feel. You can write in a journal, or, even better, sit quietly in meditation and truly feel the emotion. (Don't worry, it won't overwhelm you!) But feel the emotion as if you are watching a movie. It is only the actor who feels this way. The one who is watching the movie is the True Self. Let this True Self send love and compassion to the one who is suffering. Pay attention to spontaneous emotions or energy sensations that may come up and just let them flow. This process, when repeatedly done, releases the stored energy from your physical and energy bodies. Do this regularly. Let it become a new habit so that your emotional body can release its blocks. If you can, have deep discussions about this with other like-minded people on a spiritual path. This sharing and connection with other like-minded people is quite healing and builds your confidence that others feel the same as you do and that only you can lead yourself to a new path.
Humanity is, as you know, going through an immense shift. One aspect of this shift is that humans literally have to learn a new way of being. This new way of being is one of integration, and one where emotions are not your master. They are instead your teacher, and they bring you to the next phase of your evolution. Don't fear these darker emotions, for they are your passage to a new level of evolution if you are willing to embrace them. Be brave! Your Higher Self, loving guides, and physical like-minded friends are all there to assist you.
Card #39 | Pleiades (Past) | Imbalance in the Positive Polarity
This card refers to an old energy template from our past Pleiadian heritage, in which the Pleiadian race (when they were a young species) developed a habit of being unwilling or unable to work with their shadow side. Thus, they always tried to focus on "love and light" to the exclusion of the other, more undesirable aspects of themselves. Over time, this imbalance created some very blocked energy that ended up manifesting a plague that nearly wiped out the species. Through deep work with their wise elders, they learned how to balance both the dark and light within them so that they no longer feared the shadow and used both aspects of their nature for their evolution as a species.
This card's message is very relevant for current times, because humans, too, are very afraid of their darker natures and try to push down what they feel is undesirable. Sometimes, even society reinforces the idea that one should only show a positive face to the world. But what is happening inside? Fear, anger, sadness, depression, self-hatred (and much more) really exist within us. They don't go away if we ignore them. We push these parts of ourselves down and refuse to honor them and let them teach us. We see others around us and think they don't feel these things. They do, too.
At this point in the evolution of both the human species and individual people, it is essential that we begin to change our relationship to the shadow side. We can no longer push down the parts of ourselves that we do not like. We must learn to love and appreciate all sides, because they are teachers for us. It is only through the acknowledging and embracing of the shadow that we can truly experience our light. This is now essential to planetary evolution.
So, how to start this process? If you haven't already (like we do in the Channel Training Course), begin a deep evaluation of your fears, resentments, angers, and any emotion that you haven't been willing to see or really feel. You can write in a journal, or, even better, sit quietly in meditation and truly feel the emotion. (Don't worry, it won't overwhelm you!) But feel the emotion as if you are watching a movie. It is only the actor who feels this way. The one who is watching the movie is the True Self. Let this True Self send love and compassion to the one who is suffering. Pay attention to spontaneous emotions or energy sensations that may come up and just let them flow. This process, when repeatedly done, releases the stored energy from your physical and energy bodies. Do this regularly. Let it become a new habit so that your emotional body can release its blocks. If you can, have deep discussions about this with other like-minded people on a spiritual path. This sharing and connection with other like-minded people is quite healing and builds your confidence that others feel the same as you do and that only you can lead yourself to a new path.
Humanity is, as you know, going through an immense shift. One aspect of this shift is that humans literally have to learn a new way of being. This new way of being is one of integration, and one where emotions are not your master. They are instead your teacher, and they bring you to the next phase of your evolution. Don't fear these darker emotions, for they are your passage to a new level of evolution if you are willing to embrace them. Be brave! Your Higher Self, loving guides, and physical like-minded friends are all there to assist you.
October 2014
Card #34 | Solar System (Parallel) | Solar Consciousness
As we begin this monthly message from the cards, it is amazing that the first card that wishes to be explored is this one. This is the card that represents the full, integrated version of ourselves some have called the Higher Self. It also represents the duality of the whole and its parts.
Just like a solar system has planets that represent the inner archetypes of the whole, so do we. We have our one, full, integrated and awakened consciousness, and we have the "separated" expressions of our wholeness that manifest as different lives, our human selves, and even different aspects of our psyche that we keep separate and haven't yet learned to embrace.
The primary message of this card for all of us in this moment is that we begin to see ourselves as a holistic system. We are both the whole and its parts. For so long we have lived our lives from the perspective of an individual self - a small personality that feels separate from who we really are. But because of the transformation happening to the human species at this time, the Universe is asking us to begin to expand our perception from one of the small self only, to one who can experience dual perception - seeing both from the small eyes of the human to the big "eye" of the Higher Self. The next step of human evolution is for us to learn to move fluidly between these two types of perception.
What does this mean for you as a human living life on Earth at this time? It means that it is time to refine and expand your relationship with the Higher Self. Instead of seeing the Higher Self as something "out there," recognize that it is actually your true state of being. But like clouds sometimes cover the sun, we have gotten into the habit of allowing the small ego self (the individual human identity) to overshadow the full brightness of the sun (the Higher Self). As humanity awakens, it becomes essential to learn to view reality from the perspective of the sun rather than from the perspective of the one seeing the clouds. We need to learn to move fluidly between the small self and large self perspectives.
There are many things we can do to facilitate the integration with the Higher Self and begin the awakening process. In fact, you have probably already started! More than anything, repeated reinforcing of your true nature (through meditation, yoga, channeling, and other practices) becomes essential to change the habit of how we view ourselves. As we change this habit, and begin to view reality through the perspective of the Higher Self, the pain, challenge, and suffering we experience as humans also begins to change and a profound integration process is initiated.
The awakening process means embracing all of who you are - the separate parts and the whole equally. As you do this, the clouds move away from the sun and all that is left is your brilliance!
Card #34 | Solar System (Parallel) | Solar Consciousness
As we begin this monthly message from the cards, it is amazing that the first card that wishes to be explored is this one. This is the card that represents the full, integrated version of ourselves some have called the Higher Self. It also represents the duality of the whole and its parts.
Just like a solar system has planets that represent the inner archetypes of the whole, so do we. We have our one, full, integrated and awakened consciousness, and we have the "separated" expressions of our wholeness that manifest as different lives, our human selves, and even different aspects of our psyche that we keep separate and haven't yet learned to embrace.
The primary message of this card for all of us in this moment is that we begin to see ourselves as a holistic system. We are both the whole and its parts. For so long we have lived our lives from the perspective of an individual self - a small personality that feels separate from who we really are. But because of the transformation happening to the human species at this time, the Universe is asking us to begin to expand our perception from one of the small self only, to one who can experience dual perception - seeing both from the small eyes of the human to the big "eye" of the Higher Self. The next step of human evolution is for us to learn to move fluidly between these two types of perception.
What does this mean for you as a human living life on Earth at this time? It means that it is time to refine and expand your relationship with the Higher Self. Instead of seeing the Higher Self as something "out there," recognize that it is actually your true state of being. But like clouds sometimes cover the sun, we have gotten into the habit of allowing the small ego self (the individual human identity) to overshadow the full brightness of the sun (the Higher Self). As humanity awakens, it becomes essential to learn to view reality from the perspective of the sun rather than from the perspective of the one seeing the clouds. We need to learn to move fluidly between the small self and large self perspectives.
There are many things we can do to facilitate the integration with the Higher Self and begin the awakening process. In fact, you have probably already started! More than anything, repeated reinforcing of your true nature (through meditation, yoga, channeling, and other practices) becomes essential to change the habit of how we view ourselves. As we change this habit, and begin to view reality through the perspective of the Higher Self, the pain, challenge, and suffering we experience as humans also begins to change and a profound integration process is initiated.
The awakening process means embracing all of who you are - the separate parts and the whole equally. As you do this, the clouds move away from the sun and all that is left is your brilliance!