Videos and Photo from the 2022 Contact Retreat in Southern Arizona
by Al Vidovic and Patrick Briggs
To read the full report about events at this retreat, click here
Zoomed Footage by Patrick Briggs
In 2022, our ET friends that often visit us returned once again and gave us a bit of a light show. In this zoomed footage, Patrick is filming as the object either splits into two or three craft, or one craft is turning on several lights. (We have never been able to establish how many craft there are). As in 2021, another participant was filming simultaneously (without Zoom) and you will see that footage below |
Simultaneous Video by Patrick & Al
As Patrick was filming with a Zoom above, Al Vidovic was filming on his iPhone without a Zoom in the below section of the video to the right. The audio tracks have been synchronized so you can see what is happening in the two video versions simultaneously. This is the 2nd year where we have been able to obtain videos that were filmed simultaneously. |
Photo Taken from the Video
This photo is a still shot taken from Patrick's video, above, when the light split into two.
This photo is a still shot taken from Patrick's video, above, when the light split into two.