:: What is Channeling? ::
Channeling is the process of accessing, receiving, and/or transmitting information or energy that isn’t normally available to the conscious mind.
The art of channeling has been practiced since ancient times, with examples from nearly every culture on Earth from the oracles of Delphi, Greece, to the priestesses and oracles of Okinawa, Japan, as an example. Modern interest in channeling surged during the Spiritualist era in the early 1900s when mediumship and seances were practiced often. As the decades passed, the process of channeling became less dramatic and occult-oriented, and more focused on personal and spiritual growth. In the 1970s, interest surged once again with the publication of channelings by Jane Roberts such as Seth Speaks that explored the nature of consciousness. The modern era of channeling was born.
Channeling takes many forms. A channel may bring through communications from the universe, guides, spiritual teachers, and/or their deep inner-knowing self through words either vocally or in writing. (Lyssa practices vocal trance channeling). Channeling may also be expressed through any creative endeavor such as artwork, dance, music, and the healing arts. Since the early 2000s, channeling in the form of Light Language has been appearing more and more. Channeling is a natural part of being human, for we are more than just our bodies and our minds. As we relax the mind and open our awareness, we can connect with the vastness of this Creation.
Channeling is not necessarily just a practice of mediumship. Mediumship focuses on channeling messages from the deceased or from other realms of consciousness. The definition of channeling is even broader than that. We all channel every day when we suddenly have inspiration, or when we help a friend by speaking from our hearts. Channeling is the process of bringing through the energy of our True Selves, or what some call ‘God’ in its many forms. Sometimes, those many forms include the wise guidance of spirit guides, angels, extraterrestrials, and other loving beings. As we channel, we integrate body, mind, and spirit into the Wholeness that we are.
Lyssa's channeled sessions are well-grounded, supportive, and inspirational to clients. She is known for her clear, helpful, and insightful information that can be applied in daily life.
The art of channeling has been practiced since ancient times, with examples from nearly every culture on Earth from the oracles of Delphi, Greece, to the priestesses and oracles of Okinawa, Japan, as an example. Modern interest in channeling surged during the Spiritualist era in the early 1900s when mediumship and seances were practiced often. As the decades passed, the process of channeling became less dramatic and occult-oriented, and more focused on personal and spiritual growth. In the 1970s, interest surged once again with the publication of channelings by Jane Roberts such as Seth Speaks that explored the nature of consciousness. The modern era of channeling was born.
Channeling takes many forms. A channel may bring through communications from the universe, guides, spiritual teachers, and/or their deep inner-knowing self through words either vocally or in writing. (Lyssa practices vocal trance channeling). Channeling may also be expressed through any creative endeavor such as artwork, dance, music, and the healing arts. Since the early 2000s, channeling in the form of Light Language has been appearing more and more. Channeling is a natural part of being human, for we are more than just our bodies and our minds. As we relax the mind and open our awareness, we can connect with the vastness of this Creation.
Channeling is not necessarily just a practice of mediumship. Mediumship focuses on channeling messages from the deceased or from other realms of consciousness. The definition of channeling is even broader than that. We all channel every day when we suddenly have inspiration, or when we help a friend by speaking from our hearts. Channeling is the process of bringing through the energy of our True Selves, or what some call ‘God’ in its many forms. Sometimes, those many forms include the wise guidance of spirit guides, angels, extraterrestrials, and other loving beings. As we channel, we integrate body, mind, and spirit into the Wholeness that we are.
Lyssa's channeled sessions are well-grounded, supportive, and inspirational to clients. She is known for her clear, helpful, and insightful information that can be applied in daily life.
The channelings, information, integrity and compassion that Lyssa brings forth in her work is truly amazing and empowering. Lyssa's channeling work offers a perspective that truly can assist one in making sense of what is going on in the world at this time.
--Joy Poland, Building Bridges 2012
Lyssa Royal has built an exceptional body of work that stands as one of the highlights within the field of channeling..."
--Dr. John Klimo, PhD., author of Channeling: Investigations
on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources
If you’d like to read more about channeling, you may click here to read the article Behind the Veil: A Look at the Phenomenon of Channeling. Lyssa was trained as a channel in 1985 and presents an inside look at the process.
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